Whomever decided to serial upvote this user didn't do them any favors. When every single upvote happen, on the same day, nearly identical time the votes will just be reversed. — Security Hound 37 secs ago
Simply "Ad by AudioBubble" or "Advertisement by AudioBubble" would be clearer, too, I think, @JNat, and shorter. "Promoted" just has too many meanings, whereas "advertisement" is pretty obvious. 0stone0's feedback that these buttons should be inside the box, not outside of it, also makes sense to me. And I really dislike the blue background color, as that looks like an "informational" banner that the site is displaying to me (and does display in many cases) about how to properly use the site, some new feature, or whatever. Ads don't generally look like this. — Cody Gray - on strike ♦ 26 secs ago
Gotta disagree, his edits are not all good. For example, meta.stackoverflow.com/posts/425378/revisions is a complete waste of time, bumping a garbage closed question without editing it into reopen-worth shape (because it can’t be fixed). He seems awfully robotic, and should think more before editing. — nobody 36 secs ago
Hmm, what are the chances of someone trying to figure out how to store something in a struct suddenly realizing "oh dear, I really need to upgrade my sound experience, damn whatever I was working on"... But as long as I don't have to see it, I suppose good luck, and hope it works out for you. :) — Dan Mašek 19 secs ago
If you find a user has submitted multiple instances of the same question, you pick one, and flag the other as a duplicate. Even better, you find an existing question, with an answer and flag both questions as a duplicate — Security Hound 27 secs ago
Now users have serially downvoted the user’s contributions, which again, will be reversed at the end of the day — Security Hound just now
2 hours later…
@Joshua how do you have a fair vote when you don't control the voting platform? — Mark Ransom 42 secs ago
Just started happening to me. I'm logged out several times a day. It started happening the same day when I subscribed to a RSS search. The feed refreshes about hourly. Could that be it? However, I have an RSS search for unix.stackexchange.com also and that doesn't log me out. I was even hit in the face with a Captcha. — Kaz 19 secs ago
Also, if the question is really the same, a mod can merge the questions and thus move existing answers to the other question, — Andrew T. 46 secs ago
I thought I had seen this before. Turns out I was thinking of Return this [delivery] to sender and Should we return [postal-code] to sender? — starball 56 secs ago
Ideally both of the questions should get closed as a duplicate of (the answer on the other question even links this): stackoverflow.com/questions/42573637/… (Not casting that close vote due to strike) — Abdul Aziz Barkat 13 secs ago
2 hours later…
@KarlKnechtel You're assuming malintent on the part of the OP, but you want OP not to do the same with the moderators or other users. How is that fair? Why does your opinion on other users intentions hold more weight than that of OP's? If we don't want users to assume malintent on the part of moderators or other users, I believe we should lead by example, and assume good faith. Let's stick to the facts and not intentions, or seeing things behind the veil('veiled rant'), because behind the veil, you see what you want to see. Sticking to the facts, I believe the duplicate closure is incorrect. — TheMaster 15 secs ago
Just like you, If I do see behind the veil, this question closure is nothing but a clear abuse of power. — TheMaster 20 secs ago
1 hour later…
I tried it again 6 years later, and played around a bit. The results are truly stunning. Among the ~36k users who have cast a thousand votes or more, the median percentage of upvotes is 98.2%. — Karl Knechtel 8 secs ago
Curiously, when I sort the users with 1k+ votes and look for the ones with the highest downvote ratios, I just keep seeing username after username of all the people I respect highly for having a superior understanding of Stack Overflow policy, the people who truly Get It and who have been working tirelessly to fix this garbage fire. — Karl Knechtel 39 secs ago
"You're assuming malintent on the part of the OP" - no, no I am not. To the extent that my argument alleges bad intent, it's based on the evidence available to me, and on common-sense arguments about conduct that apply to every moderated Internet space (e.g. if a moderator objects to what you are doing, it would be a bad idea to keep doing that thing; and if you go to the meta space to complain about the moderation of a place you just joined, you should write from a perspective that properly accounts for the possibility that you don't understand the culture). — Karl Knechtel 33 secs ago
