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1:47 AM
2 hours later…
3:53 AM
@Shad hey Shad ur back!
where have you been?
oh sheesh
YouTube went down for the first time ever everywhere!
3 hours later…
6:38 AM
Jack, are you here?
6:50 AM
Buenos dias
7:20 AM
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' pleberinos!
@juanvan really what is that?
@DAustin we're mainly jsut fine :D
8:15 AM
good morning
Meet my new housemate: Molly!
Nicht euer ernst!
Wer soll jetzt auf unsere garstignen biester aufpassen wenn wir weg sind? 🤣
Schätze ich muss dann allein bei dir wohnen^^
Oder...play date? Wobei, nicht dass Lovely sie zerreißt
Lovely almost killed a Chihuahua once.
does hua mean bark in some asian language?
And chi hua hua means small bark?
Haha just what I expect from Lovely lol
8:30 AM
My old room-mate and good friend Tim, brought his girlfirends dog along one day with the commentary "oh they will be fine"
the instant he put down the dog, lovely went flying after the poor little beast.
I had to chace after them and pin that crazy cat down before she actually murders him
8:44 AM
tbf i hate cats too
@Squirrelkiller what's her name?
@Squirrelkiller Oh my what a cutie
The cat is fine too.
8:55 AM
SO when can we viist?
@Hozuki I know, it's the shirt, right
@Squirrelkiller Or that graceful hand
From 2014
Not that much has changed in those 5 years
My thoguhts on the "robots take over hooman work is" that it will happen
and when it happens we should shift more to a commie life aka "unconditional basic income"
Cuz we there most likely won't be enough labour for everybody to be payed properly, let the robots do ze hard wörk and ze hoomans be lazy on their ass still getting food etc.
i dunno if that'll work cause surely that'll fuck right around with the economy
if the base income is standard it becomes valueless
It should work, in theory.
9:00 AM
communism should ye but we've seen how that actually goes
humans are weird, we dont behave like even ourselves expect
Not sure why you odd internet peoples always think that some form of socialism is immediately communism.
i dont, i voted labour under jeremy corbyn (v left wing and socialist)
that's true.
It wouldn't work with the econmy setzup today.
a hard reform would be needed to enable sth like that.
i.e. no more private property. or all in hands of one entity which spreads the created goods evenly
i dont think anyone in british politics has the intelligence for that
Ofc this has huge risks but it would be a theoretical solution
9:04 AM
might work in somewhere like germany where it's incomprehensible that someone wouldn't follow a rule
I don't believe it has to be quite that drastic. Economy today is already aimed at people making a MINIMUM WAGE. If all people are just guaranteed that, what really changes, economy-wise?
@Hozuki The murricans think that.
Hell, minimum wage is hard to survive on as is
Is that what you non-germans think of us?
i dont know which economy youre thinking of but capitalist societies deffo arent based on minimum wage
9:05 AM
@Squirrelintraining i think its a long running british gag that germans dont have the capacity to understand that rules can be broken
@Harry Minimum wage, at least in the Netherlands, is aimed to you survive with all the basic necessities met. No luxuries, of course.
just in the same way you lot think us english are composed of 90% tea
@Hozuki britain doesn't really work like that, and the US especially doesn't
They are based on exploiting many for the wealth of some usually.
I mean it's okayish but there will always be a power divide
we have something called the 'living wage' in britain and you're only entitled to that if you're =>25
9:07 AM
I should rephrase that, then. Economies in civilized countries today is already aimed at people making a MINIMUM WAGE. If all people are just guaranteed that, what really changes, economy-wise?
IMO that's actually baked in our human programming
Depending on who do you ask "basic necessities met" can vary in a funny way
RAH she's just called us uncivilised
I thoight only that we are SUPER EFFICIENT AND HUMORLESS
@Hozuki 🤣
@Squirrelintraining thats also true, the only german that's actually funny is sebastian vettel
9:10 AM
@Cleptus A new iPhone is not a basic necessity :-P
Welp roel, our glories middle-right leaders had big issues with minimial wage.
They proclaimed the END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT

They said everything will get SO MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE

But it didn't.
the thing is i could see economy reform in britain if labour ever got into power but never under the conservatives
internet is basic necessity? Some people add it to basic needs list xD
@Squirrelintraining "Oh no we don't want our businesses to pay a fair share to our hard-working staff because we want an EVEN BIGGER YACHT"
i dont ever see the US changes unless every aspect of congress had a Dem. majority
9:11 AM
I thought aswell things will get moire expensive but theyy didn't really that much.
So all in all minimum wage is a good thing IMO:

And jssut for the records, i've supproted the idea fromt he start
@Hozuki that's true 😂
I tend to limit it to: Health services, water, food, electricity, home
well yes the UK also has minimum wage it just kinda sucks
it's lower than what the gov't itself calls the living wage
I had a converstaiton with a friends friend who owns a company.
He said "In my hear I'd vote for the socialsts, but if you look at the parties programms I have to vote for the economist".
The basic needs of that.
9:12 AM
I don't know if that makes sense, in english
@Cleptus It's already a human right
To quote:
> 1. Physiological needs - these are biological requirements for human survival, e.g. air, food, drink, shelter, clothing, warmth, sex, sleep.

