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Who is randomly starring? How do I make star a verb?
@Rapptz I think in this case "starring" fits.
Are those lego
We seriously need to get somebody on the standard committee in this chat as a regular.
Why ?
Or vice-versa.
We need to get a regular in this chat on the standard committee ;)
@kbok Specifics of why the standard was specified in this and this way, like my basic_string question just now. :)
@jornak heh
How does one get into the committee ?
@jornak generally, @johannes knows what needs to be known.
@kbok Pay 1000bucks a year
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Well, he isn't a regular here anymore.
@Xeo That and get past the "initiation".
isn't somebody on something important here?
I heard it involves a paddle and Java.
What happened to him ? Was he tired of the swearing or something ?
@Xeo he can be summoned
@Ell My chair is pretty important
hm, can we summon Dietmar?
@kbok you need to have the time and support from company or local country's committee, since meetings are held around the world. i was asked twice by folks to try it on. it was not possible for me
@MooingDuck You can always try with pinging him.
I'd also like having Howard here.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf I see
I didn't mean as a regular, just for random spec flaws/clarifications
Evocatio Valcyriarum Contubernalia Gladiaria!
It would be nice to have Stephen Hawking here, too.
dietmar is cool. i met him once in oslo. very kuehl
@Xeo wait, we can't ping random SO users can we? They have to be in the room recently or something right?
god damn starrer
@Cheersandhth.-Alf That's just a little too cute for anybody's good.
@MooingDuck We can
@Xeo oh, neat
@jeremy @andy @ross hello
Or maybe they need to have been in the chat once?
has that pinged those peeps?
@Xeo ...but if they aren't here to notice it directly, it takes a while to show up in their inbox.
I call upon thee, @sehe , Polar Bear of Hatred. Hear our summons, and arise from the depths.
@Xeo is it enough to mention with @ in chat?
@Cheersandhth.-Alf unlikely, that would summon all users by name of "andy"
@JerryCoffin Yeah, the chat-pling-to-SE-notification conversion is rather slow.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Actually, yes.
@jornak Sehe's a polar bear. Are you thinking of sbi?
Shit. Thanks, fixed it.
where's it say in teh spec that some library bits are optional?
@JerryCoffin Looks something like a white gorilla if you don't zoom in though
I actually thought it was for a while too
@MooingDuck They're only on non-hosted environments.
A white gorilla ?
@kbok albino...
@Xeo TY
Snowflake () (c. 1964 – November 24, 2003) was an albino gorilla. He is the only known albino gorilla so far, and was the most popular resident of the Barcelona Zoo in Catalonia, Spain. Name Originally named Nfumu Ngui in Fang language ("white gorilla") by his captor, he was then nicknamed Floquet de Neu (Catalan for little snowflake) by his keeper Jordi Sabater Pi. On his arrival to Barcelona where he was given an official reception by the then Mayor of Barcelona, Josep Maria de Porcioles, in November 1966, he was called Blancanieves ("Snow White") in the newspaper Tele/Exprés. But he b...
Only one albino gorilla?
@jornak its sbi's albino twin
right :P
That gorilla lived a long time.. 39 years old.
War. War never changes.
So it was him :)
Since the dawn of humankind, when our ancestors first discovered the killing power of rock and bone...
He's definitely got the voice... but not a face for TV :P
@jornak nonsense, that's a badguy face if I ever saw one
@MooingDuck He puts on a SHITLOAD of makeup for his roles
I mean Hellboy for one
I can't uninstall VS2008 because it's corrupted. WHY DO YOU THINK I"M TRYING TO UNINSTALL IT?
user image
Ron Perlman sort of does look like a gorilla mated with will ferrell
@DeadMG Papillon mix?
@jornak TY
@MooingDuck NO PROBLEM
@MooingDuck It's not like it's the first result for "force uninstall vs 2008"
@DeadMG that tail moves fast
@Collin Yep, it sure does
Okay I need more coffee.
@jornak I need to get a coffee maker for my office
@Collin I usually don't drink coffee, but today's my last day here before I leave to move in with my girlfriend in the middle of buttfuck-nowhere Saskatchewan.
