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1:03 AM
6 hours later…
7:03 AM
@Freerey I'd definitely try the ketchup just because I'm scared of that crazy face
7:45 AM
[Squirrel in Training] GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' neglecterinos!
posted on February 09, 2021 by Scott Hanselman

One of the things I'm always working on and am always excited about is making C# simpler for new folks. With .NET 5, today, this works, as it includes C# 9 > dotnet new console The template "Console Application" was created successfully > echo System.Console.WriteLine("Hello World"); > program.cs > dotnet run Hello World That's C# 9 top level programs. We should be able to remov

2 hours later…
9:29 AM
\[**[kesarling](https://discord.gg/PNMq3pBSUe)**] https://gist.github.com/kesarling/aabe26521d7b11bbf5bf197c70d2dafa
In the code, I populate my list in the `OnGet`. But I need the data again in `OnPostAsync`. Is it a good idea to populate the list in the `ctor` instead of `OnGet`?
In the code, I populate my list in the `OnGet`. But I need the data again in `OnPostAsync`. Is it a good idea to populate the list in the `ctor` instead of `OnGet`?
10:00 AM
hey @Rob could you update the link in the message chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/50936901#50936901 to the link in the description please? :)
IIRC you mods can edit very old messages even right?
(discord.gg/sKE5Rmp6 needs to be changed to discord.gg/PNMq3pBSUe)
10:33 AM
Of other people? This isn't Reddit!
10:48 AM
Yes of other people killerino
Aslo chat is at an all time low
Why not finally join the discörd?
Kieran was looking for you there
11:09 AM
Invalid command! Did you mean: disable, popcorn, door? Try help for a list of available commands..‍.‍.‍.‍.‍
Botler, discord
@Squirrelkiller Sorry, I don't know that one.
I stand by my statements
Although I don't remember which bot I taught it apparently

Don't migrate to discord

Nov 19 '20 at 7:56, 22 minutes total – 25 messages, 4 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked Dec 18 '20 at 6:31 by Squirrelkiller

@Squirrelkiller lel xD
You can stand by your statement and still come to discörd
11:11 AM
That wouldn't be aggressive enough though
Yes but a solution
There needs to be constant friction to highlight how bad an idea is migration to discord
The deteriorating state of SO chat should be a great indicater to see how this platform has been slowly dying ever since that big issue where a lot of mods quit their jobs.
Damn i somehow missed my point half way i guess
You kinda stumbled from the smaller issue over to the bigger issue there lol
Both can be worked on, only one can be worked on by us
11:35 AM
[Squirrel in Training] Yeah but one is the basis for the other.
[Squirrel in Training] If the basis aint there, no need to work on it 'ight?
I thought I am very nit picky when in comes to code...
12:22 PM
@Squirrelkiller me too bro
mythic dawn will CHOKE ON THEIR LIES
Nov 19 '20 at 8:11, by Squirrel in training
True. But alas, chat has had it's downward trend for years now and I don't see a recovery possibility for it.
Discord gives us the opportunity to still stay in contact even if chat complety dies out.
as someone who only got here less than 2 years ago...what exactly happened to make chat worse over the years?
12:43 PM
[Squirrel in Training] Well alray
[Squirrel in Training] The automatic banning that happend late last year is the only new negative feature that i can think of
[Squirrel in Training] But what happend with the mods i don't quite remember, something with SO being asshole or sth in that direction and just doing dictatorial things without involving the mods
[Squirrel in Training] That was the meta post which set it all off
[Squirrel in Training] Correction, that is the post of madara leaving
Madara becoming a ghost set it off?
[Squirrel in Training] No zthis did
[Squirrel in Training] Madara just joined a year later
\[**[Squirrel in Training](https://discord.gg/PNMq3pBSUe)**] https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/moderator-resignation?sort=MostVotes&edited=true

All mods that left cuz of this crud here
oh yeah I remember that drama...it's just from the message I linked, it seemed like there was much more going on before then
I randomly just found out today is Mike Shinoda's 44th birthday
12:54 PM
[Squirrel in Training] ddint he die?
that was Chester Bennington
1:53 PM
I need some LINQ help. So I'd like to group a DataTable by one of it's columns.

