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is there a problem with SO now?
load too slow, while I didn't encounter any problem with other sites
regarding linq to sql -> codinghorror.com/blog/2009/06/…
why is FirstOrDefault not called FirstOrNull
cos default doesn't automatically mean null??
what is the default of an enumerable then, if not null, how to set it...
null for most objects, 0 for numerics, ..
i'm to tired ( and drunk to give you a proper answer if im honest ) , really sorry
no prob
I'm not debugging yet the amount of shit I''ve written
prefer not thinking about it yet
i have a question...i am having some trouble creating a custom property for my User Control
public String PlaceholderText
    get { return PlaceholderText; }
    set { PlaceholderText = value; }
get me a error
well, it looks good...no errors, but the code just will not return the property
i just need to get the text from the property
like this: <local:Control PlaceholderText="text here" />
its all wrong
You have to have a backing field
what is that?
string _backing;
public String PlaceholderText
    get { return _backing; }
    set { _backing = value; }
but how do i access the value
posted on April 13, 2013 by ScottGu

On April 27, something very cool is happening. A bunch of Windows Azure MVP's and community activists are organizing a Global Windows Azure Bootcamp. This is a completely free, one-day training event for Windows Azure, all organized by the community, and presented in person all over the World. I’m not sure if this is the largest community event ever - it is very cool to see how many plac

from other functions
The way you normally would
You still use PlaceholderText
just with a different name?
nothing changes
just use PlaceholderText
you access it the same
i can not use _backing
it says it is not in the context
you copied it?
i thought that was a string
lets see the code plz
        public String PlaceholderText
            get { return PlaceholderText; }
            set { PlaceholderText = value; }

        public Brush PlaceholderForeground
            get { return PlaceholderBox.Foreground; }
            set { PlaceholderBox.Foreground = value; }

        private void PlaceholderTextBox_GotFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (PlaceholderBox.Text == PlaceholderText)
                PlaceholderBox.Text = "";
copy my code
leave everything else the SAME
string cool;
public String PlaceholderText
    get { return cool; }
    set { cool = value; }
like this?
and get the cool string
and to access it you just access PlaceholderText
ok, why can u not access it directly?
that would bypass the field thinggies, the get and set accessors
is there a way i can temperareley
change the foreground color of a textbox?
define temperarely
well, @Pawnguy7 i can switch back and forth
i have a property that get a new brush...i want to use that brush until the user clicks a button (for example)
So... when they click it, change it? I feel like I am missing something here.
like on focus, and lostFocus
You can select that form, and add an event handleer to run on those events?
i know
i have a custom property called SecondForeground=""
i want that forgroud to be applied when it is focused. and the original Foreground=""
to be used
men I've troublles, sql is spitting exceptions because probably several threads uses a same connection,it says "There is already an open DataReader associated with this Connection which must be closed first"
maybe you forget to close the connection
rdr.Close(); every time
the connection?
I let it opened
and worse it's static, and shared by threads
you can't
an sql conetion
good to know, thx let's refactor
can winforms run in background?
like hidden?
well you can hide the form and disable the taskbar icon
but accepts keys and key combination :D is it possible?
because I always got hard time remembering all my passwords
thanks for the source ;)
Q: OData WCF Dataservice retrieving data as JSON instead of atom+xml

RamshadIm using WCF and oData service with Visual Studio 2012 and retrieving database details to my iOS application using REST Kit. However when Im using this url , It always returning result as atom+xml instead of JSON format...

2 hours later…
Hello ! ?
how to get gatagrid cell value on cell selected event in wpf?
what is the sender parameter?
My guess is that it is the cell
Q: RestKit: No response descriptors match the response loaded

RamshadIm using REST Kit & WCF - oData service to retrieving my database details to my iOS application. However it shows an error as "Failed with error: No response descriptors match the response loaded" Here is my code RKObjectMapping *mapping = [RKObjectMapping mappingForClass:[PatientDetails class...

@VivekParikh moderator flags are for serious content issues only. DO NOT use them to ask for help. Thanks.
How to get selected cell value on DataGrid SelectedCellsChanged in wpf?
can someone answer this?
Q: Implementing Load GridView on ScrollDown in a UserControl

ArbaazI am trying to implement this article .. Click Me in a UserControl. I downloaded the sample attached there and its working fine but i am trying to create UserControl out of it. No rows are getting loaded on scrolling down. I modified the code to look like this.. var lastProductId = $("#<%=Test...