@DeadMG Doesn't look that threatening to me.
I don't think coffee is going to do it.. might I suggest copious amounts of vodka? (What else is there to do in Saskatchewan?)
@jornak Hey, it's probably better than Manitoba!
10,798 points (55% like it)
54,491 up votes 43,693 down votes
holy shit
@EtiennedeMartel She'll wag you to death with her tail.
@EtiennedeMartel Meh. Have to move to an Indian reserve and work retail :P
@DeadMG I don't think so.
Mind you the closest tech shop is 2 hours so I might be able to get away with opening up a small side business
msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb982522.aspx I'm pretty sure hash_map::begin is not a member of unordered_map.
@jornak And sell illegal cigarettes?
@MooingDuck It certainly can be.
(Because that's what they do here)
@EtiennedeMartel lol no... there's an eighty year old man there that is currently fixing all the computers in a 75km radius
MSVC has had a stdext::hash_map for a long time.
I figure I could steal his business :P
they can just template<...> unordered_map : public hash_map<...> {};
@jornak I think computer repair shop will be my retirement job when I finally go insane
except for all the constructors, of course
@DeadMG true I suppose
@Collin Plus natives always have all kinds of shit on their computers
@jornak You could be their hero
@jornak Not that you're being discriminating or anything.
@DeadMG except the documentation says "This API is obsolete. The alternative is unordered_map Class." and links back to the unordered_map page.
@DeadMG I'm not. I'm speaking from experience :P
I had a guy I helped a few times in college who would get impatient about his windows xp machine booting up and connecting to the wireless network and call me when it wasn't working
I never found anything wrong with that stupid computer
@jornak Isn't that a textbook case of discrimination?
Generalization based on a few anecdotes?
@EtiennedeMartel A few? Well, I'd say it's more than a few :P
@MooingDuck The API is obsolete- that doesn't mean that it doesn't still exist as an undocumented hack.
why are we allowed to iterate over the data in each bucket in an unordered_map, but we can't traverse up/left/right in a set?
@DeadMG they should document the not-obsolete version somewhere then. The specs make it look like it's deprecated, and it is it's own replacement.
@jornak "The plural of 'anecdote' is not 'data'"
Fixing computers is easy. If it's hardware, swap stuff out till it works. If it's software, tell them 'restore from backups' and charge 50€.
@EtiennedeMartel In my experience, First Nations people tend to lack a respect for their belongings.
@DeadMG also: jelous. I like pets but my wife wants a Chihuahua.
A sense of entitlement, if you will.
@MooingDuck The fact that it's its own replacement is an immaterial implementation detail. If the docs mention it somewhere (except to say that it's deprecated) then that's a spec error, admittedly.
@MartinJames I plan to charge the bare minimum. Heck even around here the most I would charge is $10/hour
@MooingDuck She only thinks she wants a Chihuahua.. once you have one she won't want it anymore
@DeadMG everywhere that the unordered_map page mentions the begin function, it's labeled as hash_map::begin, and links to the deprecated page. There appears to be no page for unordered_map::begin.
Having a working computer is pretty much a right ;)
@jornak As I said, that's a sweeping generalization.
@EtiennedeMartel You wouldn't happen to be Metis then, or something?
Because you seem to be mildly offended.
you're right
@Collin yes :( Also one friend said he'd disown me if I got a Chihuahua. Plus I'd have to learn to spell Chihuahua.
that's probably just a documentation error
@jornak I like to punch homophobes in the neck. Not because I'm gay. But because I hate idiots.
@DeadMG probably.
Chihuahuas are fun. They run around like crazy when you chase them with a vacuum cleaner pipe.
@jornak It is?
@MartinJames or any other large heavy object
One does not need to be wronged to tell the other he's talking out of his ass.
@Chimera I feel like it should be. I don't feel right charging people massive amounts of money for easy shit.
@EtiennedeMartel jim carrey did that
@MooingDuck Yeah - A Rottweiler works well.
@MartinJames And they are loyal and very loving.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Well, he did talk out of his ass literally.
@EtiennedeMartel I have nothing against natives, I'm just saying that from my experience and from what I've heard and seen from others, they tend to lack a sense of respect.
