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Today, I learned that it's mostly moderators' fault because we are imperfect.
hi.. is this where bad stack overflow reviews are talked about when the actual room is frozen? or was the above just ad-hoc?
@ewong We talked above about how they should not be talked about in chat, but rather that you should raise a moderator flag when you want action taken on an incorrect review.
If you have a question about how a review task should have been handled and want to get the opinion of other users, then that would be fine to ask about in here.
A lot of opinions. The best opinions! Everyone knows that.
@CodyGray I'm not sure how you got to that conclusion. I don't think you're right about it.
@Scratte You told me, repeatedly.
It was the justification repeatedly provided for your decisions.
@CodyGray thanks
@CodyGray You could also have reasoned that the inconsistency is making me weary about my actions. And the inconsistency is everywhere on the site. So that's not about moderators.
I don't know, I try to consistently be an ass.
@Scratte We were talking specifically about flags, and flags are only handled by moderators. Additionally, the specific examples that you cited all concerned moderator actions. So, no, had I reasoned that, I would have made a category error.
Even had I reasoned that, though, I would also have concluded it ridiculous and irrelevant. Inconsistency is everywhere that you have humans making decisions. It's an unsolvable problem.
I fundamentally disagree that it would be better having machines making the decision, so we're left with humans and the inconsistency that that entails.
That inconsistency is not always a problem. It's also what makes humanity beautiful.
The thing about it is that we're not even given the same training for reviews.
@AdrianMole That's very much wrapped in cotton, no?
Review training would be good - and has been suggested/discussed on Meta. But it requires effort and other resources.
it requires the company understanding that garbage control is the main task on SO these days
@AdrianMole Not even every reviewer is aware of when to flag a "Not an Answer".. that means no training at all.
I mean I can understand discussion of cornercases.. but a blatant one really means that they have no idea.
Those with "absolutely no idea" probably end up getting perma-banned by the audit system. I hope.
And then what happens is that they develop an idea from just doing it whichever way they do it. And at some point that becomes their "rule".
Curating and posting should go hand in hand, but they don't. Not even close, because no one have to educate themselves about Stack when posting. Some just get lucky that it works out, some are less lucky.
(and just to throw it in: It was a declined flag on a rhetorical question in an Answer that made me learn that ;-)
since we're on the topic of NAA. is a wrong or irrelevant answer NAA?
@ewong no
"wrong and irrelevant answer" has "answer" in it
@ewong No. Well, probably no. If it's an attempt at answering, then it's not NAA. Edge case is something like Python code as an answer to a Java question. But a wrong answer should be downvoted, not flagged.
@AdrianMole, @AndrasDeak thanks.
NAA flags are subject to mod handling, and mods don't judge the tech. So if you need to be a domain expert to see that it's bad then it's not NAA.
Hold up, people are seriously scared of flagging in case they get declined?, that's got to be one of the most childish things I've heard on this entire site, and I spend lots of time on meta
It's just Scratte so be nice
I wasn't not nice, the idea of being scared of a "declined" meter going up by 1 is childish
you do you
@AndrasDeak It's not just me..
OK, sorry for trying to protect your feelings :P
@Nick So is being scared of getting downvotes or close votes or delete votes on your post.. just go and do it. Being scared of a Question ban is also silly. No one ever died from that, and to be honest: Asking Question on Stack Overflow is a bad idea anyway.
Asking questions on stack is a means to an end, you do it to get an answer, as I have done, and have multiple downvotes to show for both it and being a reviewer and upsetting people. That doesn't make me scared of it. Asking questions on stack isn't a bad idea, not putting effort into both research and your question is a bad idea
One of the things people usually are scared of is getting told off or being told they're stupid. But why though? Someone will always come think that of anyone. So why be scared of that? Why not just read harsh comments and think: Ohh.. that's just someone on the internet.
I apologize for my ignorance; but, @Nick is fear of losing reputation childish? (mostly for downvoting an answer)
@Nick So.. I think you asking a Question is silly. You think me not liking declined flags is silly. For what it's worth doing research for a Question on Stack Overflow is probably only going to benefit you. The Answers from such a Question is too narrow and can't be useful for other people.
@Scratte Indeed, why. Life would be a whole lot easier if we could ditch the "oh, woe is me" crap and have people just grow a pair and stop getting offended so easily.
@ewong IMO, yes, you should be able to happily downvote without caring about a -1 appearing
@Nick But here's the thing: Once an environment gets too harsh, it becomes a little closed group of people that throws insults around.
