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2:01 AM
Incidentally, are my attempts at a Rebol pitch for Lispers accurate depictions of Rebol? (This may not be the best group to ask if I'm doing an accurate depiction of Lisp)
I haven't spent a lot of time with LISP myself, mostly only engaged via EMACS etc, and never cared for it, but I do like the central concept of homoiconicity of course.
It's laughable for a language to use words like CAR and CDR :-)
That's not... literate.
And I think Rebol has a nice strength in having more than one series type, it's a modern LISPish thing.
I could say the same about Rebol. It's laughable for a language to use the word compose to mean anything other than function composition
@Sgeo Well it's not shipped yet, if you have a better name submit it!
I've been picking on names for a while myself.
If it was slightly different I would call it quasiquote
Or quasi
Ugly, try again
2:04 AM
But I saw a proposal for a different thing, that looked interesting
I prefer 'compose
I never thought to pick a fight with compose. But it does sort of seem odd now that you mention it.
I think of it as "template" or "boilerplate" or something like that. TEMPLATE ?
template seems like a fine name
Well I dunno, you have to realize that each of these changes must be measured against value vs. invalidation of existing code
Template isn't bad, but it's also kinda weird.
template: :compose
do template [print (reverse "olleH")]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> template: :compose do template [print (reverse "olleH")]
2:07 AM
No verb, no go.
@Sgeo It's flexible, but you have to ask what value these changes have. I have picked some specific fights, against FUNCTION for instance, but I'm not sure a fight against COMPOSE has the same weight.
@earl templatize? :-)
The discotizer... WILL.. energize ya. COM-PUT-ER-IZE YOU (disco, disco, disco-tizer)
He is bad, he is smooth.
He's the man who will make you move.
@earl template is a verb too
@GrahamChiu not in my book
I might, from scratch, pick template over compose, maybe. But I'm still pissed off about Q and now YELLO so let's just fix that and let compose be.
Preduce. ;-)
2:17 AM
q? yello?
@Brett I hate rejoin, don't tell me there is a preduce.
@Sgeo Lazy typists, there is this sad little equation of QUIT to Q which results in this kind of issue
@Sgeo Q is a shortcut for QUIT for the repl. YELLO is, well, a colour.
append [x y z] q
2:18 AM
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> append [x y z] q
Repeating that bad example over and over again won't make it any better.
Well, no one fixed it.
And I'm getting traction on my other demands.
That example is fundamentally incorrect.
append [x y z] 'q
Wouldn't it be append [x y z] 'q anyway... yeah
Although, a simple mistake shouldn't kill the REPL
Look, at least if the word QUIT was there people would know.
They'd go "hm, smoking gun, the word QUIT"
I have been saying this for years now, and I am right, sorry.
2:21 AM
No, you are not. Sorry.
Yes I am!
The letter q should not kill the damn intepreter.
You want to unset 'q ?
I'm not a particularly dull tool in the shed
Eventually it will only kill the REPL; as has been mentioned a hundred times, but you still ignore it.
But, I almost submitted a bug report for having done about the equivalent of the above, and the interpreter died, and I had no notice.
And then I was like "oh, I used the letter q and didn't quote it" and sure I figured it out but that's just an accident waiting to happen.
2:23 AM
Yeah, you've been bitten, so what.
Really, don't waste your energy on Q. It's not worth it.
So I'm a kinda sympathetic audience, less sympathetic audiences won't be so forgiving.
If it bites, it will bite newbies probably
Et tu, @earl? C'mon. Why defend Q?
It's not worth it.
It is a useful console feature.
If I'm at a REPL and don't know how to quit, I may try exit and quit
q wouldn't really cross my mind
2:24 AM
Interactive things have different tradeoffs, that's part of it.
Look, if you want to abbreviate crap load up Rebmu, it will save you tons of typing.
I built the perfect abbreviation dialect!
If only.
Don't ship the system with Q, please, make that a thing you like load or whatever.
@Sgeo You'd try Ctrl-D like any sensible person.
@HostileFork Console will, language proper won't.
It's not literate. We don't AP instead of APPEND. Why is Q so blessed by this freakish cabal?
2:26 AM
So why can't lazy typist use Ctrl-D?
QUIT I can type it in nanoseconds
I type quit so fast stack chat is complaining.
I'll bundle a special Fork dialect for you, with all abbreviations expanded to their fullest.
You'll love it, it will be oh so literate.
Jeez, there's only like 10 people in the world who would think that's funny. :-)
any nba game live streaming link pls?
@Elegiac Erm, perhaps you have mistaken us for people who play or care about sports.
2:31 AM
make error! [
code: 513
type: 'Access
id: 'Protocol
arg1: {Redirect to a protocol different from HTTP not supported}
arg2: none
arg3: none
near: none
where: none
@Elegiac Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ.
BTW, these issues can be solved by the to be formed committee
thanks :)
if anyone cares about it enough to avoid infighting
Well, I just don't understand this Q thing.
@HostileFork, are you the one who hates /only?
2:32 AM
@Sgeo Yes, I hate ONLY because it doesn't make any sense. It's like calling a function, that's supposed to do something, and then you have a refinement that says "no, only do the thing I asked you to do". Which should be the default minus refinement. I have had a really hard time with this and it makes me unhappy.
/only is the refinement to use if you can't think of what the syntax for a function is
@HostileFork Oh, so it's not what it does you dislike, just the fact that it's not the default
I've asked for a comprehensive evaluation of the usage of ONLY and its elimination from the system because it really sucks.
append [a b c d] [e]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> append [a b c d] [e]
== [a b c d e]
2:34 AM
append/only [a b c d] [e]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> append/only [a b c d] [e]
== [a b c d [e]]
It is insane. I've asked for its elimination. Most of my other wishes have been granted, but ONLY has somehow escaped my wrath. And now, @earl supports Q, so that's a bit of a fly in this ointment.
I might have a harder road ahead of me than I thought.
I kind of dislike reflecting on the type to decide what to do, special exemptions etc.
Much cleaner when it does a thing for all types
I say you shouldn't care about Q.
@earl It's not ONLY bad. But it's bad.
2:36 AM
If you won't use R3 as a shell language, you most likely won't see it.
Then again, I can have a bit of a Haskell-y mindset sometimes, and think such a mindset is useful even in dynamically-typed languages.
@Sgeo Quick, what gets you out of GHCi?
Right: :q
But the : in front makes it pretty clear you're giving a command to GHCi, rather than trying to evaluate a Haskell expression
(ring ring) Oh, it's Perl calling. They want their incoherence back.
I'm not trying to take Q away from people, I have offered far more. Rebmu abbreviates everything. You should try it. It's super tight.
And irrelevant to this point.
2:39 AM
Maybe REPL stuff should all be in an object/
No, not irrelevant
Don't know what it would be called though
Completely irrelevant.
Every UIT you think you're saving is nothing
So repl/q or something
2:40 AM
I have saved you far more and also given you the key to win competitions on brevity, you can whip those fools, any day. REBmu is actually ingenious, and you cling to Q?
@Sgeo Try living with export PATH= for a day :)
Someone should make a j dialect
I'm not even asking you to give up Q!
@HostileFork I thought you were going to take some time now to whip up rebmu to a more modern version
I'm asking you to take it out of the language.
2:41 AM
I have a nice K dialect :)
I only know (fsvo know) J
Q is not a word! let's not ship it in the system kernel, ok?
I don't think I'm the unreasonable person here.
@GrahamChiu It's terrible code, I barely knew what I was doing, yes, I should.
