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9:00 PM
@drch then it becomes "look, I did my best, you guys have got to quit ****ing **** up" because this logging service is explicitly and solely for exceptions, which is disgusting to me that the quantity could easily top 50-million
is it a completely hand-rolled logger or can you use nlog/log4net?
I'm hand-rollilng it as log4net was the solution that was "wanted" and it's shite
well it would at least do logrolling for you
log4net is NOT shite
log4net is a cool guy, logs stuff and doesn't afraid of anything
9:02 PM
you're right, it's absolute shite
anyhow, I gotta run
thanks for the ideas guys
so is Ferrari if you have no clue how to drive a stick
@Darek have fun running VS in wine and telling everyone how much better it is
yeah, fuck standard. need to have a hand free for the babes
I can drive with 1 hand. But it is probably better if they have the free hand :P
9:03 PM
A free hand, huh?
i like nlog cause it was easier to make it work via http
see yall later, thanks again, really
i drive with my knees so i have both hands free for texting
i do that too
And wondering why the windshield wipers aren't doing their job?
9:05 PM
Dudes, any reason why a WCF ServiceHost would be 3 times slower when created in a separate AppDomain?
i decided to delete that since it was kind of weird to say in hindsight , i was totally joking
The same set of ops takes 3 times as long. Should it matter? I mean I am using net.pipe or net.tcp to talk to it
shouldn't perf stay the same?
@Darek - Is there some sort of issue with static variables and scope where something isn't getting properly cached?
static you say
Just a shot in the dark really, couldn't think of anything else
9:07 PM
yes, there might be
Host creation occurs in a staic method returning the int of the port
(ports are random)
Does the creation happen too often?
No, the hosts are created in the beginnig
var hosts = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(CreateNewHost).ToArray();
        static int CreateNewHost(int s)

            var appDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("A" + s,null, new AppDomainSetup{LoaderOptimization = LoaderOptimization.MultiDomain});
            var assemblyName = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Host)).FullName;
            var h = appDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(assemblyName, typeof(Host).FullName) as Host;
            return h.Port;
Well I am not sure to be honest. :(
any1 knows MySql?
Is it possible to define an varaible array in MySql?
@Darek: are you asking why that would take longer than new Host()
9:11 PM
ok phew
    internal class ServiceClass : IServiceClass
        #region Public Methods and Operators

        public string Ping()
            return ((new Random()).NextDouble() * (new Random()).NextDouble()).ToString("F11");

this stupid Ping takes 3 time longer
well not the ping
the execution of a call to it, if the host is in same Process but separate domain
i think because the data has to be marshalled and all that good stuff
are you calling it from the other domain?
or is the everything happening within this new domain
marshalled? why? I am using WCF to talk to it
                            using (var cli = new ServiceClassClient("NetTcpBinding_IServiceClass", ep))
                                s = cli.Ping();
right but youre communicating to another app domain
9:13 PM
so everything is serialized and passed through
so even though it sits out there as a WCF service listening on a TCP/IP port, it still has to marshall?
not gettig why
I'm with Darek. I can't see why there should be a difference
when you createinstanceandunwrap, youre getting a proxy to the real instance in the other app domain
But I am not using it
I create a WCF client
9:14 PM
ah ok
the returned marshalled object just sits in RAM
Does the new AppDomain create some kind of additional boundary for the threads to go through? (just fishing here)
you said 3x as long but how long are we talking? that ping doesn't seem like a really lengthy op
ie are the other longer operations also taking 3x as long or are you just seeing some constant overhead
right, so 10k ops runs in about 1.3s if the Host is in the same domain, 4.7 if the host is a new AppDomain
that is the only op
I wrote a small experimental app cause something else was just as slow
so trying to get to the root
2s to execute s=cli.Ping();
beyond ridiculous
1.2s to contruct/destruct ServiceClassClient
If anyone wants teh code to play with I will happy post it
9:27 PM
yeah sure
gonna have a quick ciggie first
hey kids
I have a latte
suck it
@Darek if you post it somewhere ill take a look and see if the same thing happens
Q: Slow WCF Host when hosted in another AppDomain

DarekI am having a weird problem. If the WCF host is hosted in the original AppDomain, the code takes 1.25s to execute. However if I put it in a new AppDomain, despite the fact that I still use net.pipe or net.tcp to talk to it, the process takes 4.7s to run. Here is the code with app.config in the co...