"bumping a garbage closed question without editing it into reopen-worth shape (because it can’t be fixed)" - actually, this is arguably a service to the community, because it points out where delete votes can be cast usefully. That said, I did not actually argue that all of Peter's edits are good. — Karl Knechtel 30 secs ago
On the other hand, the overall percentage of upvotes in this group is only about 81.4% (using a totally different query - and compared to 88.2% overall, 88.0% for people who actually have downvote privileges). So we have some "elite" crew putting in overtime to correct the overall ratio, I guess, but they aren't very successful. Interestingly, people at 1 reputation with 1000+ votes, vote only 30.7% positive - I guess this is largely suspended users who got suspended for going on massive downvoting sprees? Except, there are daily limits... — Karl Knechtel 55 secs ago
You see it because you joined the AWS Collective. The "we" refers to the collective. — Shadow Wizard Strikes Back 55 secs ago
@0stone0: As far as I can see, you are part of the AWS collective. It at least states that on your profile page — BDL 38 secs ago
Leave the collective, and hopefully you won't get those banners. — Shadow Wizard Strikes Back 30 secs ago
I see, the collective shows 'joined'. The banner appeared the first time I opened my laptop today, I'm sure I didn't join it today, maybe a while back by accident. — 0stone0 1 min ago
Slightly related (though it seems mostly to be about Stack Overflow itself): How is the "how are we doing" survey used? — Peter Mortensen 26 secs ago
@KarlKnechtel The OP clearly gave his reasons to think why they thought the moderator was abusing his privileges. Granted they don't know the culture and the intent of moderator's actions, but unless you're assuming bad intent on their part, how are you suggesting that they don't account for the possibility that you don't understand the culture? Didn't the question state "Is this a abuse of moderator privileges"? If you assume good faith, you it's simply a open ended question asking for clarification and a explanation[1/2] — TheMaster 44 secs ago
If you think that doesn't even deserve a answer or that it is asking "should the sky really be allowed to be blue?", downvote and move on. Just don't add a distantly related question as a duplicate just to close down the question. Isn't that what the original dispute in the SO question was about? Isn't it adding insult to injury? I see this more as abuse of power than anything else. [2/2] — TheMaster 32 secs ago
Related: Can the survey request popup be made less obtrusive, please? for past surveys by other Collectives. — Andrew T. 22 secs ago
Please reword your title! I came here expecting to see that SO went crazy further and added sponsored ad as a "hot meta" post. — SUTerliakov - supports strike 1 min ago
You'll probably take my downvote as a confirmation of your assertions; but I downvoted for this being more of a commentary than an answer. You seem to be regurgitating general myths about Stack Overflow held by many users who are unfamiliar with how the site works, rather than actually analyzing anything. For what it's worth, I don't even know Go. — tripleee 52 secs ago
An AI trained on SO will do just that. But anyone who wants to use ChatGPT can just use that. No need to come here to shout about it. I don't under this either SO or ChatGPT. I can use them both if I want to 24/7. — stackoverblown 8 secs ago
@TheMaster "The OP clearly gave his reasons to think why they thought the moderator was abusing his privileges." - could you please briefly restate what reasons you believe OP gave? What I'm getting out of it is "I put a lot of work into writing the post and the moderator didn't care and told me not to do certain things, and then repeatedly removed my content when I tried to restore it". Is that an actual reason that actual people actually believe a moderator abuse of power occurred? — Karl Knechtel 11 secs ago
I don't think the other question is "distantly related". I think it very precisely explains what OP did wrong, and what to do better in the future. — Karl Knechtel 48 secs ago
Generally, @nobody, we always migrate questions to Meta, even if we are just going to end up closing them there anyway. For example, unconstructive rants about the site do tend to get migrated to Meta and then closed as unconstructive. The same is true here: Teams support questions get migrated to Meta, and then closed as off-topic here. The reason is so that we can give the asker better guidance. The whole reason we spent time crafting this custom close reason is to guide. It only stands to reason that we want to use it. (I agree with you about not polishing the question with edits, though.) — Cody Gray - on strike ♦ just now
