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@EtiennedeMartel Yeah, I thought so, too. I have seen enough of this guy for two days.
@DeadMG but if it gets converted to a ID3DWhatever*, how does it know to use our dereference operator, and not the one for ID3DWhatever
@sbi I think it's an acceptable exception for my "never validate flags" rule.
@melak47 De-reference? What about dereferencing?
@DeadMG if not dereferencing, what is operator T**
the conversion operator
....guess that makes sense
so that's how it knows how to convert. duh
Haha, the bosses of 30 German corporations, among them Daimler, Siemens, Deutsche Bank, Telekom and similar ones, wrote a letter to the German government, requesting they finally ratify the UN convention against corruption. (Germany is among countries like Syria and Saudia Arabia in not having it ratified.) The industry prompting the government to do something against corruption strikes me as a very poor reference for the German government.
@sbi strikes me as a poor reference for the German gov't too
Didn't Siemens get dinged by the US for bribery quite recently?
@ecatmur guess that's why they feel they need to look good? :p
@ecatmur They had a lot of problems with that in the last decade — not only in the US, IIRC. From what I remember, though, it seems they have cleaned out much of their top management due to this a few years ago.
Huh. Siemens used to own the company I work for.
...and I've killed chat. /sadday
@StackedCrooked ?
what's going on
@melak47 Funny pix from the Olympic Games.
@sbi That's surely going to be turned into a meme
The US scored against Japan in less than 8 minutes in football.
@sbi There is a huge Photoshop potential on that picture.
@Drise Not by me.
@EtiennedeMartel It's Trey Hardee, who is into decathlon.
I don't regard American football == football. There is a difference, and we need a much better name for a game we play with our hands.
I need a Moleskine.
@Drise American football and football have a difference in name so naturally they aren't the same.
@CatPlusPlus But the oblong objects we call balls are made of faux leather, or used to be pig skin. No chickens.
@StackedCrooked Most ignorant just call it "Football"
@StackedCrooked Just like "C" and "C with Classes" had. Yet a new name had to be found, because people confused them.
@Drise Let them. Or are you planning on changing the world :p
@StackedCrooked The latter sounds boring.
It's a stupid sport anyway.
So who cares.
I also honestly think a bunch of dudes who are waayy too fat with too much testosterone smashing skulls together isn't much of a sport.
@CatPlusPlus {Everyone \ you}
@EtiennedeMartel Hey. Leaving me out?
@DeadMG Always.
Who else gets to have a Saturn V rocket in their backyard?
I can literally see it from my house about a mile or so west.
relic of an ancient era
Always ruining everything, eh @DeadMG?
I don't ruin everything :P
You're in the running.
@DeadMG, the party pooper.
that's like complaining that I pooped on your party after you held it in the sewer
No, it's complaining that you pooped on my party after I held it in a nice place that, unfortunately, was not nice enough for your quality standards.
I had a few friends who went down to spacecamp pretty regularly, that's down in Huntsville, right @Drise?
@SamDeHaan Yes... I used to work there. I was far too intelligent for that job.
They also generally have a terrible business model, and treat their employees like cattle.
Well, employees do make excellent cattle.
I would guess it's been at least a good 8 years or so since my friends went down there, so probably before when you worked there.
@SamDeHaan Far before. I think I was hired in summer '10
Yeah, didn't fit with your profile age, but that's assuming it's accurate.
Though, Huntsville is very good for technical people like me, since we have the Army and all, plus all the other defense companies in the area.
@SamDeHaan It is. I was twelve at the time then, and still living in California.
Yeah, but it's never quite safe to assume someone isn't lying on the internets.
Anyway, I finally get to leave work now! Whooooo /leaving.
@SamDeHaan Of course, but now that I'm over 18, I have no need to lie :P
You can't drink yet, plenty of reason to lie
oh, the US has 21 as drinking age, right?
@robjb Doesn't matter, they still card you when you accept the shipment.
@DeadMG Don't remind me.
why would it bother you?
@DeadMG It's hilarious.
alcohol is just the biggest waste of money since cookies and cigarettes
@DeadMG What a bunch of prudes
@DeadMG You like cookies?
