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1:27 AM
@AnderBiguri has exactly 256 score on the cheese CAT scan post. Nice round number!
6 hours later…
7:46 AM
@CrisLuengo why would titanium have its own documentation, seeing it's just some arbitrary test set? I can understand that the citation is necessary, but that can be put into the docs on fit just as easily
8:06 AM
@flawr That is funny!
@Adriaan Every single M-file has documentation. MATLAB is really good at documentation. Maybe it's the only thing it's good at, but it's really good at it. :)
It makes sense to document functions, and to give example data sets with proper citations, but a full doc page for a .mat file...
@Adriaan I bet they have a policy of 0 publicly accessible M-files without a documentation block or without a doc page. It just looks bad if you type doc something and you get a 404.
8:21 AM
@CrisLuengo Oh yeah?
@Dev-iL You shouldn't be using that function any more. :p
@CrisLuengo not anymore :'(
8:48 AM
Why'd you use switch/case and not if/else? I have my input parser, 6 optional arguments in there, and I can check those using if varargin{ii} = 'p' or switch varargin; case 'p'. I cannot easily spot a difference between them, so what's best/common practise here?
if strcmp(mystr,'some other thing')
elseif strcmp(mystr,'some other thing2')
elseif strcmp(mystr,'some other thing3')
instead of
switch str
case str1
case str2
well I hope you use the secodn because its 30x clearer
Reading the docs it seems to me that if you have a fixed number of cases (such as here) you'd use switch/case, whereas the if/else is more for logical comparisons, which switch apparently cannot do.
@AnderBiguri how so? str == 'MyStr' is rather clear to me as well, which works for strings just as strcmp does
its clearer the second, by a difference. You have a variable with N possibilities
why compare each of then one by one
Makes sense
its literally why the switch case exist, in fact It probably compiles/translates to if conditions
python doesnt have switch, I assume because its the same as if elseif
but to me, its way clearer when you use a switch
8:57 AM
So it's like a short-circuited if/else, where the elseif statements are sequential, so if you are in the 6th case, it goes through the first 5, whereas switch instantly points you to the sixth?
wellnot sure
it must check all of them under the hood.... hummm
computationally it doesntmatter, its still negigible
you could do ismember(varargin{ii},SetOfCases), which gives you a logical array pointing directly to the correct case. Won't be much faster though
speed isnot the issue with a 6 case ifs
in any of the possible variants
9:35 AM
@AnderBiguri I inquired on the Mars EM tomography position about how mathematical it was; got a reply within a few minutes that it's more data-driven, and that he's willing to Skype with me o.0
I mean, thetopic is mathematical
im nto a matematician, you are already doing more maths now that what I knew before doing my phd
so you can handle it
He send me the full project description; reading it now. It's 12 pages o.0
@AnderBiguri pah, what I'm doing now is reproducing work of others. My bachelor math courses went fine (70-90% score), but stuff like complex analysis or quantum mechanics went over my head, and I had to call in the experts (read: @Andras) for that
yeah, that is way more than what I was doing XD
and thats half of what most PhDs do anyway, at least outside maths
@AnderBiguri half of the PhDs go to András? Poor sod, he'll be busy in that case
hahaha :P
nah, really, a PhD ends up being basically what you have been doing until now, just longer
9:41 AM
Sounds fun :D
I'll go read the description now, see what it's about. Data-driven sounds cool, that's what I like. Just being a beunhaas as we say in Dutch. Trial-and-error and once it works figure out why it does.
9:59 AM
@Adriaan no wonder I don't have time to get to 20k
ah, the ETH position is 3 years, and wants me to do Iterative Robust Least Squares, ergo: what I've been trying the past 6 months. Neat.
@AndrasDeak just answer general Python stuff. You'll get there in no-time
I've been answering a few things this week, I just can't get myself to answer boring stuff
10:29 AM
Worth a read concerning the current climate on SO medium.com/@cellio/…
1 hour later…
11:31 AM
@CrisLuengo I remember having to manually implement a 3D array via a 2D array with linear indexing because there were no multidimensional arrays back in version 4.3. Very "cool" :-D
@AndrasDeak Very well put
I've seen two company responses to the original situation so far, one is from Shane (with "that obnoxious DM sea lion"), and the other from our own Tim Post:
@justkelly_ok That's not okay for Stack Overflow. We should have anticipated that better when we tried some more experimental topics, we just didn't and we'll learn from that. The 'hot questions' feature is being completely re-examined and reworked so it's safer at an unknown scale.
i.e. "Since you're offended we're changing everything" (cf. "We're sorry you're offended, we'll investigate what happened and get back to you")
12:01 PM
I didn't follow all this closely, but it seems that SO made changes based on someone complaining on Twitter, without verifying it's true or consulting the community. Is that more or less what happened?
(Plus the code of conduct stuff...)
also, the people at IPS have been discussing the HNQ for years with no response meta.stackexchange.com/a/316941/313143