I know I can make something similar to WHERE .. IN ( ...) with linq by writing .Contains()
how would I do WHERE NOT IN ()
9:37 PM
@ScottSelby !w.Contains()
or !!!contains
so true
that is what I thought ., that doesn't look right
why not @ScottSelby
9:39 PM
I don't know why it doesn't look rigt
what bout !!!!!w.Contains()
I was just reading an artice about double negative in js
It does a truthy conversion
doesn;t lok right but is still true
If you do double negation
what's js?
9:41 PM
what's javascript?
I was just yanking your chain
weird things happen in JavaScript
its like java, but with a script at the end
just look at jQuery
preferrably minimized
It was a concept from the 60's where they strapped you to a chair and peeled your eyes back with only a hamster in a wheel to look at.
9:43 PM
it was false though lol, I tricked myself
true : 1
false : 0
true : foo
false :
true : [object HTMLDocument]
some of those I think javascript was just flipping a coin to convert
Just submitted a draft estimate....
labeled .NET developers as "Developer" and java developers as "Circus performers". My boss is still laughing while the circus performers look like they're going to cry
@Darek yeah it takes around 1s for in-proc and 2.5s for separate app domain
right ... but why?
9:45 PM
who knows but jesus
I goota look for him
er hang on
Have you found Him yet?
I am on Win 8, takes 4.7
with dual quad Xeon and shtaka of RAM
if you use profanities in an invented alien language ... is it still offensive?
@Darek so the question is, is this introducing 1.5-2s overhead (per 10k ops) or 2-3x overhead overall
10:04 PM
this is a case where profiling is a good thing. because it's not the type that arrests brown people.
@Pheonixblade9 - That is what happens when you don't have a good way to handle type inference.
when you write IEnumerable<Order> opnd = opened[qc.User]; is opnd thread safe? no I guess
but opened is static (static IDictionary<int, List<Order>> opened;), opnd is just in the scope of a function (also static)
if the dictionary is modified by another thread while you are iterating the enumerable in another, you will get an exception
I don't have xceptions
10:08 PM
"the enumeration was modified"
but inconsistencies
like too many items
> The enumerator does not have exclusive access to the collection; therefore, enumerating through a collection is intrinsically not a thread-safe procedure. To guarantee thread safety during enumeration, you can lock the collection during the entire enumeration. To allow the collection to be accessed by multiple threads for reading and writing, you must implement your own synchronization.
I have no try catch, and it doesn't crash.., just seeing that int[][] p = opnd.Where(o => o.Symbol == args.Symbol).Select(t => new int[] { t.Ticket, ...}).ToArray(); has 8 items instead of 1
8 times the same ticket, sort of 'funny' bug
10:10 PM
@xcx do you just want to iterate over the snapshot at that time?
opnd = opened[qc.User].ToList()
8 times with same ticket values but sometimes different t.Profit for example.. kinda weird i.imgur.com/kBU9RwR.png (ticket is [0] )
well the other thing...
is that if those actual OBJECTS are being edited somewhere else
the enumerator wont even matter
exactly there are many event handlers, (threads) iterating also this opened, I know it's badly coded
10:14 PM
I should probly do a synchronized with a queue
events dont spin up new threads
log4net shows different process Id
ah, you're right
there are actually several instances of something else (QuoteClients) which may be ran in threads (external .dll I can't see)
that doesn't necessarily mean there aren't other threads at play, but an event handler runs on the thread it was triggered
10:17 PM
ie, if this is a web app, you are likely to have multiple threads, but if youre just debugging on your local box, i wonder how likely it would be for you to actually hit race conditions
I do unfortunately, the enumeartion can be triggered at quite same moment for several event hanlders
by any chance in your code snippet, is 'args' a foreach variable?
hmm will debuug thanks
static void qc_OnQuote(object sender, QuoteEventArgs args) {
	QuoteClient qc = (QuoteClient)sender;
	IEnumerable<Order> opnd = opened[qc.User];
10:20 PM
so you can do something like
IEnumerable<Order> op;
lock(_syncroot) {
opnd = opened[qc.User].ToList();

