Quick kludge, import what you need (I gave it the name List) from sheet2 (you'll have to grant permission), Select ColumnA and apply a CF formula rule of:
=and(A1<>"",iserror(match(B1,IMPORTRANGE(" k e y ","List"),0)))
In my Comment to @tehhowch, I meant sheet as in the official documentation. ie I agree, probably not in a separate document (spreadsheet).
@l'-'l Because in Comments I'll try to explain it in stages, if OK with you. Starting with Quick kludge (or "why should I bother when OP hasn't" - eg highlight a cell when it dosn't include text in a list and when the text in the cell next to it "is not" on a list.
@l'-'l (Your username is a pain!) At the time I answered OP had failed to provide basic details such as where to find a list on sheet2. Even the sheet name morphed across three versions in the space of a few minutes. So I decided to opt for a Named Range and leave the OP to sort of where to find it.
Named ranges don't combine well with INDIRECT across sheets. And they have the lack of dynamism mentioned by @tehhowch (another username that's a pain!).
I wanted to have a emoji or :) as my username. But SO doesn't allow such things. My username actually shows my coding prowess having a face like emoji while still accepting all of SO username restrictions. I'm very proud of my achievement..π. Anyway I believe you could just use @I to address me,I think. Coming back to Q, Even Named ranges can be used with INDIRECT() I guess....Still doesn't answer IMPORTRANGE,if you thought meant sheet as in the official documentation. ie I agree, probably not in a separate document (spreadsheet)
@l'-'l Suggesting actually copying the 'List' data from one sheet to another seemed unlikely to be appreciated by the OP.
@I Can we now delete up to (but not yet including please) your last Comment? @I seems to work. I wonder why. But then you and I are the only ones involved in this interchange. Are those capital Is or lower case ls ?
Named ranges don't combine well with INDIRECT across sheets. Even if so, IMPORTRANGE() goes through Google servers.. Seems unnecessary while just accessing the next sheet.
Great... Now you made a copy of all my comments. How to delete these messages in chat room
I suspect "status-bydesign" for confidentiality reasons. (IMPORTRANGE requires authorisation). Do you have a suggestion for cross sheet access that is dynamic and does not route via the server?
You can delete your Comments on main. They stay in chat but I don't see that an issue. Is it?
Nothing that I know of for cross-sheet access.I get that You prefer IMPORTRANGE over INDIRECT?. What exactly were the issues you faced with INDIRECT() and named ranges?
One more thing... Why is your webapps and SO profiles not linked?
Actually, I switch between the two so not so much "prefer" :) Bear in mind also, the A in question was a kludge. I was occupied with something else at the time and just threw an offer together.
They are not linked (my choice) merely because I have not been active on WA for ~6/7 months. Why not is a long story! There are also other sites I am not linked to (for other reasons).
Yes. (Roughly :} ) : Go to your profile, click on "click here to edit" (below your username) then on Hide Communities under SITE SETTINGS (and I think Save somewhere).
Yes, I visit quite often but very rarely post anything there nowadays. That's evident at webapps.stackexchange.com/users/60716/pnuts?tab=activity. One reason for visiting is to check on Comments meant for me (I guess!) where user did not ping me.
Another reason to visit can be to +1 a Q where I offered an A but OP only accepted an A relatively recently - assuming my interpretation of the Q matched that of the Accepted A :)
'twigged' is informal, so difficult for me to define but a dictionary has "understand or realize something".
Also true - but surely nothing to complain about :)
I'll slip in the introduction to a saga: WA was almost moribund at one time β and declining all round. @Jacob asked me to lend a hand to introduce some life into it. He was making massive efforts himself and IMO deserved support, so I did. That lasted something like 2 years.
Then came an indexing debacle. I think a dev must have linked the live dataset to the wrong version of the tag server data, or such like. Made searching anything other than the routine stuff well nigh impossible.
As I recall, I happened to choose such stats to illustrate an A (or Q?) on an SE site (probably TSE) but since deleted it and now can't find it. From memory, all the WA trends were flat or down
Back to saga: a bug report was raised on WA, but ignored. I asked again (a 'reworded' WA meta Q of bug report nature (at least) and, as I recall, two or three other calls for support with the same issue (craftily using different manifestations of it to try to avoid dupe closure). Also referred to it several times even on SO (basically, whenever given some excuse to do so by a dev or CM).
After about a year with NO progress (not even formal acknowledgement that an issue existed) I gave up participating, but still sometimes visited (see above).
@I'-'I Yes SEDE is becoming useless. Flat overall but for a while were declining, I think.
For SO any simple query should be enough - trends there are mostly "skyrocketing".
(a) because @Jacob wanted to try to save it and (b) SO is suffering from size problems and shifting stuff out of it would be a good idea, IMO (for users, not SE!)
Compare the level of detail in most As on sites other than SO with SO. Fantastic expertise on SO but rarely explained in much detail.
But that has a connection with my saga. On SO I ca get away with posting a formula as an A. For details of how the functions work it is OK to imply "Go look them up". WA has gone overboard and 'demands' each and every function mentioned is referenced back to its help page.
Basically the answerer is expected to link to the Help button in the OP's file. Sometimes several times for the one A, and over and over again across As.
One user in particular (who I shan't name) but also many reviewers. The As are not normally deleted, and not necessarily downvoted, but the culture is of disapproval.
