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It's also interesting to know if someone at all found it useful. For instance, I published this a week ago because I kept doing it manually. How do I know it's something worthwhile?
Yea! The extra insight would be really useful. I guess we can't also be sure that it actually works for everyone in every scenario...
I know personally if that happens i just move on to a different library
or I try to adapt the library.
I don't really tell the people who made it though.
I wonder if it would be useful to create a website where people can vet their ideas for open source projects and maybe present their projects.
Doesn't sourceforge have a social platform for that though?
Not sure... I've downloaded things from sourceforge, but I've never used it beyond that. I feel like GitHub has become fairly ubiquitous for OSS projects.
Checking out sourceforge
Sourceforge is horrible compared to github
I've got one project there, haven't really checked it out more than that
Especially after they changed the download links to contain query strings and crap like this
I think this can just be solved with a new stack: area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/47613/open-source-software
Has someone managed to create a phonegap/cordova app on android 4.2 ?
Mine doesn't fire the deviceready event -_-
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@KendallFrey Kendall's bot works again. The bot gets insane stress testing.
phonegap is horrible UX compared to native apps
yeah I know, just want to give it a try since I don't have the time to learn java/c++ right now
> Sourceforge is horrible compared to github
> phonegap is horrible UX compared to native apps
I'm seeing a pattern here
Some stuff are horrible compared to others
heh, i somehow got reminded on that funny site a formaer coworker created.. i.dete.st
TheifMaster is a negative nancy?
celery is horrible compared to pizza?
Is it a thing to call a question on SO a 'stackoverflow'? Is that weird to anyone else?
sounds like bad terminology
but still better than having a flack overstow on stack overflow!
@phenomnomnominal Figured out the issue I was having
well a stack is a website in this terminolgy... a question on a stack
should be the right terminolgy
@SomeKittens what was it?
Turns out you need to write something as a response in order for the session to stick
which is weird.
oh no shit!
You need to finish the request
That's why mine was working - res.render()
An embarrassing amount of my questions on here are things like that.
i'd say the more simple questions get the highest ratings on here, which is odd because if they are worded slightly incorrectly they could turn into -5 votes really quickly
That's because everyone sees them
Often simple things are the easiest the google
and-- googling turns you here, often
i'd also say the more simple a question is and the less people know the answer the higher the rating
@Vivix that is true
that's true too, yeah
Soooo accurate
Is anyone here neckbeardy?
Although neckbeard probably doesn't release anything
I think I was born with a moustache and a neckbeard
Seriously. Even my baby pictures contain trace amounts of stubble.
i shave every few days to prevent it
pfft. moustaches are the win.
@Zirak Are you the messiah?
everyone at work has a mustache this month for movember
Just found the color command in cmd, tons of fun
and i just started... i feel left out
Shaving. Worst thing men have to do. But well, probably we are lucky that we just grow facial hair instead of bleeding every month.
Marvellous Moustachioed Men are Magnificent
@phenomnomnominal In 4 different religions, in fact
I imagine shaving one's legs would be awful too
@ThiefMaster Not in November!
Not to mention...
some men do that too
well, those are probably gay
And some women don't
Some yeah
And they already have the whole buttsex thing to deal with
I don't like hair-
@ThiefMaster Worst thing I had to do was claim a women by killing the great dragon Amleur, drinkings its poisonous blood and denying Ptah from his godly throne.
Not that I'm judging :)
But shaving can suck, too
Once, I kicked the corner of my couch as I walked past. That was shit.
@phenomnomnominal I think they get used to buttsex. Surprise buttsex, on the other hand...
I've accidentally kicked doors so many times-
@Zirak - the best kind
@phenomnomnominal Nothing worse than a paper-cut...
@Zirak: There is. A paper cut under your nail.
@Zirak Two papers cuts
Between your fingers
On the slightly webby part
That is LITERALLY my worst nightmare
ugh, just the thought of that hurts
...on your penis
I once cut myself there with a knife
not theere
i just cringeddd ha
I wonder how one genuinely gets a paper-cut there
@Vivix That's kinky
@Vivix Only accidentally? I do it intentionally all the time. Doors know what they did...
@Vivix You aren't the first. Jews beat you there.
Librarian fetish?
Hehe, doors-
noo I cut the part between my thumb and index finger
slipped a knife when I was a kid, had no bandaids, was in the forest, so they covered it in cigarette paper
Just casually - was in the forest.
we were planting trees
Making a penis salad
safe-sane-consensual, dick-chop
Psssh, Whatever, everyone knows trees don't exist.
