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RT @mikebelshe: Followup to "SPDY not as SPDY as you thought": http://www.belshe.com/2012/06/24/followup-to-not-as-spdy-as-you-thought/
@Esailija Problem solved. s/keypress/keydown did the job
3 hours later…
I am having some difficulty loading external javascript code. Sometimes my overlay loads all the way, sometimes it loads half way, sometimes it doesn't load at all. Is it possible I am just calling for it in the wrong place?
3 hours later…
RT @guypod: @mikebelshe's site seems unavailable right now, you can read his follow up post to my SPDY findings in google's cache: http: ...
RT @paulnivin: Mozilla has one-upped Google -- Firefox 14 beta for Android is faster than stock ICS and Chrome. I've switched my default ...
i want to convert text of english language to dutch language in javascript
any one have idea how to do it?
Hi, i am trying to sort an advert delivery script
I have looked at others and they seem to either create an element or use document.write
What sort of thing should i use?
To basically write a picture/swf onto a page
Using javascript
Dear Samsung TV SDK developers, the early 2000s called, they want to remind you that using tables for layout is stupid.
thanks for that
i want to append timestamp at end of each chat message, how that positioning is possible
@FlorianMargaine Congrats
1 hour later…
Hello guys!
I've done a jQuery plugin, that has a html template inside $.fn.myApp.defaults = {template: '...'};
But there are some parts inside template, that I would like to overwrite
Like title of the block, that is inside defaults section also
Is it possible?
do you take template as an option for the plugin
$.fn.myApp = function( options )
	var $this    = $(this);
	var settings = $.extend( {}, $.fn.myApp.defaults, options );

$.fn.myApp.defaults = {
	name: 'Mike',
	template: 'My name is: ' + this.name

		name: 'Smith'
Something like this.
But I can't get the name assertion to work.
where is the name assertion
and is your plugin actually doing all that work in the jQuery method
@Esailija template: 'My name is: ' + this.name. By default it is name: 'Mike', and later I pass it through plugin call. $('...').myApp({name: 'Smith'});
@Esailija Yes, why?
can you make a working minimal exampe in jsfiddle to show the problem
Here's example how to do plugin correctly twitter.github.com/bootstrap/assets/js/bootstrap-tooltip.js
notice how there is barely any work inside the .fn function
@Esailija yes, I've seen those bootstraps plugins, but haven't got a chance to realy get a hang of them.
Did my example help to show the question?
i'll look into it
Your template is not dynamic, it takes this.name
at the point when you declare it
so it takes window.name
Awesome. Let me look into how you made it work.
Ahh. I see now.
Thank you very much.
I made it a function
If you're interested here's a templating engine I have made github.com/petkaantonov/attemplate.js
if anybody has ie8 then please check this image preview API
<!doctype html>
<meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />
<title>Image preview example</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
var loadImageFile = (function () {
if (window.FileReader) {
var oPreviewImg = null, oFReader = new window.FileReader(),
rFilter = /^(?:image\/bmp|image\/cis\-cod|image\/gif|image\/ief|image\/jpeg|image\/jpeg|image\/jpeg|image\/pipeg|image\/png|image\/svg\+xml|image\/tiff|image\/x\-cmu\-raster|image\/x\-cmx|image\/x\-icon|image\/x\-portable\-anymap|image\/x\-portable\-bitmap|image\/x\-portable\-graymap|image\/x\-portable\-pix
put it on a page or a fiddle, and i'll have a look at it
Its so confusing :-/
@Abhishek wat
thanks i'll check that myself
Hi all! Is there anyone who knows the compatibility of onselectstart="return false;" ?
I hope you have a good reason for this (i.e. not "I don't want users to copy&paste")
no it's to make a better and a custom select (and I don't want that the normal select is at the same time)
jQuery UI uses $.support.selectstart ? "selectstart" : "mousedown" - with support being determined by 'onselectstart' in document.createElement('div')
Thank you :)
/me whispers hey guys maybe this is a dick thing.. but I am 1 point away from the canvas badge.. could I get one upvote :)??
A: Pixastic desaturate on load and colour on hover

LoktarWorking Demo // original image var img = document.getElementById("box"); // desaturated image var img2 = Pixastic.process(img, "desaturate"); //initial mouseover img2.onmouseover = function(){fix(img2)}; // mouseout img.onmouseout = function() { // reassign to img2 img2 = Pixastic.proc...