@LuisMendo The baby that cries loudest is the one that gets fed
Haha. There's a similar saying in Spanish
^^ Huh. That makes it much worse
12:05 PM
Ah yes, "We've made these changes in a way that seems erratic, arbitrary and motivated by some non-users being meanies on twitter. But I can assure you this has been long coming and we've been discussing this internally for a very long time". Where have I heard this before? Oh yes, here on MSE. And this is the good-faith scenario. — Andras Deak Oct 18 at 21:18
These are great suggestions. Someone should post them on Twitter. — Hong Ooi Oct 19 at 5:47
@AndrasDeak yup, I agree 100%
Urf, people saving stuff to their desktop programmatically
watched the new Jurassic Park and one thing led to another and now I remembered ^ :D
12:33 PM
@Adrian. I've upvoted your answer. I generally use that expression to mean "stupid mistake", rather than "seems ok". — Mad Physicist 14 mins ago
he tried to ping me, but that's a stupid mistake of his, to misspell my name :P
seems to work as coded indeed
Hmm.. no idea how I got here /r/InclusiveOr
I tried but this doesn't work too. It saves the four images of either img=1 or img=2 but not both so as a result it saves 4 images and the other 4 are overwritten by them. Thank you for correcting me sir, but I was trying to look at my console of the image coordinates to check wether or not my images are cropped properly on the defined ROI's or not. — Rakeh Sheikh 4 mins ago
@ballBreaker "Hobo Johnson and The Lovemakers",strangely weird, and suprisingly good
huh? Then the rest of his code is broken as well right?
facepalm, OP borked, of course
12:53 PM
@AnderBiguri will give it a listen!!
1:41 PM
Its strange. Some sort of Rap-indie stuff. They released 1 song to be on Tiny desk NPR, got 10M views on youtube. Peach scornes is the song
2:05 PM
I'll check that out now! I love tiny desk
This is pretty interesting
its very weird also. Its Rap, but also, its not? or is also something else I guess
hahaha yah it's almost like spoken word mixed with rap
2:21 PM
I dont generallylike this type of things, but IDK, Im digging it hard
its great
hahah yeah I think I like the emotion in it
The yelling is a nice juxtaposition against the calm instrumentals
yeah I was watching that
2:37 PM
It's hard to switch to a different genre of music after listening to that haha
It put me such a morose mood
Beautiful stuff though
It's also probably because I'm in a really weird situation right now with a girl lol
I've been seeing this girl for about 2 weeks now and I really like her. She's got a great personality, and she's really pretty.. but the downside is, is that I'm not a big fan of how she smells..and it's not like she's unhygienic it's just the straight up smell of her body isn't compatible with mine I think. I'm probably going to have to stop seeing her because of this and it's rattling me :\
> I'm in a really weird situation right now with a girl lol -balllBreaker daily
Pretty much
@ballBreaker odd
I mean, never happened to me
Yeah this is the second time it's happened to me. Except the first time it was that polish chick and we just straight up weren't compatible in other ways. This time it's just her smell which sucks because otherwise I really like her
I looked into it and apparently it has something to do with immune systems being too similar
buy her perfume? I dont know how to suggest anything in this case
maybe shes thinking the same about you xD
2:42 PM
haha maybe
Yeah there really isn't anything to suggest, it's just unfortunate
:/ you are not joking, there is a Nature article about that :/
I know right :\ lol
Real crappy situation lol, not really sure how to break that to her either without it sounding personal
@AnderBiguri Better yet, a Wikipedia article!
Better yet :(
You'd be surprised how many doors a Nature article doesn't open for you.
2:57 PM
The wife of a good friend published an article in Nature as the 1st co-author, so I asked her if her life changed now - does she get invited to give talks all around the world etc, she said - "surprisingly, no"...
Damn, I wrote some code a few months ago, and from the state of it it appears abandoned (there are some easy-to-notice and easy-to-fix issues that were left there by me). And I don't know why it was abandoned, as it does some nice charts I need elsewhere.. I probably took this functionality and put it elsewhere, but have no idea where it is now....
@AndrasDeak I think I've completely missed something. What was the tweet that set off all this hubbub?
@Dev-iL yeah I know people who has articels in Nature. Its just a good journal, nothing else
@AnderBiguri with a bunch of strange unusual additional requirements (things related to reproducibility iirc)
thats.... good?
3:12 PM
I suppose so... (I bet these are the least of your worries when submitting an article there)
@gnovice someome that is not a SO user (or so people say) complained about 2 HNQ that are "misogynist" because they where something like "how do I tell my students not to flirt with me"
something like that. A dev disabled the entire HNQ in 40 minutes
So pleople are pissed because a random tweet has more power than the entire community
Also not a big "influencer", just a random small twitter account, not that they are reacting to the Washington Post or something like that. Not that it would make it better, but anyways.
@AnderBiguri That's why I avoid Twitter like the plague that it is.
3:31 PM
same here
@gnovice same
2 hours later…
5:10 PM
posted on October 22, 2018 by Cleve Moler

