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Any help then?
Whose code is that?
@Rapptz mine
Q: generate sha256 with openssl and C++

Stanislav PalatnikI'm looking to create a hash with sha256 using openssl and C++. I know there's a similar post about this here: generate sha hash in openssl, but I'm looking to specifically create sha256. UPDATE: Seems to be a problem witht he include paths. It can't find any openssl functions even though ...

@SteveJobs btw, I would strong recommend Cornell for CS, but if geography matters it's up to you
@SteveJobs there's really no contest in terms of reputation
@StephenLin thanks for the input, i'll consider it
@SteveJobs Cornell CS is higher ranked than Harvard
It seems that code was faulty.
@StephenLin they were offering me Mark Zukerberg's room at harvard
@SteveJobs eh? hah Mark was in my class actually (2006)
@SteveJobs I forgot where he lived (assuming I ever knew)
@StephenLin I was a fatherly figure to Mark
I'm Mark.
@SteveJobs dual personalities, huh?
@StackedCrooked fuck you Mark, i want my money back
go fuck yourself :)
@JABFreeware ==^^^
I knew Mark was going to show up in this room, it was only a matter of time
But who's Spartacus
@CatPlusPlus I'm still afraid of you and don't you forget it
So'm I.
@SteveJobs are you? I thought you stalk Cat++
Or at least trying to
or thought of trying to
@SteveJobs What
@Telkitty What
@CatPlusPlus alias
@CatPlusPlus your image makes me cry all the time and tremble in fear
@SteveJobs don't worry, C++ is not sexually attracted to idiots
he will never be fond of you
you are quite safe
Are there any non-crazy people online
@StackedCrooked hi
OMG @StackedCrooked, Cat++ called you crazy
I would not let him get away with it if I were you
did you write the site?
@Telkitty g++-4.8 is the default compiler now
you didn't answer my question
Ah, yea I created it.
You know what sucks? Vacuum cleaners.
@CCInc lol
Plus plus sized cat
@Telkitty jesus
@Telkitty that's a pillow
@SteveJobs r u calling cat++ a pillow?
@Telkitty what if i am ?
@StackedCrooked does that inherit all constructors? :3
@melak47 Yes (there is no syntax to distinguish different constructors).
so, say the thing you are inheriting constructors from in foo has a move constructor. does foo now have a move constructor that takes a thing?
AFAIK, yes.
hm. heh. so you can move a thing into a foo.
You can move the constructor argument to your base type :)
@StackedCrooked interesting
@StackedCrooked hm
I don't know how the ABI for inheriting constructors is supposed to work
does the compiler end up generating a new function each time?
or is it some kind of thunk to the original one?
it can't just use the original one directly if there's a vtable, AFAIK
or if there's any pointer adjustment
You can't inherit a move ctor
Well, at least it doesn't make much sense to me
OTOH nvm I thought of something just now
let me guess
"Oh no I'm talking about programming again, time to take a nap" ?
Nah, that it makes sense in the situation when inheriting ctors makes sense in general
Though sleep wouldn't be a bad idea since it's 5AM
@melak47 No.
Is there a way to initialize everything in a vector to zero?
@Rapptz std::vector<int> v { 42, 0 };
okay, just making sure :D
Doesn't have to be a vector of int either.
Oh and uh using the braces here was ill-advised lol.
yeah that made me wonder for a second :p
@Rapptz That happens by default (at least with things like built-in types for which 0 makes sense). When it creates something, it copy-constructs from an object you pass (which has a default value that'll be 0 for normal arithmetic types, null for a pointer, etc.)
std::vector<int> v(42, 0); different from std::vector<int> v { 42, 0 };
@LucDanton ...but the same as std::vector<int> v(42);
Oh, that makes sense.
I always thought int would have garbage values
Since int a; does
I really wish I hadn't picked int as the value type. The way the question was phrased I was really expecting a different situation.
@Rapptz int a; will (for a local) but a vector won't.
> derived_string d1(std::string());
@Rapptz When a vector is resized, the old data is copied to the new memory place. If the value was left unspecified, that would lead to UB for some data types.
@CatPlusPlus lol
Yeah it's sad
For what it's worth you can write an allocator which construct member uses default construction and not value construction for e.g. trivially default constructible types. (With the caveat the resizing the vector leads to interesting things as mentioned of course.)
@CatPlusPlus u only sleep every 2nd day? u always seems 2 b on this chat
@LucDanton Will vector ever use that though? The constructor is is like vector(size_type size, T value = T()), so each element is constructed as a copy of value (likewise, resize takes a value to use when initializing new elements if you're enlarging).
That changed in C++11, better interface now.
@JerryCoffin Which reminds me... (not serious code)
Yeah it's explicit vector(size_type) now
And another overload with non-default T&
@CatPlusPlus Ah, I probably should spend more time reading the new (well, not that new any more) standard.
Or not because that's not a very good idea
(Also boring)
@JerryCoffin Jerry I have this this profound question that I can not answer myself: why are the heroes so useless in superhero movies - it usually takes a bunch of good guys to defeat 1 bad guy. I have posted this question earlier, but people in this lounger were not able to answer for me.
15 hours ago, by Telkitty
Think about Loki in the avengers, the Joker in the dark knight, silva in skyfall. One bad guy, toy along with a bunch of useless good guys
Why do the good guys have to be so useless (at least in movies)??
Same with sherlock - who always brings Watson with him, unlike Professor Moriarty who sometimes act alone
in The closing room, 6 mins ago, by Jueecy
@Telkitty At a guess, because writers want (or have been told) to emphasize things like teamwork more than individual strength.
@JerryCoffin I realized that ... but heroes are still individualistic and egomanic, they are just relatively 3X weaker than villains nowadays
which is sad because the super villains seems to be less egomanic
so my code crashes on release but not debug.. I feel like @ThePhD.
so the heroes seem to be more egomanic and less talented ... than villains
@Rapptz is it multithreaded?
It's a single .cpp file
@Rapptz memory issue then ... just luck it did not crash in debug (different memory usage in debug mode)
@Telkitty I think part of it too is simply a matter of putting together a story with a bit more depth, with heroes that people can relate to a bit more. A hero who's weak enough he has to work with peers to accomplish much seems much more human -- and a group gives a lot more room for a story with real human interaction.
@JerryCoffin humans just want to watch themselves, that's so pathetic
I am also amazed at the amount The Joker wannabes
@SaimaMaheen you may ask not guarantee anyone would answer though
@ScottW ?
@SaimaMaheen do you know what a SQL server is?
@ScottW Claude Shannon did it first.
@ScottW sorry i am new one and learn programming as hobby
4 messages moved to bin
1 message moved to bin
@SaimaMaheen sqlserver-help.com/2011/06/19/help-whats-my-sql-server-name not very clear at the top but gets better at the end
@JerryCoffin that sneaky hand in the box ... so awesome $
@Telkitty thanxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Bottoms up! I'm laughing so hard...
@ScottW I'm sure I must be much too young.
@ScottW Have you watched the entire video?
@ScottW, tell you you laughed at least a little bit at the "Bottoms up!" line otherwise I should go a mental institution...
@ScottW I'm afraid I have no clue whatsoever -- never even heard of it before.
@ScottW I'm quite sure I've never seen it before (nor do I care to now).
@ScottW did you ever play the included dungeon game?
it was edutainment
I have posted this before: youtube.com/…
@ScottW what do you search for to find it?
hmm, it's unglier than i remember
maybe they updated it in later versions?
hmm, it's unglier than i remember
gah, anyone else having problems with SO chat not accepting messages?
i keep having to retry
@ScottW you're probably right, I'm probably just forgetting how ugly everything was in 1995
20 years from now it'll be like "wow, how was that stuff from 2013 so ugly"?
I have a problem. I have 2 square images 80 x 80 pixels on top of the other. I'm trying to rotate them both using the bottom image's center as the pivot point. How would I do that while keeping the second image in the same position relative to the image that Im using to pivot the rotation?
@StephenLin Nobody needs to wait 20 years to realize that VS 2012, Office 2013, and Windows 8 are ugly as sin.
@JerryCoffin Relevent imgur.com/gallery/3mF7a
~ $ find /opt/local/include/boost -type f | wc -l
It's over 9000!
@Mikhail Indeed it is, I'm afraid. I think of it more as Microsoft Bob with square corners.
@JerryCoffin point taken :D
used to be 4 squares, now expanded to many squares
just told matlab to do a hist(rand(2160,2544),2**16). Wonder how long it will take
lol at 16 GB of memory usage
A: "Undefined reference to" using Lua