@Scratte Only because everyone expects to get their hands held, if all environments were as harsh as people are in reality then everyone would get on with life and there wouldnt be need for closed groups
And it's not like Stack doesn't thrive by the gamification. Telling people that they're being childish for doing exactly what Stack has in mind for how the site works, is ignorant.
@Nick No.. in real life people have to get along. Or not, but then they usually find that they have a hard time retaining the fluids in their bodies.
They're being childish for being so scared of losing they don't play the game
@Nick That's just one way to get around not loosing. They play the things they enjoy and not the things they don't. It's not a job.
Reputation is very hard to control. Votes and flags are easier.
Well if you don't want to play the game, don't expect to be given a way to reap the reward of playing (in this case a side channel to "raise your flags" - simply using you as an example here), and don't consider it silly just because your way of abusing the system is withdrawn
I wasn't aware I was abusing the system.
The entire room was an abuse of the system intended to raise awareness of triage and help bad reviewers improve. That is it. It wasn't to just offloading your flagging duties into.
"flagging duties" :D I have no duties here. None.. nada, zero, zip.. and all other varieties of the word for "nothing".
what a time to be alive
It's something you feel morally obliged to do when you see a bad review. Otherwise you wouldn't bother raising it at all, that's the definition of a duty.
I have a duty to not report it in a chat-room. Since that's abusing the system.
Have anyone told Samuel that they think the chat-room is an abuse?
Why would they need to? It's obvious, he made it for a specific reason, I mean damn, Cody has already referred to it as both a hack and a workaround in here in the last 3 hours. It doesn't take a genius to realize that making a chat room directly to fast track a feature of the site (and so was actively circumventing the correct course) is not "fair play"
The only reason it kept going is because sometimes abusing a system is a necessary evil. And the fact is, now its not.
That's not easy to know, since that room has been frozen and unfrozen before.
And the last message is not "I'm closing this room as it's an abuse of the system". The message is "I'm taking a break until further notice". I cannot read minds, so I had no idea that the one meant the other.
It is easy to know. The room is a direct line to an individual mod. The mod isn't working, the line is disconnected.
You mean to say that the link between "I'm taking a break until further notice" and "I'm closing this room as it's an abuse of the system" is easy to make?
I never said the room was closed for being an abuse of the system. I meant it was clear that the room was an abuse of the system. Sam can take a break as and when he likes, and has closed the room every time he has done so.
(typing on a phone just makes me reply slow so my response didn't come when I intended it to... Sadface)
So.. now I'm confused. If I post a review in the room, I'm abusing the system, and I should already know that it was such? That fact that I didn't know that.. makes me.. stupid or something?
I didn't say that?, I mean, you should've realised that IMO, the correct action has always been to use the official flagging system, I don't understand why anyone would think that has changed just because a mod was open to messages in a chat room. Take what you like from the fact you didn't consider it a back door, but I didnt call you stupid.
Right. That makes SOCVR a back door too, no? Fast tracking closures instead of letting them going naturally through the queue.
Yes, it is
So is that also considered "abusing the system"? Not that I post a lot in there.
Arguably, yes. What's your point? I have no problem abusing the system, I just don't expect all of my avenues of fast tracking flags and votes to remain open at all times, and certainly wouldn't call it silly if one closed. And nor would it stop me using the official channels were the side channels unavailable.
I'll happy flag bad reviews without the bad review room and I can happily CV without SOCVR
Normally people get sanctioned when they "abuse the system". So I think your interpretation is very different from mine.
The reason SOCVR has stayed around and works well without issue and without intervention is because it is well moderated and has strict rules. They are well aware that if they turned into a close voting gang they wouldn't last long.
I can say with absolute confidence that I've never close votes a post. So even without SOCVR, I wouldn't be doing that.
Well that's a given :p although you're slowly edging towards that 3k
I'm much more a reopen type of person. But that requires some measure of hope ;)
But what it I ever get there.. I'll not gain anything, I'll just have more "duties", no?
With great power comes great responsibility.
That's up to you, you felt it important enough that you couldn't go through your normal route of raising an issue that you had to use another room to lightly vent your frustration at how "silly" it was that your usual channel was closed. Maybe you won't find reopening posts as important as that
@DanielWiddis This isn't exactly a super power :)
It's moderating using "webs" is it not? :D
@Nick I'll be careful to not express my opinions of a review from now on. That's the thing with the whip.. it's usually very effective ;)
Though of course.. it's not nearly as bad as a declined flag.