Two months ago I wrote a blog post about Teaching Calculus to a Deep Learner. We wrote the code for that post in one afternoon in the MathWorks booth at the SIAM Annual Meeting. Earlier that day, during his invited talk, MIT Professor Gil Strang had spontaneously wondered if it would possible to teach calculus to a deep learning computer program. None of us in the booth were experts in deep

5:22 PM
@gnovice twitter.com/justkelly_ok/status/1052868453164437504 (scroll to the top), the now-deleted image in the first tweet was pbs.twimg.com/media/DpyLHbRU0AAgYWD.jpg:large I think
yes I confirm that was the image
she has in fact more "media attention" i.e. followers than I read somehwere
but still....
@AndrasDeak those Mars tunnels though...
the what now?
@AndrasDeak Wow, she's a horrible person. Just wants to complain, then refuses to even read responses.
yes, typical troll/cyber bully behaviour, which is in a way hilarious
but this time the joke's on us, the company shut down HNQ for interpersonal skills in 40 minutes
and the two twitter responses from the company were 1. that SRE person frothing in his mouth about "that obnoxious DM sea lion", and 2. Tim Post pledging to rehash the whole system
@flowersandbytes @justkelly_ok Stack SRE here - internally, the team is very aware of the problem and it’s been a priority, eg https://stackoverflow.blog/2018/08/07/get-to-know-our-new-code-of-conduct/ Change is very slow because the problem festered so long, and a vocal part of the community is resistant, like that obnoxious DM sea lion. 🤬
@justkelly_ok That's not okay for Stack Overflow. We should have anticipated that better when we tried some more experimental topics, we just didn't and we'll learn from that. The 'hot questions' feature is being completely re-examined and reworked so it's safer at an unknown scale.
none of the stupid "we'll investigate what happened" and fair procedure and whatnot
of course some of the resistant, vocal, obnoxious users are salty meta.stackexchange.com/questions/317087/…
and as the meta I linked earlier exemplifies, the people at IPS have been trying to discuss related things for years only to be completely ignored
Tim's meta ^ is at +120/-114 now, soon it should go into the negatives
5:35 PM
"waah" I went on Stackoverflow and saw some stuff about other stack exchange websites
boo hoo
what really gets my goat is that professional offendeds like this discredit legit instances of people seeing offensive shit
Yeah for sure
The reality is that the truly offensive shit does not make it to HNQ afaik and would be closed way before it got to that point
Someone would have to actively look for it
truly problematic offensive shit mostly comes in comments
Yeah that's true
@AndrasDeak true
5:46 PM
Now that I take another look at the "offending" topics on HNQ I'm even less sympathetic with this girl lol
Those questions have nothing to do with sexism, and don't actually suggest sexism at all
Unless contextually the second post is about a bunch of teenage girls flirting with a male teacher, and even still, wtf?
Q: Mysterious peaks (tones) on biosignal spectrum (FFT)

Arnaldo BatistaWe are doing electrmyography signal acquisition in the Hospital. Sampling Frequency: 2048 Hz using a Biosemi acquisition system. No filters applied be sides the anti-alias default of the system. I can see the 50Hz power suply peak and its harmonics which is normal. What is odd are these triplets ...

