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2:39 AM
@KevinM.Mansour I am specifically interested in error.code :) According to the spec, DOMException should be one of the predefined "subclasses", I couldn't find the case where DOMException is instantiated directly. code property is a legacy prop holding a enum value for what the error "type" is
^ I also wanted to know the lineNumber (non-standard but useful), but I assume the error is caused by getUserMedia
I see somebody answered that this is due to trying to call getUserMedia in an unsecured context. At first, I thought so as well, but there is a problem: the spec clearly says that if the context is not secure, the mediaDevices will be undefined, meaning the error you would've got is TypeError, not DOMException
5 hours later…
8:06 AM
welcome another update: detecting and notifying of review audits (own implementation):
OMG! That is really in your face, huh? :)
I have decided to not put such into a shared script. I mean if someone can find it in chat, no problem. But I would not post it on Stack Apps :)
I've been staring at your list creation for hours :D
@Scratte yeah, really in one's face :)
so I don't think it is that big of a deal :)
besides, it does not add a default action - just notifies the user this is an audit
but, frankly, I simply wanted to test out if I can reliably detect audits without intercepting requests :)
Heh.. yes, there's no doubting that :D
You can. I've used it for a long time :)
I will make the code availabe shortly
Samuel uses it to auto-Skip them.
I'm trying to turn the part of the code that makes lists into code that makes tables.
I need coffee.. show me the coffee.
8:21 AM
The more interesting parts are utilities for extracting question id, answer id, and getting suggested edit info from the API by posted + optional filter
@Scratte is there a tanglible problem?
@Scratte here you are: ☕
@OlegValter Heh.. not really. I'm trying to work out what it does :)
I took this:
    const itemParams = {
        header: "Editor Statistcs",
        items: [],
..and made this:
    const itemParams = {
        header: "Editor Statistcs",
        approved: [],
        rejected: [],
        total: [],
But.. I don't like it. It depends on the values of the arrays.
@Scratte and the rest? Not sure I understand what you do with them afterwards
I'd like to do this instead:
    const itemParams = {
        header: "Editor Statistcs",
        items: [][],
But I'm not sure how to push values into it
I'm trying to put the editor statistics into a div to the right of the editor user card.
Having list items take too much room. Also, I like straight lines :D
The header will go into a td - th element
the items should go into td - tr elements. One td element per outer array.
8:30 AM
@Scratte won't work :) array literal syntax can only enclose around items, try this instead (example): [ [1,2,3], [4,5,6], [[7,8,9], [10,11,12]] ]
Oh! Well explain why I'm struggling :D
@Scratte if you want, I have a huge bunch of utilities for creating subcomponents of tables :)
I used your struct li as a basis :)
@Scratte ok :)
But can one not push into an array and then push the array? into a [][]?
How does you tr utility function look like?
8:34 AM
@Scratte not sure I follow? [][] is invalid syntax - or did you denote multi-dimensional array with it? If the latter, you can nest as much as you want - arrays in JS are exotic objects, so accessing is simple: itemParams.items[0].push( <something> )
Yes, that is my multidimensional array. I suppose that's not legal notation in JavaScript.
itemParams.items[0].push( <something> ) <-- but I do not know which index I am pushing to :)
const makeRow = (cells, isHead = false) => {
    const tr = document.createElement("tr");
    tr.append(...makeCells(cells, isHead));
    return tr;
const makeCells = (cells, isHead = false) => {
  return cells.map((content, idx) => {
    const cell = document.createElement(isHead ? "th" : "td");
    cell.innerText = content;
    return cell;
^ this is simplified from a project I dug up
How does the cells look like? Is that an array?
@Scratte string[] :)
Ahh.. :)
8:40 AM
@Scratte nope, not legal
@Scratte "I do not know which index I am pushing to" - ?