@DanielWiddis It I could plug all incoming posts directly into my brain and make a determination and give a feedback on it directly from thought. That.. would be a superpower.
You're welcome to express your opinions on reviews - ideally you'd do it in a flag - but if not, at least putting it somewhere it will get acted on, either by a chance mod or another user flagging, it is something. The key part is to not call someone freezing their own chat room silly
Pardon me for asking.. but is Bad Stack Overflow REviews going to be unfrozen?
@Nick The last time is was frozen, I was asked to hold on to the reviews until it was unfrozen. To me that is silly, since posting them in another room or in my local file is no different from posting then in that room.
@ewong Sam is on a break (as can be seen from his 2 days off site so far, while he's normally very active). Maybe yes, maybe no
@Scratte were you asked to do that this time?
@Nick How is that relevant? I didn't ask this time, because I wasn't there at the exact moment it was frozen. There's no message saying it's closed permanently, so I could only assume it would be unfrozen as it has been all the other times. I cannot read minds. I didn't know the entire room was "abusing the system".
And how is posting them locally not different? If Sam ended up being offline for a week or 2 and came back to a room full of a mixture of chats and review links you expect him to handle them? Maybe he's just trying to keep the transcript clean while he's away, considering he's the only one who manages the room.
It's like coming back from work after a month off with 50 stacks of paperwork on your desk. It doesn't happen for a reason, and if it does you need a new employer
Perhaps, yes. I don't know. I didn't keep any links the last time. I'll not keep any links this time. I'll not post another review in that room again..
But I really don't see how it's different by adding reviews a little at a time ending up at 200 reviews than having them all dumped in one big go as soon as the room is opened.
Maybe that's a hint to use the tools provided...
I still don't read minds. I don't think I ever will. I'm not even sure what people's opinion is of this. What Stack opinion is of it. I only know what a few users' opinion is of it.
@Scratte can I ask a question?
Another one? :)
@Scratte yes, but if it's too complicated just say so and don't bother answering it because it is late.
That's OK. I can try :)
So the question: spændt can mean excited or anxious (meaning both a positive or negative sense). Quick intuition, how do you distinguish the case?
@bad_coder It also means "tense" :)
@Scratte yes I had forgotten about that one.
Like all words that have multiple meanings, it's decided from context. "I feel tense" <-- good tense or bad tense? :)
Du har spændt dine forventninger ud
That means "widen" :D Could also be tense ;)
^^ is he tense because of forventninger ?
No.. "You have stretched your expectations" :) Your expectations are at their limits..
@Scratte I had a strange feeling it was because of ud...
At spænde means to tighten :)
@Scratte dang, that's the part of the grammar I was reading about, the articles determine the sense.
Spænde ud means spreading or stretching, so like when you put an elastic band over something :)
@Scratte :D it was the ud, I knew it haha
It's a different kind of tightening :)
ok, thank you. That's enough for one day, but I'm glad I got to ask the question (you know where I got it from.)
I have no idea where you got that from.. :O
Could be some lyrics though :)
@Scratte duh, sure you do. Well, the dictionary is letting me down, there were 3 meanings in the dictionary and turns out there's a forth.... :(
Ahh.. I see. That is not the easiest lyrics. There's so much that's decided on context with her songs. She plays with words.
well, and I'm out of things to talk about (I seem to have lost all my inspiration)...You can go to bed, thank you for your time.
Not only do you need to understand the sentences, you also need to be able to analyse them like they're literature. I can't help you with that last bit. Understanding poems was never my thing :)
@Scratte mmmm, the grammar I got seems accessible. And the first sentence went alright.
@Scratte what dictionary would you use?
Google translate and general search for phrases to understand them.
I think this one is going to give you some challenges "Det' kun flasken i min hånd, der flasker sig"
"Der flasker sig" means: Turn out OK. She's playing with words here. She's saying "It's only the bottle in my hand, that's turning out OK for me"
@Scratte ok, I'll look into it. (oohh don't give me hints before I even tried :( )
is that about bottles in one's hand?
But because she's using the phrase it makes perfect sense in Danish.. Getting drunk is the only thing that works out for me. Or in a different interpretation: The only happy one is the bottle in my hand.
@Scratte ok, NO auxiliary verbs. Makes lots of sense :D
The bottle ok (no "to be" or "to do")
I'd expect a lot of Danish people even if they understand the words and the phrasing, doesn't understand the meaning..