The fact that this user has an amazon wish list up there as her profile link, while claiming to be against misogynists and having this kind of attitude tells me everything I need to know of this individual
"I hate men, but please thirsty men, buy me shit"
Anyway, that's the end of my rant on this topic lol
@ballBreaker you're the second person to note that today :D
I never would've looked at it that way
she could as well want to allow sympathetic ladies to buy her stuff as support
yup, they are not specifically oriented to men, itjs jsut random crap
not like shes asking for sexy underwear or anything
Not that I support that, I dont get that thing of asking for products to the internets
6:04 PM
No I understand that, but who else is going to be buying it
That polish girl I was dating did something similar. She would put up a wishlist or ask for gift cards on her birthday and guys across the globe would do it
So my immediate reaction to that, is that it's not sympathetic ladies buying it lol
I don't think the content of the wishlist really matters, just dudes trying to win points with purchases, but hey, I could be wrong
confirmation bias and all that
@ballBreaker the good thing is we can shun her actions without having to discredit her person :P
6:27 PM
Right, that's better
1 message moved to Trash can
(I'm an RO there :P)
You can move there anyway, right?
As in: I could even move to The Lounge if I wanted, right?
yeah, but from there I can move it back if you object :D
Nut, fine by me
6:44 PM
@AndrasDeak why are you, and how did it become so?
a while back something was moved there which shouldn't have, so I asked rlemon to add me
he was kind enough to do so
The Lounge
Is that JS?
Ahh right
(one of two)
6:47 PM
I seem to remember there being some controversy about that room at some point
If I'm recalling correctly..
"some" :D
yeah, it was a repeat dumpster fire
haha yeah that was the right room then
I first heard about them right after Madara was elected
Q: Request for community attention on a moderator's behavior

NoobleIt has come to a handful of people's attention that at least some of the newly elected moderators might not be exactly up to challenge. Here's a message that very clearly demonstrates this incompetence, that was a result of a particular argument that appeared in one of the SO chatrooms: Madar...

I remember it coming up in meta a bunch back when I used to participate
@AndrasDeak peat fire; once you think you put it out, it flares up again from the heated subsurface
6:48 PM
lmao yep, I remember that post in particular
*Madara and his balls were elected, to be precise
@AndrasDeak Ghe, all mods have upvoted answers, all others suck
though Jon Ericsson is not a mod
No longer ... right?
no, he was and is an employee
6:50 PM
That's about the same :P
especially these days
Mhm, true
Lol I remember this post so well
Good times
I like the ones about the Gujarati room as well, especially the dude repeatedly wanting a Gujarati room, then a mod, then a full-blown site dedicated
7:03 PM
Not sure what that is
Gujarati is a language native to India; some Android devs set up a room in said language, mod flags started pouring in; none of the mods spoke Gujarati, so they locked it. Simple as that.
Then the Gujarati dudes became agonised and started flooding meta and other sites, lemme find it
Q: Native language should be allow at least in chat groups

Pratik ButaniThere are lots of developers from so many different countries, I am one of them from Gujarat, India. I would like to propose for Gujarati Language which can be allow in chat groups. As I am developer from small village of Gujarat, India. I failed in English and don't know much more about ...

A: How can we support languages other than English in Stack Overflow's chat... And should we?

Pratik ButaniAs I am a member of that room (The Great Gujarati Android Developers Ever!) and an active member of Stack Overflow, I personally suggest that, if we can share our knowledge with the use of any language, then SO has to allow it. I personally believe that Stack Overflow has to allow specially for ...

oh hahahahaha
I think there's more on meta, but that has been deleted is my guess
yah im gunna read through this
lmao jesus
I mean I see where the guy is coming from at least
but still
I like your answer, most concise representation of the issue there
1 hour later…
8:28 PM
Oops, pissed someone off on meta. I still think it's a comment/.
He's completely missing the point that it's exactly the question whether answers in a different language from the one asked for are on-topic, and thus I should actually vote for NAA...
I'll just go to bed instead of arguing with the troll. Good night all!
3 hours later…
11:19 PM
@Adriaan I have answered questions tagged with Python using MATLAB code, and gotten upvotes and green check marks on them. If the question is about an algorithm, often it doesn't matter what the language is. But I've also seen people post a translation of an answer to different language, and those I don't think add much value.

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