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03:00 - 13:0013:00 - 22:00

sree charan has added an event to this room's schedule.
Was it 7am or 9am for you the last event?
probably 9 a.m.
I don't remember it being so harsh
Yep, in mikes timezone
Register yourself.
so I think I'm doing Social Framework?
and LalaDingaling is doing State Preservation?
What will mike do?
Maps, no?
Wait, i have scheduled it wrong
sree charan has removed an event from this room's schedule.
sree charan has added an event to this room's schedule.
@sreecharan sorry. It was just to clarify some points
Ah! Now its fine, i've just confused with this GMT, ugh.
No @Silly you need to handle Maps and state preservation
and I guess I am doing Social frameworks, yes?
mike will talk about social framework and activity view controller.
Ok no probs
So, how much time do you guys need for these things?
we have only 2 hours.
I need 1 hour for collection view.
can you both share the other 2 half an hours?
Oh this should be fun :)
you try doing it sometime, @Enrico
thanks for volunteering!
Lol no. I can do only maps in 30 minutes
Hmm came up in my timezone at 4am in the morning on Sunday where I will be in a flight... LOL
yeah yeah... see what I mean.
@MichaelDautermann do we have this thing regularly?
excuses excuses
Social framework in iOS 6 is definitely work talking though. I've implemented it a few times and it's very very easy.
Lets omit state preservation? I need at least an hour for it
Social framework IS "very easy"
Wait, registration is for participating or presenting?
but there are definitely some OS limitations to it. For example, one of my clients wants me to go straight to settings when hitting a button.
you're presenting now Enrico.
I think you should talk about auto layout.
Thats why mike grabbed it
Not sure if I will be awake enough at 4am on Sunday
@EnricoSusatyo You gotta check the last event conversations here.
Oh cool I'll check it out @sreecharan
I have been under utilising stack overflow all this time
So, again we have a limited time problem, huh?
Oye tell is I should do only maps?
Omit state preservation then
This is ridiculous guys, No body registered yet including mike.
thanks for reminding me dad.
bed time
good night all
I am on mobile. I had lost it. I did it now
past midnight in land down under.
The time is wrong time . It should not be saturday night it's party time :(
do you love your party more than you love iOS coding? Hmmm?
where are your priorities, young man
doing coding the whole weeks .. but party it's only for 2/3 hours
Write access will be revoked whoever is absent on that day
Eh? Thats not cool.
haaa... we'll have an empty room if you make a threat like that
b.t.w., you may want to put the time / date into your pinned thing Sir.
wrong time
Do it 7 pm in mike's time zone
that would be awesome!
Nope, everybody can see the time in there time zone
well it's not clear that "Fun with Collection view" is an event or at least what date it is.
Whoever remains absent on the event day loses their write access. New rule
to me it just looks like another starred comment.
Ok now I am heading home before eating vada pav. Brb
Who will eat vada pav will loss their access
Thats not fair silly.
I think state preservation is good one others are boring .. you guys should keep autolayout
Nothing is in Social Frame work which is easiest one..Mike is playing with babies :D
yeah yeah yeah... keep talking big man.
Event named Fun with Collection view, Social Framework and state preservation has been scheduled on March 2nd.
Well, is this one fine Mike?
that seems more obvious, doesn't it?
New rule from dictator..lol
But i expect some people to be present though.
Im getting a crash but there is no error in the log. I have breaking points on it is not showing anything. How can I debug this? This is the screen im getting.
well can you watch the thread 6 @Will
MapOverlayView I think
some problem in setMapRegion code
can you see the 16 [MapOverlayView drawMapRect blah blah
its crashing in that method.
do you have exception breakpoint ?
Yeah I can see that now thanks. wasnt sure where to look lol.
Yeah I do have them enabled
Yeah the breaking point is pointing to this method pastebin.com/mMgXvs5F
CGContextDrawImage(ctx, theRect, imageReference);
in this line some problem check the value of ctx putting break point
is ctx valid you passing
check also imageReference value
I will check now. Im just trying something quickly
I think I have got to the bottom of it
