Winter Bash Starring Room - Stack Ove

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Dec 31, 2020 22:57
Happy New Year!
Oct 17, 2019 22:32
At this point I think you're going to need to get Shopify support involved to get to the bottom of this.
Oct 17, 2019 22:32
@martinstoeckli That is a good thought as well; I know that shopify does have a rate limit for requests according to their documentation. Although in that case it is supposed to return a 429 response, not a 502.
Oct 17, 2019 22:32
Maybe there are too many product variants and it is timing out during the put for some reason? Is it possible to split the request into multiple parts? In other words, post the original product with a small number of variants, and then add the remaining variants with separate api calls? Obviously this would not be ideal, but it might be worth a try. I don't see anything obvious in your code that would cause it not to work other than just the large request size. And I don't see a reason why there would be a difference between loading from a file and not.
Oct 17, 2019 22:32
@martinstoeckli Yeah, I thought about that too, but the non-working code shown above has UTF-8, which is correct. Bishal, can you post the code that you said does work? Maybe there is something that jumps out?
Oct 17, 2019 22:32
What happens if you try it without the using statement for the HttpRequestMessage?

Happy New 2019

The place to get Glasses With A Number On Top
Jan 1, 2019 03:00
Happy New Year! :-)
Jan 1, 2017 02:39
Happy new year, filleszq. Have a star!
Jan 1, 2017 02:33
Happy new year everyone!


Where you can play with regular chat features (except flagging...
Jan 1, 2016 02:08
Jan 1, 2016 02:07
Happy New Year! Anyone got a star to spare?
Jan 1, 2015 00:02
@Firedrake969 nice ;-)
Jan 1, 2015 00:01
It's raining starz! ;-9
Jan 1, 2015 00:00
Happy New Year everyone !
Nov 18, 2015 18:42
Phew! I'm glad it finally is working!
Nov 18, 2015 18:38
If you make that change it works
Nov 18, 2015 18:37
private void labelClick(object sender, EventArgs e)

Label x = (Label)sender;

if (x.BackColor == Color.Transparent)
if (iteration % 2 == 0)
x.BackColor = Color.Black;
x.BackColor = Color.White;


for (int r = 0; r < BoardHeight; r++)
for (int c = 0; c < BoardWidth; c++)
if (board[r, c] == x)
Color? winner = obj.CheckForWinner(board, r, c);
if (winner == Color.Black)
MessageBox.Show("Black is the winner!");
else if (winner == Color.White)
MessageBox.Show("White is the winner!");
Nov 18, 2015 18:37
It should look like this:
Nov 18, 2015 18:36
Remember before when you asked me about combining the two click handlers and you asked what order the statements should come in? I told you wrong-- you need to set the color of the current move before checking for the winner
Nov 18, 2015 18:35
I found the problem
Nov 18, 2015 18:23
Sorry about the indenting-- it didn't come through correctly.
Nov 18, 2015 18:21
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()

const int W = 19;
const int H = 19;
const int WinLength = 5;
Button[,] board = new Button[H, W];
Color nextTurn = Color.White;

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
for (int r = 0; r < H; r++)
for (int c = 0; c < W; c++)
Button b = new Button();
board[r, c] = b;
b.Width = 25;
b.Height = 25;
b.Top = r * 25 + 25;
b.Left = c * 25 + 25;
b.TabIndex = r * H + c;
b.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
b.Click += board_Click;
Nov 18, 2015 18:21
Here is my complete code; it works for me. You can try putting this code into a brand new project and see if it works for you.
Nov 18, 2015 18:19
This might be a stupid question, but when you are testing the program for 5 in a row, are the 5 in a row horizontal?
Nov 18, 2015 18:07
Have you tried stepping through the code in the debugger to see what happens?
Nov 18, 2015 18:06
Does the code show in your question accurately reflect the current state of your code?
Nov 18, 2015 18:05
What do you mean by doesn't work? What happens?
Nov 18, 2015 18:02
That is because you added the MessageBox.Show inside the CheckForWinner method. Remove that.
Nov 18, 2015 18:01
your instance of the gamePlay class is called obj right?
Nov 18, 2015 18:01
Sorry, you have to use the instance of gameplay so,Color? winner = obj.CheckForWinner(board, r, c);
Nov 18, 2015 17:59
OK, Inside your click handler method use Color? winner = gamePlay.CheckForWinner(board, r, c);
Nov 18, 2015 17:57
In your gamePlay class, make the CheckForWinner method public. It looks like it is currently marked private. Remove gamePlay.CheckForWinner() from the method signature of the your click handler in your form. That is invalid syntax and won't work. It should be private void labelClick (object sender, EventArgs e) as you had it before.
Nov 18, 2015 17:55
If you've put CheckForWinner into a separate class (which is a different context from your form) then you'll need to make the method public, and call it by using the reference to that class, e.g. gamePlay.CheckForWinner().
Nov 18, 2015 17:55
Yes, you can combine them. Probably you would want to do the check for the winner before you do any other logic, e.g. to determine who has the next turn, but that is up to you to decide. It is your program.
Nov 18, 2015 17:55
The problem is you've now got two click handlers. The first one, which I assume existed before, doesn't call the new method to check for a winner. That is why you never see the message. The second handler it looks like you added from my answer. I was trying to show that you would put that code inside your click handler, not add another one.
Nov 18, 2015 17:55
OK, I updated my answer. Hope that makes sense.
Nov 18, 2015 17:55
OK, perhaps it would help if I updated my answer to show how to call the method. I was not intending that you put the MessageBox.Show in this method, but instead that you would check the return value and use that to decide whether to show the message box.
Nov 18, 2015 17:55
The code above is checking the BackColor of the labels. The BackColor property of a label is of type Color, which is an enum. So if you want to make a variable that holds the BackColor (like I did for startColor), you have to declare that variable to be of type Color. Regarding the board, I did not create a separate array here; I am just using a parameter called board. When you call the method, you would pass in the existing board. The parameter is passed by reference, so it is the same board, not a copy.
Nov 18, 2015 17:55
I updated my answer to show passing the board into the method. What variables are you having trouble with? Everything else is local to the method.
Nov 18, 2015 17:55
If your board is not a member of the class where the method resides, then yes, you would need to pass the board to the method. I've updated my answer.
Feb 21, 2014 03:50
no problem. Glad to help out
Feb 21, 2014 03:49
Feb 21, 2014 03:49
So with that change, is it hitting your breakpoint?
Feb 21, 2014 03:48
No, they are different types
Feb 21, 2014 03:45
OK that all looks good to me
Feb 21, 2014 03:43
How are you setting the resolver such that the deserializer uses it?
Feb 21, 2014 03:42
hmm, so that tells me that it's not using the custom resolver at all
Feb 21, 2014 03:38
The idea behind the resolver is that it lets you programmatically add attributes (more or less) to classes that you don't control
Feb 21, 2014 03:37
If the resolver is setting the converter, then you can remove the attribute, yes.
Feb 21, 2014 03:36
Clearly I'm missing something important