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I'm back
3 hours later…
Hi, Good Afternoon Friends
2 hours later…
Yeah, good morning!
hi morning
Good morning everyone!
Not much chat going on.
How was everyones weekends?
It was a freezing weekend for me.
Yeah it was pretty cold here too. How was it apart from cold?
apart from cold, i was in a hangover.
Haha sounds very like my weekend :P
see, room is very quite when silly is not here.
I had to work on sunday so shitty weekend
Don't worry, shit happens.
The schools are on holiday here so no one is in the office.
If I remembered I would have worked at home lol
I think I need to upgrade my 5 year old laptop... Accessing an image intensive email took so many seconds :|
Thankfully I work from home anyway...
I am back and I've no work. Studying core graphics now
Q: how to fill color in image in particular area?

Hardik GajjarI want to fill the color in white area for Paint based application so please give me suggestion for how to do this work..

@Silly do you know about this?
@Silly hi , do you know about unity 3d ?
Please have a look at my issue : stackoverflow.com/questions/14810117/…
Help me to help other
There is a reason for CAPTCHA
Uinity 3D is a big tool for gaming
Game making*
@Will means ?
There is a reason for CAPTCHA
Why are you trying to get around it
@rokimoki yes. have you work on that ?
@Will Because I have a project requirement like that only
can you help me plzz
yes I did but not for iOS
but it doesn't worth it
so according to you its the good to compare of Unity 3D
I don't know what you mean
it mean that you refer me to use unrealengine. its good compare to Unity 3D.
well I refer to unreal engine because it has more options and I think... actually it's easier to use
Making a game isn't a joke, only if the game is a joke
but if want help about unity 3d there are forums of it and lot of tutorials, same as unreal engine
okay. @rokimoki Thanks. so have you ever worked on unreal engine ??
only for PC
same as unity 3d
and source engine
@rokimoki okay. Thanks a lot for such wonderful guidance :) !!
@rokimoki :)
The main site looks like it has gone down.
I was just thinking that.
oops! looks like some development is going on.
Ok, Now it is working well.
yes it was down for me
Today I resigned only after a month of joining which got them baffled.
@all hello. I am implementing in-app Purchase. Test version work great. But i manually store username and password of user for unable then to test app. But for final release version what should i put there? For example with successful purchase i store username and password in keychain like [SFHFKeychainUtils storeUsername:@"[email protected]" andPassword:@"mypassword" forServiceName:kStoredData updateExisting:YES error:&error];
Accenture idiots realized they offered me the position without taking my final round of interview. Tomorrow it is.
@Silly oooo You got selected in Accenture?
I cleared technical round. Tomorrow is final round.
oh good luck
Good Luck @Silly
Oh! silly is here
Store username and password of user for unable then to test app - what does this mean?
HAve you seen above line of code? When user purchase item (in test case) i store their username and password in keychain with above code.
Ask them for there username and password
But that is static. For all users who try to purchase they have their own username and passwords.
@Will Yeh it gives two options to enter new details or use exsiting ones. They will use exsiting ones. But i need to store them into keychain for app to know that they have purchased
Just store a boolean value for product identifies in key chain. Why store credentials? Also I don't think you get a hang of it when user tries to enter the credentials.
Ok what if user deletes app and install agian? then again they need to pay?
Ah got you
Oh is this standard practice to store product identifier to keychain in stead of credentials?
Since its in key chain even if you delete it, it will be there.
Yah got it. But storing only app identifier would work?
But user might use your app from other device using same account. Thats why apple recommends a restore button that will restore all the transactions
Ahh its confusing. Where should i put restore button and its functionality
Storing credentians in IAP is not possible. You don't get a call back for it. And why would you? What if you save all users credentials in your server and misuse it.
Not in my server. in keychain
Place where items purchase is made. Precisely, place where all items are shown. Look for "IAP+Restore button" in google search.
Oh cool . let me check
Its not about server or key chain. I am saying the API doesn't let you know what credentials user enters. So forget about saving it.
Usually if a product is purchased or not on an account is important. For that save a boolean as value for key as product identifier.
Thanks checking it
2 hours later…
Has anyone had any experience with push notifications? Im just wondering whats the best way to implement it? there seem to be a few third party clients to help you are any of them any good or should I do it myself?