Now I'm not saying there aren't other peoples that are like that, but it tends to be prevalent with the native population.
@jornak How large is your data sample? Is that significative?
@MartinJames Pomeranians as well.
@EtiennedeMartel No, it's not. The generalization itself is exactly that, or could be classified as bias. It's only when you take some action based on that generalization/bias that it becomes discrimination. For example, if I just think "red-haired people have short tempers", that's not discrimination. It becomes discrimination when/if I do something like deciding not to hire or promote somebody because of their red hair.
@JerryCoffin Good point. Noted.
@jornak Meh. If you catch them, they tend to burst the vacuum cleaner bag:(
@JerryCoffin If I charged a native more for fixing their computer than a caucasian, yeah, that'd be discrimination. But I would never do that.
@JerryCoffin on the other hand, it's still bad due to subconscious decision making.
From what I've heard and seen and learned, the Natives were essentially shat on for centuries by whites. That's not exactly fair treatment in my book.
@MartinJames My pom's getting old, almost 13
holy motherfucking shitballs, I'm going to Linz tomorrow
@MartinJames Going blind and deaf, just lays around all day.
@DeadMG So I've heard.
@jornak Oh.. is that very old for that breed?
gonna have to get up at -infinity in the morning :(
@MartinJames Fairly. They live 12-15 years depending on their environment.
@jornak In that case, that's the end of the Pom jokes.
@MartinJames I don't think he's going to make it past winter, lol.
@DeadMG Best don't go to sleep at all!
But it's absolutely fine, I don't get too terribly attached to animals.
Or people, for that matter.
@DeadMG Stop exaggerating. Take a deep breath, sniff some coke, and you'll be just fine.
@jornak I hate that time :((
@jornak still discrimination even if it's based on experience.
@MooingDuck No argument from me on that. In fact, there's probably a pretty fair argument that all bias leads to at least some action (i.e., discrimination). On the other hand, no matter how open minded you try to be, it's probably impossible to avoid being at least somewhat biased about at least some things.
@MartinJames Might just put him down depending on what the vet says this week.
@JerryCoffin right
Because he's been going farther away from the house every time we let him out to go to the bathroom
Sometimes disappearing for an hour.
@jornak I've lost a few colleagues over the years. Bike accidents, plane disaster:((
@MartinJames Eh, y'know I've had a good friend die but I don't think I shed a tear. I mean death happens, right?
Or am I just sociopathic?
@jornak OK, right :(
@jornak sociopathic
Or just narcissistic
I have to close excel to uninstall Visual Studio?
Or just craptastic.
and the uninstall must restart from the beginning. excellent.
@EtiennedeMartel Oh now you're hating on me now that I've voiced my racial bias :(
@MooingDuck y u uninstall vs?
Even caps.
In fact I hate myself for using caps.
@jornak A colleague of mine went away on vacation with this family. I'd been to their house a few times, played with their kids. I even offered to take them to the airport, but they had already arranged a taxi. They didn't make it out of the airport.
@EtiennedeMartel PANTOPHOBE!
@Cheersandhth.-Alf corrupted, gotta reinstall
@jornak I hate pants, yes.
But I do not fear them.
oh. well microsoft things hang together in unfathomable ways. so yes possibly.
@EtiennedeMartel That would be pantaloniphobia O-o
Pantophobia is the fear of everything
@Cheersandhth.-Alf namely, my standard headers are different than everyone else in the company
@Cheersandhth.-Alf In this case, it's probably fairly fathomable (?). They both use ODBC...
@jornak Including pants.
@EtiennedeMartel Eh fuck you and your logic :P
@jornak I would have thought it was fear of working too hard (leading to panting).
leave the panting to a pantograph!
It's funny that for Brits, "pants" actually refers to underwear.
A pantograph (from Greek roots παντ- 'all, every' and γραφ- 'to write', from their original use for copying writing) is a mechanical linkage connected in a manner based on parallelograms so that the movement of one pen, in tracing an image, produces identical movements in a second pen. If a line drawing is traced by the first point, an identical, enlarged, or miniaturized copy will be drawn by a pen fixed to the other. Because of their effectiveness at translating motion in a controlled fashion, pantographs have come to be used as a type of motion guide for objects large and small. A c...
