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2:39 AM
3 hours later…
5:48 AM
some kind of mic drop
2 hours later…
8:10 AM
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Careful, you'll damage the mic! That was an expensive piece of equipment!
My local grocer is selling pun mangos
"MRE - Mango, ready to eat"
naturally I bought one
What's the pun?
It's a twist on "Meal, ready to eat" which is used as shorthand for millitary rations
2 hours later…
9:58 AM
For some strange reason I thought it was referring to minimal reproducible examples.
@JohnDvorak well, we do kinda reproduce food but it's not a great model
Technically we reproduce FoodFactoryFactories, but fine.
10:37 AM
@YvetteColomb quick question... if a horse is looking at you and starts stomping its foot and tossing its head, is that a bad thing?
There were four horses blocking my trail, I got nervous and left.
Did they have shotguns.
Horses are war-machines when they want to be
you do not want a pissed off horse coming at you under any circumstances
Especially not if it has a shotgun.
10:55 AM
@Mithrandir That's basically them saying GTFO
Horses don't usually "attack", they'd rather walk away, but if they're wild, and especially if there's foals nearby they can get quite protective.
11:20 AM
@Mithrandir wise move. Yes, foot stomping and shaking heads is a warning. Horses will foot stomp when they're eating and other horses or dogs (or humans) approach and they want to be left alone- the next thing from a foot stomp is a kick
@Cerbrus yep, depends on the herd dynamic. Always better to be safe than sorry.
I was nearly killed yesterday. My horse had a hood that came dislodged and covered her eyes. She couldn't see, was running into fences. I talked to her to let her know I was there, she was very spooked (understandably). I was trying to let her know I was about to touch her and catch her and remove the hood. A second horse came in and hunted her away.
He was chasing her around (she was injured) - he double barreled her from the side and kept kicking - she tried to either run or turn and kick back. I think he was doing it because she couldn't see and they'd just been put in this new paddock
Sounds like those things in your life aren't going well if that's the case... jking of course :)
While she was trying to get away from him and he kept chasing and kicking her, they ended up swinging around to where I was standing - I felt her legs and her butt was up in front of my face - I thought "I'm going to die" No lie, I knew I was about to be kicked by at least one horse. She didn't know where I was, where he was, she came up her butt touched a living thing and that was it.
11:25 AM
getting kicked by a horse sounds painful
or fatal
I am slow from a muscle wasting illness, plus I was paralysed from fear, as I didn't know where to go - as they were moving around in circles so quickly.
It's probably not painful because it's fatal
There's a load of videos of it online, home movie kind of things, kinda terrifying
My son pulled me out from behind her. Or I have no doubt I'd be dead or in hospital
Closest I came to being killed was a head injury, full swing golf club to the head
11:28 AM
we managed to get to the car - in the meantime - he's chasing her and she's careering through huge cattle feed containers and is running straight for the car - she cannot see it. She somehow misses the car and they end over at the gate. We have no safe way of getting the car through that gate, so we drive to the other end of the paddock. Half way through the paddock I look in the rear vision mirror and the other horse is galloping full pelt to catch up to the car and he is chasing us
He turns and runs in front of the car to stop it! And I brake - I came so close to hitting him. Twice
This is so intense
he was circling the car and turning his butt on the side of the car to herd us back to the rest of the herd!
like we were a mare and trying to break away from the herd
Thats a lot of action for one day
11:29 AM
I'm not convinced he was gelded properly - he was behaving like a stallion
Heh, Stallion of the cimarron
Every time he puts his butt to my car door I lean across to my son in case he icks it with double barrels, and the glass shatters or worse I actually get hurt through the door.
When he pokes his head near the window I tell him to stop - but have limited to no control over him. In the meantime my horse is running around blind at the other end of the paddock (we cannot see her the paddock is large).
Finally I drive close to the other gate and he gives up and literally turns and gallops off to the mares.
My son and I drive around to the other gate - going the long way around -so we can access the horses - but from outside the fence.
11:32 AM
I said to my son - I think this si the end of her - he is hunting her - she will have an accident and need to be put down.
I grab some feed in a bucket and get my son to feed him over the fence while I put a halter on him and tie him up with two lead ropes - I didnt' trust him not to break one.
I catch the other two mares over the fence - don't forget my horse is still running around blind with blood on her coat.
I tie them up. Then talk to tuppy and keep her calm and warn her when she's going near a fence. she is listening to me, so stops.
