« first day (1584 days earlier)      last day (1994 days later) » 

31 51
98 22
36 11
79 11
82 640
33 642
80 642
91 644
10 644
4 15
37 22
84 22
8 22
48 2
46 7
1 12
99 100
50 140
66 14
96 5
44 3
75 15
19 33
52 24
90 33
49 60
15 60
2 78
74 505
3 10
61 123
24 2
97 8
72 1
94 3
64 3
71 18
28 18
95 18
63 17
38 19
60 238
7 640
76 2911
53 1
57 642
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postal_code	district	line1	line2	line3	state	city	country	address	UNIT	POBOX	STN	FLR	BLD	CMP	BCK	LNDM	ROAD	RR	SUBL	LOC	post3	UNIT_clnd	POBOX_clnd	STN_clnd	FLR_clnd	BLD_clnd	CMP_clnd	BCK_clnd	ROAD_clnd	RR_clnd	LOC_clnd	city_clnd	state_clnd	Post_code_missing	BLD_missing	ROAD_missing	BLD_non_numeric	BLD_missing1	BLD_missing2	pin_code	ROAD_clnd_matched
31	m2k 118	90350182	51 morewood Crescent	NaN	NaN	ONTARIO	NORTH YORK	CA	51 morewood Crescent	NaN	NaN	NaN	NaN	51	NaN	NaN	NaN	morewood Crescent	NaN	NaN	NaN	m2k	NaN	NaN	NaN	NaN	51	NaN	NaN	morewood crescent	NaN	NaN	TORONTO	ONTARIO	0	0	0	0	0	0	m2k	more
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@Kevin can you help me ou?
2 messages moved from Python
1 message moved from Python
@it4Astuces no problem, and Wait to post until you've written a complete sentence. Avoid rapid, short "stream of conciousness" messages. Avoid using abbreviated "txt spk".
1 message moved from Python

« first day (1584 days earlier)      last day (1994 days later) »