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@Abyx The big one. I know it's not his question. But still, he can link to that from the friggin question he posted, right
1 message moved to bin
I don't understand
I usually am against drive-by linking but the guy to me isn't doing anything wrong?
because he needs to get the fucking hint
He asked his question in text, at most you can ignore it like we usually do rather than binning it.
"Hey guys, I linked my question like a dick, but when you clearly indicated that you were not interested, I just pasted the text instead!"
There was no code posted or anything, no long walls of text, nothing really that obtrusive.
@Rapptz Except maybe this.
""Hey guys, I linked my question like a dick" I DID NOT LINK MY Q - I asked it here because i thought it is not a big enough Q for SO.
after you binned my chat I put Q on SO
I don't think a question is too small for SO.
silly animals...
Dumb questions get asked there 24/7
@NoSenseEtAl And after that you kept linking stuff into the room and adding more questions
go wait there for an answer and kindly GTFO.
@sehe - Xeo asked something
Honestly I just think the puppy is upset today more than usual.
just read what I wrote... @ Xeo - link to what he was confused about
@NoSenseEtAl Okay, so, maybe let him know you asked on SO. Like you already did before
@Rapptz Maybe, but this ain't a fucking democracy, so tough.
I did not, I asked on SO after I got binned here
and link was from another Q that clarifies a fact that Xeo was puzzled about
@DeadMG Rather weak argument to be honest, lol.
@NoSenseEtAl I don't really care. I understood all that the frst time around.
Xeo was Is Z true? and I linked "Why is Z true"
@Rapptz Infact, it's the opposite, since I can bin whatever I like, and only the other owners can unbin it, and that's really kinda final.
@NoSenseEtAl That would be zzzzzZZZZZZZZ_hibernationTime
@DeadMG cough. whatcha doing, mate
what I want to
what else?
I will go and eat something.
@DeadMG Ok. Have fun doing that.
too lazy to type anything, I woke up like 30 minutes ago
anyone know a simple http file server for windows? something even simpler than HFS?
@Griwes you're still sending me obscene PMs on twitter. Get your act sorted? (:))
@sehe what is that (:))? is that ( :) ) ?
yeah I always think of that when I see it.. I still don't know a proper way.
...now I want modules.
@Rapptz yes
@Abyx they aren't compatible with stockings ABI
what ABI?
yesterday, by Abyx
fuck modules, now I want ABI
I wanted ABI yesterday, today I want modules.
^ see, it says yesterday
yesterday, by sehe
@Abyx You fail to see how they are related?
well... maybe what I really want is another language.
See ^ it says yesterday too
@Abyx Ask DeadMG nicely :D
@sehe nah, I'd better learn D
I still don't know why someone hasn't forked c++ and fixed it
instead of starting from scratch
@Abyx Seems like a nice language. Never found a reason to learn it though
Ahh... world is a better place now.
@Ell we don't have an implementation worth forking
@Abyx yeah :/
@Abyx Didn't he mean a fork of standard?
@BartekBanachewicz fork the standard and don't write an implementation?
@Abyx calng is being forked everyday. There's also a fork having generic lambdas
@Abyx Hell__
@Abyx Implementation can be done in whatever language (hint, hint, Lua). The standard defines the language, not the compiler
@sehe Well, these are "I'll change one thing" forks, I believe
@BartekBanachewicz Trooo
Hmm. I can't remember if the PSU has the sata power cables coming directly from it? or are they from the mobo?
@Ell Does the golden pig fly?
@Ell directly (99% of cases)
@BartekBanachewicz Yes :D
@Ell I love your lack of context sometimes. My PSU has them wired directly
@sehe Right okay. I'm looking at this (overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=CA-230-CM) and I can't see where it says how many leads there are o.O
@BartekBanachewicz Heh. My current PSU is sparking when the plug is moved xD
@Ell Well, the site apparently sucks. I can link you the one I bought, if you want.
@BartekBanachewicz the site sucks?
@Ell they didn't give connection details, did they?