My son and I finally get the courage to move the male horse out of the paddock into a lane way next to it - there's an electric fence there
we do that and he happily munches grass
11:36 AM
In the meantime I called an expert and she came out to catch Tuppy. I was a bag of nerves by this time and didn't feel up to it. She got the hood off her and took her rug off. Tuppy got pats from her and I and she just pottered around the paddock. She had a cut on one leg and she's hit her forehead in a couple of places - superficial wounds. I couldn't find the source of blood on the neck of her rug. I think the blood on the side of the rug came from her hood
This horse is taller than me at the withers - she's enormous and has kicked and broken her own foals leg and injured half my horses by kicking them She tried to double barrel a woman tying up her leg straps on a rug - she would turn her butt on me to kick me when I first got her. She was covered in whip marks and horse bites and underweight and pregnant when I bought her.
She's a darling horse, she is petrified, but she loves me - when she gave birth - she would only eat her hard feed when I was standing with her. When I went away for a day and a half to get a load of hay she didn't eat. The fact she knew I was there and could hear me is the only reason I'm here typing this story today
Ironically I made this video the day before this all happened
The day I got her
You can see my step father is in the cattle yard BEHIND a gate in this one youtube.com/…
I started by patting her face with a really soft tiny grooming brush - that was how she let me start to pat her
The same girl after she had her baby youtube.com/…
I purchased her for $800 from a horse meat dealer. She had been whipped and loaded onto trucks with other horses, where they all are petrified and bite each other. They truck them 2000kn on trucks to a slaughterhouse that slaughters them for human consumption - they're then butchered and sent overseas. We don't eat horse here. The horse meat is used for pet food here
@NickA did it make contact?
11:46 AM
@NickA I swear to God - I actually - for the first time in my life - it was like "I'm going to die" they were moving around so quickly kicking the proverbial out of each other.
@Magisch totally agree
@YvetteColomb Yes it did, I think I was 8, it was on a crazy golf course so didn't expect a full swing so was behind the person
I still have a depression in my skull 16 years later
@NickA o m g
have you ever been on a golf course since?
11:48 AM
Of course lol
I didn't quite comprehend what happened until I saw blood dripping off my eyebrow
well it's a reasonable question for some people - you have a depression in your skull :[
were your parents with you?
This is the behaviour of this gelding I was referring to horseandhound.co.uk/horse-care/horse-breeding/…
Yes, it was my little brother who hit me :P, he was 6
@NickA Mental health issues last a very long time.
11:49 AM
He was not behaving like most geldings I know
@NickA thank god he was the one who hit you and not an adult
@Druckles A depression in my skull, my depression (I think) is unrelated
@NickA Sorry, bad, dark joke.
it's more like who doesn't suffer depression these days
No problemo :)
11:51 AM
anyway - I hope I didn't hog chat too much with this horse story - it was designed to entertain you all - although it was more a heart in the throat type of entertainment
It was a very exciting (if not scary) story
Glad you (and her?) are both okay
it was terrifying - I think the fact she heard my voice helped.
she's important to me - she's not rehomeable and she's a dear hearted horse
this is part of what this chat is for
I'm glad you shared it
11:54 AM
@Magisch #nofunallowed :P
@Magisch thanks. I'd like us to be able to be people in here and share those parts of our lives we're comfortable with
I accidentally kicked a glass instead of a football while I was a kid
I mishandled a couple of chat flags.. waiting for the meta post. :/
@M.A.R. did it break?
Same experience. No pain, didn't notice anything is wrong until my grey socks were red.
11:55 AM
I accidentally whapped a sibling in the head with a baseball bat when I was seven.
Dunno about you, but that moment where I realised something was wrong was really quite horrible
@Mithrandir dam, is the sibling ok?
@NickA Hmm, well, skull . . . foot. Only very slightly different
Yes. No damage as far as we know ;)
11:56 AM
I fell down my bed and had stitches at 4 once, but haven't had more serious injuries then that
@NickA oh yes. It's interesting how some things can be pain free. I've only had that happen by proxy - with my kids and pets
had a really miserable 2 weeks with pneumonia some years ago though where I thought I was just gonna die though
@Mithrandir yeh, I bet that's not what you say when you argue! lol
It started hurting a lot after an hour, but I think the most shock came from everyone else's panic
I've never had stitches, when my head got hit I got those experimental "sticky stitches"
and no pain medication, i had a headache a couple days later, nothing more
11:57 AM
Stitch marks are badass. — My way of dealing with them
Kids are resilient.