@JerryCoffin ergasiophobia?
@EtiennedeMartel But I don't speak German :(
Sequelophobia: (1) Fear of pathological complications resulting from medical procedures. (2) Fear of databases.
@jornak Uhh...sure. I should add that I don't fear work. In fact, I could spend an entire day in bed dreaming about it, and not feel any fear at all.
Also "Wir müssen die Juden ausrotten"
@DeadMG I thought Linz was in Austria?
@DeadMG Well, sometimes, even knowing German doesn't help in Austria.
Shit. These guys speak German?
@EtiennedeMartel And what's the official language of Austria?
The more you know...
@Xeo I thought it was Ostrich or something.
@EtiennedeMartel In certain places, I wouldn't call it German anymore.
@EtiennedeMartel "African Ostrich". Aha.
@Xeo In French, Austria is "Autriche", and Ostrich is "Autruche".
I see.
Pun of the day.
@Xeo The Austrians might view it more as that ungodly conglomeration of Hesse, Prussia, etc., as having screwed up the language.
In any case, I still think they're easier to understand than bavarians.
@Xeo Meh, those guys are easy. Just drink beer and yell.
(Disclaimer: I've never met any bavarian)
@EtiennedeMartel Oh - like the Russians! OK, thanks, I'll remember that.
@MartinJames These guys drink beer?
Wow, I'm learning so much stuff today.
@MartinJames Russians don't drink beer. Russians drink vodka.
>40%, of course
Windows 7 is only €35 on eBay? Cool.
@EtiennedeMartel They certainly do! Soddin' Russian engineers tried to kill me last time I met with them. Four days of work/beer/beer/beer.
@jornak receive my wrath! why hath thou summoned me, icy wreaker of chats?
@MartinJames Hey, life is hard in the cold.
@EtiennedeMartel No it isn't. You just need to hibernate
> Pokemon: Black & Blue
@Xeo Yeah. I'm starting to think that Peta is secretly filled with animal rights opponent that try to make so that all animal rights defenders look like idiots.
@sehe I'm not a bear. Well, maybe the Russians are. But I'm not.
Hey is anyone here familiar with Visual Studio 2010 with C++? I accidently added a form (then deleted it) and I can't compile because a library (MSVCRT) was accidently added
I just need some help removing it
msvcrt is the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime
@BenjaminDangerJohnson Heeeeyyyyyy. Have you been here before? Because if not, there's this link in the side bar you should read.
@BenjaminDangerJohnson Revision control
I don't think you want to remove that.
@EtiennedeMartel We were in Germany - weather was OK, work was OK, far too much beer was not. By Thursday, I could not type in the mornings 'cos the shaking.
@MartinJames Weakling. Looks like you've never been a student.
my mistake then, either way, something accidently got added when I put in and removed the form. I figuered this would be a quick fix and not worth a stackoverflow question
@EtiennedeMartel When I was a student, I could not afford that much beer.
@DeadMG I think you have mentioned that on occasion
@DeadMG As you have that
@DeadMG Whatcha gonna do in Linzville?
meet the Oracley people
I remember @Etienne asking this before.
but they have a place on the university campus, I'm gonna be needing defibrillation before I get half way there
@DeadMG Get drunk! It's such a bad idea that it'll wrap around and become good.
@DeadMG Just chill. I was super nervous the day before I went to the Funatics interview, nearly forgot some stuff and barely arrived on time. Still got the job. :)
Considering that you're alot better prepared than me regarding the travel itself, I'd say you'll be fine.
@DeadMG I hope not. Ryanair charge for defibrillation. If it's not successful, they charge your next-of-kin.
@Rapptz How do I verb thee? Let me star you the way
@MartinJames Stop it already. You're going to see the first fatality in an avation-related nervous wreck
@Xeo At least he didn't ask where or when he was going. That was getting old
@sehe 'Hey - he's in VF'! 'Where's his credit cards?'.
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Say goodbye to the puppy while you still can! [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq] [job-interviews]
I like adding subtle nuances through the tags.