@Scratte really :O it gets more and more interesting :D
@Scratte "refuge in the bottle"
@bad_coder Could be. When I hear the lyrics I find it inconsistent. Which may well be the meaning in a way of inconsistent thought when one is drunk :)
@Scratte oh well, clearer songs will follow. Perhaps this is actually the best possible choice, since I'll be piecing it together with very limited grammar.
Heh.. I just read the lyrics again, and I have no idea what's going on. You need someone educated in danish literature :D
@Scratte ahh don't worry, the guys that wrote the grammar know their business.
There's a translation of it here: Katinka - Vi Er Ikke Kønne Nok Til At Danse
@Scratte looks good, if I have doubts or want to confirm something. Thank you.
So, it seems no one knows where the expression came from. The dictionary says that too flaske sig with "OPRINDELSE fra nedertysk flasken, af uvis oprindelse" meaning "Origin: from German?, unknown origin" Don't know what "neder" in "nedertysk" means. Ahh.. that just means "Low German"
don't worry about it @Scratte if no one knows we'll just join the club and be happy :)
"Low German" is from the area that is flat. The coastal area.. :D As opposed to the mountain or higher areas :)
@Scratte that's why I speak high German, lots of time in the mountains :)
@AndrasDeak I had to zap that.. that is just too annoying.
"OPRINDELSE" really, you have to take it easy with me. One sentence per day is enough, if we start adding more words I'll forget more than I remember.
@Scratte ok, copy-paste into my Dansk file. I'll revisit it when in due time :)
I only added that to give context and evidence that no one knows where the expression "at flaske sig" came from :)
"Oprindelse" just means "origin", which I tried to find for the expression.
@Scratte just my bad luck, the second sentence I learn is a chimera
@Scratte ok, the root of the word I can factor, but the suffix is asking too much at this late hour.
@bad_coder With modern technology, I'm sure there's already one on the way though :D
ok, I really like Gå Med Dig it sounds cool and the singers are magnetic.
@bad_coder They're having a fight at first :) It means "Go away, you"
@Scratte dang, that's a spoiler :) (we'll need to find out if spolers can be formatted in chat.)
Well.. It can also mean "Walk with you"
@Scratte a double sense is classic, good choice. I like it already :)
"double entendre"
Yes.. it's also used at such in the song.
@AndrasDeak you just had to be full of style and class, pulling out a technical term for a literary figure in French that's actually an English foreign borrow.
@Scratte it is time for bed, although I could stay longer. We should log-off (and you too @AndrasDeak)
How do you know if any of us ever sleep? :)
@Scratte hum, that was a danish sentence for sure :)
ok in 3 minutes I'm logging off.
(too much coffee is certain to be the problem)
hope Sam's ok.
Why? Is he gone?
Probably just taking a break.
he was active on main less than an hour ago
in Bad Stack Overflow Reviews, Jan 13 at 3:34, by Samuel Liew
I'm taking a break until further notice
smoking gun
writing on the wall
something like that
10 hours later…
Strange. I noticed a review which I think was wrong, but upon looking at the user's profile, I can't find the review. It's as it is never happened there. That is going to make finding patterns pretty difficult.
@Scratte Is the post deleted, maybe?
@AdrianMole No. It's not. It's never been deleted.
Hmm. {puzzled expression}
Perhaps the system knows it's a bad review and removed it from the profile :D
Or perhaps the system knew you were coming to look for it ... xD
Yes, it's telling me to not check for bad reviews.. it's like it's saying: Your flag would get declined anyway ;)
4 hours later…
Hey @CodyGray, it looks like you've set off to make your session in chat today as bad as yesterdays :P
@Nick I need to go back to the days where I don't use chat.
But then who would I talk to :p
I mean besides her, I talk to her all the time
Mod eyes only ^ :p
You'll definitely have trouble talking to other people via deleted messages. :-)
Yeah, well I can't talk about other users flags in public can I? :p
It just gets exhausting sometimes.
Yeah, Sam's taking a break, Zoe's taking a break, I'm considering taking a break... and generally it's because of a few people that I'm considering it
Oh, I didn't realize.
Did you get up to speed with the chat last night after you went off? :p, I was surprised my messages didn't get flagged
I did not.
Still have not.
I do not have time to review the transcripts of 4-5 different rooms.
It's insanity.