'q certainly is a word!, and already told you my opinion on where it will be shipped and where it won't above.
Arggggh we are going to have to have arm wrestling in Montreal
The Q arm wrestle
The ONLY arm wrestle
I don't think anyone is fighting the FUNCTION/FUNC CLOSURE/CLOS at this point, that seems to be on the fast track.
@HostileFork Why do I keep agreeing with you on stuff? I forget, was there anything we disagreed about?
2:43 AM
@HostileFork You understand that for your usage there won't be any Q, right?
@Sgeo I think we disagree on the value of renaming COMPOSE to TEMPLATE. It's a sort of, well, I guess I don't see the point on it.
Calling COMPOSE COMPOSE will confuse functional programmers as much as Haskell's calling return :: (Monad m) => a -> m a "return" confuses imperative programmers
@earl Um. I do not understand. But I have no problem typing the whole word QUIT. I type APPEND and not A. And I dislike Q shipping as a language primitive people take for granted because it does not strike me as literate, and I don't care what macros you load but if the letter Q appears in a program and quits the interpreter then I think that is bad.
@HostileFork Ok, 'nuff said, then. Just re-read what I wrote, and maybe you will understand :)
Violent agreement.
Especially because quitting the interpreter silently is very similar to thinking the program has crashed. I'm sorry, it's foolish.
2:47 AM
Compromise: Make it quit the interpreter non-silently
@Sgeo "Rebol received the QUIT instruction, also known as Q, check your logs" :-/
@Sgeo Crashing programs already do that :)
This is really just a stupid minor thing, it's not a breaking issue, I just find it irritating that people don't realize I'm right.
Because they apparently are so desperate to get out of Rebol and need to do it with a key and an enter :-)
Anyone who stands up for Q hates Rebol! Because they're very interested in leaving it!
See, I win. :-)
:syn keyword Error q
@Sgeo But on the plus side, people are still debating these things, so if you have a taste for language design then you might have some influence. Look at me, I'm nobody, and I get to rant all day.
2:51 AM
make error! [
code: 513
type: 'Access
id: 'Protocol
arg1: {Redirect to a protocol different from HTTP not supported}
arg2: none
arg3: none
near: none
where: none
@JudeDuran Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ.
Heya @JudeDuran... 777 points. That's pretty 1337 if you ask me.
@earl You're serious about the Q thing?
I kind of don't understand because there are some mixed messages here, like you might be pulling my leg.
@BrianH was a staunch Q defender.
And that also was perplexing to me.
It's not that important, I mean, now I've got YELLO to worry about etc. Like I didn't have enough problems.
@rebolbot do help yello
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> help yello
YELLO is a tuple of value: 255.240.120
@Sgeo How can they do this to me?
I'm a formalist!
@earl .. can we get some non-mainline community builds with the http redirect fix .. or are you happy to leave it?
2:55 AM
@rebolbot do help yellow
And there is no room in a formal world for YELLO
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> help yellow
YELLOW is a tuple of value: 255.255.0
...Ok so yellow and yello are different colors
@Sgeo No, YELLO doesn't exist. There is a bug in the program.
@HostileFork I already changed the source to use "gold"
2:56 AM
@fsoender Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Sorry, your reputation score is too low to chat at present. Not our rules, but those of Stackoverflow. If you were to answer some questions, or ask some, we might be able to help by upvoting you. In the meantime, have a look at a Rebol introduction.
@GrahamChiu you're not using the margin pic for the bot? I like the look on the left but on the right it juts too close to other avatars. Did you pick up my pic with the margin?
A bit of space on that one.
@HostileFork I thought I'd changed it ... now I can't remember ... so much to do, so little brain left
I thought we discussed this, did it not work? :-/
@Sgeo calling anything by what functional programmers call it will confuse almost everyone, and will especially confuse functional programmers since Rebol isn't a functional language. Function composition (as done in functional languages) is not a good idea in Rebol.
I can resize it further but I would say that the avatar is jutting right up against the other icons and I don't like it so much on the right.
@BrianH throw me a bone, can we not have Q in system context? :-/ @earl is breaking my back here.
2:59 AM
Sorry, I had to read the damn transcript just to catch up with this afternoon. It's a busy room.
o.O not a good idea?
I feel like I've got all kinds of win here, AltME is dying, we're going to finally map FUNCT->FUNCTION and the whole CLOS/CLOSURE thing is like a breath of fresh air, but what's with this defense of Q?
What's this CLOS/CLOSURE thing?
And what was bad about AltME?
@Sgeo Long story.
@HostileFork Can't you be happy with your winnings?
3:02 AM
Well dancing on the grave of AltME is cool and all, but let's get Kaj on here and he can help us with the repl.it build... and then... it will rain chocolate from space.
Incidentally, can the runnung Rebol instance be serialized to an image ala Smalltalk or CL?
@Sgeo Any process can be serialized to an image, there's software that does it
Or better yet, serialized in a text-based format ala NewLisp?
@Sgeo Rebol's control structures are built around blocks - no, don't freak out, they're nothing like Ruby's blocks. When you see what looks like a function definition in Rebol, that isn't what you are really seeing; it's really an expression that builds a function at runtime. There is no compile time. So, function building is pretty heavy-weight, compared to just using blocks, which are just variant arrays of data that we treat as code.
But why would you need to? Rebol is teensy.
Blow it away, start another.
3:03 AM
@HostileFork A Rebol CodeNomic >.>
@Sgeo newLISP just has tree structures, not cyclic, DAGs or other graphs. It's easy to serialize.
@Sgeo You are interested in scripting secondlife, I do not think it is likely you can retarget the binary to SL, but have you thought about dialecting as a remote?
@HostileFork as a remote?
Well, it's a bit messy but all the pages are now up .. need to start fixing links
@HostileFork SL is built on Mono. Just target to .NET
Well I know that giving objects behaviors in SL is programmatic.
And if you can call out then of course, sky's the limit.
But if you can't call out, then wouldn't it just be scripting...poking things into the terminal by proxy?
@BrianH I don't think you can upload arbitrary .NET stuff to SL... it's been a while though, maybe that's changed
A friend of mine did scripting stuff for "Asheron's Call" which was a game where they actually encouraged bots
I think it gets you kicked off WoW if they catch you
EvE online is hardcore as well
@Sgeo different API, true, but LSL is run on Mono. The bytecodes should be the same.
@BrianH how's tricks? Settling down?
3:08 AM
@HostileFork I have no problem with Q, LS, CD and such being defined in a module, and delay-loading that module, as long as that module is included by default when you run the REPL.
@BrianH Yeah, but who knows if SL's servers allow uploading bytecodes, or if they just do compilation of LSL on their end
@BrianH See I want the CD LS etc in a dialect. Is that so wrong?
@Sgeo that would be easy to find out.
It does not feel right to have it in the vocabulary by default.
It's legacy
@HostileFork remember, a set of exported functions is one way to do a dialect.
@HostileFork a delay-loaded module is not in the vocabulary by default.
3:10 AM
@BrianH I just don't understand, I thought this was a break with all the historic garbage, I thought it's about cleaning up their mess, and if Rebol loads up the EXE and runs "LS" like that means something....argh. Well, you must at least understand the point of view I am speaking of, even if you don't agree with it.
Can I switch the REPL to an arbitrary dialect?
@Sgeo I asked that. :-/ Not... really
Q: How to start the Rebol REPL in a context besides the System context?