Saga continued: After about 18 months the bug was fixed. (Or, strictly speaking, I suspect it was that a charge in search software just happened to 'bypass' the problem). Then I noticed that a mod was making worthwhile but quite small edits. He (@jonasca) is SUPERB. I have only ever disagreed with his judgment about 3 times β and he was right on all 3.
His dedication, consideration and all round uber effectiveness 'required' me to reciprocate. Without mod powers I can't simply share his burden but tagging is a mixture of user/mod-only and I chose to try and help him (it was highly personal!) by 'upgrading' tags.
Not anything we ever mentioned to one another and I am fairly sure something he does not thank me for. I guess he appreciates the end result was improvement but he probably regrets some of the 'hiccups' I caused along the way.
My attempt at enhancement obviously included retagging (lots of it, so the usual "don't flood the front page" crap), creating some new tags and, most of all, writing Usage guides.
Unfortunately, beacuse of my rep/status, that involved reviewers. The history remains visible.
Tagging is a classification system and without 'structure' to a "classification system" it isn't one. Say: Sort ascending or sort descending but don't mix the two arbitrarily.
[ haven't you got fed up with all this yet?]
I am nuts but not quite enough so to be suckered into being a mod.
@I'-'I And lots of complaints. Anyway, what weirdo wants to spend hours each day deleting comments?
Being weird is not enough, eg I have better things to do.
So on WA we have users whose approach to tagging is much different to mine β and no effective means to reconcile the two approaches. Though mostly I don't care which approach, as long as there is only the one at any one time. Examples of one approach are all the [facebook-*] ones and of the other [facebook]. This applies for google, youtube and others. So by now perhaps the majority.
[I lean towards @Shog9's solution for the [excel-vba] issue.)
When submitting Usage guide suggestions there were really only about 5 users involved, and it takes the agreement of 3.
Proposer and 2 from (a) a mod (usually @jonsca, but I guess he avoiding stepping in as much as possible - responsible behaviour IMO) (b) either @ale or @Rubén or @serenesat (c) (rarely) miscellaneous other.
Now, @Rubén is clearly in the "as many hyphens as possible" camp, whereas I was avoiding them. And @ale seems to believe strongly in "better no guidance than anything short of perfection".
Couple that with inconsistency. From what I recall @ale has created Usage guides that by his own yardstick fall short of the standard I have achieved and he has rejected. He has also accepted wording near identical to wording he has rejected. (Near identical happened a lot, just a different website in many cases.)
@Rubén seem to have a habit of creating new, very low volume, tags with no Usage guide while also rejecting suggestions (that were usually later approved). When my suggestions were not approved I usually just resubmitted them, unchanged, in the hope of catching a different set of reviewers.
A second time was usually enough, though it may once have taken a third attempt. And in a few cases I did amend first.
I was also having edit suggestions rejected on the basis that the tag should not exist in the first place (!?!).
... by users fully qualified (in terms of rep) to have removed it.
True also, but we can't really blame new users for their behaviour when ours is little better, IMO. Give them a chance, what is the point in reading the Usage guide at a time most tags don't even have one? Not then likely to become instinctive.
From memory, there was a set of tags I missed (IMO they were the wrong structure anyway - not ones I would have chosen to create - and I didn't have the expertise others have to differentiate the subtleties between them).
SE has an aversion to any hierarchy in their tagging system. I avoid them because it usually means more keying. Eg much prefer SO's [excel] to SU's [microsoft-excel].
I don't much mind [google-apps-script] but would have preferred [gas-add-on] and [gas-triggers] to [google-apps-script-triggers] and [google-apps-script-add-on].
Reverting: Other than that 'set' I had nearly completed filling in something in the Usage guide box for every extant empty box on WA (main and meta, bar mod-only tags) when hatsfest was looming. (I accept many of the Usage guides I added left plenty of room for enhancement βdespite approval! β but upgrading them was a potential next step. To start with the main purpose was to clarify which meaning applied, where there was any scope for confusion. Eg [navigation]).
@I'-'I Somewhat exotic, but suppose you wanted to tag your Q [google-chat-api] but thought it might be google+hangounts+? or maybe just had some mental block for chat. Conscientiously you go to Tags and try google.
But that only displays the most popular 36. So, never mind, go to the next most popular? No, there is no 'next page'. Never mind then, I'll go to the 'name' tab. Oh! 28 pages - and no sign of where G starts. RIGHT. I'll search for G. No good, returns [bing] etc. OK, Fuck it I'll just use [google].
Hatsfest. I thought a good opportunity to try and "finish up". I pushed the last of the tag Usage guide suggestions through, finished retagging, downvoted almost every [closed] Q, VTD every Q tagged and every A on [wepapp-rec] finished correcting trademark formatting and then decided I had made myself enough of a nuisance on WA for the time being.
I think all that may have resulted in more hats on WA than anyone else (!), though the timing was because I wanted other users to at least see what was going on (they may not have agreed - but were more likely to approve a Usage guide edits suggestion) and, as I implied earlier, on WA things don't happen quickly.
Finally FINALE: I have decided until I see other users giving a damn (eg adding Usage guides, many are blank at present) and deleting [webapps-rec] Qs (mostly only awaits a single vote each - and there are about a dozen empowered to cast such) I'll leave WA in peace.