1 hour later…
Any mvc Geeks here?>
hey peeps
anyone here familiar with npoi for reading excel files?
Nope archie
Weekend all these geeks at bars and pubs ~~
lol its the only time we get out :P
@codebrain what are you looking for in mvc?
men, just to be sure, If I have concurrent threads running together, and wrting to a same DB, I keep one mysqlconnection opened for each (during runtime, and reusing it per thread))? or should I open a connection and close it after each operation
@c'c my opinion would be new connection in each thread
yes, but they are kept opened right? (the program uns forever)
does this mean the connection may be closed at some moment
@c'c Establish a connection pool. Ask the pool for a connection, which is either created or retrieved from the internal pool. When you are done with the connection, give it back to the pool to be distributed to another task in the future.
thx, and this is better than using (cheap' connection made just for a short save task, and discarding it after? (second solution)
yes the connection pool with the size of my thread pool I guess
@archie Its kinda simple but lengthy
or less
Establish a connection to a database is one of the most intensive tasks. If you expect more than a little traffic, don't re-create connections all the time. If you serve about 100 users, it doesn't matter either way.
Let the size of the pool alter as per your needs? It can't ever become larger than your thread pool :)
@RoelvanUden perfect
basically you take the first conn opened and free is in the pool
Jup. Look at my example in Jouhou, the data mapper I wrote for .NET, it has a decent enough connection pool.
I thik we could implement it with a map to indicate which is free or not without all the syncronized/lock no?
You can do that. I choose to use a list instead of a map and removed claimed connections from it. Either way is fine, it just depends on what you like.
sorry for my ignorance, just experimented lately the exceptions of mysql about it ;)
hi all
Hello :)
am new in C# please tell me how to Bind value In Array List In C#
The term binding is something completely different than adding a value.
@codebrain i know But there is Problme that I am Unable to Bind with My code
Delegate is the thing to use for a callback to function in c#?
want to pass function as argument
@c'c A reference to a function is always a delegate, but using Delegate is not used often. The common function arguments are Action and Func.
A: How to pass a function as a parameter in C#?

P DaddyI think what you want is: static object InvokeMethod(Delegate method, params object[] args){ return method.DynamicInvoke(args); } static int Add(int a, int b){ return a + b; } static void Test(){ Console.WriteLine(InvokeMethod(new Func<int, int, int>(Add), 5, 4)); } Prints "9".

ah Func yes
public void CalculateSum(int a, int b, Action<int> cb) { cb(a+b); }
Skeet posted withb Action ;)
pastie.org/7482984 check My Code @RoelvanUden
am I did all the thing PLease tell me in Final step data.Add( what i will write and how will
@RoelvanUden I might follow skeey and you then :d
FYI that is not an ArrayList, that is a List<T>
@c'c Might :D
while i m getting string strURI = selectedNewsItem.news_detail_description;
yes i have TO Bind this
Learn the terminology please, you're not binding, you're adding
please Edit My code
No. You are beyond help if you can't do a simple add. Do it yourself.
data.Add( am Having Problem This not able Get data
data.Add(new SAVENEWS() { website_link = }); am tring THis @RoelvanUden
but not getting Value
This is basic syntax. Learn it.
Read books.
Read tutorials.
Read the specifications.
People here are more than willing to help you with questions, but we are not here to fix your code for you. Especially code that a first year University student gets in his first week.
i m having Problme how i wll Get value
string strURI = selectedNewsItem.news_detail_description;
coz its Dynamic coming string
i want to add this @RoelvanUden
2 hours later…
anyone online??
1 hour later…
hey anyone here?
Hie archie
@archie Yes.
hey zoidberg
@Joan A first step would be to put effort into typing your sentences correctly.
Can you help me out
I don't know the problem, so no. Maybe if you tell me what I could help you with.
i need to compute the minimum spanning tree fore a given set of points
What's a spanning tree?
string[] input1 = { "A", "B", "C", "D" };
int[] input2 = { 2, 3, 1, 5, 4, 3 };
> In the mathematical field of graph theory, a spanning tree T of a connected, undirected graph G is a tree composed of all the vertices and some (or perhaps all) of the edges of G.
a spanning tree is an undirected graph
yeah, that
i need a simple implementation of the algo
The Euclidean minimum spanning tree or EMST is a minimum spanning tree of a set of n points in the plane (or more generally in ℝd), where the weight of the edge between each pair of points is the distance between those two points. In simpler terms, an EMST connects a set of dots using lines such that the total length of all the lines is minimized and any dot can be reached from any other by following the lines. In the plane, an EMST for a given set of points may be found in Θ(n log n) time using O(n) space in the algebraic decision tree model of computation. Faster randomized algo...
haha, thanxx
but i have the algos
Well, implement them. :v
i need an implementation
m trying to, it's hard :(
nevermind, working on it
What do you need it for?
need to solve a problem
Well, what problem? :P
have to find the minimum cost of connecting given no of cities
this for example
string[] input1 = { "A", "B", "C", "D" };
int[] input2 = { 2, 3, 1, 5, 4, 3 };
1st array is the collection of cities
2nd array is their cost
rescpectively AB AC AD BC BD CD
Ah I see.
i need to connect them with minimum no of roads
that would give several spanning trees
then i need to pick the one with minimum cost
m facing problem with making the spanning trees
If i have n no.'s , how to get all sets of combinations that cover all the points
though one fact i realized, if we have n cities
Sounds like the travelling salesman problem.
minor difference that i am unable to explain :/
for n cities , an MST will have n-1 vertices
i got the problem wrong the first time
according to the deffault case, i created the algo for just 4 cities
i had to get 3 nested loops to get the combinations
but how do i achieve it for n cities
So for five cities you would need four nested loops?
yeah, https://gist.github.com/anonymous/5378384
but that's not feasible, Is it??
It is.
You can use either recursion or a stack.
i won't know the no. of cities,
recursion?? didn't thought about it that way
If the number of nested loops is proportional to the number of inputs, you can always use a stack (and by accident, recursion provides you with a stack—the call stack).
can you provide a simple example
Lemme check.
i never used such structures in my code, :/
I think it would be something like this. May contain some errors; I haven't tested it.
The recursion is in the first foreach loop.
It's probably very broken LOL.
Q: Is there any way to do n-level nested loops in Java?