@NickA you have an indentation- sticky stitches for an indentation - why not? I'm not sure there's much else they could've done
@Mithrandir Inorite
@Mithrandir so what's the situation with these horses? And THANK you for the picture. please do not get hurt getting me a horse pic
@YvetteColomb idd, if it was more serious they might've put a plate in (I may still find out about that, any pressure on the area nowadays hurts)
11:58 AM
@YvetteColomb Usually that goes without saying
my son with a bad hand injury - that got to me and I was rinsing it out under the kitchen tap before I took him to the hosptial - that took all my reserve to be brave and strong.
@NickA dam! that's not good
@M.A.R. ikr - if something happened when someone was trying to get me a horse pic - :(
@YvetteColomb I just try not to press it ;p
12:01 PM
@YvetteColomb I have no idea. I turned a corner and found myself face to face with four horses. The horse in front started stomping their foot and tossing their head. I backed off with my bike around the bend, they turned away from me, I snapped a photo and rode back the way I came. I heard a whinny behind me, and kinda sprinted on the bike to the cattle guard thing that I had crossed and rode back home. Mind, this is all part of an official bike trail.
@YvetteColomb I can't imagine anything worse, I don't know what I'd do without my hands
I shouldn't laugh- but it was the way you said it @NickA
I don't know who they belong to or what they're doing there - this was my first time on that trail.
LOL, not what I'm going for
@NickA same here. I use my hands for everything
12:02 PM
@Mithrandir oh ok - yeh, given you know nothing about them, it's a wise move. The foot stomping and head tossing is horse language for "get outta here!"
Yeah, I really didn't want to get trampled :P
@NickA he's fine know - surgery - stitches and rehab\
don't want to impact my 80+WPM
@Mithrandir I agree with @Cerbrus they're unlikely to hurt you, unless you keep pressing onto their herd. Then you may get a stallion protecting his mares or a mare protecting a foal - even then they usually prefer to move away from people - but that doesn't help you the one time you get an aggressive horse that will rear up, kick or strike at you
@NickA show off - I have wpm envy
12:04 PM
I don't have 80 WPM but I still need my hands
mostly because its how I earn a living, and how I spend most of my free time
@YvetteColomb or bite.
@Cerbrus yeh but biting doesn't scare me - it can hurt - they can draw blood - but you're going to be able to walk around the next day and use your brain :p
Oooh crap, that reminds me of that one time
12:07 PM
I said that the other day - it's the only tolerable vise, as you stand an even chance of stopping a horse from biting - if they're trying to kick at you - there's no competition
A colleague has a friend back in their home country who had their lower jaw bitten off by a horse...
They can get a litte fierce :P
@Cerbrus oh dam , poor cow/steer
make no mistake horses - like a lot of cattle - are large strong animals who can and will mess you up if you annoy them enough
Nah, she was asking for it
12:09 PM
like people who try to tip cows. You will not tip the cow, and the cow will be pissed off you tried
@Magisch The spanish still don't seem to understand that...
@Cerbrus oh yeh - I've had blood drawn from being bitten on the back - she was so naughty - I was feeding a thin horse and she was FAT - so wasn't allowed into the yard - I turned my back - she lent over and took her best shot.
You mess with the bull, you get the horns.
@Cerbrus And people die or get maimed every year because of it
@Cerbrus actually a couple of my horses are in with a herd of cattle - there's a bull in with them. I've led my horses through that paddock a few times and feel safer with the bull and his herd of cows and their newborns than I did in that paddock with 4 horses.
12:10 PM
a bull is a ton of mostly muscle and sharp horns charging at you with intent to kill. Whatever drove people to think avoiding that death should be a sport is unknown to me
@Magisch macho fools. It's cruel
in my experience cows and bulls even are mostly friendly if you leave them alone
the bulls are only doing what comes naturally - humans can be truly awful
even bulls don't chase you for no reason. If you don't antagonize the animals, they are unlikely to try and hurt you
Well, depends...
If they're not used to humans
They can be quite aggressive.
12:12 PM
They're not murder machines. And they don't fly into a rage from the color red. They do attack when you relentlessly tease them or poke them with hot sticks, though
unless you keep your (significant) distance
Cows I don't mind, they usually just want to eat. (They graze in the minefields.) Most horses I meet don't mind me either. This is the first time I've been actually worried when meeting a large animal like this.
Or get too close
@Cerbrus agree
Like any undomesticated wild animal wild ones mileage may vary
but domestic cows are usually docile and tame until you annoy them
12:13 PM
@NickA Back when I was on dialysis a 17-year-old stood in front of a horse that took a bite from his heart
@Mithrandir well interesting we were both being worried about horses on the same day (time zones considered)
@Magisch yep - when they have newborns I always give them a respectful distance - I'm not coming near your baby, mumma
@M.A.R. wha?