HostileForkIf you run a script in Rebol and say something like print {Hello}, you end up calling the system version of PRINT >> bind? 'print == make object! [ system: make object! [ product: 'core version: build: 22-Jan-2013/2:44:29 platform: [ Ma...

But it's open source and we could fix this.
Trivial, just not implemented.
I'm a good C programmer and I can help but the thing is we have to get our open governance model working, so that pull requests get in, and we have to have some solidarity. It will happen, I think. Bear in mind--again--and people like @GrahamChiu will gripe a lot, but Rebol only became open source 12-Dec-2012
In Factor, if you do listener inside a quotation, you're effectively insid ethe quotation
listener effectively starting a new REPL
Expecting miracles of organization is delusional. Organizations require trust, structure, you don't just have that happen overnight.
@HostileFork R3 is a construction kit. The default interpreter is just a big include-all toolbox for people who are used to standalone language interpreters that have a runtime. You can't know what people will need for some random script, so you have to include everything reasonable that the platform supports. But you can delay-load that stuff, so it isn't part of your environment until you import it.
3:15 AM
I'd like the box to not respond to Q or LS
I drew a nice pretty icon and it doesn't know what Q or LS is
It thinks that's gibberish! I talk to it. It hums to me. "HmmmmmmmmmmmyeahQandLSsuck"
The point isn't to make the default interpreter minimal, because that isn't what people need. The point is to make it possible to be minimal, for people who are using the construction kit to make exactly what they need.
Well this is a difference of opinion, you do know about my encap web plan
Actually, no. But I can guess.
Maybe I want to try out a dialect I'm writing without needing to write the interpreting function's name and some [ ] all the time
You upload the scripts, you don't have to have the machinery or download anything, it builds out binaries for all platforms.
You just fill the forms. Here's the icon. Here's the description. Bam. Web encap.
3:17 AM
@HostileFork been really busy. I'm moved into the apartment, but my fiance and most of my stuff is still in Chicago. It's still a work in progress. Job's going well though.
@BrianH I still have no plan and have to put my stuff somewhere before crossing the border to Montreal, so if you have a spot to put things get in touch.
Else I guess I'll have to find a secure storage place. :-/ Alas.
Canadians don't like it when you have all your worldly possessions in the back of your car and a new passport.
@HostileFork I think you are overestimating how difficult it is to make a REPL in Rebol.
Americans don't either, but I'm a citizen, so they don't get on my case.
@BrianH Quoting myself: "Trivial, just not implemented."
And you didn't fix that hash bug did you. :-)
That cost me a day or so of grief!
Very esoteric.
Fix that and then you can tell me how easy it is to retarget a REPL. :-)
@Sgeo We all go way back, here.
Mr Hawley has been lecturing me on Rebol since, well, since, I downloaded Rebol.
(He's one of the main designers, for better or worse.)
He tends to be right. But says the right thing in way too many words.
And our feud was ended when he supported my proposal for FUNCTION/FUNC and CLOSURE/CLOS and assuming that all goes through then we're cool.
(As @earl pointed out, Carl didn't say "no", he said "hey that's why it's alpha"...good work guys...)
He didn't say anything about good work, I kind of made that part up
It was sockpuppet Carl, that lives only in my mind. "Great work guys! Keep going, you're doing awesome!"--ImaginaryCarl
But seriously though, @BrianH, when Carl stopped by he thought StackOverflow was cool.
I was a bit surprised because he's a hard man to impress.
Also we had a bit of a pickle trying to get him the rep to chat, and he had a few words to say on that, but he still liked it anyway!
3:40 AM
@HostileFork yeah, I saw the transcripts, it was nice to see :)
@HostileFork is the hash bug still there? I didn't have the time before, but I might now. The indexing compromise is important to get together before Montreal though.
4:10 AM
When your router starts to make a fizzling noise, that's a bad thing, right?
(and simultaneously stops routing)
Though only makes said noise when plugged in...
@rgchris depends on the pitch
B-Flat, I think.
what octave?
well, guess what
@HostileFork is a graduated EE
is it running hot?
4:15 AM
Quite. And the power block.
Lights are still flashing in a somewhat organised fashion. Is it possessed?
turn off, disconnect, open it up and check the capacitors. See if any of them are failing ( bulging )
And you're sure it's a middle octave and not a high one?
Someone in another channel asked if yello is the color of the bikeshed
(A while back)
Definitely middle octave.
4:54 AM
@Adrian any luck with your updates on the bot. Anything I can help with?
I committed them - that's why I was asking if you'd pulled and tried things out.
Sorry, I missed that msg. I will be a bit busy over the next few nights, but I will make time soon
I also need to update the api for read-message and add in the implementation into rebolbot as it is required for the twitter command. Once I figure out how to do that I'll issue a pull to bring it in to the main repo
5:09 AM
@Adrian eh? I missed that too
@Adrian I see no pull requests
look at the commits
@Adrian ahh. ok
confusing for me
I didn't issue a pull request - just pushed directly to master
so all we need to do again is

