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wow, you have kids.
That's freaky.
lol you didnt know?
I have 4 kids :P
1 lives in MI though
I knew, but that didn't sink in until now.
You procreated, witnessed vaginal explosion and raised annoying humanoids. How can you live with yourself?
@Zirak lol
now I can die a happy man :P
Parenting has always fascinated me, but kinda like how mountain climbing does. You know some people do it, but...you just don't get how
works man
it can be tough at times, but idk mostly its like raising little buddies
@Loktar what your kids are not all into fightcode? ]
right now anyway. The ages of 4-9 seem pretty badass right now
@rlemon I might show Jacob (my oldest) but idk he has gaming adhd like me
this whole weekend he spent it playing my n64 collection
thats a good idea though to show him fightcode
"But dad... why not just use jQuery? Who wants to re-invent the wheel and pre mature micro optimizations are stupid..." <- disowned.
I'll have to found a club to assert that jQuery is useful ^^
I assert it.
jQuery is useful for things like RAD
I wouldn't use it if it weren't
but not for learning
We use it at Dormless to save time we then spend on more important things.
It's bad to learn jQuery instead of JavaScript but jQuery can very well be used in production, not only in RAD.
Like beer
@SomeKittens RAD?
Rapid Application Development
if jQuery had a more powerful modularization concept, it would be much better. So far I would agree on any rant.
but right now, for production code, I guess libs like YUI > jQuery
but then again...... IMO the time of great libraries is pretty much over...
the time of the orcs es5 is there
It's the time of dragons?
so close...
I lost the game.
@FlorianMargaine I hate myself, but I suck at compilers: tinker.io/9e08f
@jAndy Just change your name and picture, will you?
@AmaanCheval: lol
It's ugly, doesn't even accept anything but the basics. Try giving it something like (a (b) c) and watch it fail (vexing, isn't it?)
yay, fixed that problem. durrr
fightcode.. my productivity has officially tanked..
console.log kinda sucks with fightcode
hard to keep track of variables..
!!/choose "refactor rest of code" "Finish new feature"
@SomeKittens Neither
I'll do both, that'll show you.
@Loktar aww wtf - this fails again because of the stupid strict mode
I will have to rewrite it all to not overload math.random
not too bad of a fix I suppose
maybe it isn't as straight forward as I thought it would be
@Zirak hahaha
let's create SEN -- S-Expressions Notation
and make a library for JS, PHP, Python, Perl, Java, C#, C, C++, Ruby, Ada, Common Lisp, Prolog, Erlang, Haskell.
ugh. gonna give up on randomness in this stupid fightcode soon
@Loktar pissed me off because before you save the bot it does not make you run in strict so this worked.
lol yeah thats a great comic
When I run this function twice, it always throws a success on the second try even though the file doesn't exist..: 			                                                                    function UrlExists(url, callback)	{
    			    var http = new XMLHttpRequest();
    			    http.open("HEAD", url);
    			    http.onreadystatechange = function() {
    			        if (this.readyState == this.DONE) {
    			            // callback(this.status != 404);
    			           	urlExists = 1;
gist.github.com/4703120 I'm gonna put him against grunt now.
do iitt
whats your profile
not sure
playing a game atm
i just lost the game
1:1 atm
if your guy doesn't ram me first I will win
my guy kinda pseduo random runs around and looks then rams and fires
ok so I see I need to do some more work
var pRand = function(nseed) {
  var seed, constant = Math.pow(2, 13) + 1, prime = 37, maximum = Math.pow(2, 50);
  if(nseed) {
    seed = nseed
  if(seed == null) {
    seed = (new Date).getTime()
  return{next:function() {
    seed *= constant;
    seed += prime;
    seed %= maximum;
    return parseFloat("." + seed)
seems to work for a half assed random number generator
and I keep reseeding it with the the angles I find in the match
parseFloat("." + seed) ?
@FlorianMargaine I thought of calling it Claudius, but SEN sounds nicer
Wasn't there a philosopher called Sen?
@Zirak lol I thought so.
"hrmm.. need this to be a decimal..."
hmm ... i think someone has made a mistake .. the font for my nickname is all wrong
Q: Real-time Programming in ASP.net

Chlebtarecently I have watched some impresive videos about meteor : http://meteor.com/ , and decided to create Real-time app. Now i'm learning Node.js and i want to know if it's possible to combine between Meteor and ASP.net. Also i'm littel bit confused about learning meteor, Derbyjs, AngularJs, BackB...