@BartekBanachewicz Ohh I see
Ahh found it on the cooler master website
Which is, if you ask me, pretty important. I didn't check for example if the fan on my supply is facing downwards or upwards, and my case don't have a cutout for rear up-facing fan. Fortunately enough it fit.
That's what she...
Some people never grow up
I wonder if hashing an image is quicker or slower than a pixel/pixel comparison
@Ell slower. Also, you could want to leave an epsilon when comparing.
It's okay they are pixel perfect matches
@Ell Well, hashing could be faster if you compared, say, every 3rd or (better) 4th pixel. I don't know however how fast are CPU reads on strided memory.
Yeah. Well I'll implement it then change the algorithm if necessary
@Ell Premature optimization is the root of all evil!
Yes :P
@Ell also, it does different things
@BartekBanachewicz Why would you recommend someone to use dynamic allocation? Just wondering
@Rapptz I meant a vector.
Ah, try fixing that then.
@Rapptz It was in comments, but I agree, that it might be unclear from the answer itself. Fixed, thanks.
Yeah usually when someone says dynamic allocation they mean something like int* a = new int
@Rapptz I keep a preallocated array of ints, just in case.
@Rapptz Really? Don't meet many C++ programmers then
@sehe The context was in C++
@Rapptz If the question was asked by an experienced C++ programmer, I wouldn't bother to clarify that dynamic allocation can be an std container in this case.
Anyway, FFS english... Why can't I put "an" in front of "std"? s is pronounced as /es/ -.-
It's an std
@Rapptz really?
@sehe Well, I cleaned every weird application that had access anywhere... changed twitter password now, maybe it will fix it, eh.
@Rapptz So what exactly determines use of a/an? Because I am kind of confused now.
how you pronounce the word next to it should it be an acronym, initialism, etc.
for example, it isn't an union
it's a union
but "an upvote"?
if the first letter of the second word is pronounced as a consonant then you use 'a' rather than 'an'.
@Rapptz Depending on how you pronounce "std". If you pronounce it like STL ("stood"), it's "a std container".
Argh, the complications.
Anyways, time for me to get going and move. :) See y'all in the next year, when I have interweb access again.
@Xeo I'm more inclined to believe std is an initialism.
@Rapptz A what?
It only depends on next sound
Doesn't matter if it's initialism or not
@Xeo next year? Are you going to jail or something?
@BartekBanachewicz > and move
@CatPlusPlus I know, but since it's an initialism it means you pronounce it as es tee dee, so it's an.
Hence "an hour"
Everyone reads std differently so
@CatPlusPlus You put down your Steam post from starboard and I finally created an account recently, so my [steamid] is bananu7, feel free to add me if you want.
People status: still bad at following instructions
@Xeo ah, forgot the year is ending soon :P
Yeah, but I'll also be away on a New Year's get-together with some friends, meaning I won't even be home.
I'm actually throwing a party at my place. It will be hell of a LAN party
I'll ride the train there today, unpack some stuff, and move on tomorrow further south, where I'll be until the 1st.
@Xeo well, have fun :)
@BartekBanachewicz I host them on occasion
lots of fun
> And it's far from bad design (look at the singleton pattern for example)
fu000001.o:(.idata$2+0xc)||undefined reference to `libpqxx_a_iname'|
@Griwes fingers crossed
Anyone seen an error like this?
@RolandSams since no one answered your question, either no or no one cares.
@RolandSams Yeah. About 2 hours ago. You posted it
@BartekBanachewicz damn is this a puzzle. Thanks for your consideration anyways
@RolandSams Sounds like a simple linker error
It's a question on SO now, anyways
All that garbage at the beginning has never occured before
I am going library hunting I suppose
ty Xeo
@Yochai "I'm in favor of dropping Singleton. Its use is almost always a design smell." — says Erich Gamma, one of the famous GoF who made it so popular. If you want a more elaborate discussion, SO user jalf has it on his blog. — sbi 29 secs ago
@Abyx Because you still need to join the proposal
well Herb Sutter just turned up on Programmers
@CatPlusPlus it doesn't add unicode to std library, boost, a lot of other libraries
Want to use C++, suffer
@DeadMG ...on a question about something he said. Very likely someone pointed him at it.
oh, I only saw the title
I like <filesystem> in VC++ because is has wfilesystem_error. but all the other crappy libraries just use (std|boost)::error_code which uses std::string.
std::wstring is just as bad
hopefully I can get std::unicode into C++14
@DeadMG Linky?