git pull https://github.com/gchiu/rebolbot.git
5:13 AM
which should pull all the changes down .. we shouldn't have any local stuff that can't be overwritten
well, pull fetches and then merges
if it can be done
if you have changes to something that will conflict, you'll need to resolve the conflict
Sigh ... the internal links on the wiki use spaces, and that means we can't generate internal links correctly. See html and the text versions so I need to do some more preprocessing on them.
5:28 AM
@HostileFork thanks, but for the others, please wait for us to send you the bill, if only because that's the only way I know who paid what.
I have a sheet with all of the donators. you will get a bill during the week for sure, do not despair.
@moliad .. I thought you had something to do with the revamp of rebol.org ... was it just the gui tool then?
@GrahamChiu yes I had built the package downloader for them.
oh well, I was close!
I remember there were a few people involved in designing the CSS too ..
I tried but the css was a bit too much work for the time I had
I only just found the percentage datatype. Very useful
@rebolbot do 10% * 10
5:39 AM
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> 10% * 10
== 1.0
I'll continue what hostilefork said... please remove the Q shortcut... please, please, please, please, please, please, please, pretty please?
@HostileFork I'm seeing a 1 pixel gap between @moliad and @johnk right now
6:39 AM
Hi. Yes, true. I think people will definitely shut up about Rebol 2 when Rebol (see, I didn't mention 3! ;)) open-source will provide all the features from Rebol 2:
* multi-platform (including not only the main 4 OSs, but some other ones also)
* all schemes, CALL, etc.
* simplicity
* efficient console with completion, multi-line, etc.
* all the rest!...