I dunno, that's how I heard it
@Cerbrus I don't know if you read what happened. But that sounds like really odd behaviour for a gelding yes?
12:15 PM
Being on the ground floor of a hospital is a really sucky job.
over the top
I saw the pictures of the aftermath of the jaw...
not nice
People mourning for the dead everyday.
@M.A.R. I don't think a horse could actually get to a human heart with their teeth -
@YvetteColomb It's not unnatural for horses to reject herdmates that are "hurt"
12:15 PM
@YvetteColomb eh, the cows in the farm near me are docile to a fault
That rejection can get quite nasty
@Cerbrus oh yes - I got that - she was acting blind (she was blind at that point) but chasing the car!
you can go up to them, pet them, feed them, even pet the little ones
The car makes noise. It's something she can focus on
@NickA que?
12:16 PM
I imagine they'd react violently to being hurt or attempts to tip them, but I haven't tried because I'm not out of my mind with a death wish
@YvetteColomb It seemed conceivable to me because people are usually uneducated about the ventures they take here. More than the average person there, at least.
@Cerbrus oh yeh, I think she was following me - she could hear me talking to my son - BUT the gelding is the one who then turned and chased us
So it's not impossible for the youngster to have pissed off the horse so much
Hard to say without seeing it for myself...
@Magisch smart - unlike the disabled woman who goes into a paddock with a horse that cannot see and another horse that is an unknown quantity
12:18 PM
@YvetteColomb ?
@YvetteColomb yeah but what you do is out of care for the animal
there are lots of people who like hurting or antagonizing animals for fun
Inorite. Annoying little brats.
i'm not one of them and besides that being a very specific form of degeneracy it is also not a smart move to mess with animals several times your weight and strength
@Cerbrus he literally galloped after us - caught up with us - I slowed down. I was worried he would get hurt - he then ran around in front of us - like he was trying to stop us. I had to stop I would've hit him. He circled us and came up to my door - looked like he was trying to turn his butt at me - or the car. I'd drive on - he kept circling the car - I had to be so careful -
@Magisch several times? more like an order of magnitude :P
12:20 PM
after a while he galloped off full speed to the herd - to probably terrorise Tuppy. I'm sure he meant well - trying to protect the herd from this blind horse.
5 mins ago, by Nick A
I saw the pictures of the aftermath of the jaw...
In reference to this message
@Cerbrus it felt like he was trying to get us to go back to the herd - you know when stallions try to round up their mares. It was the most bizzare experience - it felt like an African safari - my son described it like Jurassic park RFLMAO
@NickA oh dam! I missed that. How the hell did that happen?
12:22 PM
for real? I didn't think that would be possible
Honestly, I didn't want more details
No, I don't either
seems plausible. A horse has a strong enough bite for that
lets not dwell on it
I had a foal nibbling on my face yesterday
this chat room has developed into a shop of horrors
12:23 PM
@Cerbrus aw I love foals
They're surprisingly strong biters -.-
But a foal I can handle xD
my yearling is such a darling - she's close to 15hh - 14 months
hh is hands I assume?
they need to be taught - she was pushing in on me the other day and I made it clear she cannot do that
yep hh
12:24 PM
her mum is 16 something hh. I need to measure her - she's grown
I see the plans for the Colomb Dynasty's Unstoppable World Domination Seizing Horse Army are progressing nicely :p
@Magisch CDUWDSHA doesn't exactly have a nice ring to it.
@Magisch Ahhh, that's why she took time off SO
@Magisch we are getting there :p I cannot have any more horses - I'm at my utter limit and have too many as it is. But I love them all and that's that
@NickA actually - it was horse related - so it's not so funny- my horses needed my attention above all else
12:30 PM
the thing I just can't understand, no matter how hard I try - is why have the word seize in that name Mags?
I put this video up so people wouldn't be scared of my on SO youtube.com/watch?v=DdpDobYe7MA
@YvetteColomb ah, apologies
you know - see a person, get to know them and think- hey maybe they're not so scary after all
@NickA don't be silly :)
I'm British! I'm polite! :P
12:32 PM
you know I need to work
curse these pings
curse horses being my favourite topic on the planet
@YvetteColomb what do you mean?