Unless you mean 3014
@Xeo Kate Gregory linked to it on Twitter.
@CatPlusPlus it's not as bad as std::string with fucked contents
Aye, found it now.
@sbi Duh. Amazing story. Oh. It was you. I though DeadMG pointed out the bleeding obvious :)
@sehe What?
> every time var was used I had to check the return type of the right side. Sometimes more than once, because I forgot the type of the variable after a while!
@sbi ^ see edit
@sehe I still don't get it.
@CatPlusPlus Is what happens when your OCD compass gets stuck
> using map<>::iterator everywhere explicitly means you'll be wasting your valuable time on a mechanical code fix ripple, unless an intern is walking by and you can foist off the boring work on them
Ha ha ha. Very funny.
Type inference is the only sane way to do static typing
Everyone who thinks static typing is about spelling every type out for the compiler is dumb
I concur
There's also typedefs.
@sbi yeah, we know you use C++03 in 2013
poor ape
Hey. there's people who have to stick to VC6!
No matter how badly off you are, there's always some poor soul you can look down on to.
They did it to themselves
They deserve no sympathy
Well, I believe there's a guy in the world learning MUMPS now :P
At least he'll be paid in gold for that one
What if he's an intern?
Interns don't do maintenance on ancient systems in ancient languages
Also, I don't believe gold is enough to make learning mumps more pleasant
@CatPlusPlus you should read TDWTF about it. I believe there were some casualties interns involved
How can you name a language after a disease?
@sbi they apparently had a sick sense of humor; it states its nature well, though.
Because it was meant for hospitals
Offtopic - @Cat, if you're really 20 yrs old, you must have made your SO account when being 16... rly?
@Abyx Y U NO STAR?
@sehe ok
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, so?
@sbi Hey, c++ has std written all over it, too
@CatPlusPlus Dunno, I was really stupid when I was 16.
@BartekBanachewicz Remember, he's a cat. So, it could easily be his n th life (0<n<10)
His old answers aren't that bad. If at all, they're actually pretty good.
@sehe That might be the case. Well, I've never considered myself to be the best in my age. There's always a cat or a chinese child better than you.
@Rapptz It looks so good it's suspicious :)
@BartekBanachewicz How does superiority come into play at SO? If there's no 'inferiors', who'd be asking questions?
@sehe I did't mean SO. I'm here for a year and a half only... I meant something like subjective skillset and experience.
@BartekBanachewicz wokay. There's early birds. Same goes for several others on SO. Many, even.
@sehe Finding out cat's history makes me want to work even harder. That's why I'm here, too. To seek constant motivation to develop.
I thought I was quick on the uptake, but it turns out that growing up without good examples and no internet is a bit of a brake on the system. I'm thoroughly envious of the possibilities that the NikiC's, Minitech, ZoidBergs etc. have these days :)
@BartekBanachewicz Good point. That is a large part of me being here. I mean, besides procrastination, obviously :)
@sehe The only excuse is that they have the developed SO now, which you didn't have :)
I spent countless hours compiling a printable manual for TurboVision (TP5.5+) so I could print it and take it home with me. I had no PC :)
@BartekBanachewicz ? And the rest of the internet, maybe? Google still > SO. Also, MSDN, cpprereference, node.js, Linux in general.