For the items. I just want the rows to present in the order that I push them :)
I suppose I could: itemParams.items.push([Of total:, ${total}, empty, ${total - (approved + rejected)} Pending]);
Chat just stripped all the backticks :D
It works! :) Thank you.. those square brackets are really useful :D
@Scratte phew, for a couple of seconds I thought there was a problem :)
@Scratte I see you figured it out already, but just a note: you have full control of methods on each array level, so you can push/pop/shift/unshift as you please, there are no special "multi-dimensional" structs in JS :)
I am not used to JavaScript. I never read the manual. I'm not suppose to be a web developer, so I struggle with the smallest things :/
@OlegValter So far.. I just need to push them :)
9:09 AM
@Scratte nah, that's not a problem :) You are doing better than a lot of JS devs I see out there
@Scratte yeah, &nbsp; won't work with textContent, you need innerHTML for that :)
^ btw, that's a neat placement idea - I will consider moving the stats there too
@Scratte don't you want to make cell 1 always contain labels and cell 2 - values?
@OlegValter const empty = '\u00A0'; // https://codepoints.net/U+00A0 works :)
@Scratte yup, unicode escape sequences work well with JS strings :)
^ I only meant that if you want to use HTML entities, then you have to use innerHTML
Ahh.. but I am scared of innerHTML now :)
@OlegValter Huh? I figured I just need to make the first row bold.
@Scratte and rightfully so :) Just noting - using unicode escapes is much better (less readable, but I usually save them in a dictionary for readability and then use template literals)
Which is easy, as that's the header item :)
@OlegValter I put a link to the codepoints.net inside the code usually with the name of the code point too :)
In case the code point suddenly changes :D Then others can find it by name :D :D
9:19 AM
sorry, I am not sure I understand the structure of your table from the image - I would assume that each row holds a label on the left and the value on the right, etc (why inline ratio?):
| Approved | 0 |
| Rejected | 2 |
| Ratio | 0 |
Ahh.. the inline ratio is because 1. It's the ratio of approved to the total. and 2. I can only have 4 lines of text :)
Do you plan to put your script on Stack Apps?
|Approved | 0 | (0%) | Ratio: 0
|Rejected | 2 | (100%) |
|Total | 0 | | 5 Pending
@Scratte so, are you going to add a ratio for rejections/total as well then?
@OlegValter No :) I'm fine with just a ratio of the approved :)
@Scratte ah, thanks, now I see the structure (I asked because I wanted to advise min-width, it works really well with td elements :))
@OlegValter Ahh.. I hacked it with the space :D
I have thought of not including the ratio, because some people do not understand mathematics.
And it's the ratio of approved to rejected. Not to total :) Which would have been either 1 or smaller than :)
9:39 AM
@Scratte actually, it's not a hack - in the older times, empty cells had to have &nbsp; to avoid collapsing :)
@Scratte ah, sorry - I assumed since remember exposing both: ratio of approved to rejected and approved to totals :)
I didn't actually register the value in the image was 2.33 :)
@OlegValter I truncated that .toFixed(2). I wasn't happy with the long list of decimals :)
@OlegValter The ratio of approved to total is usually what "they" multiply with 100 and call a percentage :P
@Scratte yeah, I know, btw, I have to do that in my version - thanks for reminding me, I forgot to fix that
@Scratte "they"?
@OlegValter The world :)
@Scratte well, yes? approved to rejected is a ratio of parts, approved / total * 100 is a percentage - is something not right with my terminology?
@Scratte yup, I think so - but only when it has all the features planned and a decent build workflow
10:11 AM
@OlegValter No I was just teasing you :) You wrote "so, are you going to add a ratio for rejections/total as well then?".. which I already have. It's the percentage in the Rejected row :)
@Scratte hm, as far as I recall, ratio != percentage? I literally meant ratio
@OlegValter Yes, but I noticed the "rejections/total" which is the same as the percentage/100, no? :)
10:37 AM
@Scratte I prefer to think of percentage as ratio * 100, that's all :)
10:50 AM
We're not talking about the same thing :)
"rejections/ total " is already calculated :)
@OlegValter I'm calling your method like so const listItems = items.map(makeRow);
I added a console.log("isHead",isHead); in the beginning of the method.
It seems to be 0 the first time. And it's 1 and 2.
Am I calling it wrong?
