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I'm trying to subclass a Window class. What am I doing wrong here?..
Base class:
public class MyDummyWindowBase : Window
Derived class:
public partial class ValidationDefinedInXamlView : MyDummyWindowBase
    // same old typical things
And yet, when I try to instantiate it:
this.MainWindow = new ValidationDefinedInXamlView();
I get an error:
Cannot implicitly convert type 'MvvmValidationExample1.ValidationDefinedInXamlView' to 'System.Windows.Window'
It's a partial class, and the other parts of definition in the *.g.i.cs file inherits from System.Windows.Window. The code generator insist on that, and I can't change it in the *.g.i.cs manually.
Wow, did Philippines really declared war on Canada?
And that too over garbage
Also Canada is part of NATO, I am waiting for Trumps response to this one
Trumps always wanted to withdrawing from NATO
That was from countries that were not paying up the agreed share of their GDP towards the NATO Forces, Canada also doesn't match the 2% goal but they have agreed to increase spending, PLUS if Duterete really does declare war, US won't like the war so close to home
2 hours later…
Hello Morning Friends
I have Question about string list
i want add dynamically item in list
if the user send item then this item add in list
and if user send the second item then it add in second postion
add item each time in next postion
And which part of it are you facing the problem in?
List<String> Lists = new List<String>();

Lists[1] => "String1";
@TomW Yes. I was not lucky with looking it up in Nuget repository so far though. I'll keep looking. The thing is it seems to me like a really nice tool to decouple the components and to make unit-testing easier. It's harder for people to read the code though (but with some logging, that's not a problem)
Hello, how to decode and get claims in JWT Tokens
in C#?
You mena hte token is in your claims?
@AppleCiderYummy Does this help?
Morning. Need coffee, tons of it
Sri Lanka, the world biggest corneas donor. Be treated by 9 bombs.
@bradbury9 are you getting some for me too?
Cappuccino for me please
posted on April 23, 2019 by Scott Hanselman

I've been a Type 1 diabetic for over 25 years. Diabetes sucks. They actually give you an award for staying alive for years on insulin. Diabetics don't usually die of old age, they die of heart disease or stroke, kidney failure, and while they're at it they may go blind, get nerve damage, amputation, and a bunch of other stuff. It used to be a death sentence but when insulin was introduced as a

It would arrive cold, cold coffee is a sin, like coding in vb.net
Can someone help me understand this ?
How do I make, for example, all class names PascalCase?
I would have loved in SO elections seeing as a candidate stackoverflow.com/users/2319407/dmitry-bychenko
@Squirrelkiller IMHO You cannot diferentiate between Capitalized and PascalCase in a naming rule, just because there is no way to know "Aeroplane" vs "TwoWords"
That being said, the example seems pretty similar to what you need
# Public members must be capitalized (public_members_must_be_capitalized)
dotnet_naming_rule.public_members_must_be_capitalized.symbols = public_symbols
dotnet_naming_symbols.public_symbols.applicable_kinds = property,method,field,event,delegate
dotnet_naming_symbols.public_symbols.applicable_accessibilities = public
dotnet_naming_symbols.public_symbols.required_modifiers = readonly