If these needs are not satisfied the human body cannot function optimally. Maslow considered physiological needs the most important as all the other needs become secondary until these needs are met.

2. Safety needs - Once an individual’s physiological needs are satisfied, the needs for security and safety become salient. People want to experience order, predictability and control in their lives. These needs can be fulfilled by the family and societ
mazlow's hierarchy
Trust, me it's not all milk and honey once you reap in the rewards
the real rewards are the friends we made along the way
I see you're a man of culture as well.
9:15 AM
and you called me uncivilised
@Hozuki This should help you: nsfw
I called your country uncivilized. There's your silver lining.
^,^ roel firing the big ones otday
@Squirrelintraining The good ones are a lot more expensive.
i can't lie you are correct, we keep voting these dickheads into government...imagine boris johnson being elected the man to represent your country on the global stage
9:17 AM
@Hozuki 😂
@Hozuki i have to apologise for calling u a she, i didn't realise u were roel in disguise 😂
Wasn't he the guy that was all like "BREXIT LETS DO IT"
3 weeks later
"Oh shit you've actually done it?! I'm out"
@Squirrelintraining nah that was david cameron. he got elected saying we'd have the EU referendum then when brexit won he resigned
@Harry It's okay. I wear dresses and wigs so it's easy to confuse my handsome bearded face for a womans.
@Harry yes he had the referendum
BUt bojo was supporting leaving
and cameron was supporting staying
9:20 AM
And when you guys decided to leave, cameron said "ok you leave without me though"
And bojo was like "lul what, plan? no some1 else do it"

And that woman was like "wtf no1 wana do dis? ok i do dis"
Broken down from a random german perspective
nah boris is the PM now, theresa may came first and made a complete fuckery of it
2015 > Cameron elected
Cameron resigned
2016 > May becomes PM
She was kicked out by her party i think
2018/19 > BoZo becomes PM
Check the headlines from 2016
After the vote BoZo didn't want to take up a leading part in the gov.
He eventually went to go to the EU for some talking
But did only crud there.
he went to EU cause May made him Foreign Secretary
9:29 AM
he sucked at it anyways.

He was told to STFU atleast on one occasion because he was just being a prick.
good morning :)
@Hozuki just looked at your github to remember who you are :P and found the manga loyality app, is it hard to migrate an existing collection of files'n'folders into it?
@SebastianL Yeah. It's not designed for that. It works best by adding a series and letting mangaloyalty download the entire thing (or not if you want to stream)
well i'll try it anyway, if i like the app i might add a local filesystem provider
would be a good reason to revive my typescript knowledge ^^
That shouldn't be too hard to do. In mangaloyalty-server, under providers, there you can add new providers.
9:46 AM
Ugh, why do SQL managed isntances in azure take so damn long to deploy
10:02 AM
I'm playing with appcenter.ms right now. It's interesting.
I'm playing with my self right now. It's surprisingly interesting.
Have y'all ever stroked a hairy squirrel's tail?
@Squirrelintraining continuing yesterdays topic?
It's so fluffly I'm going to die!
@ntohl I'm innocent!
@Hozuki Even fluffier!
10:07 AM
@Hozuki oh..
be right back
I got to...
Do housework, yes housework!
Yes, the housework. Do the housework.
Yes housework, it'll just take 30seconds.
@Squirrelintraining need to work on your stamina i think ;)
Err... hey guys. Trying to follow scott's tutorial on pluralsight. But I just can't get the code to work. So here's the scenario: we have 3 projects: OdeToFood(.Net Core) OdeToFood.Data(.Net Core Lib) OdeToFood.Core(.Net Core Lib). The problem I am facing is when I try to import the namespace OdeToFood.Core in the OdeToFood/Pages/Restaurants/List.cshtml.cs. It simply does not detect the namespace. Where might have I gone wrong?
@d4rk4ng31 Did OdeToFood reference OdeToFood.Core?
By reference you mean using OdeToFood.Core? That's what! It cannot find that namespace
@Squirrelintraining is it the same as I'll be in my bunk?
Dunno what does that mean?
@Squirrelintraining xD
@d4rk4ng31 No, in OdeToFood you have 'References'. If OdeToFood, the project, does not reference OdeToFood.Core, the library, then you cannot import anything from it.
@Hozuki Strange
I do not seem to have any such file
Yet OdeToFood.Data could be imported
But I do have this:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">