@Scratte a little :)
callbacks to forEach, map, find, findIndex and some others pass 3 arguments to positional parameters:
I assumed so, because I got this :)
1. current value
2. current 0-based index
3. array being iterated
and given that every number not 0 is truthy and 0 - falsy, the result are, well, usually interesting :)
I'm understanding that results from the parameter :)
I'm just not understanding how the parameter gets set :)
11:21 AM
@Scratte what do you mean? You pass a function as the first argument to the method and it then repeatedly calls it with a well-known set of parameters
This works const listItems = items.map(subArray => makeRow(subArray)); but I'm thinking that's not how it's supposed to be called/used
@Scratte that is exactly how it is supposed to work :)
lol! Super.. :)
@Scratte trying to "save space" by passing a multi-parameter function as-is is a common error when people start out with JS :) So common that every handbook talks about it.
but if you declare the function with one parameter only, you can safely pass it as a callback directly
Aha! I see. I stole this line from the code you used to make lists const listItems = items.map(makeRow); and just swapped out the function :) That'll teach me to use copy'n'paste with care :D I need The Key™ that comes with a warning ;)
11:46 AM
@Scratte it is improtant to note that the original only has one positional parameter, so it is safe :) JS doesn't care if you pass 100 arguments to a 1-parameter function
^ but any type checker like Flow or TypeScript (❤) would've yelled at you :) That's why I don't understand people who refuse to use type checkers these days
^ a note: the above is a rant about JS devs, not you :)
12:03 PM
I think I learn more without an IDE :) I'm using my Notepad++ and working my way through all the errors :)
But after I found out what was going on, I did notice that the place I copied it from only had the one parameter :)
12:52 PM
@Scratte yeah, until I switched to VS Code I used Notepad++ as well :) Made me appreciate how lazy one can afford to be with an IDE. I must admit that simple text editor experiences does build up attentiveness to detail
I've hit another strange thing
I have this:
    function axajStopWrapper(foonction,argument) {
        console.log("axajStopWrapper - argument",argument);
        $(document).ajaxStop(function() {
//            foonction.apply(this, arguments);
Which I call with axajStopWrapper(getUserCards,true);
But the console gives me:
> foonction
I had to give it name :) and "function" was a bad idea :)
@Scratte until I noticed the below is a quote from @double-beep, I nearly went nuts trying to visually find console.log(foonction.name) in your code :)
So the argument is true inside this axajStopWrapper, but inside the getUserCards, it's "undefined".
1:05 PM
@Scratte you applied true as this for the callback 😂
@OlegValter Oops.. nevermind :)
So, now I'm using:
foonction.apply(null, argument);
axajStopWrapper(getUserCards, [true]);
Seems to do the trick. Thanks :)
Here we go Editor statistics
@OlegValter Thanks for remembering me. :). I will test and see.
1:27 PM
Does anyone have a link to a tag edit? :)
Yes.. it has to be a review :)
But.. come to think of it, I don't think I need one. My brain is on holiday.. I can just remove the condition. Silly me.
1:46 PM
@Scratte why not improve the design a bit? i.stack.imgur.com/ewMJH.png
2:00 PM
It needs to fit into the height of a user card :)
doesn't have to be next to the usercard
But I added a colspan.. which I messed up
No, it doesn't. But it fits nicely there. There's all that empty space :)
And if someone is interested in the editor's statistics, I'd assume they've already scrolled down to look at the user card :)
1 hour later…
3:16 PM
@Scratte NP :) just remember that .call, .apply, .bind have this override as their first positional parameter
I was happy that I made you laugh about it :)
I think it's ready to be released. Though, I'd like to make another option.
The lower part gets a little cramped up if one keeps the RadioButtonBox
@Scratte and you had to call the parameter "argument", didn't you? :)
@OlegValter It was better than "arguments" :D
"When Jon Skeet gives a method an argument, the method loses"
@Scratte I wonder if that can be fixed with a simple "float"
3:29 PM
@Scratte you can't name parameter arguments in strict mode :)
> Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or arguments in strict mode
^ this is what you'll get
I can rename it to "parameters", if it will be less confusing :)
3:43 PM
@Scratte I think 'tis ok :)
I changed it :)
So setting "position: absolute" fixes it in the horizontal way, but then it overlaps with the comments :'(
1 hour later…
5:16 PM
I just spent 30 minutes fiddling with this document.querySelector('fieldset[class="grid gs8 gsy fd-column p12"]'); It just keeps giving me null.. it's the timing again. It gets populated 500 ms after I run it. Grrrr..