dotnet_naming_rule.public_members_must_be_capitalized.style = first_word_upper_case_style
@AppleCiderYummy System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt makes it pretty easy nuget.org/packages/System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt
new JwtSecurityToken(token).Claims
!!Did you kill Oak ?
@Hans1984 Of course!
Anyone Help me in C#.When popup window show then make outside touchable false?
sorry Xamarin android
If it's analog to winforms and wpf, use the synchonous .ShowModalDialog or similar.
How do you activate the popup?
dialog.Cancelable=false then user wont be able to close the dialog by clicking outsided the dialog.
the property default to true.
You need to close the dialog by dialog.DismissAllowingStateLoss() or your app virtually hang.
I have a question that is not really about C#, but more about windows. However it's connected to my C# installer...
So my installer adds two icons to the start menu
one that is my app and on that is my app (offline)
the my app (offline) is almost exactly the same, except that it adds an argument to the command.
Now the problem is that in windows 10, the (offline) shortcut is not visible in the start menu
I have managed to "fix" it, by removing the icon cache. but that seems a little bit advanced to ask of the users (since it involves removing a file and restarting explorer.exe)
looks fluffy or flammable
Hi, Is there any way we can override GetHashCode method. I have a Flag Enum for which I need to have this overwritten when applied
What's the worst C# habit you have?
making a parameterless constructor and setter properties
thus keeping objects in an "uninitialized" state
Since everything is object, and objects GetHashCode is virtual, everyone can override hashcode
(or not-fully initialized state)
uninitialized can be ok
depending on the object
Composition: Put in constructor
that is a hard question. If someone sees a bad habit, they usually leave it
Aggregation: If you really want to, go use extra initializers
just...dont make setXXX. We have Properties for that.
mine is maybe compacting the code too much with 1 line linq
I should split up difficult linq expressions into multiple lines and name them appropriately for easier understanding
hi guys
@Squirrelkiller I would need to Overrirde it for a Enumerator. I am able to override for the class where enumerator is present. But I couldnt figure it out on how it can be done for a Enumerator within that Class
is there any way to formal my xml without actually parsing it?
my xml file contains html codes
Enumerator is a system class, isnt it?
Or do you mean enum?
@Squirrelkiller I mean Enum
Could make an extension method
Sorry, do you have a sample. Thanks
I am trying to get through the below case by overriding getHashCode() . stackoverflow.com/questions/55825236/…
@Shad Maybe you want a regex? HtmlAgilityPack is good at cleaning HTML and probably XML too
oh never heard of it
I don't want my html codes to be parsed
but to beautify the xml
Then you need a parser like HtmlAgilityPack. It can beautify HTML and probably XML too.
copypaste into npp -> pretttiify
^wanted to do it via code! :)
@MikaelDúiBolinder thanks, will look into it!
@user2081126 Turns out, enums already have GetHashCode defined
(and implemented)
Question is: Why do you need the has code?
I smell xy
ooh that is weird though.
> If you look at the reference source implementation for Long.GetHashCode you'll see that it exclusive-or's the upper 32 bits with the lower 32 bits. For A6 which is 0x4000000000 this will be 0x40 | 0x00 which is 0x40 (64).
@Squirrelkiller Yes. If you have gone through that Link I shared, I have a generic code that checks if GetHashCode() value enum combination values is zero. This being a generic code and used by different objects, I cant change it. But i do want my specific enum Class to behave differently on this case and give a different response to getHashCode() call
@TomW Ya, thats the issue. So the combination of it gives a Value zero and HashCode is returned as zero
Why do you need the hashcode?
You're relying on something you shouldn't rely on.
Like I mentioned I do not want this hash code check to be done for this Enum. But there is already ageneric code which i can not change now
You have to
This won't work.
hmm.. any option which I can try here to have it customized for my case
Not that I can think of.
What is this "generic code" doing anyway, why is the hash code important?
What are you using it to decide on?
the generic code was implemented very long back. I do not know the reason why they kept such a condition. It is present in Set of property where it checks if gethashcode is equal to zero. If so Property is set as null else it is set with value passed.
but why
a zero hashcode doesn't mean anything
i m not sure why they did that.. as being this code used by different objects I am unable to change now
Then your enum should have a first value of .NotSet or something like that
The hascode of an enum is its numeric value. Usually an enum is an int.
Answer on the linked question says that's not true
@Squirrelkiller You mean i should add one more element as Notset (ox00)
@Squirrelkiller how have you been?
1 hour later…
Is there a way to make entity framework core not to rely on cache. I want the dbContext to always query db when looking up info. I am aware if I use 'AsNoTracking()' in the linq query it will not rely on cache. But I want the entire context to behave that way. I tried 'QueryTrackingBehavior.NoTracking' but did not work.
Nevermind I made 'QueryTrackingBehavior.NoTracking' work
morning everyone.
all good, what about you guys?
have any of you faced problems at your office by using stackoverflow as reference?
i know it's not always accurate, but there are great pros in here and i respect them very much.
@Zorkind no not at all. As long as your motivation for your approach isn't 'because I read it on StackOverflow' and nothing else
well to be honest i think there are some ppl that you can through a book with proof of what you are talking about, and they will dodge :-\
no, i actually used other materials as well as real data results as proof but, i was bashed anyway
i actually find the stackoverflow materials because i had already have the results pointing me into the direction i was trying to defend.
i prefer not to be specific because this is a public forum anyway. don't want to put more fuel in the fire.
like marketing TDD, because SO survey sais most of the developers do, or want to do TDD?
damm we can't edit here :( well i wanted to say "throw" not "though" up there hahaha
2 hours later…
hey guys
any xamarin devs
You can edit your messages for up to two minutes after you sent them.
sup @Squirrelkiller
Hey monkey. @nyconing works with Xamarin.
But I guess you can just ask your question and we will answer with with the usual either half knowledge or trying to xy your problem.
hahhahaha saw that comin
@nyconing i think shes asleep?
if shes in the same timezone as me
Good point, might be late for her.
@Squirrelkiller thx for that man, i guess i ran out of time then.
When I try to update a password in NetCore Identity, I get this error -
user security stamp cannot be null
this is a code snippet of what i'm trying to do
 var hasValidMembershipKey = _userManager.Users.Include(s => s.Person)
                                            .SingleOrDefault(s => s.Person.MemberShipNo.Equals(_user.MembershipKey));

