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I drank till 2am. Yes
I had an okay weekend.
i was playing an early release game
Fucked up my sleep cycle like I do every weekend, though.
2am on fri night, 4am on sat night.
:D 6am friday ... 4am saturday
did some recreational Javascript over the weekend, don't tell anyone though.
Now I just have to remind myself of what terrible problems I left myself on friday.
@BugFinder What game?
saga of Lucima
Never heard of it, but I'm sure it's fun.
I played Mario Tennis Aces.
Just got it on friday.
its kinda D&D but real time game
Oh nice.
Me and my friends decided to organise a D&D game.
imagine it in a mmorpg style, thats saga of lucima
so everyone starts with 0 skills and like 20hp
Is it acctually an MMO?
there were many random people walking around doing their own things
Oh nice.
I play WoW
I say "many" considering its earlyness .. many for that
wow gives you levels for waking up each day
By which I mean I log into WoW about once a month and give Blizz £10 for the privelage.
I went off wow when I started some class I normally sucked at (probably rogue type) and each day I logged in and would be told "Hey go see this guy" so I would and like half a lvl of xp would arrive
Lol don't complain.
I dont want a game that gives you that sort of xp for nothing
I honestly only play WoW to RP. The game just got in the way.
Oh and I like healing heroic instances while drunk. That's the second most enjoyable part of the game.
@Lemonade1947 go play dotka
sorry for pings
the fuck is that?
generally I play shroud of the avatar, project gorgon and will be playing saga of Lucima when its up
After a year of hiatus, we're finally re-awakening our RPG group.
@Lemonade1947 DotA 2
There's no RP on DotA
There is!
Morphling for example.
He can play any role (hero)!
My friend messaged me the other day extremely excited because she'd managed to mod dicks onto all the male character models and half the female character models in WoW. Bet you can't do -that- in DotA
Actually yes you can.-
There exists mods to alter the default Models in DotkA
Where does the k come from
You can give yourself the bad ass'd looking gear, a tiny wich carries a banana instead of a tree and so on.
You just have the default set for others.
My russain accent calls it dotka
Oh right
Click my google maps link
I laughed
I did
I love cats
I just find it upsetting that not all of them love me.
The one I have at the moment does though, so that's nice.
@Lemonade1947 Magnus in DotA 2 has a skill of RP. Does that count?
@mr5 I say it does!
DOES to!
I have a cat which really only tolerates being pet by others, but will sometimes jump away
The only one he really cuddles up with is me, and it's endearing :)
Reverse Polarity Game (RPG)
@Neil Fells daut man
Reverse Programming Game
@Neil I had a cat like that once.
@mr5 5v5 magnus jump start (starts at lvl 6)
It's a "red" cat
Im more impressed when I zoom out
I understand that's actually somewhat normal for red cats
Full 3D building WOW
All over the town
that's what they call them here, though they're more orange in color
With real time texture?
@Squirrelintraining Does an Arcade game like that exist?
What is the name of those games. Like uh dota, lol, HotS, those kind of games
oh, you were making a reference to redhat
@Wietlol Me too thanks
MOBA is the word I'm looking for.
Mutation has jumpstart anyways
@Lemonade1947 they're called MOBA games
Your ass is a moba game!
yeah I don't like mobas
there's too much anger involved.
and stress, and tension
and thinking
and blaming
and hatred
My autistic ass just can't handle the shouting, even if it's happy shouting.
but the upside is, you'll learn to swear on other language!
I don't blame anyone but dazzle :D
@Lemonade1947 depends on who you play with
@Lemonade1947 thats when you mute plebs
> and thinking
> killerino how is your PC doing?
decision making*
I used to play a lot of shooters and well, frankly, stress-inducing games
@Squirrelkiller for mr5, I can see this is a real issue
Case is still in the basement waiting to be requisitioned
I like OW.
Now I find that I have become a far more casual gamer over the years.. tending to prefer games like factorio, minecraft
Because it has a cute girls.
@Neil Honestly wish I could still play minecraft
no they have cute in game characters played by hairy ass fat guys
It's got this incredibly euphoric effect on me
@Lemonade1947 you've clearly never seen cristal maiden
not sure why
@Neil factorio is addicting though
minecraft, not so much imho
@Wietlol I've been playing that a lot lately
@Neil What about surfing in css?
Been trying to win using bob's mods recently
in factorio, we must practice our modularity and scalability skills
(i currently do bobs+angels+aai)
@Squirrelintraining too casual ;)
but i dont like the circuit network
factorio scratches that itch that I want to program outside work
My problem is, I always liked way too many games. Minecraft is great, can easily accidentally spent a whole weekend on it.
But Destiny 2 has a nice story and I wanna go raid with my clan.
But Battlefront II (EA) still needs to be played with my brother and father.
But DotA still needs to be played with that other Squirrrel and the clan.
But Visual Studio demands attention (accidentally built a MultiProcessRunner on the weekend; Avni and Lee helped me).
Also IIS needs attention because I can't properly deploy my WebAPI to be available over the internet.
And then there's the girlfriend.
I dont consider Visual Studio and IIS games
@Wietlol what have I done to you?
I gotta get back to DotA some day.
The problem is the comeback skill gap
I feel so low whenever someone said that to me :(
Went from 6k MMR to hardly hover around 3k
morningerino BTW
Buenos diariños!