Ive gotten 3 accepted answers this weekend on canvas questions.. all 3 0 votes
and ive been 1 dang point from the canvas bronze all weekend
thanks :)
I wont ask for votes again! lol
gratz. I hate it when people accept but it doesn't get votes
wow SO is throwing error on everything
haha yeah it happened three friggin times
I was like, oh sweet ill get the badge
damnit no vote!!
then id answer another question lol
@Esailija Not for me, what error are you getting?
@Loktar and that guy has rep for upvote
so, javascript dictionaries... is there a lib for that?
crap.. @Esailija im getting an error now too
yeah every new question seems to be dead
they only have 1 view
yeah, same here
how do I use Array.filter() on an object?
in PHP, 8 secs ago, by Greg
I know this isn't exactly on topic but it's driving me up the wall... In CSS how can I stop an element from spanning multiple pages when printed? I want the element to break onto a new page when it overlaps. http://jsfiddle.net/g105b/89uEM/
<button onclick="javascript:window.print()"> <- javascript: doesn't belong there.
@ThiefMaster Thanks ...... just for you: jsfiddle.net/g105b/89uEM/3
@SomeKittens that's to be used if i'm filtering an array, right? what if I want to filter object properties?
@barraponto I wouldn't use an Array method on something that isn't an array, but I'm new here
@SomeKittens that's right, so I wonder if there is something equivalent that applies to Object Properties.
@ThiefMaster Do you have any advice regarding my question?
Oh, good, looks like they fixed whatever was going on
PHPTal makes me sad
it requires me to write XHTML :/
It could be worse.
You could have to write straight PHP
Stop Amazon from controlling the .app TLD. File an objection with ICANN. appdomain.org
WTH does amazon want with .app?
(Actually, this TLD-for-sale crap should be completely stopped now)
Absolute power, of course
I completely agree, but I think we're past that. But generic names like .app should be completely open to the public and not closed and controlled by a single corporation.
what's a generic name, tho?
.apple is a generic name, although it's quite trademarked nowadays.
Bah, sometimes I hate meta
@Florian: the problem is that Amazon have applied for a closed registry on the TLD, .app should be made open for application developers to register.
@RyanKinal Is there anything extra in that article than what is already present in jsfiddle.net/g105b/89uEM?
@Greg Consider page breaks before or after elements you don't want to break inside.
@AndyE the same can be said for many TLD
@RyanKinal the elements in my page have dynamic content, so may expand to fill. I don't know which paragraph will be overlapping the page.
Ah. Then I think what you've done is about the best you can do.
hmmm, I wonder if there is any way to check if an element overlaps pages via JavaScript?
Then it can programatically add page-break-before on that element
That, I think, would be exceedingly difficult.
@FlorianMargaine indeed, but I think .app (application) is particularly generic like .tv (television), .com (company), .org (organisation). If you can show me any other TLD applications that are similarly threatened, I'd gladly object to those too.
alrighty then :)
Why is it bad if Amazon controls a TLD?
why is it bad if someone controls the world?
oh wai-...
...A little bit of an over exaggeration
.app is controversial, but .love isn't?
also, is anyone suspicious that Google had all their bidding done by a third party?
@Greg Apparently Gecko doesn't support page-break of any sort.
@RyanKinal hmmm how odd. I'm only concerned with Chrome (webkit) because it's for a chrome app
Oh wait... I'm wrong. It just doesn't support page-break-inside
Well, page-break-inside is the most useful one!
Consider the orphans and widows properties as well.
They're a bit confusing (and, I think, even misnamed), but they help out with print-prettiness
My boss just said we don't need Bugzillia
oh well. Anyone hiring?
Yes, actually
@Greg Got any room for an intelligent but new-to-programming guy with a weird username?
Weird usernames are preferred :)
@RyanKinal doesn't looks like orphans does anything in Chrome.
lol, really?
!!> Array(10).join(parseInt("")) + " batmanjs.org/";
@RyanKinal not unless I'm missing something... see here: jsfiddle.net/g105b/89uEM
@rlemon ew, coffee script
anyone here .net developer?
are you doing .net now
I'm trying to find the orphans and widows tutorial I read a while back. Maybe that will clear things up.
@rlemon I once developed a webpage that ended in .net, does that count?
well I write some small apps for windows in .net
@rlemon I will not admit to being a .NET developer, but my job requires that I use .NET.
> Developer Happiness