Cookies are never a waste.
actually, today I bought doughnuts just as a change :P
@DeadMG Wine has satisfied my pallet in the past. Beer... no. I'd rather suck horse piss out of a horse penis.
the local shop changed their cookie recipe and I'm not keen on it
@Drise Eh. There's nothing wrong with the odd glass of nice white wine.
Wine is awfully meh.
but getting drunk is a waste of money
Life is a waste of money.
@DeadMG I'm sorry, I can't hear you over my huge pile of money.
I prize more highly saving money to eventually not have to live with my parents.
@DeadMG I will agree with that. Drinking for the pleasure of the drink itself, and not the fact that it contains alcohol is my philosophy.
that's living
Also getting drunk is not the same as getting drunk with fun people.
@CatPlusPlus Exactly.
I moved out right after starting uni, you're doing it wrong.
@DeadMG You.. of all people... live with your parents?! Points finger at HAHAHAHA
Not that there is anything wrong with living with your parents, and fuck everyone who says otherwise.
I don't currently live with my parents
haven't whilst I was at uni
I wish I'd stayed at my parents a few extra years
@CatPlusPlus I'm just trolling. This is likely to be the only opportunity for me to make fun of @DeadMG
but now that I've failed and that's done, when this lease is up I will have to move back in with them
Saved up for a car in 8 months when I did
Now there's real life + bills D:
You'll have plenty when he starts working on Wide again.
@Drise There are plenty of opportunities to make fun of the puppy.
@Drise Eh. Both of my siblings had to live with our parents for some time.
@EtiennedeMartel He doesn't give me many.
my brother is 24-25 now and he still does. Could afford to move out but why spend the money on rent instead of opportunities
@Drise You have to take the initiative a bit more.
You have to create your own opportunities.
@EtiennedeMartel He also still scares me some.
Hey, I just finished moving in !
@DeadMG Ahem ... it's hard to bring females home when you're living with parents.
At least that was my reasoning.
Also it's 11pm here and I work tomorrow. My life sucks.
@kbok First world problems.
I'm not terrifically interested in females right now.
@robjb Where I live... it's hard to find females at all, so it doesn't really matter.
It's 11pm here and I have a deadline on a project today.
@Drise Great edit.
more concerned about the fact that they possess shitty Internet and are a mile away from things I take for granted, like shops, banks, etc.
I'd give you a bounty if I could.
@DeadMG Yeah that was the sucky thing about my parents' home too. Also the food
I've been in my bank about whole three times.
@DeadMG Mobile banking FTW
I have two bank accounts but only use one during normal operations
but every month or so I need to use it and forget my PIN every single time.
It's hard to bring females home when it's 10 fucking miles away from the city
I can even deposit checks via my phone now, so fuck the bank.
The thing I miss the most now is my mom's food.
@CatPlusPlus Paycheck. I prefer it over direct deposit since I can control when I get it.
My roommate gives me his rent as a check :/
@Drise My paycheck is directly deposited in my account every two weeks. It's like magic.
In what civilisation-forsaken country do you live in?
lol, this reminds me of last week
Didn't they hear about bank transfers there?
@EtiennedeMartel Yeah seriously who still pays salaries by check Oo
@Drise I know when I want to get my pay. As soon as possible.
Someone mentioned a watch, "WTF IS A WATCH?"
Sarcasm I'd guess, but still made me lol
@EtiennedeMartel Direct deposit can take up to 2 days longer at work, so I just prefer paper checks.
@Drise Sounds like your financial department isn't doing things right
@EtiennedeMartel Yeah you get 1BP of interest rates every day after all :p
@robjb We're a company of 20 people... We don't have a financial department.
I got my last paycheck about 25 minutes after signing up paperwork.
@Drise That's slow. Here it's deposited every two wednesday at midnight. I wake up on thursday and voila! More money in my account.
@Drise Ah, well whoever submits the deposits
Direct deposit shouldn't take longer to post than a check
So they are probably submitting late
@Drise So the problem is your company, and not the whole concept of "direct deposit".
I get paid monthly, like most Europeans
@robjb If it's submitted after 2pm, it comes next day. If it's submitted Friday after 2, it comes monday or Tuesday.
A: C++ templates - Simple Point Class