You're not obliged to, might explain my frustration though :p
I'm pretty annoyed by people who have strong opinions about things, but refuse to do their part to help.
At this point, I can't tell what's genuine and what's just trolling.
Yep, I've run through that chain of thought to, I've genuinely asked if people are trolling before because I just can't understand their logic
I'm normally happy to have a discussion, and I even generally enjoy discussing things with people whom I disagree. But sometimes, it just seems like I'm being trolled.
Or at least that impossible constraints/parameters are being erected.
hehe, erected
@CodyGray Sometimes it feels like people are just purposefully reading into your messages stuff that simply isn't there as well
I don't know if it's just me who is doing a bad job of communicating due to other personal issues, or if people are just deliberately misinterpreting what I say.
But it's becoming supremely annoying to me, and I don't know how to fix it.
I'm at the point where I'm not interesting in having any more conversations, but that's difficult to square with trying to perform what I see as essential moderation.
I'm convinced it's deliberate
It just doesn't feel right to me not to discuss and explain things to people.
Am I forgiven?
But I'm at the point where I cannot do that constructively.
@AdrianMole For what?
Goofing that room.
Oh, for that inserting jokes into the conversation when I was trying to be serious?
I don't exactly know what you did in the room that I should be upset about.
My jokes were, of course, unforgivable.
Haven't gone through the whole transcript yet :-)
And probably won't, so you are likely in the clear.
Nah. I set out trying to help what looked like a well-meaning group. I ended up learning what rene had already told me: Don't bother! Your arrival there just tipped the balance to where it was already going, in fact.
@CodyGray only explain to those who are receptive
or at least not explicitly rejecting
@AdrianMole Yes, that was semi-calculated.
Or hemi-calculated?
I'll be the aldehyde, since you're already the alcohol.
Then we'll be hemiacetal.
But I got two stars (already) for Adrian Mole has removed Adrian Mole from the list of this room's owners.
That would be significant, if stars had any real meaning.
But now I know that an RO can de-frock themselves.
sure they can
but they can't kick themselves
Dang. I should've tried that first.
The option literally doesn't show up. Nothing to try.
... or tried kicking a mod?
... but I left that to others, who seemed to have managed that indirectly.
@CodyGray that's mod bias again
Hmm, but I can't see the option now. Has it been removed?!
perhaps it was only on mobile...
yeah, it's there on mobile
I don't know. I see everything in chat through mod-colored glasses, since I only started using chat after having mod privileges.
wonder who may have written that message...
Oh, that's cute.
my bet is on our Shog
@CodyGray and if RO meant anything, the room is a mess
@AndrasDeak I'd guess balpha, since he built chat.
If it had been Shog, it would surely say, Really, y'all want to kick yourselves...
I don't recall him being that bad of a grammarian.
"Y'all" is plural.
Is it? I don't speak Texi-Cali-bamian.
I don't think it's a Cali thing.
Sorry - forgot. Shog's from Colorado, right?
he's from murica
Don't tell me you confused Colorado with California
Hehe - that would be a stoning offence.
Colorado is the one with the hills and California is the one with the avocado, right?
They both have hills
Which has the Shiraz?
California is the one with the wine
California is the one with the Mexico
Texas has that, too.
Minimal wine, but some.
Texas is the one with the oil and bang bang
@Nick I did read them now.
I think you raise some good points. :-)
<3 :p
I do prefer the term "hack", rather than "abuse", because the latter does imply that there should be some consequences/sanctions.
I try to remember to use "hack" or something a bit more neutral, although I, too, often end up using "abuse".
Like, "on Meta, we abuse the Q&A engine for discussion".
It doesn't mean that everyone on Meta should be banned for having discussions in comments because they've abused the system.
@CodyGray unless...
Unless I get fed up with all of them.
@CodyGray Ehhh, I wasn't a huge fan of calling it abuse, but it does feel like slight abuse, not the sort of abuse i'd expect to have any form of punishment
hack is a better word, but i prefer not to use the same word over and over :p
You mean you prefer not to copy me :-)
No, I totally know what you mean, though.
in SOBotics, May 14 '16 at 11:38, by Tunaki
Can you kick yourself by POSTing the right data?
It rembered of that... Tunaki power
Someone will have to build a userscript
@CodyGray was it that obvious? :p
@PetterFriberg the old magicks have gone from this barren land, alas
Darn do I miss that great programmer
@AndrasDeak Nah, VLAZ is still here :-)

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