I am adding an image as an overlay.
I had this working before and it works on my iPhone 5
I recently changed the image to a file 20x bigger. Not sure it likes thats
Changed it back to the old image and its working now.
Need to go compress the image down a bit :P
Hey Abizern How was the interview on the other day?
Went well - I got that contract. So I've got a couple of weeks worth of work.
By the way, Make sure that you will be here for the event.
Had a different job today - I was supposed to be verifying some outsourced code at a client's office, but when I turned up and looked - they hadn't done the work - so that wasted a whole morning.
I'll just read the transcript
then you've to demand more.
did you get to bill them for the entire morning of wasted time?
I'm back
Hi 3.14
haha hi @Silly
Why your name is pi
its not my name
its my nickname :P
Ok :-)
hey @Silly, did u work with FTP and iOS?
So which topic you gonna cover? @Silly
:S im stuck with that since friday
Did you post qusetion to main site @oPi
you may get some help.
i posted
did you tested the thread and didn't work?
but no way @rohan-patel xD
@rokimoki thats it
ok, sorry that didn't help
nah, no problem
i will keep trying more things
@Rohan I dunno how I would handle state preservation&restoration in 30 minutes
I'll prepare maps as well and there would be dynamic binding
I don't understand
What you didn't understand
I don't understand what Roki doesn't understand.
Cognizant's CEO became one of the GE directors
Ok my station is approaching. I need to kick everyone and jump out of train
I read sometimes the chat and I don't understand what you are talking about
the only thing I know is that @Silly is bored today
Hi All! Can we simulate 3fingers or 4fingers tap on iOS simulator?
Morning all... Q: I have a UIView that functions as a "daily schedule". Right now, I am drawing a grid of times, and I write the persons name next to the times, etc. My question is: is it possible to "erase" what has been drawn, or is there a better way of doing this?
like maybe a UITableView?
it's morning here (SPokane, WA, USA) :D
@MichaelDautermann Unfortunately it's never been a problem when I've been onsite before. So no, I only got to bill them for an hour.
yep, Washington State
is there always raining?
no, only in the winter (snow) and spring (rain)... beautiful country
I'd like to travel to USA
have you got a weapon?
no... lol
I'd like to own a weapon
but in spain is not allowed
it's too bad if I like to own a weapon? i don't want to kill anybody
it's just the curiosity
why does one need a weapon to be in the USA? are you watching too many stereotypical garbage American TV shows again?
No I don't
but it's legally to own a wep license
so If I have the chance, proabbly i will have it
I'll have many when I go there
why do I have to own a weapon? the question is Why not if legally?
actually, I think it's a good thing to be a responsible weapon owner.
of course
but just the way you put it... 99% of people who own guns or whatever are good people and law-abiding.
it's the crazy 1% or illegals that make it all look bad.
I know and you are right
in spain there is similar cases with terrorism
but.. it's not the point
I only want to know if you own a weapon
I'll do, but will not tell them
well i got asked by american people if we knew here what a mobile phone is...
lets talk about stereotypical garbage?
a "mobile phone"? what's that? is that a phone on wheels?
ah, you call them celular, sorry
in Germany we call them "Handy"
I love germany
well I love berlin
which is a crass sexual euphemism here in the U.S.
hand job
thanks for sharing.
haha didnt know that point
I have family in Berlin, b.t.w., so yeah, I like Germany too.
I envy you, I've been working in berlin a short period as practicant
Just finished implementing my push notification on my server :)
I'm having dinner
im about to head home :)
I'm about to leave job
15 mins left
leave office
not quit job
my journal is completed
ok go together with will
I wish to have friends
@DũngPhạm You've write access. Please read the House Rules.
I can open up the house rules.
Looks like something's wrong.
sorry, is there anyone who have experience about Mac In app purchase?
does it require github access to view it?? if so, that would be stupid.
yes, I saw 404
404 Not Found
Ah, sorry I can open now
user error, apparently
I have to Apple+Shift+R 3-4 times
Sorry I have to ask about Mac In-app purchase
Q: Mac app In-app Purchase