@Scratte Be Patient. This is Javascript. :)
@KevinM.Mansour My user script manager isn't patient :)
@Scratte Tell him to code a single line of Javascript. :)
@KevinM.Mansour I'm pretty sure the entire thing is in JavaScript :D
@Scratte Javascript is beautiful. but sometimes you meet a bad Errors. :)
Like the error that I met in my webcam recorder code.
6:12 PM
@Spectric Having fun making new scripts? :)
@Scratte he told me that he will roll new edit for Focus Mode script. :)
@KevinM.Mansour Oh. Maybe Spectric doesn't want the changes.. :)
@Scratte maybe. :)
at all his script is great.
I will create new script called Stack Customizer but I am just think about idea and learing about JS
:) Did you know there is an option in your profile to hide the left navigation bar?
When you mark it, there menu will be available in the left corner only
Great :)
6:38 PM
@KevinM.Mansour don't blame JS when it has nothing to do with it :) @Scratte: you are using invalid escapes for attribute value, it should be wrapped in single quotes only
"fieldset[class='grid gs8 gsy fd-column p12']"
^ it is true that in JS it is not important whether you use single or double quotes, but in this case, we are talking about the syntax of CSS selectors. P.s. I personally prefer enclosing strings in double quotes - saves me from similar situations :)
But.. when I put it into my ajaxStop method, it returns values :)
except that...
what I am saying
the resulting selector will be escaped correctly
I don't mind switching the quotes types though, so I'll have double on the outside and single on the inside.
my bad, I'll go get some sleep
@Scratte yes, the element doesn't exist when the page is initially loaded
6:42 PM
I thought you stopped sleeping :D
yes, the only problem is the lack of element in the DOM, to second @double-beep
instead, a POST request is done to /review/next-task
the response contains the HTML that's appended
this is why .ajaxStop works
Yes, I know. I've been trying to work out how to avoid using ajaxStop, since I'd like to do it vanilla JavaScript.
because the event is fired after that request, when the element has already been appended
I think we already discussed the problem regarding the other element
6:45 PM
Oleg told me to not override the prototype, but maybe use a mutation observer :)
@Scratte I opted for the MutationObserver in the end :) Since after the request is done, the node you are looking for is appended to DOM
@OlegValter When do you sleep? :)
@OlegValter I'm not using that yet. I'm still hoping to hook into the response event :)
Also.. I'm making a lot of changes to the DOM, so the mutation observer is going to be very busy :D
I must apologize for the above, I don't know what lead me to interpret the above selector as incorrect
@OlegValter Don't worry :) That is not a problem. I'm happy that you are here :)
6:50 PM
@Scratte indeed, but there's no other way to get a request's response without overriding the XMLHttpRequest prototype
Oh.. and I fixed the congestion on the user cards. I went for setting the width based on some other elements :)
@Scratte you can choose a relatively small target to observe + only include the childList option
@double-beep That is making me want to cry.. just a little :')
.ajax* methods work only on requests made using jQuery
(not e.g. using fetch)
it's easy for the library to fire an event when one of its methods is called :)
@double-beep Not entirely sure about that. I seem to set of the .axajStop myself, and I only use fetch.
Unless it's not me setting them off. I had to put in some stuff to avoid going endless loops.
6:53 PM
@Scratte Working on maintenance. Going to try and fix that issue with StackFocus for low-height screens.
I think I'll use flexbox rather than JS
@Spectric It will be great.
@Spectric Oh!. I'm sorry about that.. I had no idea I'd set off a chain of events.
What do you mean? I'm grateful that you found an error with the userscript and reported it to me (same goes for @KevinM.Mansour ) :)
@Scratte god I feel like my brain turned off :( once again, please, disregard the above part completely (except for preference for quotes). What the hell was I thinking - you should be fine with either type of quotes
6:56 PM
@OlegValter As it happens, I hadn't yet switched my quotes :) Don't worry about it :)
@Spectric I am do not mean anything. :) I think Flexbox will be great.