10 mins ago, by Magisch
I see the plans for the Colomb Dynasty's Unstoppable World Domination Seizing Horse Army are progressing nicely :p
12:34 PM
It's a german adjective, meaning "magical" that is why its my name
World Domination Seizing
As in the horse army which is seizing world domination
what are we trying to acheive with this domination - apart from turning a programming website into a horse discussion website?
it is a most unelegant rhetorical construct, I admit
@YvetteColomb The goal is to have a wikipedia article for every horse that has ever lived
@Magisch it reminds me of this brooklyn99.fandom.com/wiki/…
12:37 PM
@NickA oh wow - we're going to be busy .. I will need your help ofc (of course rhymes with horse) and that's the first order of the day - every sentence much contain a word that rhymes with a type of horse or a horse pun.. (diabolical madness sets in)
@YvetteColomb Downvotes to be called "Neigh"s instead?
@NickA I like it!
Mags is good at puns
I call Magisch Mags.
rhymes with nags
12:39 PM
Geeeez how big a onebox do you need for the first definition :P
@YvetteColomb gonebox?
:D that was actually funny
@NickA it had a nagging feel didn't it? :p
I've never heard nag other than as a verb
12:41 PM
@YvetteColomb I may also nag from time to time
my kids occasionally accuse me of loving my horses more than them. I don't actually deny it. :p
@Magisch hay, that's not funny :p
@NickA and you say you're British?
frightening - they're not make Brits the way they used to...
@YvetteColomb neigh, it is not. But you kanter deny that it is good pun ammunition
12:42 PM
The only noun use was about horses, I know nothing about horses
@YvetteColomb Quit horsing around
That's about as good as my puns get
you all understand if I stay in the room in this mood - it's only a matter of time before there's a meta post or worse a Tweet about a racially/culturally moderator in chat
@NickA that really gets on my goat!
you see what I did there? you said you knew nothing about horses - so I made a goat pun
@Magisch stop trotting out the horse puns
12:44 PM
Yes, I saw what you did
@NickA what? now I'm curious, what caught your attention - something we canter see? cc @Magisch that is how you spell canter in English
Do you reckon Aussies speak more AmE or more BrE?
you know you lot your ancestors sent our ancestors us here in boats
third times the charm
12:48 PM
culturally we are influenced by both
dammit - you and your eagle sharp eyes watching my clumsy attempts to write spoken English
I was going to say "keep trying" but you fixed it
why thank you - note I have ceased with the horse references and am broadening my wings - for the horse knowledge impaired :p
I have the sillies - I really should go.. does anyone else get like that?
12:51 PM
your brain just goes boing and everything seems funny?
Not frequently
you see I'm behaving hard here after the things that were discussed here this evening AEST
@Cerbrus was that a pic of you on that horse btw?
I mustve missed a discussion
No, someone else in the same week on vacation
12:55 PM
@Mithrandir an observation - see that grey (white) horse's ears? How the right one is facing towards you and the left is facing backwards? Although the horse is not looking at you, it's listening for you.
@NickA the amount of dreadful injuries - it was a failed joke :|
it also could be resting - they often have their ears behind them to listen when they're resting
how often are you riding bart @Cerbrus?
Still 4-5 times a week
Well, 3-4
One of the 5 times is groundwork
yep. That's important too
1:00 PM
@YvetteColomb tbf, i'm trying to stay awake, I've been nocturnal the past 2 weeks
99% of the work with a horse is the relationship imo
Yea, that's going just fine :D We've got the connection
@NickA I'm trying to stay awake - its' bed time and I'm unable to stay awake. I was naturally nocturnal, but I'm failing
Especially in the stable, he knows exactly what I'm going to do
@Cerbrus ofc - I wasn't intending to imply otherwise ;)
1:02 PM
I wasn't implying you were implying anything of the sort :P
I talk a LOT to my horses. I'm not sure to what extent they speak English, but they seem to know what I want most of the time
@Cerbrus well I was implying that you were implying that I was implying - so I'm glad we got that cleared up :) If you ever come to Australia, you'll have to meet my horses
I need to go to bed.... it's been good to catch up with you all --- friday night here --- so enjoy the rest of your friday :D
o7 cya around
1:06 PM
@Cerbrus I'll let you know what comes out about this gelding - I suspect he was gelded late... hmm
Yea, That might explain his attitude there
3 hours later…
3:41 PM
Hey guys - before I ask a meta question that's probably necessary - does anyone know how many times the cart abandonment (for SO teams) is sent out to a user that only partially completes the process?
wait... companies actually send that stuff out more than once?
Some do - ebuyer is a particularly bad example
5 hours later…
8:57 PM
4.8k in the close view - what?
9:08 PM
how long will it take to get back to 8k
3 days
(mostly a wild guess)
from today or monday
wait, no it goes away sat, not monday
9:42 PM

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