@Silly you there?
If you can do it yourself, its always better.
In other term . I can store productIdentifer in keychain returned by delegate methods. But with which value i should compare to know it correct
Sorry I don't understand what it means to know if a product identifier is correct.
One thing which confuses me. When we gonna use app identifier returned by delegate method and stored in keychain? when and with which value we compare it with
@Will i have implemented push notifications from the ground up 4 times now
we just reuse our server implementation each time now
Infact i did it the day it got public release on the 3G many moons ago. Then the docs stopped half way through and me and the server guy i was working with had to second guess the formatting of the server requests. That was a nightmare.
Yeah thats What im thinking of doing. Do you have any tips? like what to do/avoid? (lessons learned)
will, we have discussed about this many times here.
anyway, you could use Parse or Urban Airship as well.
@Will sorry chat was not updating for some reason. Tips are the obvious, read the apple docs there pretty straight forward. For both server and client implementation. One thing is to make sure you test on several devices and t make sure in settings that when you enabled pushes it sets your app as pushes enabled.
ok cheers guys
also sometimes it can take a while when setting your app to use push notifications on itunes connect to propergate. So id recommend setting up itunes connect at the end of the day and start dev'ing the next day
@Dev2rights have you worked with Apple script?
i've played around with it but not enough to be of any use
Ok, let me come up with my question then, I am trying to make a HUD mac application which uses Apple script for monitoring the percentage of the usage of CPU, but the CPU usage % is not matching with the one which is in activity monitor, script is returning me something and activity is showing some other.
@sreecharan sounds like Activity Monotor is measuring a different CPU paramete, not sure without playign abotu with it myself unfortuantly
Try apple's dev forums
already done, no reply.
waiting for the answer.
anyway, thanks.
@mann I think you have confused yourself with App identifiers and product identifiers, which one of them is returned in the delegate method, and why do we have to make a comparison of them.
@Silly yah i think now im alright. Ok the delegate methods of IAP returnds product identifier (not same as app bundle identifier). right. Now when successfull transaction i am saving that identifier into keychain. and setting AppDelegate.Paid=true. i.e. a bool to tell app now user is paid
This is how it suppose to work?
But confusion is we saved product identifier into keychain . thats right. But when and where we use it?
No, we don't save product identifiers. We save the information in a dictionary for a successful transaction. We will set a boolean (YES or NO) as object for key as the product identifier which got purchased.
And that has to be saved persistently, not in memory. This is because - if the user launches the app again later on, he wouldn't like to see the product as locked again for which he has already made the purchase before (assuming the product is non consumable)
And for this reason we have to save it persistently, so that we always first make a check in the persistent store if the product was already purchased. If yes, show it as unlocked. If not, show it as locked, prompting the user to buy it.
Ok first you said we dont save product identifiers. then you said we willset a boolean as object for key as the product identifier.
Sorry if i am confusing you
Yes, both gets saved. The object as well as key.
Ok what would be object in that case?
and key would be boolean?
But the point was not to see it as saving product identifier. But as saving a successful transaction.
Ok with successfull transaction we get transaction.payment.productIdentifier
Ask yourself - If you want to know if in a game teddy was already purchased or not, what would you ask? For teddy as product what is the purchase value? So value is YES or NO and the key is the teddy.
Key is the product identifier, it will be string. Value/Object would be NSNumber wrapping a boolean value.
So finally with successful transaction iam setting    [keychain setObject:@"YES" forKey:@"MYAPPBUNDLEIDENTIFIER"];
Well, I am repeating this third time. It should be product identifier, not app identifier.
Ok cool
she has much patience.
hahah @sreecharan haha. na im not asking much. its ok i am confused thats why asking question
Because if you have later on, one more product added in your store, you would be overriding value for the same key, for all products.
I know about you mann, thats why i haven't involved in the discussion. I just want her to handle it.
and believe me some days ago she was talking about blanket. I thought she does not have much knowledge and just a kid. But she knows a lot.
@sreecharan common you quit that early.
she has clear concepts
BTW i think i am getting now
10q :D
I know that she has clear concepts, but i am clear that she has lost almost her patience because of you.
Ok last question. I saved [keychain setObject:@"YES" forKey:productkey]; where productkey is returned by Delegate method
now how can i check that in second app load? its value?
where are you saving it?