Cheers and hth. - AlfYou can just – simply – provide both a 2D and a 3D constructor in the main template. There is no need to dally with base classes and other Rube Goldberg solutions here, because there is no problem to be solved: we're in template-land, where anything unused is simply unused. Example:...

^ It is fun to point out that the other answers are worthless.
@EtiennedeMartel No, just that US banks turn off all their computers after 2 pm.
@Drise Ahh okay. Well that's the bank waiting until business hours. So the problem is that they submit on Friday at all.
@robjb Payday is on the 5th. If it happens to fall on a Friday... oh well.
@Drise Fuck the US.
Move up north. Problem solved.
@EtiennedeMartel I should find a picture of a dude sticking his dick through a map of the US.
countries are like languages
they're all horrific piles of shit
hahaha, truth ^
and all you can do is pick the one which you think is least shitty
@DeadMG Like Wide?
I'm too lazy to ever change countries.
isn't a language, yet- it's a language under construction
Unless we're invaded by aliens or turn evil again.
Then maybe.
Turn evil ... again?
@DeadMG still "a language" with some descriptive modifiers on it.
@Drise If you look at a map, it looks like Canada is fucking the US.
@Drise Well, you're an amoeba. With a few DNA differences stuck to some other similarly-mutated amoebas.
@EtiennedeMartel Does it?
user image
There we go.
lol wtf
@DeadMG I can live with that. Not that you're any different minus some little DNA things.
So, yeah, cannot be unseen.
@EtiennedeMartel You can always uncare, though.
@EtiennedeMartel Yeah, fuck the US!
@RadekSlupik Oh yea, you do that Canada. Just like that. Mmmm
@DeadMG So gloomy.
Q: Count the number of occurrences of 0's in integers from 1 to N

AashishThis question has been asked in Google interview. How will you efficiently count number of occurrences of 0's in the decimal representation of integers from 1 to N? e.g. The number of 0's from 1 to 105 is 16. How? 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,101,102,103,104,105 Count the number of 0's...

@DeadMG Have you ever been drunk?
Have you ever been drunk online?
@DeadMG Let me guess: it happened once, and you never tried again?
actually, I got drunk quite a few times.
@sbi Thanks man, glad we could have a constructive discussion
@MikeB Oh great. Not you.
@Drise There's probably even a closed form solution for that
@Drise Not here to argue :)
@MikeB I very well hope not.
@DeadMG I'm le surprised.
Pick a different name or put it in a namespace. – jrok 2 hours ago

Just pick a different name. – Florin Stingaciu 2 hours ago

Pick a different name. – eq- 2 hours ago

Why not just use the one in stddef? – Chad 2 hours ago

pick… a different name :) – Justin 2 hours ago

Pick a different name. – Luchian Grigore 2 hours ago

Pick a different name and you'll be fine. – Brad Tilley 2 hours ago

I have an idea, why don't you pick a different name? – djf 2 hours ago
This was perfect
@Drise where?
Q: Conflicting declaration

user1496542I have a typedef defined in my code as typdef unsigned int size_t; it is conflicting with stddef's typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t; I'm unsure how to get around this but would still like to keep size_t in my code.