AlexanderIn other words, can I do something like for() { for { for { } } } Except N times? In other words, when the method creating the loops is called, it is given some parameter N, and the method would then create N of these loops nested one in another? Of course, the idea is t...

This should give you an idea.
i'll check it out
i am little overwhelmed lol :P
@Zoidberg Nice new avatar
but that sure is what i might need,
please help to me .
Q: How to auto change name of group name with change of group name?

anfdI have column groupname in profile table. also I have groupitems table. I change name of group in group items and want also change name of group person where have this group name. for example : David is in group friend. Now with change friend to boyfriend I want change group david to boyfriend....

@anfd are you still here?
3 hours later…
In C#, is it that, if I overload the + operator, It forces me to overload the +=, or that it itself overloads the +=?
that is a good question. you could test by overloading the + operator with a throw in it, doing += and seeing if the exception shows up
Is anyone here still alive that has built an web API before?
@Pawnguy7 'Assignment operators cannot be overloaded, but +=, for example, is evaluated using +, which can be overloaded.' from the docs
@JohanLarsson the browser got me :( I couldnt click your link till i resized the browser
I enjoyed reading Coders at work
the link appeared right where the star message box comes up... :(
hmm it works for me
its just the size my browser was
what is your API for? (I suck at all web)
I've done some simple stuff using wcf but can not give any advice
me and a friend are going to build an internal university system. But I am unsure of the best way of doing the authentication. Should probably come back on Monday...
or wait for Travis (I don't want to ping if he is busy) I think he is the #1 web guy here
ah also Roel
@JohanLarsson automatically done then, yes?
@StuartBlackler if the authentication is done via a secure connection then I believe a simple http authorization would do it
thanks @JohanLarsson I would post a question but it would likely get closed in 2 mins for being a vague duplicate
@Pawnguy7 yes if I read it correctly, easy to test also. I have done it a couple of times but of course forgotten
Not sure. I thought I read about it once, and it struck me as a pretty good idea.
just overload the + and test a +=?
I have no vs here and too lazy to go to the other room
@StuartBlackler - Use the built in auth that ms provides. You can see an example of it if you create an mvc3 or 4 project. MSSQL will automatically generate the schema to go with it. Just import that functionality into your wpf system
or whichever framework you were going to use
Anyway, I have to head off and wont be back until tomorrow
@TravisJ ok, ill chat to you more about it tomorrow if that's alright?
should we ping Roel?
its alright @JohanLarsson it's the weekend afterall :)
@Dr.Wily'sApprentice ty I have Linqpad but always get angry writing without intellisense :D
Nice F# also!
we are thinking about using this so we can effectively write the website/API in one go. But I dont know how to authenticate mobile devices nor how to authenticate against AD/any other provider
(star + bookmark)
Intellisense is nice. I don't get why some programmers seem to pride themselves on using the most basic tools.
Oh nice. Heh, I don't use dotnetpad much...just happened to remember it.
Power outages :(
Hie guys, i need help
need a simple implementation of the kruskal's algo :|
anyone here??
Yes, but no I cannot help.
@CCInc does the hidden message thing run from a bookmarklet?
@JohanLarsson It's a GreaseMonkey script
what browser?
Greasemonkey is ff right?
Chrome has builtin support
lets see
download the user.js file
[x] done
then go to the extensions page (menu -> settings -> extensions)
and drag the user.js file onto the page
ok will try
have Swedish Chrome here for some reason, annoying, Anpassa -> Inställningar -> ? lol
looks like it installed, ty sir
@RoelvanUden it stopped now right?
I'm not sure who it was, it stopped as soon as I disabled CC :P
But it seems fine now.
I think you were imagining it.
I'm not that high
It can have been me also installed some script cc gave me
Haha I really love nodejs with await, it is insane.
it went rampage
It's @uınbɐɥs's fault