    <ProjectReference Include="..\OdeToFood.Core\OdeToFood.Core.csproj" />
    <ProjectReference Include="..\OdeToFood.Data\OdeToFood.Data.csproj" />

Haha imagine still using netcoreapp3.1 - this message brought to you by net5.0 gang
JAck, votekick lee
10:24 AM
@CaptainObvious I am using 3.1 the tut's using 2.1
Anyway, what do I do now?
Don't know. That's where my ideas end.
Anyone else?
Nope sozzy
Bu you can watch my stream for high-end-quality-of-life age of empires II gameplay
mr5 would confirm
If I'd pay him to say that
10:42 AM
Restarting VS worked. At this point I am too afraid to ask why :(
11:03 AM
@mr5 at home, haven't been well. xD
@CaptainObvious lol tbf I only started yesterday :P
Restarting VS works. Alternativel;y clean and rebuild also solves everything
11:19 AM
@CaptainObvious Took another look at that Zebra label printer yesterday, build quality is terrible lol
funniest bit, the damn reels dont fit anymore, have to waste a load of the current stock to fit them in xD
11:49 AM
@Shad whoa. you had the rona?
best friend of mine I havent seen in months just told me that he probably got the rona
shit hit home
@Squirrelintraining I don't even have any idea what's going on when I'm watching your game xD
is it shad, hans?
@mr5 😂 you can always ask
@mr5 no
y do u no?
cuz shad > hans
he is older
11:52 AM
its noone from here
noones older than hans
im one million years old
dont do it !
dont do it !
get-get-get-get-otta here
So we have a bot auto flagging or kicking "s*x" or what
I'm still here, not very instagib this one
11:59 AM
Or only if Roel and SiT talk about it because they're clearly into stuff too hard for this chat room.
they're into this hentai weirdo stuff yes
12:02 PM
what a weird choice
Careful nybot, prudentBOT may still be around
Discord Nadeko bot is pretty useful for querying random pictures
Was up until 11 for this and it's not even good lmao
12:12 PM
@Freerey its ok :) just need to work on your foreshortening for the violin
the lines for the neck are parallel when they should diverge as they come toward the view point
violin neck*
@Freerey niiiiiiice. i lyk
@Freerey looks like a lot of work though
the violin looks very smol though or that's a giant
I can relate
since i've been drawing for 4months now
sometimes i put hours into a drawing and then i look at it and I'm like "Wtf is that?"
and sometimes its a good drawing in half the time
@mr5 yeh i just needs some perpective on it and the whole piece should come together
@Hans1984 Its just practice, one of the best art classes I had limited you to 5 mins per life drawing
made you realise what was and wasn't important to spend time on
12:20 PM
yeah a good drawing doesnt take tons of hours
thats for sure
The reason was because the model couldn't hold a pose for half an hour
but it CAN
oh an illustration can take days if you go into the detail
well drawing a model is different of course
yeh, the skill of speed drawing though was v. useful, stops you chasing perfection and makes you concentrate on the broad bits
12:22 PM
but i like to finish a drawing in one session
i dont like to come back to it the next day
different mental state,different mood
another module we got was a random time of day, 5 mins only again, no matter where you were or what you doing, stop and draw the scene for 5 mins
and so on
@Hans1984 it was 😭
@DAustin and ty for the advice...I'll do that :)
@Hans1984 Yeh same, tend to get into the flow of it
I actually had to redraw the entire body at one point
I'm still not used to drawing men
12:23 PM
@Freerey yeh women have more curves, much more fun to draw
re-drawing is so risky
but imo its just the violin that needs fixing
sometimes it gets better but sometimes it actually gets worse
i try to only re-draw for parts I really messed up
@DAustin just the violin? the arms don't look off at all?
the arm holding it will need to be reworked slightly
12:24 PM
cause yeah I agree the violin is hella unfinished lmao
but his right arm is ok
the left arm will change when you redo the violin
I also seem to have a problem with giving my characters Trump tiny hands, but I fixed that in a future sketch of that
@mr5 one technique i can advise on forcing you to live/work around mistakes is to draw in ink
most will go straight in the bin, but it stops you spending half an hour on 1 line that never looks right
in the pic he's saying "sure, I can play that song!....how does it go?"
12:27 PM
@DAustin I don't even have papers kek.
@Freerey it looks to me he have already started playing while awkwardly looking at his audiences.
@mr5 I struggle to draw directly with my gfx tablet, too smooth, i prefer the resistance of paper
I only draw on paper
but it has been literal years since i drew anything
with like 10 diffent sized pencils
@Hans1984 I used 3 at most, one for linework then a couple for shading if needed
12:29 PM
I love how every time I share a sketch, we dive into our experiences drawing shit
but most of the time that was because i was scanning the sketch and then colouring with Adobe Illy