Dũng PhạmThanks for reading. I'm having problem with Mac app In-app Purchase. I just setup Mac developer account with $99 subscription. 1) Go to Developer Certificate Utility, create App ID: com.mpham.TestIAP, create certificate, add my Mac ID to System list. Final, add Provisioning profile (development) ...

I know IAP on iOS.
I tried to search by google
but there is all about iOS
Yeah, I used code which is work in iOS, then bring to Mac
but still got Invalid ID
Did you set the products as ready for sale in iTunes?
yes, of course
The pricing and availability details for this In-App Purchase are shown below.

Cleared for Sale Yes
you mean this?
Hi @DũngPhạm Very happy to meet Vietnamese name here!
Yeah I set to Cleared for sale: Yes
hey @Sang :D
Vietnamese too ?
Looks like you haven't set identifier's exactly the same
@DũngPhạm Yes! DaNang city.
create IAP: com.mpham.IAP1 and #define k1 @"com.mpham.TestIAP.IAP1"
ah sorry for my fault
I created IAP product with ID: com.mpham.TestIAP.IAP1
@Sang Hanoi here :D, Are you Truong Tan Sang ?, lol
It could happen due to several factors. I tried few.
Q: StoreKit In App Purchase invalid product identifiers

Raghu Possible Duplicate: iPhone StoreKit - invalid product id's I am getting an empty array of product identifiers from SKProductsRequest. I did the following steps: Created a In App Purchase Test User account under 'Manage Users' in iTunes Connect Created some in app purchase produc...

That post tells a lot more
thanks a lot!
@DũngPhạm hmm Lê Quý Sang ,but I love Truong Tan Sang
@Sang lol
@Silly well
You did not complete all the financial requirements (see the "Contracts, Tax, and Banking Information" section of this document). > My iTunesConnect has "Mac OS X Paid Applications" in Contracts In Effect
You did not use an explicit App ID. > NO (I used com.mpham.TestIAP)
You did not use the Provisioning Profile associated with your explicit App ID. > NO (I used correct profile in Build settings)
You did not use the correct product identifier in your code. See Technical Q&A, QA1329, 'In App Purchase Product Identifiers' for more information about product identifiers. > NO
If you or App Review rejected your most recent binary in iTunes Connect.
Actually I tried to submit app, but I always got Invalid binary
do you have experience about this problem?
Nope. I actually have never tried submitting an app.
my source code ge.tt/9oyeqnY/v/0
I tried another app, from start
another ID, In app ID
still the same =.=
2 hours later…
Hello. Where is every one?
I am here
Oh you are always here.
I am completing cognizant's online forms
So who is taking which topics?
You are not done with them yet?
I am done. But they want me to fill 15 boring forms
What about USA job?
jesus is
15??? What ? Do they want you to write an essay for them?
i cant do anything:'[ nobody can answer my questions
Jesus can!! ;-)
I know how to do it
then why did you say so
Initialize your bar button with custom view. And that custom view should animate
What nope
the best way is i have to make a instance of the image view, set it as the custom view. only way to animate it, but it moves on X axis
which it shouldnt
I can get it on a normal image view, the bar button changes it
the resizing has to be off
? no what
thats how i got it last time
The custom view should be an UIView which would contain the image view. Then animate the image view.
but with that on a imageview in a bar button it fails
ok ill try that, how big should the uiview be? 40x40?
The container view could be the size of the bar button, may be transparent or the background
The inside + icon could be the image view which is to be animated
ill try in a second:] that might work!
I'm going to sleep. Good night. Bye
2 hours later…
anybody online?
03:00 - 13:0013:00 - 22:00

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