On the weekend, IIS and VS are games
i would try to uninstall those games
i have much nicer ones
but there is one issue
uninstalling VS is a pain
I also play town of salem every so often
its hard to be sure it actually removed all of VS
That's like a social experiment and a game all rolled into one
A weird thing happened to me after playing that game for a while
It makes you a more convincing liar
you pick your name before you start (so nobody knows what player is whom), and you're given a role. To win the game, you have to satisfy your role
there is town, which are the good guys and their objective is to kill all the bad guys
then there is mafia or coven (witches)
and there is a list of all roles, so you can deduce who has what role through logic
but of course if you're evil, you pretend to be town
otherwise they can lynch you
unless you're jester, who's role is to be lynched
adding to the confusion :P
it's worth the 5 euros to play it imho
@Neil What's that game?
It sounds to me like Impostors.
Or to some degree the 1001 nights game
Is that a board game?
Sounds like something I'd probably enjoy
The game I'm referring to is Town of Salem
PC game though
Yes it's tabletop
i love tabletop games like machiavelli, dominion, etc
1001 nights, you choose a character and are given a random mission. Your goal is to travel around and complete it. You have a book with 1001 stories (I don't remember if there were that many actually) and get random encounters that you have to resolve randomly.
Then depending on your abilities you might be able to change the outcome.
For example
Desmos doesn't have a maxBy/minBy function, which is sad because that means I have to mess with inverse functions :\
I like factorio but I only ever tried playing it with other people and because I was newer to it than them they did all the stuff without me so I didn't enjoy it. Maybe I should try playing it on my own
but that's not c# so idk why I am talking about it here
@M.Aroosi ofcourse you cannot make them right?
@Lemonade1947 It's fun trying to figure out on your own what works
@Neil Yeah
You arrive at a cloudy mountain side, you have 3 options: Walk along the path, hide in a chave until the mist fades, shout the nearby cloud.
@Wietlol no, desmos doesn't have that level of programmability
it's a graphing tool
It's one of those games that I enjoy tootling along on my own. And then someone asks to see what I've done and they're like "well this is all wrong what are you doing" and then I don't want to play it anymore.
still would be nice for things like this desmos.com/calculator/5thjb0p0qt
I want to hide: A wolf lives in that cave, it bites you and foobars your left leg, you are now disabled (pick the disabled trait card).
where what I really want to do is maxBy(f, a, b) instead of f_i(max(f(a), f(b)))
where f_i is the inverse of f
I use my second choice power and avoid that decision, I decide to walk past.
A rock falls on your head, you died.
I actually just sent them feedback requesting that feature
And there are many stories, which are randomized depending on your die roll, so it's always different.
i would send them feedback to use a different language... like brainfuck
XD it's a graphing tool, not a programming language
@Lemonade1947 That's the whole fun of that game afterall
Obviously if someone did it for you, no point even playing it
I really have a huge problem at the moment to do with visual studio
That I cannot fix.
.vs uninstall -force
@HéctorÁlvarez Well the cards are always the same.. wouldn't you just memorize the proper choice?
Basically I have NPM bringing in all my packages.
I have the built in bundle system doing a nice minified bundle of all my packages. Works well.

The issue is that, all that works, but now I don't get any intelisence when writting JS or HTML
A funny one, I once decided to shout at a small nearby cloud. A sleeping ogre in the cave beside me woke up, pissed off he mauled me. I was left screaming in pain, which drew a wolf pack to my location, that bit me and ate my food. I scream more, which lead a bandit to steal my gold, then I screamed slightly softer afraid of more shit happening, some random villaged picked me up and took the last coin as payment for the trip to a nearby town. I was now disabled, crippled, poor and starved.
@Lemonade1947 I would probably use VS Code for this environment.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan It's an asp.net project
@HéctorÁlvarez And that's before you even started to play the game ;)
ew multiple languages
@Lemonade1947 use Rider
it just works
@Neil To some extent, yes. But when you get an encounter you can't just choose which one you want because it depends on the die roll. If you pick #123 for example and get a +1 you'll face 124, and you may have no skills for that story.
Stop telling me to use different shit. I'm at work. This has to work for everyone. It was hard enough to convince them to let me use NPM in the first place.
ah cool
My friend bought cultist simulator
@Lemonade1947 Sounds like you have two projects there - the server-side ASP.NET, using nuget and VS and so on. And a client-side project, using NPM and so on.
@HéctorÁlvarez He said it is a really decent game, and it sounds like what you're describing somewhat
it doesn't even really explain to you what works and what doesn't, you sort of learn that as you go
and then you either get arrested, killed, or go insane
he hasn't beaten it yet :P
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan No. I have to write the front end using jquery and bootstrap. What kind of .netasp project these days doesn't do that. The thing is that bower is deprecated and now I need to use something else.
It's the best part of the ame, to unfold the story unspoiled.
C'mon guys I really don't want to have to manually move all this shit back over to the wwwroot folder thingy.
> I have to write the front end using jquery and bootstrap
@Lemonade1947 use Sublime. It has plugins like NppFTP
I feel for you my fizzy bro.
I legimtimately hate all of you when I try to use this chat for what it's intended :^)

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