                    var newPassword = _userManager.PasswordHasher.HashPassword(hasValidMembershipKey, cpRequest.NewPassword);

                    var userObj = new ApplicationUser
                        UserName = _user.EmailAddress,
                        Email = _user.EmailAddress,
program throws an exception at this line -
 var profileUserResult = _userManager.UpdateAsync(userObj).Result;
with the exception error message stated above
One thing I noticed, the update succeeds, but right after, an exception is thrown
Please how do I resolve this?
does applicationuser have a property called securitystamp?
Yes it does
@Zorkind - About using StackOverflow at work (I realize the convo was a while ago), but I've never had a negative response. I made a comment about it during an interview with Microsoft last week actually and got a postive response to using SO as a reference. :)
glad to hear it @KevenM :)
i got bashed about it in my work place :(
That's ridiculous...How could anyone look down on using every resource available?
@gbade_ after a quick google people suggest you would assign it to a Guid
agreed :-\
So I just generate a Guid and assign it to Security Stamp - @misha130
Lemme do that
he said he don't want me to give him "my stackoverflow friends opinions"
he just lost it, you know?
@gbade_ thats what SO said and I haven't used identity asp in a while
very disrespectful
i gave him not only stackoverflow discussions on the matter, but also microsoft docs, and my actual results from real testing. i think he just couldn't win the argument and lost his mind, i am not sure.
No kidding...He clearly has some type of issue. This is pretty much the best resource for coders anywhere, I've met so many people IRL that consider this to be the ONLY place to find coding answers
developers getting afflicted by personal bias is a common occurrence isn't it?
yes i respect very much everyone here, learned a lot. made a few mistakes here too and was corrected by pros and i am glad about it, i consider myself a better person because of SO. But i know i shouldn't just blindly trust SO, so i used other resources but it just was not enough. i am wrong anyway.
i don't know man, i never tried to diminish anyone, i always want to learn, if i am wrong just show me, you know? but he just kept hammering me down.
do i gave up the argument and just say ok ok ok ok.
i am not sure if i will keep up with this for too long tho, sad.
I had this one thing happened when some designer was telling me to design a project in a certain way. I argued for an hour, listened and then asserted that his suggestion was probably not so bad and did it
sorry i miss typed there. i think it's the stress. "i gave up..."
which after that he kept telling me that I should just always listen to him and thats it
yeah funny thing is that the dude asked me to not "talk about experience but show data" and when i show data.... it's wrong anyway.
so conceding a debate on an issue made me actually lose reputation in his eyes for some reason?
anyhow developers are people and thats kind of the issue
man people are weird af.
bad thing is that most of those come up to be bosses.
sorry my english, not native speaker.
he insulted my english too.
lol i guess i should left.
sure but it does come up to bosses and if the bosses to believe things without proper investigations then they are incompetent
they trust microsoft sell's pitch.
that's what they trust.
anyway, sorry for laying this all out here, thx for the support.
The English thing should not even be an issue...if this is in the US, I smell a lawsuit if you want really good payback. :) I'm not saying it's the easiest thing to understand everyone, but it works both ways and we're supposed to be more accepting of differences nowadays. (That's the idealist in me, the realist though knows that a lot of the country still believes it's 1819 rather than 2019) :p
as far as I got now
still writing more
and then click "RAW", you should get the most up-to-date version of it
the raw links dont update with commits
@KevenM no its a Sweden company.
Hey all.
Just dropped in to say Hi when I don't have 10 questions to ask.
@SeaCharp hey o/
why would you need 10 questions to ask?
Q: How do I notify a row in a WPF DataGrid that one of its cells was programmatically modified?