There's an answer here [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15448222/], but it involves listing out the every column name manually. Can the column names be somehow looped over and included without being manually listed (as my DataTable has quite a few columns)?
2:10 PM
@micycle probebly with reflection
I don't think it's possible atm even with using reflection
Oh... A for-loop (rather than LINQ) it is then!
2:35 PM
EF without model classes?
I have a project which references entityframework. i have updated it to EFCore. my project has references to System.Data.entity, what would be the replacement to fix not found issue
list.Extract(e => e.PropertyName)
I was thinking of writing an IEnumerable<T> extension
to extract the property value
[Squirrel in Training] Party paty
[Squirrel in Training] oh i dont care anymore.,.
[Squirrel in Training] dag frggn naggit
2:55 PM
extract how?
Ryan Donovan on February 11, 2021
Video meetings aren’t ideal, but we can make them a little easier by understanding that there are multiple ways of interacting with your fellow humans.
3:55 PM
Hey all, when I run the following: dotnet publish /p:Configuration=Release /p:EnvironmentName=Staging
I get a published directory, and amongst the contents of the published content is:
the appsettings.Staging.json will contain the MS SQL Connection string associated with the Staging environment MS SQL Server
Will IIS Server 10 (which is what I am using) be intelligent enough to determine that the correct Staging Connection String is in appsettings.Staging.json?
I wasn't aware IIS actually reads json files, I thought it only reads the web.config
Yeah, Sorry if I sound naive, maybe you are correct.
AFAIK the .net runtime reads the json file, but I'm not sure it will read the .staging.json
I had this exact problem too, but i can't remember if I actually found a solution or just mv settings.staging.json settings.json lol
Ping me when you found a solution^^
I was looking about the published web.config, it contains the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">
<add name="aspNetCore" path="*" verb="*" modules="AspNetCoreModuleV2" resourceType="Unspecified" />
<aspNetCore processPath=".\InvestorCentral.Uploaders.exe" stdoutLogEnabled="false" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout" hostingModel="inprocess">
<environmentVariable name="ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT" value="Development" />
Notice the Following xml section:
Yeah that one basically just tells IIS how to run dotnet
4:05 PM
Huh, would at least expect staging in there
No sorry my mistake. one sec
or release
Notice the Following xml section:

<environmentVariable name="ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT" value="Staging" />
My mistake
Ah that looks better
4:06 PM
It actually does say stating
I'm trying to make it easy for our DevOps or IT Operations teams.
They find it inconvient if they themselves have to change all the configuration xml or json files
by modifying DB connection strings
so I think merely specifying the environment name in the dotnet publish like so is enough:
dotnet publish /p:Configuration=Release /p:EnvironmentName=Staging
It should be
Maybe you have to add something in the startup class?
ok thanks. just verifying
so yes, in the startup.cs class of the asp.net core application, I have:
        // env.EnvironmentName is defined in the launchSettings.json file
        var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
                          .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: false, reloadOnChange: true)
                           .AddJsonFile($"appsettings.{env.EnvironmentName}.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true)
                            .AddJsonFile("businessEntityDataTypesAndSQLSprocsAssociations.json", optional: false, reloadOnChange: false)
and in launchSettings.json
posted on February 11, 2021 by Phil Haack

Collaborative work is difficult enough when located together in an office. It can present new challenges when working remotely. When I worked at GitHub, one powerful tool we used that left a lasting impact on me was ChatOps. In fact, GitHub may have created the concept. If not, they were certainly one of the first.

  "environmentVariables": {
According to microsoft, that already happens in the default builder: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/fundamentals/configuration/…
1 hour later…
5:19 PM
Hey All, does for Visual Studio 2010 have a build action for a directory? To elaborate, I have a directory in my application called "UploadedFilesDir", but when I publish, it fails to include said directory in the published contents.
3 hours later…
8:38 PM
Hey all, for Visual STudio 2010, i have have plain text file that I want published. For the properties of said text file in Visual Studio 2010, I specified that "Copy to Output Directory" as Copy always
What should the Build action be in order for it to be published
8:56 PM
Content I think
Why VS2010 though?
Hey, I work for a financial firm with Really OLD technology. LOL
1 hour later…
9:58 PM
@crazyTech Wouldn't VS2019 also open REALLY OLD solutions w/o issues? :\
No, I think the backward compatibility issues are immense
msbuild versions are different.
lots of differences
Huh. Alright. I still will work with a .NET4.0 project in 2019, I guess your shite is even older.
We also have a lot of old 3rd party telerik stuff.
really old version of telerik UI controls
10:20 PM
[Duck Ling] hey guys, any of you done any voluntary work? I'd like to participate in some interesting projects like i.e. medical research tool building etc. I'm not sure where to look for organizations who know their stuff and need some tools building but dont' have the skills and/or the money!

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