And I agree, Rebol 2 is dead, just like any closed-source thing, nowadays.
Exactly what is wrong with 'call ?
7:08 AM
@GrahamChiu - apart from it working like a crap, to the extent of being useless? :-)
The main problem with CALL I remember is, that there is no /WAIT refinement and no /OUTPUT refinement, so you can't get result back into Rebol.
I do agree with Pierre - there is no magic in ppl still using R2, but the stuff he mentioned not being easily available to the R3 user ... If we fix that, there will be mostly no point to further use R2 ... I would add one thing - GUI console, as I want to use GUI with R3, and in such case, recent R3 core fixed console, allowing to use Console2, will not work ...
@pekr call/wait works
@GrahamChiu - you asked, what is Console2 - it is kind of replacement console for the default Windows one. You can define tabs there, have nice fonts, etc. What I don't understand though is, how the authors might miss on tab completion ...
@pekr I'll google it
@pekr @GrahamChiu - check out conemu - it's even nicer than console 2 - see:
you can find it here - code.google.com/p/conemu-maximus5
Scott Hanselman, a pretty well-known Windows guy, used to praise console 2 until he found conemu
Nice find
downloading it now
7:23 AM
Ah, now I can see, running ConEmu revealed, that in order for tab completion to work, you need to start with quotes ... weird, albeit a bit understandable, so > cd "c:\re ... tab
wow .. full screen at last
You can force it to be the terminal for any console based application.
You'll still need @earl's special build of R3, though if you want to run Rebol in it.
even understands forward slashes for directory paths
@Adrian the ones lacking https ?
What I mean above by 'force' is that it can hook into console executables and have them run through ConEmu. See the "Integration" section in settings.
@GrahamChiu Well, he's got one on rebolsource which is built as a console app.
@Adrian sadly I need https
7:27 AM
Don't know if you recall the conversation of a few days ago.
@Adrian not more than 5 mins ...
is it pinned?
You could build it yourself - he said it's just turning off the view flag
@GrahamChiu Don't think so
let me try to find it
@RebolBot do help call
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> help call
    CALL command /wait

