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Is it possible to read/write to a .txt file on a different computer that IS on the same network?
@Phorce that's called internet
To extend: Is there any way without the use of sockets?
@Phorce why would you want NOT use sockets?
at my institution their firewall stops any sockets from connecting (even on the same network)
you have no idea what you are talking about, do you?
yes yes
i do
but when i ask them, they tell me no, it's not allowed
no, I am pretty sure, you don't
a socket is a four tuple of source<ip:port> dest<ip:port>
it's always needed
else how are you going to know where things go?
So why when I ask the technician if I'm allowed to use sockets, does he say no? :S
how the fuck do you communicate with me then?
by carrier pigeons?
meh, idk what the hell he is talking about.. maybe he assumes that I want to connect to a socket outside of the network
@Phorce because technician also has no idea what he is talking about
he probably mean some ports are blocked
@TonyTheLion lol'd
so I can write to the file, if on the same network, using sockets?
correct =)
technically yes
but that's just... that's miserable oversimplification
@Phorce you can write to a file where ever you wish, as long as you have permissions on the destination machine to write files.
yes, yes! but, is there a way to do such a thing without sockets? I'm trying not to use sockets if I can
@Phorce dude what the fuck do you want to use if not sockets?
3 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
by carrier pigeons?
ants, he wants to send packets by ant
ok ok if i use sockets, I can send files to the destination IP
you can send packets of data
that ain't yet files
lol pedantry
on the other PC there needs to be another program that will receive that and save to disk
But you cannot open a file on the destination IP, edit the file etc..?
no, fuck you can't
so you will have to send a packet of data to the destination IP, have a problem "listen" for incoming data, open up the file, write to that file?
I want to cry :/
gotcha :) thank you
I want too, Tony.
you two, are mean today!!
we're meanies
no, you are just asking terrible questions
it's not my fault.. seriously
yes it is your fault
it is, you put 0 research effort in it
you should do some reading and study yourself
because any of this can be answered simply be using Google and reading up on it
I went to the technician today, asked: "Will I be ok using sockets", "No, it's not ok, our firewall won't let it find something else to use" slammed the door on me
so I googled
it's very well documented
found absolutely nothing
on alternative ways to do it
so came here, asked you guys
You need to improve your Google-fu
What the fuck is this.
I don't even.
@Phorce you can't google for shit
@BartekBanachewicz Yes you can NSFW
right, ok, well sorry.. but i did research it before
thanks though :)
Also, you seriously need to commit technicide.
Remind me, what is this room supposed to be about?
about noobs
no, it's totally about C++
3 hours later…
@BartekBanachewicz Do you know recursion ? I can't seem to understand the Towers of Hanoi problem using recursion
Hi @SteveJobs
How's john
@CCInc he's eating more that usual now
@CCInc are you familiar with the towers of hanoi problem ?
I can't seem to understand recursion
@SteveJobs I am playing guitar now
recursion is a function calling itself, that simple
@BartekBanachewicz we are not all smart as you
I am
I know all concert band instrumetns
@BartekBanachewicz I asked for help in the C++ Lounge and they started talking about recursive porn instead
@SteveJobs I'll try to help.
#include <stdio.h>

void towers_of_hanoi (char source, char temp, char destination, int n)
  if (n == 0)

  // (S,D,T,n-1)
  towers_of_hanoi (source, destination, temp, n-1);

   // move the bottom most disk from `source' to `destination' of the current problem
  printf ("\n%d disk (%c -> %c)", n, source, destination);

  // (T,S,D,n-1)
  towers_of_hanoi (temp, source, destination, n-1);

int main (void)
  int n;
  printf ("\nNumber of Disks \"n\": ");
  scanf ("%d", &n);
@CCInc i just think i need to understand induction first
What don't you understand? a recursive function simply calls itslef
@CCInc i guess i want to understand why and how it works, for that i first need to go back and understand stack frames
Recursion consists of two steps:
Are we done yet? If so, return the results. Without this step, a recursion would go on forever.
If not, recurse: simplify the problem, solve the simpler problem(s), and assemble the results into a solution for the original problem. Then return that solution.
Yeah, I saw.
@CCInc what the hell was that ?
What the hell do you think that was
@CCInc oh by the way, i'm Amber, changed my name to steve jobs
Oh, by the way I know :P
That's why I asked how John was.
who's john ?
Oh, by the way, ladies dont' cuss.
@SteveJobs JAB
I would have thought he told you that.
@CCInc oh, he didn't
@CCInc maybe he did and i forgot
Lame, JAB.
@CCInc how many languages do you know, is it a good idea to know a lot of languages or 2 or 3 languages with good projects
Just like instruments.
I play as many as I damn please.
C# SQL JS PHP blah blah blah
There's some more I am forgetting of
@BartekBanachewicz do you play music?
or Amber
@CCInc i don't play any instrument
1 hour later…
@CCInc yes
@BartekBanachewicz ever written a score?
@CCInc that's C not C++
@CCInc no, the biggest thing I ever wrote might be a "lick"
a guitar lick
@CCInc sorta. why? (arrangements)
Also, is this on topic?
Glad. I'll go then, before I break the streak.

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