I chose to go with the namespace answer and it solved the issue. thanks for all the assistance. :) — user1496542 2 hours ago
@Drise lookup table, obviously.
Which was followed by this even better comment.
how long before this gets mass downvoted?
who the fuck downvoted my binary trees answer?
@Drise doesn't matter
isn't that the one that was clearly a dupe and just you repwhoring?
@Drise Hmmm 1 to x number of 0's --> x - ((x/10)*10)+1
@MooingDuck Doesn't matter who, just needed not to happen.
because I totally didn't downvote it just now, and you know that cause I already downvoted it :P
@DeadMG Yea, George merged it though.
@Chimera (x/10)*10? GG OP no re.
@DeadMG Yea, I know.
@Drise Oh. Then maybe I should un-downvote it.
@DeadMG The point of drinking alcohol is not to get drunk to the point where you dislike alcohol (although, with you being British, I can see that you couldn't know that), but to savor the taste, and, ideally, get a little lighter a mood.
@DeadMG stackoverflow.com/a/11677558/868546 if you need the link and want to.
@sbi I've never encountered any alcoholic drink that had taste as an upside, rather than a large downside
except some alcoholic ginger beer, which I definitely appreciated.
@DeadMG You are clearly not drinking the right things
@DeadMG including cocktails?
Beer can be an acquired taste, but there are definitely wines and cocktails which taste nothing like alchohol
@DeadMG Some of it is an acquired taste. Few will enjoy a strong red wine without some getting used to. But it's no different from coffee or black tea there (which most children just find bitter).
yeah, they're just horrifically expensive
@sbi Neither of which I drink.
although I must admit that coffee-flavoured ice cream is the shit.
and coffee-flavoured chocolate too.
What about pseudo-beer - Corona/Bacardi breezer/Reed's/Smirnoff Ice/Beck's Lemon-Level 7-Orange?
why not just drink lemonade
@DeadMG my fiance compromized and bought me alcoholic lemonade
well, fair fuckin' play
@MooingDuck compromised*
@Drise speeling
36 mins ago, by Drise
@DeadMG Wine has satisfied my pallet in the past. Beer... no. I'd rather suck horse piss out of a horse penis.
ginger beer is the sex
Bells' Oberon ftw
@robjb I miss it.. can't find it out here
I was just at Bells' Brewery this weekend for a show
Brandy/whiskey with cola > any beer or wine ever.
I need to re-phrase my CV and covering letter, I think.
No one here that I know of uses cover letters.
They are obsolete.
Not as much as checks.
@Drise Every job I've applied for has requested a cover letter.
perhaps I should phrase my years of experience in C++ as "academic".
along with resume/CV
I mean, technically, it's not commercial, but I've seen a few postings suggesting academic experience in XYZ.
Unless you published papers, that's not really academic.
Go with personal projects or whatever.
technically, but I'm pretty sure they mean "In the course of your degree".
Besides uni assignment work is crap and who on Earth would care about that.
@DeadMG do you have a Careers2.0 account?
I dunno, I just want to make the best use of what I actually do have.
@LuchianGrigore I do.
@CatPlusPlus Hm... yea.. I wrote a program to masturbate for me for a university project once. Mkaayy?
Also there was some advice on CV/cover letters and generally interviews in this thread.
@DeadMG Then you'd want to point out your vast experience and knowledge gained from personal project work.
@DeadMG ever get contacted there?
But back it up with code and perhaps videos or executables.. something of a portfolio to show your work.
I got contacted by someone using Careers, but I think my profile isn't even public.
You'll never be as good as I am, you see.
@LuchianGrigore no.
When I was unemployed, I paid a company to directly get my resume to the HR department of hundreds of companies. Was well worth it.
@CatPlusPlus We are clearly not worthy.
Back home there's huge employment potential for programmers...
I've seen ads for this resumetointerviews.com
Dunno what's it worth.
They seem to have some advice there too.
primarily, whilst I've been online I've been hearing all about how SE and CS are completely different things and such, and that was my experience doing my degree, as well.
@Chimera My university does it free for allumni and students. How I got employed
but it seems pretty fucking difficult to get a job if you're not a CS guy.
@DeadMG Which are you?
definitely not a CS guy.
@Drise Yeah, that's common for universities to provide that kind of service. They want to be able to advertise that x% of graduates found work right away after earning a degree.
@Chimera I'm not even a graduate. I'm still considered a sophomore. And I'm 20.
Plus, if you've got a student loan, they want to help you pay it off :D
@Drise Congrats! Make sure you finish. I regret not finishing my degree.
@Chimera I plan to graduate in 4 years. I can only take 2-3 classes while working.
But believe it or not, a lot of companies will still hire someone with some college and a lot of experience.