yes i dont need more than 4 of them
i bought this set a while ago
its great
@Freerey Well you're making me want to pick it up again
its a shame my deviantart account died, i had some reeeeally old sketches on there
They cant have been that good though because an image search brings back nothing, so no one mirrored them anywhere lol
it died? did the website delete it?
should have the files somewhere in my collection of crap ive accumulated over the years
yeh i didnt log in for years
last time i logged in was probably around 2010
12:32 PM
I didn't think that's how it worked ._.
@DAustin look at the internet archive
I knew someone who hadn't logged in since 2008 and their account is still up
what Finn said
me either, but my account isnt there anymore, so im guessnig the did an overhaul at one point
ill take another look
@Squirrelintraining have you started farming mmr this new season?
For those wondering
12:36 PM
I wish we had a camera back when drawing was my favorite hobby.
3 hours ago, by Captain Obvious
Ugh, why do SQL managed isntances in azure take so damn long to deploy
lmfao FOUND IT
omg my first drawing is terrible, that's embarressing
That finished deploying about half an hour ago
thats the only worth sharing lol
@DAustin 3edgy5me
12:37 PM
looks cleaner than anything I've ever made lmao
,you have good lettering
same as freerey
ty thats just my hand writing, she was a character id been working on for an animated short, tried a bunch of styles and thats the one i settled on
never made the animation though lol
so the writing was just me telling myself id finally found the character lol
something tell sme she's got an eyepatch behind that hair lul
I mean clearly you understand clothes and anatomy better than me here
actually an eye patch would have been fitting for the character
thanks but also bear in mind....
Published: Oct 18, 2005
jeez that was a long time ago
hmmm yeah at that age all I would've been drawing was Bionicle characters
12:42 PM
and if you want, you can see all my terrible drawings here: deviantart.com/meta-napour
reason i couldnt find it is i dont normally have a hyphen in the username
what's the name mean?
ooh sexi elf with sword
it was a typo i just ran with lol
Basically i used to be into Legend of Zelda when i was a kid (think ocarina of time era, so 1998ish)
btw man I wish I were a teen around that time because back then deviantartists were just expected to make things look amateurish
@DAustin oh, so is that elf girl supposed to be like Malon?
12:45 PM
but people make remixes of video game music, and a guy called MetalVapour had made a tune. I had made a winamp skin back in the day, which used an italic font so it looked like MetalVapour which i read as MetaNapour and though "thats a cool name". Once i realised it wasn't actually that I stole it lol
@Freerey not particularly but i do see the resemblance
that one though uses foreshortening on the arm
which is what you need to do with that violin
so the neck gets bigger as it gets closer to the camera, her arm gets thicker as it approaches the view point
also damn did he really look like a chick? lmao
lol nah, in anime as we all know, unless you can see a huge amount of cleavage, its likely not a girl, unless theyre really young or something, but then they just have crazy long hair instead
I really hate the whole anime cleavage thing, so I don't do it -- simple as c:
12:50 PM
@Freerey I guess, but there were still plenty of pros on there to make you really self conscious
but no one ever slated you for a bad drawing, only encouragement
I guess the good ones were what kept me from trying when I was like 9 lol
@CaptainObvious xD
@Freerey ignore nay sayers etc, the only way anyone got good at anything is practicing
10.THOUSAND YEARS Gives you such a crank in the neck!
@Squirrelintraining lol classic
@Hozuki @Harry Did you two get banned for 1hr to?
12:53 PM
@Squirrelintraining for what? naughty talk?
@mr5 Back from my mindjail, nah, I've been farming aoe mmr
@Squirrelintraining Yep. Just unlocked. Inappropriate content
or loosing it
@DAustin I quoted roel
page not found?
likely story ;)
12:53 PM
I can see it
right, back to the grindstone for me
when will akanbe become an emoji?
You might get banned for that too lol
I've inserted a random nuimber of zero width whitespace
I hope it doesn't parse those away
12:55 PM
Prolly that last word
its like 10x zero with, s another 4-36 ones then the e etc.
@Squirrelintraining "Haha stuupid hooomans!"
@Hans1984 yes yes, And toopid bot.
It's hilarious what got flagged by it
@Rob Is there a way to reach out to SO and talk to them about the Automated flagging crud in chat?
12:59 PM
wait they do that automatically?
I thought someone was just trolling me
@Squirrelintraining Er, what do you mean? There are no automated flags in chat
^ this got flagged
from context, it's harmless
I got flagged for quoting it

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