blame @uınbɐɥs
he made them
is it safe now you think?
It's always safe.
As long as you don't click teh button
what button?
where did the messages go? We should restore Roels
@CCInc I don't see it
It is OK. Nevermind my messages, I'll just show some code I fell in love with
still pretty rude to delete them
I suddenly love JS :3
(More so than usual :P)
more than I do :D
code looks nice and linear, no callback hell
Uhu, hence I love it more than usual. await/defer is like async/await.
Check this monster of code:
Now try to achieve the same thing with plain 'ol JS
@CCInc where is the no-no button? Don't want to click it by accident
Ah, nevermind
@RoelvanUden you know I suk, don't waste nice js on me :)
@JohanLarsson Everyone can learn this nifty lil language :D
Coffescript is still dynamic typed?
It is, yes. However it is a lot more python-like and removes lots of js quirks
if you want to chat during weekends c++ room is the most active, they are not very strict about c++ only
They don't love unknowns rushing in expecting code though
that's an understatement
but they love you now!
Everyone but cat.
more than enough
the bot is probably not a good idea in that room any way, it scrolls pretty fast as it is and a bot adds some noise
No, he hates me
BOT :O runs a mile
Does anyone have any recommendations for storing passwords on a client machine? Basically I have a static password that I want to store on the client machine so it can communicate with my server...I can encrypt the password, store it in the app.config, and our servers are restricted to SSL so they can't really packet sniff it when it goes over the wire...but potentially they could use reflector on my code and see how I'm decrypting it right?
It's all wrong
haha, I figured, that's why I'm doing my homework on this one ;)
you HASH the password
then when the user enters the password you REHASH it and compare with the original hash
@drch did I get it all wrong
oh, the user does not know this password...this is the authentication password needed to interact with the server itself in the background
no user interaction is taking place in this
you can use SecureString to avoid someone accessing the memory directly
if I store a value as a securestring property in a class they cannot use reflector against it?
and SSL can still be prone to MITM
is the password the same for every instance of this application? or does a person have their own password tied to the account?
this password is the same for every app
so if they cant see the password and they cant sniff the data
then whats the point of the password
to ensure that only our application connects up to the server....we are using a commonly used service that would be very easy for the clients to mock interact with and listen in on sensitive data going through our queues
it's kind of a 'feed' service, if you will, which does not negotiate with the client once the connection has been established to determine the data it will send
hmmm, I suppose that I could create the connection after the user logs in and have the server dynamically add an account for them to login to the service with using the same credentials
that would essentially eliminate any static password requirements on the client
if you already have users and authenticatoin, cant you just use that as the auth mechanism for the service?
or generate an 'api key' that they can enter into the app
hmmmm, at first thought I would have disagreed that I couldn't use that as a authentication mechanism...but I suppose I could have the service pass back the credentials at runtime after they login, which would probably be the best method
hang on - whats the 'login' process?
they enter credentials into your application at startup?
yea using securestring and ssl to send the credentials up
right so then it could pass back some kind of authentication token that it would add to every subsequent http request
server checks/validates it
essentially, yup
I like it
and returns 403 if its outdated or whatever
I'm all turned around with this project lol...I'm used to writing web services for web apps hosted on our servers, so now that I'm doing desktop apps it's hard to wrap my head around that disconnect from time to time haha
thanks for getting me pointed in the right direction though lol, that's probably the best method to use

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