@sehe I had 486DX :3
These days, you'd just be browsing the docs on your favourite reading device, in the train even, and learning about related technology sideways on the fly. In my days, there was no way, but to grab a Prolog book from the public library. And hope to find something interesting there
@BartekBanachewicz My first PC was a 286. I was soooooooo proud. Well, it wasn't technically mine. But I could use it
The PC I learned stuff on was a IBM, 2 floppy drives
@sehe Well, I used 286 for a while too, but upgraded soon. I loved that hardware; I missed it even when pentium appeared.
editbin.exe, debug.com, edlin - that kind of stuff
I had a monochrome screen, to make it even funnier.
I think I bought a 486 when I started studies. That explains 10% of my study debt
It was such a great platform. You could just jump into 13h and have fuuuuuun.
@BartekBanachewicz I was so proud of my Hercules adapter. It had the best resolution. And bold pixels, too. When I did one of my first "paid" gigs (during highschool) I "earned" a VGA adapter + monitor. Woot
I wonder how many of guys here know what 13h was.
@BartekBanachewicz ? you mean, int 13h
@BartekBanachewicz Hard disk BIOS services
@sehe Yeah, but that's two words abbreviated to the same result, which is more likely to happen on accident than actual words being similar.
poking 0x3df to set border colour. Instant rep at the school computer club
@sbi :)
@BartekBanachewicz What!? You are here in the chat because you want to work harder? Oh my. You're in for a big surprise.
The only way I get something done is by logging out of the chat.
@sbi I earned 85 rep today. You should be proud!
One thing which is still not clear to me is what the requirements are to sort a collection of objects using std::sort(..)..
I thought just implementing the < operator would be enough.
@Nils what about equality?
But clang now complains: lib/c++/v1/algorithm:3496:17: error: no matching function for call to 'swap'
@sehe At least you had such books in the library. I grew up on the wrong side of the Iron Curtain.
@Nils is your class noncopyable?
@BartekBanachewicz Not sure I thought < would be enough
it has const members and no custom copy ctor
@BartekBanachewicz I am unimpressed. There's quite a few days when I earn that, and I don't even answer questions anymore. :)
@sbi but 85/self.getRep() is more than 85/sbi.getRep() :P
@Nils That's new with C++11, I suppose.
@sbi What, swap?
@DeadMG The requirement to be swappable. It used to be they have to be copyable. Swappable makes you able to sort objects that can't be copied, but can be moved.
So what do I need to do?
- Overload <
- Implement a move ctor?
- and that's it?
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, but my rep/months ration is higher than yours. :)
Did anybody try out the experimental modules support in the clang repo?
@sbi Erm. I bought that prolog book in the ramsj (dump book market), actually. I had to get to Amsterdam or The Hague to find such a store. That happened 1x, max 2x a year.
@sbi Ah, yes.
@sbi I started to participate more around 03/2012. Until then, I had around 400 rep.
@sbi The books I got from the public library were "Amiga BASIC" and "Motorola xxx assembly". You can see how I was sat in the garden with my binder and a pencil, jotting down BASIC code to assemble motorola instructions, while I had neither a PC, or indeed Motorola-powered device....
@sehe I didn't have the chance to buy a Prolog book until into my 20s. :-/
I still have some very sad nerd pictures to prove that
@sehe pic or didn't happen!
@BartekBanachewicz I stopped participating pretty much exactly 2 years ago.
@BartekBanachewicz I'd have to grovel through shoe boxes. I'm pretty sure I know which one it's in. It is ridiculous. I'm wearing one of those 'translucent' plastic sun-caps. Different times... or so I say
@sbi Well, you know it yourself that "daily rep" is ridiculous. The more rep you have, the easier is to earn.
@sehe I remember copying a Z80 machine code table.
wtf. not that
Your question breaks up in the middle of the sentence. Strangely, there is a suggested edit by a totally different user who completes the question with a lot of extra information. What is this supposed to mean? — jogojapan 2 mins ago
@BartekBanachewicz A terribly crappy video mode
@BartekBanachewicz There was actually a blog post where some mathematician they had as an intern at SE proved that this isn't true.
@sbi Oh maybe it was Z80. Oh, and I reckon I still have a completely handwritten copy of the complete EPSON Printer Command Language, as well as ANSI escapes. In pencil.

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