@BenjaminDangerJohnson If deleting the project is a viable option, than I know a quick fix. For now, you don't even know what the problem is. How on earth would anyone identify a quickfix (other than: switch profession, dump project, suicide or hire someone?)
@Xeo And hinting at them
@MartinJames In the sky!
Obviously. Sometimes I fear they're too subtle.
@Xeo Don't fear
I'm so excited about this new SimCity.
@Xeo Real subtle.
PETA: it's like Poe's Law applied to animal rights.
@sehe well I figures someone must have accidently added a form to a console application before and had that be the sole reason for failing to compile.
Note, though, that the petition is not very efficient and that physical attacks deal more damage.
> Cooking Mama: Cooking Mama kills Animals
Also, Super Tofu Boy. Wtf.
@BenjaminDangerJohnson Post on Stack Overflow. Mention bloddy compiler error. Google it. Read newbie-hints. Cheers :)
@sehe I already told him the last point. But I guess hammering it is a good plan.
@EtiennedeMartel What does Poe's Law (what's that?) have to do with the People for the Eating of Tasty Animals?
@JerryCoffin I'm starting to think that they're a parody by themselves.
@EtiennedeMartel Hmm. I missed it. Seems he might have, too
Man, living without the Lounge is so fucking boring.
At the end of the racoon game he slays mario.
Ooh, I experienced Time Travel!
I wish I had felt it.
Well, now I got "Killing in the name" stuck in my head. Could be worse.
yay Firefox mobile is fixed
TIL People for the Eating of Tasty Animals, existence of
@EtiennedeMartel I certain think their views are a lot more extreme than most of their supporters realize -- just for example, a lot of pet owners who don't realize that PETA's official position seems to be that all animals should be "free", so owning a pet is probably wrong.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Well, at least as far as I know, it really doesn't -- it's a parody of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals -- a real, but (at least seems to me) fairly hypocritical organization.
i googled, found the facebook page :-)
@JerryCoffin PETA also euthanizes 85% of the animals that end up in their shelters.
@daknøk nice gravatar
Haven’t entered an email address yet.
Don't fall asleep now
that would be a waste of time
Oh wait. I meant, good to see you again. Have the rages subsided a little?
now playing: rainbow, again
@JerryCoffin Extremists tend to be quite illogical.
@EtiennedeMartel Yes -- part of what I find hypocritical. They make a big deal out of rescuing animals from other shelters before they're euthanized and then take them and euthanize the animals anyway.
possibly not many know that eric clapton's concert at the rainbow, is pretty raw stuff :)
@sehe No, I’m just back for the chat room.
Answered one question to get 20+ rep.
@daknøk 30, IFAICT
You need at least 20 for chat.
@daknøk what happened
@daknøk Which, according to a discussion yesterday, already puts you close to the median of all SO users in terms of rep... :-)
@JerryCoffin hehe :P
@Cheersandhth.-Alf I deleted my account out of rage for mods deleting my legit comments.
Because they contained the word “fuck”.
So, welcome back. I think I can say without conceit (?) that we're the most important part of SO anyway. :-)
well chat is different from so main
it's like messenger versus mail
I’m just back for the Lounge. Since I use only Python and Haskell I haven’t felt the need for asking questions anymore, and there are few Python and Haskell questions that I can already answer.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf I would have said more like fun versus work, but maybe that's just me.
so, why does str( ch for ch in "blah" ) produce a generator object, for heaven's sake?
yes, one should write "''.join( tadah )", but why/how does above produce generator?
ch for ch in "blah" is a generator.
Don’t know why str produces a generator, though.
Maybe str returns a generator when passed a generator?
he he maybe earn points by asking silly python question
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Such “interesting questions” that ask about weird things are always rep factories.
why do i only have that concert at 128 kbits. who on Earth digitizes songs at 128 kbps?
@daknøk did you answer a silly javascript question just to re-access the chat ?
Jun 12 at 22:39, by Cat Plus Plus
192 is a waste of everything.
@kbok why not? I couldn’t find any unanswered C++, Haskell or Python questions that I was able to answer.

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