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Q: Bash: How does one read multiple columns from one file to write to another with concatenated text?

khalid.aboelmagdI need to read multiple columns from a file and print those columns with added text to them. An example, file.txt, contains: c0t60060E8007E439000030E43900001677d0 au1433_rpool A4AC527718EA42AB000114B8 c0t60060E8007E439000030E4390000162Cd0 au1433_cpspd_arclog_01 A4AC527718EA42AB000114B9 c0t60060E8...

Q: How to passing varable to subprocess?

majid khatib shahidiI have a bash script which do some action and a file with a list of servers(+3000) which formatted like: server1 location dc osversion prod/nonprod server2 location dc osversion prod/nonprod I just need a server name and my bash script only can process one at a ti...

1 hour later…
Q: Training Variational Autoencoder (VAE) on custom dataset

Ovation55I am training a VAE on a custom dataset for anomaly detection. The data consists of around 500 images of empty white boxes (at different positions) such as below: Original Image of empty box I am using this tutorial as a starting point, implementing a VAE based on resnet50. There was some success...

Q: Background is not staying at full 100%

Erica LevineHow is that fixed. https://jsfiddle.net/3cgqpkrf/ Background no-repeat; is causing the background not to stay at 100% I think it may be able to be seen in the snippet I provided. body { background: linear-gradient(45deg, #102eff, #d2379b); background-repeat: no-repeat; } Snippet Full Screen...

function groupBy(list, keyGetter) {
    const map = new Map();
    list.forEach((item) => {
         const key = keyGetter(item);
         const collection = map.get(key);
         if (!collection) {
             map.set(key, [item]);
         } else {
    return map;

// example usage

const pets = [
    {type:"Dog", name:"Spot"},
    {type:"Cat", name:"Tiger"},
    {type:"Dog", name:"Rover"},
    {type:"Cat", name:"Leo"}

const grouped = groupBy(pets, pet => pet.type);
1 message moved from JavaScript
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