Generally, @nobody, we always migrate questions to Meta, even if we are just going to end up closing them there anyway. For example, unconstructive rants about the site do tend to get migrated to Meta and then closed as unconstructive. The same is true here: Teams support questions get migrated to Meta, and then closed as off-topic here. The reason is so that we can give the asker better guidance. The whole reason we spent time crafting this custom close reason is to guide. It only stands to reason that we want to use it. (I agree with you about not polishing the question with edits, though.) — Cody Gray - on strike ♦ 1 min ago
My answer is the explanation of the
problem. What don't you understand? Some posters are downvoting systematically, and most of the time especially when the question points a problem in the language design. Take the time to study the problem before downvoting. "You don't even know Go" and the problem of its community? Take the time to study it First. You are not called to answer to every question, you know. Your advice isn't required for everything. I you even don't know, please don't respond. Boring people of 100,000+ reputation, feeling indispensable. — Marc Le Bihan 31 secs ago12:37
... Oh, boy. First off, a question that "points [to] a problem in the language design" is not a question, and instead a rant. Those should be downvoted, and also closed (generally as opinion-based). Please read How to Ask and take the tour. — Karl Knechtel 8 secs ago
Instead of finding arguments, try to solve a problem that developers face for six years, now. Metadata talk is fantastic, but here we have far more downvoted posts for Go than for most other languages. Let's do something to solve this problem. — Marc Le Bihan 59 secs ago
You're not getting it. First off, that's factually incorrect, as I just put considerable effort into demonstrating with actual data from the Stack Overflow database. Second, that's not a problem; it is in fact the site working exactly as intended. Instead, the problem here is that you do not properly understand the goals or design of the site, and have therefore incorrectly concluded that some users are (in aggregate) doing something wrong. Then you went to meta, found a vaguely related question, and ranted about the non-problem - apparently in defense of "questions" that are also rants. — Karl Knechtel 15 secs ago
How do you explain, then that the opener of the post asked "Why is almost every Go question downvoted?"? He shouldn't have asked it? Or such question requires only your answer? Try to delete the comment "Absolutely agree", then. — Marc Le Bihan 9 secs ago
Does this answer your question? Incorrect icon in Recent achievements tab and Featured section — toolic 57 secs ago
Is it ususal for you, to downvote six times more than you are upvoting questions? Not for me. It's the opposite. — Marc Le Bihan 1 min ago
The user's voting count comes up every once in a while. It may seem surprising to you, but some users do have a much larger number of downvotes cast than upvotes. As curators will often stumble upon subpar quality content, that will naturally reflect itself in the voting patterns. That in itself is not a problem, and if you insist that it is, then you would just be giving more reason to hide these numbers from you. — E_net4 is on strike 56 secs ago
And by the way, linking to specific user would be considered a form of user targeting, which is very frowned upon. Do not be surprised if this post is deleted because of that. — E_net4 is on strike 6 secs ago
@E_net4isonstrike No I don't think your right. It's abnormal. But whatever, it explains why the community is so problematic. — Marc Le Bihan 7 secs ago
@MarcLeBihan I could tell you back "I don't think _you are right. The voting patterns are pretty normal for a curator."_ You choose to dismiss my arguments, but we may just as well dismiss your own. So maybe you could consider a different strategy here. — E_net4 is on strike 14 secs ago
@MarcLeBihan To answer your other question edited in the comment: downvotes are a personal assessment of quality over a post. If you believe that unquestionably good questions and answers are getting lots of downvotes, then we can talk. Just that they are receiving many downvotes by itself does not mean that there is a problem. — E_net4 is on strike 54 secs ago
@E_net4isonstrike Here, a vast majority of Go questions are receiving downvotes and we have a least two strong downvoters. The problem cannot be avoided. — Marc Le Bihan 28 secs ago