well, in my current experience, if you don't have a degree there's no way to get experience.
4 years? I'm finishing BSc in 1,5.
If I don't run out of patience for uni bullshit before that, that is.
@CatPlusPlus He's doing part-time.
@CatPlusPlus I work nearly full time and get paid nearly 2.1k a month as an intern.
@Drise Yeah, you really don't want to make a mess out of work when it will be important to graduate with experience,.
Uhm. I don't think our part-time studies are any longer than normal, only paid for and on weekends.
@CatPlusPlus Most part-time studies are identical to full-time studies, you just do less modules per year, so it takes longer to accumulate as many modules as three full-time years.
I might switch to part-time for MSc, if I'll even start that.
I'll take deadlines over exams any day.
@DeadMG With the economy the way it is, I suppose companies are able to be more picky.
@Chimera Supposedly, for software engineers who can program their way out of a wet paper bag, demand is only increasing and schools can't churn out enough by a significant distance.
@DeadMG I need 128 hours to graduate, and I can only take 6-9 per semester while working whereas normal students take at least 15 to be considered full time students.
@DeadMG That seems to bode well for you finding work then?
Or are you saying that where you live employers are expecting a degree?
To be considered...
a good part of the problem is going to be that I have a global perspective but a relatively national problem of finding work
@DeadMG If I was making hiring decisions, I'd gladly hire a guy who failed his degree — if he had good recommendations from previous employers.
difficult to have a previous employer
Most companies in the U.S ask for a degree or equivalent experience.
seen that quite a bit here, too.
@DeadMG Yeah, that was my point.
So yeah, getting the initial experience is the hard part.
Internships shouldn't require prior experience.
if I don't find work soon, I'm going to consider just finding a job stacking shelves in a supermarket.
cause I really, really do not want to go back to living with my parents.
@CatPlusPlus Most internships require one to be in school though..
@CatPlusPlus Can only get them if you're on a degree program, for some reason. Regular people don't need internships.
If you have a lot of patience for bullshit clients, you could try web freelancing.
@DeadMG That's a worthy goal. It sucks being on your own for a while and then going back home for a bit. I did it a few times before I finally was able to make it on my own... very humbling.
that's only half of it
@DeadMG vOv I think I've heard about internships for people out of school, too. Did you try some sort of job agency or something?
TIL: Some people gag 24/7.
user image
An uvula piercing is a body piercing through the uvula, the projection of the soft palate between the tonsils. This is a rare piercing. Captive bead rings or other small rings are the most commonly seen jewellery in uvula piercings. Health issues The piercing is rare due to the gag reflex, which makes it difficult to administer or receive it. Should jewellery pierced through the uvula come loose it may be swallowed or even inhaled, which would require surgery to remove. As with tongue piercings, there is a risk of crush injury during the piercing, swelling, and infection. The jewelry w...
the other half is that they live in a swamp
@CatPlusPlus I've had brief looksies.
@DeadMG I thought you mentioned a house?
they live in a house in a swamp
If I got a job without doing pretty much anything, you should be able to get into Google.
Y U NO LIKE gators?
@CatPlusPlus I wouldn't last ten minutes there. Can you imagine me trying to write code under the Google Style Guide?
You gotta fight that from the inside, man.
@DeadMG You should be able to put a portfolio together and wow just about any employer... the trick might be persistence...
@DeadMG Can you imagine yourself coding under anything at all?
@sbi A roof?
I can imagine myself coding under influence.
I can imagine myself coding while cleaning my room.
I can't imagine myself cleaning my room.
@RadekSlupik while instead of, FTFY
@DeadMG Yeah, I can picture you under that. But beyond that, my imagination fails.
@sbi A hat.
@CatPlusPlus I can imagine your room now.
Except whatever you're imagining is wrong, because I'm better at life than you.
@DeadMG You'd code for a company that required you to wear a hat? Pardon me, but I very seriously doubt that.
Dust. Dust, everywhere.
are you kidding? they'd be fucking awesome!
Need to vacuum!
Also fuck I caught cold and I hate everything.
We know you hate everything.
When I'm sick I hate everything twice.
I'd go out and buy a top hat.
and find a cane somewhere
then I could hit people with the cane
Top hats are awesome.
and poke their hats off, then call the manager on them
@DeadMG You could try and start your own consulting firm....

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