who went on the room owner banaza
@tereško most regulars are room owners
if you don't want to be, you can remove yourself
and when someone isn't regular anymore, we take him off
I'm thinking of taking @AndyE off :P
... and all this time i thought that this had something to do with JS skill
^ it should. :P
yeah it is
regulars are good with js.
or contributions. cough - buying domains isn't contributing usefulness to teaching the language
Price to be an owner: $2
@Neal targetted ^
seems legit
or targeted?
bye bye browserling modern.ie
function targetPerson(ev) {
  var targeted = ev.target;
  // do something.. possibly sinister... yes... sinister...
@Badaboooooom I feel you and @Zirak should be friends.
But moooooom
@rlemon who's zirak? :D
you can gather round and discuss dentures ovaltine and your love things that remind you of a time when you were both regular.
@Zirak Did you really edit to reduce the number of Os in the moooom?
Zirak == 92, Badabooooom == 89
@Zirak Badamooooooooom
@AmaanCheval To match the number of Os in Badaboooooom
89 is my age
and 92 is his
damn ... @Zirak you too have someone hitting on keyboard for you cause of age? :/
oh yeah!
need to try one day
he think of 'happy times' and the strokes just start a commin
^ all puns intended.
well we had great times after the big war when there was only intranet
user image
^ Zirak
daaaamn :D
he is nervous
i'm the opposite
why would you say he is nervous?
he's the one with the big ass sword
@Badaboooooom Remember Betty Grable?
incredible node is incredible
ah, and when The Old Man and the Sea was published...
Remember when Burger King was just a zit faced Burger Prince?
or when "old yeller" was just "yeller"
ahh the good old days.
that is how I imagined Zirak all the way
@rlemon huh, interesting.
This is how I picture @Badaboooooom
but then again - I don't know him so.
the latter is more like zirak 2.0
Ziraks brother
which good 'ol germans paulaner beer
then who is this?
mhhh.. maybe @AmaanCheval
What the heck? :p
and I would like to think this is the type of broad for Zirak
its so much fun to make fun out of guys without pictures :P
I have my picture on Twitter
Just not Gravatar
Zirak is thin, though. We know that. Could be him
@rlemon Hahahahaha
@rlemon Isn't it obvious? That's Prince Charles.
^ more of us need to get into this
it's fun. the stupid console shit sucks ass.
this is the @AmaanCheval and @Zirak fusion
@rlemon thanks for the link... I might very well look into this. I was a world champion of Robowar a little more than 20 years ago...
@rlemon Reading the Robot API documentation.
stackoverflow.com/questions/14675335/s-expressions-parsing @FlorianMargaine @Zirak s-expression parsing in C#, the guy who answered is really nice
Q: jquery not working :(

Mattyboi1670my jquery validation does not seem to be working i cant see why can anyone out there help me? function Sessions(){ $(document).ready(function(){ if ($("input:checked").size() > 0){ return true } return false }); } i belive this is ment to check if ...