Robert HarveyI am creating a DataGridRadioButtonColumn for my WPF project. Here is what it looks like: public class DataGridRadioButtonColumn : DataGridBoundColumn { private Dictionary<DataGridCell, RadioButton> _buttons = new Dictionary<DataGridCell, RadioButton>(); public string Group { get; set;...

@Zorkind Because many people come here when they questions to ask.
has anyone ever worked with JS in asp.net
web forms :)
ask your question, try your luck
JS: Yes. asp.net: yes. JS in asp.net: I'm honestly not sure we kinda use asp.net with angularjs but I'm not really into that yet. WebFOrms: No, but I hear it's horrible.
Aug 28 '17 at 15:53, by mikeTheLiar
Don't ask if you can ask, it creates an infinite recursive loop. Just ask your question. If someone is around who can help, they will.
i have a sense of humor sometimes
@Squirrelkiller you do what mate? a single page app with webforms?
full blown apps
you think web forms is limited to single page?
I meant angularjs
my b
anywho, i got a drop down with onselectedindexchanged <-- that calls a server side function, but I want to be able to confirm with user on javascript and show a message box, and if they click YES, then send them to server code
yes, spa with angularJS. We're working on making it Angular atm.
kinda like, onclick and onclientclick="return confirm();"
like...a popup that goes "Are you sure?"?
basically can i do that with onchange="return confirm();" if true, then call onselectedindexchanged="server function"
well question is whether the ok button on the confirm is a runat server
well the button is not the issue here, i got that working. I'm trying to do that with Dropdown and yes it definitely has runat='server'
I'd probably try to build a popup that takes a function as parameter and then have the click call the popup with the server side function as parameter
I'm also not sure what I'm talking about
(refer to the star board)
huh why complicate this
it is not a must but my boss will probably give me a raise if i do this
because then I have a popup I can use anywhere for confirmatino purposes
its for a client who is super picky punk
its just that you cant really lunch server side functions from straight up javascript
or its rather hard to do
but you can run server side functions from elements
yeah well at least I can do that with buttons! thankfully
just how does your popup look like?
it was going to be a simple confirm are you sure you want to do this?
 function ConfirmCancel() {
             if (confirm("By clicking CANCEL, you will delete all information associated with this CLIENT, and you will need to re-enter it again. Do you want to continue?") == true) {
                 return true;
             else {
                 return false;
nothing crazy here
yea thats what I thought, since you are using the confirm function you dont have an element that activates the server function
i do this on onClientclick = "return ConfirmCancel();" and then if true it sends it right to the onclick server function
i could make a modal, but its thursday and its due tomorow for testing. So i'll find another way
@Squirrelkiller granted :)
@Koosh Why not jsut go return confirm("By clicking CANCEL, you will delete all information associated with this CLIENT, and you will need to re-enter it again. Do you want to continue?") == true ?
Why the hell do people go if(something) return true; else return false; ??
Doesnt make sense to me
Well time to go to bed before I start talking about stuff I know even less about. Buenas noches amigos!
old habits are hard to break
night night
keep your butthole tight
and its only 4pm in us where is u
2200 here
damn going to netherlands in may
next week on thursday actually
where in ger
In Hamburg, gonna be near :))
It's just a few hundred km to Amsterdam
nice! hamburg is a nice place
then hittin up Poland thats where i'm from
so i'm to your neighboring countries
next time i'll visit bavaria i always wanted to go there and austria
Taste the beer, we make the best there is!
will do
I'm from Munich originally. Moved here 3 years ago.
thats where i want to go
hit up bayern munich game too
u hamburg or bayern fan?
None at all. Although I cheer for the team my current drinking buddies aren't rooting for.
whats a good local beer in amsterdam
i love me some herring and stroopwafel
but i dont got a beer in mind
other than the obvious
I don't even remember, jsut drinking some weizen that was great.
oh cool
In Munich, definitely go drink Augustiner Hell
I can sadly hardly get it here in Hamburg :/
will make note
Well tiem to go to bed, gotta work tomorrow. See you soon!
@Koosh This is meme code right?
@Koosh you and I have very different definitions of the word "crazy"
if (true == true) return true;
if (true == true) return true == true;
more brackets
posted on April 25, 2019 by Scott Hanselman

One of the magical technologies that makes an Open Source Artificial Pancreas possible is "Software-defined Radio" or SDR. I have found that SDR is one of those technologies that you've either heard of and agree it's amazing or you've literally never heard of it. Well, buckle up, friends There's an amazing write up by Pete Schwamb, one of the core members of the community who works on Loop fu

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