@MarcLeBihan Since you cannot even prove that those two users are the ones regularly downvoting questions in go, it would be in everyone's best interest for you to stop calling them out. — E_net4 is on strike 39 secs ago
@E_net4isonstrike take the time to study the problem, looking at the recent list of Go questions, and you will see that they are. And that they are one of the main source of the problems. Sorry, at a time: check before writing. Study the problem. Put yourself into a stance to help a community to regain interest in posting into Go stackoverflow. — Marc Le Bihan 31 secs ago
@MarcLeBihan "take the time to study the problem" Since you are the one bringing this up, the onus is on you to make that research. Giving us two profiles of active users on Go questions is no evidence of a problem. — E_net4 is on strike just now
(Of course, I am not currently doing much of that at all, as I am trying to participate in the strike.) — Karl Knechtel 31 secs ago
"How do you explain, then that the opener of the post asked "Why is almost every Go question downvoted?"? He shouldn't have asked it?" - well, first off, the question was asked six and a half years ago. But I don't need to explain why people ask for explanations of phenomena that are objectively not real. They're just... wrong. "Is it ususal for you, to downvote six or ten times more than you are upvoting questions?" For me it has been recently, although it is not overall. That is because I learned more about how the site is supposed to work, and started to realize how bad the questions are. — Karl Knechtel 1 min ago
"But whatever, it explains why the community is so problematic. The profiles are public. You can show mine, if you want. And these users are cause of problems. Without those as example, how would you believe me that such behaviors exist?" - again, you aren't getting it. The community isn't "problematic" for downvoting. The community is supposed to downvote much more than it actually does. The users in question are fixing problems, not solving them. We don't need those examples, because we can easily find our own - and we consider them examples of good behavior. — Karl Knechtel 31 secs ago
@E_net4isonstrike Encourage downvoting when it is sanctioned by 1 reputation point? — Marc Le Bihan 12 secs ago
@MarcLeBihan For answers, that is true. And indeed, one of the proposals to encourage downvoting is to remove that penalty altogether. — E_net4 is on strike 33 secs ago
As another data point: logged-out users and users with insufficient reputation for voting, give "anonymous feedback" when they click on the up and downvote buttons - it is about 60% up, 40% down. This is roughly in line with what the most experienced logged-in Stack Overflow users do. But people who have just barely gotten the downvote privilege - between 125 and 1000 reputation - vote more than 96% up. They are the ones doing something wrong. They are the ones out of line with everyone else. — Karl Knechtel 50 secs ago
"Encourage downvoting when it is sanctioned by 1 reputation point?" - the reputation system is full of problems, and its design is not a very good indication of anything except some rough ideas that someone might have thought were good fifteen years ago. As a community, we have learned, and know much better now. — Karl Knechtel just now
Above - "The users in question are fixing problems, not solving them." - should be "fixing problems, not causing them", of course. — Karl Knechtel just now
What you are failing to understand is that users who do heavy moderation work, such as participating in the SO Close Vote Review Chat, are by definition going to cast way more down-votes than up-votes since they spent ridiculous amounts of time reviewing bad questions. Check out the voting statistic of any moderator and they will very likely have much more down votes cast than up votes. — Lundin 8 secs ago
It might as well be the TAB haters who have ganged up to protest Google's ridiculous design decision. — Peter Mortensen 1 min ago
Frankly, as this answer is "shaming" or "calling out" users with direct links to their profiles, I see no other course of action than to flag this as abusive. — Cerbrus 42 secs ago
Say another great downvoter. I've trained all downvoters, here. I understand, now. — Marc Le Bihan 28 secs ago
Browsing javascript, the majority of questions just isn't good. I don't upvote mediocre content. I will downvote bad content. That's just a fact of how the site works, Marc. — Cerbrus 21 secs ago
@E_net4isonstrike The fact is that no one cares about Go users well being. But arguing on metadata, in order to do nothing, as usual, yes. Six years have passed, nothing is solved. You're hiding yourselves from the problem. And what are facing Go users isn't normal. Still. — Marc Le Bihan 36 secs ago