nice code indentation !
@jAndy WHOA.
@jAndy Congrats, this is the first time in weeks I laugh like this in front of my screen !
@jAndy WHAAA!
@AmaanCheval Thats so much awesome
I heard about ppl being allergic vs. &&
but this.. is hardcore
@jAndy thisi s TDWTF material
@dystroy I used to enter sumo bot comps.
@rlemon I know, right? XD
so this looks totally fun
@AmaanCheval Gf's exact reaction: "Who would make a video about ass pennies.. really? You watch the stupidest shit babe"
Robowar, with his stack based language, was the funniest code I ever made... I programmed the smartest bots ever totally in my head while I was punished and surveying a barrack while conscript...
they are fun - used to do them in HS
well.. mine did require software :P
but it was a CE class so we did build the bots and controllers - 6-9 month projects.
Is there a difference between using keydown and keyup to detect Esc key?
Most SO answers use keyup, where as I had used keydown in my code.
The difference is that keyup is pressed after the action has been made
for example the value of a field may have changed
and you can't intercept the actionb
hey guys how do i fire the offet.right of an element?
i mean i do .css('right') but it returns me "auto"
@dystroy Hmm, is it generally better to use keyup?
@thameera There are two events with different purposes...
Most often in an input you want the value to be changed, so you prefer keyup
@dystroy I see. Thanks for the explanation!
no one knows :D
come on guys!! :D
@Badaboooooom Or no one understood
damn sorry if so
i'm just trying getting the element right offset
You have to compute it
but if i do $(element).css('right'); it returns me "auto"
cause the element has right:auto;
Use window.width() - (obj.offset().left + obj.width()) for example
@dystroy compute how?
oh sounds good
trying ;)
is the whole internet slow today or is it just me?
hard to believe its just me.. have 25 down 15 up..
eheh @bushdiver it depends on your location
here i'm really slow
4Kb now download!!
0.8kb up
r u jk?
4kb down?
italy fastweeb
> Ják, Hungary
7mega adsl
i the best you can get in italy
@rlemon forget about it )
30€ per month 7/8 mega adsl
in italy
This is slow today :P
@rlemon i hate you
usually 75 down, 3/4 up
someone should start a charity for you guys to increase the national bandwidth.. and show geeks with potential held back by poor internet speed rather than starving children in africa..
Now for the same price: at work on a different ISP I get 5 down, and .9 up
damn 5 up is huge
i hate you :D
I never get 5 up
5 down :P .9 up
^Wish it was like that on campus
right now 3 to 4 up is good
I don't upload tonnes right.
notice on the pic i'm only faster than 88% of canada - so there is 12% that is better than this :P
do you really want to see my speedtest?
now.. lets compare what we spend.
i'm wondering cause you may think it is not real
I pay $100-120 a month for internet
@Badaboooooom nahh we have lots of people from India in here - I understand how slow some peoples internet is.
I pay as much for internet as I do car insurance
and i send you anyway :D
@jAndy At my flash-cracking period, where I basically made cheap flash game cheats, I saw some of the most horrible things.
@Zirak I also used to do this
held a lot of top score on Kongregate.
who didn't
At one point, and I think I brought it here, I saw an if indentation of TENS of levels
It was disgusting, and scary, and yet...strangely alluring
30€ per month
and today is slow
usually 6 down 0.80 up
@Badaboooooom That's not bad at all. I only get 1.6 down at college
@SomeKittens yes but in italy you get 0.6 down in college
It's the jitter/packet loss that really gets me
Makes PS2 unplayable sometimes...
@rlemon I have a legit account and a testing account. Made a rule never to meddle in the affairs of high-scores.
Apr 27 '12 at 20:59, by Zirak
hahaha, I'm reading some flash game's source code...12186 frames, and guess what's the highest level of indentation I found in the first...2k lines?
I've been in this chat for far too long...
i go to sleep my slow connection makes me tyre
bye guys ! god bless badabooom!
@Zirak I mostly just hacked the hex/dec values or the saved object.
.sol editing was neat
But I loved bytecode hacking
Reverse-engineering those games was one of the funnest things I did
.sol editor + cheatengine == highscore in any flash game
fun == eliminated.
sonny was never any fun after you pimp him out with the best weapons are ar in the game
Q: set different login forms for different browsers?

Eric JohnsonCan someone please help me. i am having difficulties getting a form to display and behave correctly in firefox only. every other browser works fine. But i wanted to try and set a rule in php to say if chrome, ie etc do do this and if firefox do that. i have made an attempt of this below, when ...

this op needs to be slapped.
screw coding... I'm gonna just brew beer... area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/48905/beer
oh damn... haha
Q: Get string and picture from the web

user1994248How can I get a text and a Picture to my app (Windows 8) from a specific website? I want the app to be like a newsreader, so I can't just write it manually. I heard something about API or something, but I'm not sure what it exactly is or how it works. I'm using JavaScript and HTML.

Anyway you want it, that's the way you need it!
> I heard something about API or something, but I'm not sure what it exactly is or how it works.
> I'm using JS and HTML //Never would have figured that one out.
Q: php will just not work

HostseSo i have the following php script that just wont work... <?php session_start(); $channel_name = $_POST['channel']; if ($_SESSION['access'] != true) { header( 'Location: http://www.xxx.net/live/account/login.php?msg=To view this page you will ne...

This is why I freaking don't go on main site anymore!
> So i have the following php script that just wont work...
and still, you read the question !
@rlemon That question got nuked
Q: Continue javascript execution when errors occurs

diosneyI use the WP native function wp_enqueue_script() for all my JavaScripts loading both in WP front and back-end so it can handle duplicated calls to the same script and so on. One of the issues is that others programmers don't use this function and load their scripts directly from their code, whic...

Interesting Q - however I would be moreso tempted to just tell him to fix the WP.
band-aid solutions are never good solutions.
A: php will just not work

echo_metry change this $database_url = ""; to $database_url = "localhost";

this guy has almost 3k rep
who gave it a +1
@ThiefMaster I smell a scammer
if the mysql server doesn't listen on a tcp/ip socket it might actually work. but i highly doubt that... and yeah that answer is crap anyway
I'm a little late on this...
I smell something else when looking at the public parts of his profile
he's a guy nobody in here likes ;)
@bushdiver I'm jealous.
!!/user 998158
echo_me, Sector, United Kingdom
3k 1 3 22
...wait, what? How?
goodmood is always putting me in bad moods.
@OctavianDamiean please
@Zirak if you want to stop being fat
@phenomnomnominal Now repeat that with a EU destination ;)
@phenomnomnominal holy hell batman
Does this even count as the internet? speedtest.net/result/2483948781.png

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