No ask her. @Silly you ok with me? or lost patience? :)
Simple. Ask key chain what value it has for key as the product key.
You would be having the key in your app, right? Ask key chain to give you value for the product key.
thats what i wanted him to answer silly, anyway you guys continue. I gotta go, ttyl.
But how does applicaiton know on second load what product key is?
@sreecharan take care. n enjoy :)
So you don't have in your app all the product identifiers?
no where it should be?
You can keep it as a private constant string, in your .m file, at the top.
It's safe to do so as product identifiers don't change, once set.
Ok cool. Thanks make sense
Product identifier is same as productkey we saved in keychain with YES as value?
So you mean on successfull transaction. i save that productkey or identifier locally or in nsdefault or Global variable?
and save that in keychain having value yes
Actually usual approach, that I am aware of, used to be - have all the product identifiers in the .m file. Now fetch from key chain purchase values for each of them, to know which ones are already purchased and which ones are not. And based on this, we show the store to the user. For already purchased products, show unlocked. For not purchased show locked.
my app is simple one. i am not downloading any data. i am just restricting user to access certain features
n just only one product identifier needed
Yes, treat it as a product.
Then keep that single product identifier's string value in .m file. And up on successful transaction, set it's value as YES in key chain.
And remember the restore button. It's absence would get your app rejected. I hope you searched on that in google.
I have implemented that. But when i request restore from apple. it returns me NSString *productID = transaction.payment.productIdentifier;
Yes, don't worry it would be the same, that you have in your .m file.
Only make sure you keep it exactly same as you have in your iTunes connect.
But that will not be there becuase i would have wiped my app
ok i purchased app. right. store productidentifier keychain and locally. right. Then i wiped my app. right
then i againg requested product identifier from itunes. it returns me NSString *productID = transaction.payment.productIdentifier
Then how would i compare it with keychain's value?
ahh sorry. i got it. ignore my above question
You have set YES value in key chain for that identifier. So ask it what value it has for that key.
It will return you YES
nice. this is what i understood just few seconds ago
You are STAR :)
And ignore my suggestion for keeping identifiers as strings in .m file. Actually it's not bad to do so. Suppose there is no network connection, so the request for the product identifiers that you make, for which you get the response returning all valid product identifiers, isn't called.
Hence in such cases, we end up having no information of the store. But it's fine to say there's no network and bail out.
Yes. true. i am not saving it locally or anywhere else. On successfull transaction i am saving product identifier as key and YES as value in keychain and setting Global variable ie. app.Paid=True.
It will remain active throughout app life cycle. But if user delete app and isntall again then i will get keychain's value for that product identifier
May not be needed to have global variable, as you are having same information in 2 places. First key chain and second global variable. You can query the key chain every where.
Great :-)
Oh yah that is also making sense. If i query keychain then it will avoid confusion of setting app.paid= false. That is awsome
Hey thank you very much Silly. :) Much appreciate.
I hope i was not that annoying
or i am
Set value in key chain once. And query it every time. It will have same value whether app is deleted or present.
id also suggest using reverse domain name conventisons for the keys too so as not to overwrite with otehr apps
Yes true
Yeah. Good point. usually App identifiers are like - com.yourcompanyname.yourappname and thus product identifiers are like - com.yourcompanyname.yourappname.teddy, com.yourcompanyname.yourappname.pikachu, etc
@Dev2rights I am coming to the NSCoder night on the 22nd.
Cool man likewise
though might be running a little late
I'll survive until you get there
Haha , nah its a good crowd usually. Lots of very like minded geeks in the same area. Though there was a guy i met who does all his coding in C still. Poor guy.
poor sod
I'm going there with another iOS dev mate of mine to discuss some work I need him to do anyway.
He's better in Unity3D/C# than I am
that's it, enough work done for the day...
last feature of the app, nearly the end of the project
you know the feeling
Get it done and then skiing vacation?
no skiing unfortunately
but a great idea
I'm saving for moving to NZ
playing with snow balls rather.
will do skiing there
@weber67 You've write access. Please read the House Rules before posting.
Although You've low reputation and pretty new account, I've given you access.
@Silly thnks
@rage @Dev2rights NSCoder night is on the 19th this month, not the 22nd.
ah, ok
thanks for the notice

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