    Run another program; return immediately.
    CALL is a native value.

    command -- An OS-local command line, quoted as necessary (string!)

    /wait -- Wait for command to terminate before returning
and this is Rebol2
>> help call
CALL cmd /input in /output out /error err /wait /console /shell /info /show

Executes a shell command to run another process.
CALL is a native value.

cmd -- The shell command or file (Type: string file block)

/input -- Redirects in to stdin
in -- (Type: any-string port file url none)
/output -- Redirects stdout to out
out -- (Type: string port file url none)
/error -- Redirects stderr to err
err -- (Type: string port file url none)
/wait -- Runs command and waits for exit
That's what's wrong with call
7:30 AM
@ingo ok, it's on the list of things trello.com/card/call/518dd9128fbdf0fc6a0004cf/14
Conemu can't remember my new tabs?
@GrahamChiu I thought I heared that someone is working on it already, but I just could not resist the chance to talk to our resident bot for the first time.
I have console2 opening with both shell, and r3-console.exe.
May 28 at 12:36, by earl
But then, I made you special console-mode builds for integrating with a more modern console environment for Win32.
@GrahamChiu, where @earl mentioned his build
it can be downloaded from r3source or something like that, don't remember the link
7:36 AM
@pekr what do you mean by remember
start up with the old ones?
@Adrian - with Console2, I have predefined and saved terminals, so when I click icon, I have fully working Console 2 with some tabs, so I can switch between the cmd, powershell, R3 shell. With ConEMu, I can see adding the tab, but when I close the console, it does not start with the last ones, nor I can find the option to save one ...
If that is not possible, it makes ConEMu unusable for me. So many features I can't even understand, but such significant one missing?
hmm, just wondering. With old View from 2010, once console starts, I can see properly spelled Language - Cestina .... with Earl's version, it has strange chars. Any change in unicode or language settings?
Oh dear .. I crashed ConEmu :(
@pekr if I understand it correctly you can use settings / startup and settings / startup / tasks to configure which tabs are started on ConEmu start.
@pekr see the Startup section - you can specify one of three options
why me? Always me?
7:49 AM
command line, Tasks file, or Specified named tasks
tasks are just named commands
@GrahamChiu It's a gift, if used correctly - like in testing.
you can choose these from a menu or specify them as initial tab commands
I used it to attach to a r3 console
it was working. I then started up a gui .. still okay. Then quit the Gui and it all stopped responding.
@GrahamChiu @pekr - forgot to mention to use the latest versions, no the old stable one
I've been using that with no issues
@Adrian I'm using the 3 day old one
7:55 AM
with @earl's build?
I thought you couldn't do GUIs with that build
just attached to a standard r3 console
well, with the regular R3, I couldn't get it to open in ConEmu
not sure how you did - for me it still popped up in a separate window
how did you "attach" it?
Win-G and selected a r3 cosole
7:59 AM
wasn't there something about the normal builds that make them not regular console apps?
funny, I tried to open r3 as a new task, and it complained that it is attached to a console and then exited.

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