Is it trying to communicate with us?
@Jueecy the prime directive forbids interference with other life forms. we should just ignore it.
@ScottW apparently MindMaze was in Encarta until 2008
@ScottW can't find any video of it though :(
You can just get encarta
it's probably on piratebay
download encarta
@melak47 I thought your comment was directed at @ScottW at first
hmm, how do I quote a message?
i mean his "I should go to these and troll them with how bad java is"
@melak47, if Picard says so... :P
Should I mix Qthreads and C++11 threads if I only know how to use C++11 threads?
Good morning Europe
HNNNGH @Those snazzy User Joined/Left effects in the top right side of the window
@Mikhail I prefer to use only one system.
Does anybody know if Qt can catch a signal from a thread on a different CPU?
Q: Video gets stuck meanshift tracking opencv

ZM2013I want to track any moving object using meanshift algorithm. For this I am first subtracting frames from background. Then erosion, dilation and smoothing is applied. In order to detect moving object, and to find its coordinates, I am using corner point detection. Then I calculate mean of corner p...

Dat Indentation
@ScottW Greetings from the Middle East
@Magtheridon96 Fixed.
@ScottW I never run when I'm not forced to /o/
@Rapptz You are a good samaritan ;-;
@ScottW I don't like physical activities ;_;
@ScottW unless typing can be considered as such
@ScottW In that case, I'd join a national team! (Assuming there is one)
A: Attribute a code for every color

Magtheridon96Each color has 4 fields (For some images, you only have 3 fields with meaningful information) These fields include: Alpha (A) (This represents opacity of the pixel) Red (R) (Red intensity) Green (G) (Green intensity) Blue (B) (Blue intensity) What you would do is read them and generate a cod...