// @namespace   Violentmonkey Scripts
@KevinM.Mansour I was referring to @Scratte's comment :)
Is that OK to change. Or I must keep it.
@Spectric OK
Also what is grant ?
// @grant       none
I'll make some coffee.. and switch around some nodes in suggested edits :)
@Scratte You drink a lot of coffees. :)
You won't sleep for two days. :D
7:01 PM
Coffee keeps me sane :D
:) but remember to be healthy. :)
7:16 PM
@Scratte that is somewhat strange - from what I've seen, jQuery maintains a list of "active" requests in an active property. When you call a method like ajax, this number is incremented (+event 'ajaxStart' is triggered) and then decremented upon end (+event ajaxStop is triggered). But it does not tap into XMLHttpRequest or fetch
v2.1 is out
Uh oh, found a bug.
@OlegValter There's a possibility that I do not know what I am seeing :) I could be triggering ajax events in the UI and thinking I set them off in code.
@Spectric What is bug?
The flexbox container covers the entire screen. Pointer events have no effect
Focus Mode v2.0 to Focus Mode v2.1
7:25 PM
I've removed the star until further notice :D (It was not a forced removal. The star was mine :-)
@Scratte hm, I double-checked with the source :) As well as sending a fetch with the listener added to make up for my lapse in cognition earlier - pretty sure fetch is unaffected
@OlegValter "make up for my lapse in cognition earlier".. nooo! That was fine :)
I am impressed that you checked up on this. I'm pretty sure I am mistaken then :) It could very easily be while hovering over a user card or something else that causes it to fire again which I am mistakenly thinking is my own fetch.
Caught the bug.
Ready for the star then? :)
Also change in Focus Mode v2.0 to Focus Mode v2.1
in the settings page itself.
7:30 PM
@Scratte What star :)
@KevinM.Mansour Ok.
@Spectric nearly star on GitHub.
I've changed the title from "Focus Mode v2.0" to "Stack Focus Mode"
Tell me if you still have the height issue.
Code to test;
@Scratte it was a horrible misjudgement, though :) serves me right for not rereading what I wrote (really embarrassing). Re: event - I am pretty sure this is a coincidence. It is indeed likely that something else makes the request around the time. You can try logging the event object passed to ajaxStop to see if that's true, but this is all there is: github.com/jquery/jquery/blob/…
did you update on Github?
7:35 PM
@KevinM.Mansour Yes. Check the new link: github.com/SpectricSO/stack-scripts/tree/main/scripts/…
@Spectric Greay Update. Works fine. Good Luck.
@Yatin What do you mean? I am new here.
@KevinM.Mansour It is a meme. High five...
Small circle person giving a high five
You reply with \o and vice versa
@Yatin So you got 100 degree in your exam.
@Spectric The chat star :D
7:40 PM
@KevinM.Mansour They went smoothly 😀
@Yatin Good Luck. :)
@OlegValter That's pretty good evidence that I am mistaken :)
@Yatin So you're almost ready to work for the rest of your life?
@Scratte Hehe :p
@Scratte he is in School or College 🎓
7:48 PM
@KevinM.Mansour I'm not sure. It must be some type of higher education. It's specialized to something computer related :)
8:08 PM
I think that document.getElementById is faster than document.querySelector
8:26 PM
@KevinM.Mansour marginally, yes, it should - nowadays it doesn't matter much, but if you have an id, getElementById is still quite a good choice over querySelector - why are you bringing it up?
@OlegValter Sometimes developers say that both are good. and somtimes developers say document.getElementById is faster. But as my experience I think document.getElementById is faster. Thanks for Explaining.
Also I asking to know What is faster for my website to use.