@MarcLeBihan Produce actual evidence and then make a separate question about it. Attaching a rant to some old post where your only "evidence" is a witch hunt against a few select individuals isn't going to win anyone over. — Lundin 9 secs ago
@MarcLeBihan "The fact is that no one cares about Go users well being" Our general advice that we give to every user regardless of which tag they tend to participate in, is don't take downvotes personally. They say nothing about you as a person. The problem is primarily social, and the platform requires peers to either embrace the possibility of your content being subjected to scrutiny, or choose to stay as just a site visitor. Giving up on downvoting just because people might get offended by them would be throwing the baby with the bathwater. — E_net4 is on strike 37 secs ago
"But arguing on metadata" What "metadata"? Marc, please drop the nonsense. The frontpage of go only has about 8 negatively scoring questions right now. — Cerbrus 42 secs ago
What do you mean by "warned the downvoters"? Users can't issue warnings to users, only moderators can, and you're not a moderator. What are you "warning" them of/about..? — Thom A 56 secs ago
@ThomA I opened first a question like this one in SO yesterday. They were in and replied. I hope they will change now. — Marc Le Bihan 58 secs ago
You posted a warning post yesterday? There aren't any posts by you here on Meta from yesterday; has it been deleted since? What was it "warning", as you didn't explain that. — Thom A 20 secs ago
@ThomA It was on Stackoverflow, to be sure they will read it. Not on Meta Stackoverflow where quite no one goes. — Marc Le Bihan 43 secs ago
Stack Overflow is for posting programming questions, not warnings, @MarcLeBihan , so I assume it's rightfully been closed and deleted; hence why i cannot find this post you mention, — Thom A 44 secs ago
"The fact is that no one cares about Go users well being" - what do downvotes on questions have to do with the well being of people who use the programming language? Serious question. What is your reasoning here? For example, do you suppose that posting content on the internet and having it receive downvotes, is inherently damaging to someone's mental health? Or just what? — Karl Knechtel 50 secs ago
You overwhelmingly see/notice downvoted posts because you're bothered by them. — Kevin B 33 secs ago
I'm fairly certain you can receive this popup regardless of whether you've joined. Particularly if you're browsing not logged in and visit collective related pages. (Now i'm curous how exactly one joined a collective without realizing it...) — Kevin B 49 secs ago
The concept of
as described in the current tag wiki seems reasonably well-defined, it would just need a lot of cleanup effort… A lot of them could just be retagged to [mail-sender] — Bergi 47 secs agoNow if we can actually get any of the many React posters to actually DO/Use this... There are so many non-functioning code fragments posted for this currently very active technology area. — Mark Schultheiss 8 secs ago
3 hours later…
My question on June 23rd is yet to be answered by anyone...is it due to the strike by regular users besides moderators? — kakoli 20 secs ago
2 hours later…
@SecurityHound Not nearly as short-sighted as chasing off 95% of your potential user base. — Kevin Krumwiede 57 secs ago
My voting stopped today after only 37 votes. I should point out that a few votes turned -1 votes into 0 for question posters. — Doug 48 secs ago
"You can vote on posts 30 times per UTC day, plus 10 more times on questions only." from the help center — Kevin B 51 secs ago
Does this answer your question? I'm generous with upvoting, but can't earn vox populi badge? — Kevin B 58 secs ago
@KevinKrumwiede - Allowing garbage AI generated content will drive off actual users with real knowledge. I will leave, delete my thousands of answers, and never look back if AI generated content is allowed. I will continue to downvote, low quality garbage AI generated content, regardless if it’s allowed or disallowed. Moderation is required for any user generated community like Stack Exchange. Low quality contributions have no place, if low quality contributions are allowed, then I have no reason to provide my high quality contributions — Security Hound 53 secs ago
@kjhughes No, we do not need to note that Google is exiting the business. That has absolutely zero bearing on whether the subject is on-topic or not. — nobody 15 secs ago
@KevinB but how then do you expect to ever earn the rep<expletive deleted> badge? — user4581301 26 secs ago
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