That moment when you answer a question concerning a language you don't even know
Q: What does the error mean? about C++ template argument

Tom Xue#include <stdio.h> template<typename T, typename T2, template <typename T> class TemplateClass> class TemplateTemplateClass { public: TemplateTemplateClass(const TemplateClass& tempClass) : _internalClass(tempClass) { } void doTest() { _interna...

holy shit.
It's way too late I think
Yo Dawg, I heard you like templates
@ScottW, do you like any tv series?
@ScottW Yay! Just downloaded GOT S02, not watched it yet. Breaking Bad V funny for cooking meth.
I fucking hate C++: for example the following code compiled error = (deviceHandle,&pBuf, &BufSize, TIMEOUT);//THER WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A FUNCTION CALL
Yes, but why
@ScottW, better than BB?
Better be watching it immediately then
OK, BOSS Season 1 'being obtained'
On a totally urelated note, it would be nice if some apps that assign priorities to file groups could recognise substrings in the filenames, eg. 'S01E01', 'S01E02', S01E03' and apply high priority to '01', normal to '02' and low to all others. Then ,as files are 'handled', tweak the priorities so that the file with the lowest 'Ex' number always gets the highest priority etc.
What a stupid question
Image to code is just saving as a bitmap
I don't usually criticise questions calling them stupid, but surely he realises that that's what image files are?
@Ell Where is it so I can downvote.
I'm not sure its worthy of down votes
A: Attribute a code for every color

Magtheridon96Each color has 4 fields (For some images, you only have 3 fields with meaningful information) These fields include: Alpha (A) (This represents opacity of the pixel) Red (R) (Red intensity) Green (G) (Green intensity) Blue (B) (Blue intensity) What you would do is read them and generate a cod...

its just an unusual question
It seems like the OP thinks that files contain text.
Are auto static variables shared among threads?
@Ell I answered his question
@Ell I don't even know VB
Now I partially do /o/
@Magtheridon96 what kind of research. I'm killing myself to get a project ready for a demo.
@Mikhail I looked up the standard libraries and read most of the BitMap, String and StreamReader/Writer APIs on MSDN. I knew some of the syntax of the language before because my school labs only have compilers for VB.net and I want to code whenever I can! D:
@Magtheridon96 An improvement to the answer could use lockbits, getpixel is slow as molasses
@Ell I'd implement that, but then again, this guy wants to convert images to something with a worse format than BMP :D
Yeah :P
I remember when I wrote my first image as text format in vb.net :')
It was horrendously slow
the format looked like this: [r, g, b, a], [r, g, ...]...
where r g b a are integers stored as text xD
I once thought I came up with a great compression format
I was bored in class
Then, after implementing it,
I also made my own "encryption" algorithm
I got 65+% compression on text files
and barely any compression at all on binary files
Then I learned about Huffman, RLE-L77Z and the like
(taking into account speed as well)
wasn't huffman a homework assigment?
I'm in Highschool
and I saw that zip is almost about as good as compression can get with what we know so far
drop out, go write javascript in SF
I'm more into desktop application dev for now
Working on a ton of shit to beef up my Profile for college
use Qt + javascript
I'm still getting around the usage of Qt :v
college applications are handled by a machine. Study for the ACT/SAT is immesurably more important
I'm taking the SAT in May
Aiming for a score of 2200 at least
All my friends are scoring way lower
They find the reading part difficult. We've done a ton of practice SAT Quizzes in class and they would score things like 8/15. I'd score 14/15 or 15/15 most of the time, so I think I have the reading part of the SAT in the bag
I got a 1440 . Anyways, the most important part of your application is the SAT score. The essay is a psychological test. The extra curriculars are almost missed. Anyways, you time yourself and do as many tests as possible. Then go work with Steve Johnsons at MIT
MIT is actually my aim :D
@Mikhail What is an 'auto static variable'?
By the way, when you say 1440, surely you mean 1440/1600?
@MartinJames auto in the old meaning, like static int autoinmyheart =0
Oh God my solution worked
@Magtheridon96 this is my personal favorite stackoverflow.com/questions/14086721/…
@Mikhail I recently gave an overkill answer to a question about pointer size
@Mikhail If it has static storage duration, there will only be one var location, ie. not on caller stack. All threads will access the same location, and so the var is shared.
A: sizeof a pointer

Magtheridon96A pointer will have a size depending on the kind of application you're compiling. A pointer is like a 32-bit unsigned int in a 32-bit application because it stores a memory location. If the application is an N-bit application, the size of any pointer will be N bits long because it needs to be l...

@Mikhail I should probably continue to edit with lots of theory bullshit
@Mikhail Then I'll put graphs everywhere. And I'll quote a fuckton of sources, attach a video and give a lecture
It's only taupelogical to do so.
Fucking GCC lto is not working... it never was for that matter...
Of course, but it's hilarious. I laughed at my own shenanigans for a good 2 hours
@DeadMG Actually, that's true. When I was starting out I found it very heard to reason about recursive algorithms. Now it's piece of cake.

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