// do something with opnd
or actually
lock(opened[qc.User]) if you want, but avoid it if opened is public
ah static object _syncroot = new object();?
well it really kinda depends tbh, cause you want to actually lock access to the lists, not the dictionary right?
yes at the moment when I filter the list by symbol
i think you should be generally ok with IEnumerable<Order> opnd = opened[qc.User].ToList()
which will make a copy of the list that you can work on and not worry about further modificatoins while you are enumerating
I did that bcause I use it after with opnd.Sum(o => o.Profit) * 100)
10:27 PM
but can call it again
yeah that's still fine
i think ;)
the most important thing is the first..
drch, thanks a lot
man I just listened to a track that was 13 minutes of silence. these indie bands are getting fuckin' weird (not to mention copying John Cage)
maybe your headphone cable was loose
10:57 PM
On the fly
hello everyone
Any game programmers in here
App devs?
okay I am bored
no one talking about anything lol
Anyone ever use Boost?
or OpenMP
It's not Halloween but BOOOOOO!!!!!
but beware the guys there are not always friendly
Nor am I lol
ah yes the coveted vb6 game development industry
niche market
@drch Yeah this is where I started VB6.0 and directX believe it or not
Swim mall lol
VB, I never did some, but maybe a good thing
11:27 PM
@Lews you here?
VB never did what?
am i missing half the conversation or something lol
you serious lol
VB use to be one of the number one languages
its just dead now
still have .net
And it should have been dead then...
heh sry talking like yoda
11:28 PM
I built server tools in vb
all kinds of stuff
all 6.0
Back in the day I used to write C++ DLLs and used VB front ends to run them, but VB still sucked
I'm doing http+websocket server stuff in erlang, but it communicates with tcp to c# apps
If I have found an easy websocket server in c# maybe would have did with it
@grixxly I do like C# better
11:32 PM
Me too.. I've been gone a long time from here... don't even have any of my musings starred anymore...
Well I guess as a web dev you wouldnt like it much
but it made making apps quick and easy
and in ASP.net you can use either one
I'm a DBA so you guys cause all the problems :P
who would pick VB lol
C# is so much better in data conversion
less casting
and reformating
yeah makes sense you have ever version of SQL listed twice lol
posted on May 21, 2013 by Scott Hanselman

A buddy of mine was thinking to move some of his Linux-based website to Azure. If you're running a Web Site that this node.js, ASP, ASP.NET, or PHP, it's easiest to use Azure Web Sites. I showed how to do setup Azure Web Sites in minutes with Git in this post. They hide the underlying OS from you, are automatically updated, scale easily, and share disks. However, he likes VMs and the control

lol I have a VM running now lol
linux baby
time to see what wireless networks are free today
11:38 PM
Not sure what you mean by having every version of SQL listed twice, but I've been away for a long time... been in a bad place...
@Grixxly I just meant you seem like you know what you are doing
Nah... I just wing it :P
but then there is access, and DB commander lol
You ever hear of Legend of Mir
Nope... I've heard of the legend of Jon Skeet though
Legendary he is
C# legend
are you him
11:42 PM
Jon Skeet programmed Chuck Norris to beat the crap out of himself...
should of just said he programmed Chuck Norris
sounds so much more elite
He did... but programmed him too good
No explaination needed
yeah I know when he tried to break Chuck Norris's code he broke him self instead
Jon Skeet is the only man to successfully divide by zero.
javascript can 1/0
11:47 PM
not successfully... Since Jon Skeet programs in Java, javascript tried...
You all make me into a better place... thank you.

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