@KevinM.Mansour yes, both are correct :) getElementById is faster. But both are good for the job. Unless you really have a performance bottleneck, I wouldn't bother with this, though. The speed gain is marginal (in terms of the task performed)
@OlegValter Thanks :)
you will notice we often use .querySelectorAll(".someClassName"), but really, it is faster to use the dedicated method getElementsByClassName("someClassName"). It all boils down to personal preference and the need to boost performance. For example, if the selection happens to be inside a rapidly firing event handler (i.e. "mousemove"), or in a requestAnimationFrame's callback
@KevinM.Mansour :) My rule of thumb is - if you have jQuery/another heavy library/framework loaded, you can immediately throw the thought out of the window - the querySelector is now the least of your performance problems
8:41 PM
@OlegValter Wow, I am never thought there is difference when adding dot "." in the begin of class in querySelector. Thanks :)
@OlegValter I will work with that rule
@KevinM.Mansour hm, not sure I understand what you mean?
I mean that I never knew there is difference when adding dot "." in document.querySelector("Class Name")
Wow, I am never knew there is difference when adding dot "." in the begin of class in querySelector. Thanks :)
There isn't a difference :)
@Scratte a little difference :)
The querySelector will find out if you want a class if you use the . or an id if you use the #. querySelector("someClassName") will not find it, because the . is missing. But getElementsByClassName("someClassName") knows you are looking for a class :)
8:51 PM
@Scratte Thanks :)
9:04 PM
How can I get stack Overflow account name?
Like I want to show User Name in my user-script div
Hi @cigien.
Heh.. cigien isn't really in the room. They're just pressing the button "Rejoin favorite room" when they enter chat :) And maybe occasionally keeping an eye on us.. or something :)
@Scratte Aw. I thought he is in the room because his icon shown. OK
@Scratte hmm
We need Ad Blocker here. :)
Just kidding. :)
@KevinM.Mansour Hi :)
9:19 PM
@KevinM.Mansour depends on your preferred approach. You can do this with the API, for example: api.stackexchange.com/docs/users-by-ids. Or, depending on your situation - process the page your script is running on. What is the specific use case?
@cigien Hi .. I was just planning to create callback function without last bracket until Scratte come.
@OlegValter No, I need name like Kevin M. Mansour - Oleg Valter - Scratte like that.
@KevinM.Mansour cough display_name cough. But that's when using the API - there are also other ways of getting this info, really depends on the use case
@KevinM.Mansour Well, good luck with that :) I wish I could help, but that's mostly the reason why I don't participate; I have no idea about JS. I just like seeing what scripts y'all come up with, and I try using some of them sometimes :)
@cigien No, do not try that. It will create DDOS Attack. I was just kidding. :)
heya, @cigien!
@KevinM.Mansour "callback function without last bracket" - ?
9:27 PM
I think it maybe create DDOS Attack. Scratte told me that before (Not Sure
what Scratte told completely)
@KevinM.Mansour I didn't mean to say cigien wasn't in the room. They are. But I think they just autojoin :)
@cigien I knew you were spying on us ;)
@Scratte anyway, I am lucky that I found that room. I learned a lot from it. Starting from User-script manager to document.getElementById
@Scratte Don't worry, I haven't reported y'all. Yet ;)
@cigien Ha! ..yet :) But not knowing JavaScript isn't an excuse. I don't know a lot either.. I just wing it :)
@KevinM.Mansour I accidentally made an ajax call inside an axaj.complete().. that kind of makes for a lot of calls :(
@Scratte You edited comment ;) from made into accidentally :)
anyway. Thanks.
9:34 PM
@KevinM.Mansour Yes. Because I didn't make it on purpose :)
@Scratte hmmmm. OK
Funny thing about this room is that it is sometimes very active and other times, not so much. The recent spike in activity was due to.. "How can I turn meta off". Wonderful post :)
@Scratte What is "How can I turn meta off"?
10:21 PM
@Scratte OK
It is very good.
`document.write("Bye, See you tomorrow :)");
document.notice("@OlegValter & @Scratte Sleep just some time :)")
Thank you :)
1 hour later…
11:46 PM
@KevinM.Mansour Repeatedly sending AJAX requests to a website at very close intervals won't create a DDoS attack, since most servers have a limit on the maximum requests per second per remote address. It becomes a DDoS attack when this limit is bypassed by sending a lot of requests from a variety of remote addresses.
W3Schools changed their home page: w3schools.com. Looks more clean.
I like their description of Java; "A programming language"
As opposed to "PYTHON: A popular programming language"

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