Sublime users shitting their pants over the minimap, eat penis salad: emacswiki.org/emacs/MiniMap
I love the minimap, for no reason at all-
are we really gonna talk about text editors right now
it doesn't really help me
I think a MIPMap is a pretty clever idea.
It's lame. When trying sublime, I disabled it after 4 minutes.
!!/define MIPMap
Screen-realestate is important
oh, yeah
hurr durr, rlemon isn't here. started the bot.
I hate you @rlemon with the uncertainty of your existence
My general assumption is that he is.
i really like intellj/rubymine/pycharm/webstorm etc
!!/google mipmap
none of my code touches the minimap though- so don't really feel confined
From now on I'm @rlemon agnostic
!!/google minimax
people at work were judging me just a bit then i clicked "find implementations" and they were like WAHHHH?!
@Parris Really? I do grep and go like :D
(minimax > minimap) && (MIPMap > minimap) // true
I once wrote a whole Python script because I didn't know grep existed. I was so proud of it...
!!/eval Y U NO
To be fair, it was in a Windows environment (ugh).
@phenomnomnominal Command eval does not exist.
!!/learn eval "You moron. Don't use eval"
Imagine if you wrote that in C++ instead... shiver
@SomeKittens Command eval learned
@Zirak sure you can grep...
!!/learn eval "I'm shit and can't do a basic evaluation, with or without eval"
@phenomnomnominal Command eval already exists
!!/forget eval
favorite thing ever: history | grep "something here"
@phenomnomnominal Command eval forgotten.
@phenomnomnominal Command eval learned
@SomeKittens Command eval already exists
and then the whole !command#
!!/learn SUCKIT "you're not winning."
@phenomnomnominal Command suckit learned
!!/tell @SomeKittens suckit
@phenomnomnominal Command SUCKIT does not exist.
@SomeKittens you're not winning.
This is the most passive-aggressive online discussion ever.
I propose an extension to the bot that randomly insults random users
I'll fix that casing issue, it shouldn't happen
Yeah was going to say
all i know about emacs is that its a great operating system and it gives you arthritis
Emacs is an interpreter with a text area. You can really do everything.
uh oh
nah, I acknowledge that there are other valid choices (not IDEs, they're yucky.) But Emacs is just awesome.
not all ide's suck
i'd say the more specific they are the better they are
eclipse blows
visual studios actually rocks
intellij & family is pretty sweet
!!/tell phenomnomnominal SuCkIt
i like my break points
@phenomnomnominal you're not winning.
@Parris When did I say they suck? I said they're yucky
I now have rep in . Time to go cry in a corner and rethink my life.
@SomeKittens, respect :)
you did say yucky actually
Girls don't suck, but they're definitely yucky.
!!/tell Parris suckit
@Parris you're not winning.
@Zirak You're hanging out with the wrong girls
"Girls don't suck" - not? So all those pr0n movies lie about that?!?!?wtfomg :D
Sex is a myth, right? Like postmature ejaculation?
@Zirak yep, it's all a part of the Democratic Party's agenda
@phenomnomnominal have you worked with MATLAB before?
@SomeKittens yeah quite a bit
Ugh. I have to learn it for a course. I hate it.
It's weird aye
Very powerful
The course is useless as well
What's the course?
Numerical Analysis
Haha dude. Not useless
Less "interesting ways to manipulate numbers with computers" and more "let's spend five weeks learning how to approximate the roots of equations"
Yeah but it's the basis for pretty much anything interesting!
Math is my angry ex. We used to get along great, and then something happened (I have no idea what) and both of us hate each other now.
Haha fair enough
Any numerical integration / solutions to ODE/PDEs?
Math is like the girl who lived across the street when I was a teenager (yes, time existed back then.) Scarcely talked to me, I nearly wet my pants whenever I talked to her, but amazingly beautiful, beyond mere physical beauty.
In other words: I like math, math doesn't like me.
@phenomnomnominal I have no idea what you're talking about....
Especially Geometry. I think I accidentally killed its parents or something. Geometry is just plain mean to me.
@SomeKittens Oh :) Numerical Analysis is the basis of solving derivatives and integrals with a computer. Naturally that's pretty important
See, calc is where it all started to go wrong. I don't know who decided calc should be a 4 days/week 8AM class, but they hated students.
Yeah, that's just silly

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