> coffee-script beauty (you don't need to use coffee-script, but you should)
@FlorianMargaine WTF
I wrote a modbus lib and a GUI to allow bulk reading and writing of device registers via serial port based on a XML Schema
is batman not trademarked or anything
now one of the guys is complaining that it is crashing on his new laptop (win7)
my question: iirc win7 has .net 3.5 loaded by default
If "Batman" is trademarked, they could go with mandressedasabatjs
yes 3.5 is default
says wikipedia
@RyanKinal ah, orphans may work ... just not in print.
That's odd. I was under the impression that it was basically a print-only property.
Q: jsFiddle preview for Stack Overflow

antyrat Screenshot About Adds embedded jsFiddle preview to the questions/answers posts by clicking on Show jsFiddle button License MIT License. Download Direct link at userscripts.org Project at userscripts.org Project at GitHub Platform Should work in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox (wit...

I have seen it working with CSS3 columns, I'm sure. But can I get it working with a print stylesheet???
Oh, wow. Browser support for orphans is CRAP
@FlorianMargaine I disagree with the feature "nothing you don't need"
lol, caniuse.com doesn't even know about orphans
Terrible. I'm going to leave this page break issue for now.
Q: get total of dynamic clone rows

paul y choI'm doing jquery based order sheet. As i searched similar question, there are hundreds of way to get total value of each TABLE ROW. But in my case, Total value fires strange way. Full source code is uploaded to jsfiddle. http://jsfiddle.net/pR9Qd/ There are two main problem. Total value of ....

I've seen like three "sum the values in a table column" type questions today
all from newbies
methinks hwk???
heheheh found the bug in my application.
it does not handle the "no serial ports exist on this machine" scenario :)
b/c it was a lappy and there was no serial port the engineer had to first plug the usb->RS323 converter in then let the machine make a virtual com then start the app.
i'll log it as a "known usability issue" and file it for the next release XD
Q: JavaScript: Repeat a function X times at I intervals

Aram KocharyanI've written a general purpose repeat function which allows you to repeat a callback function X times separated by I intervals with the option to start immediately or after the interval. It can also default to just looping infinitely, which is what setInterval does. Is there a better approach, or...

var page="index.php?option=com_quickagencymaster&view=client&form=list&tmpl=component&total_count="/*+<?php echo $total_count; ?>*/;
The php statement (in the comment) is a comment, right? There's no obscure syntax I'm missing?
looks like javascript
@Esailija yes, it's JS. But it's in a PHP application.
@SomeKittens Looks good
@RyanKinal so it's a comment, and I can delete it?
Most likely
alright, thanks.
One less thing to deal with in the component of horror
What do the stars with the white center mean?
The white stars are trolls?
white stars?
pinned stars?
on the right (currently Amazon/.app)
Those are pinned. They will stay at the top until unpinned.
@RyanKinal by the mods?
Or, I suppose "owners"
(For instance, I am not a SO mod, but I am an owner of the CSS room)
I am also owner of CSS / jQuery rooms - yet I am never in them :<
quick makes appearances in the rooms
jQuery room seems a tad pointless/inactive
it gets used occasionally - people who get flamed in here for posting dumb jQuery code
2 hours ago, by Andy E
Stop Amazon from controlling the .app TLD. File an objection with ICANN. http://appdomain.org/
Is that a Joke ?
Can they really do that ?
wtf Amazon O_o
hehe I commented on the ICANN website, was also reading a buncha other TLD's they (not Amazon) are trying to approve.
.suck looks like it might be approval
hehe I can't wait for the day
@rlemon, I've got a serious bone to pick with you
what have you got against kittens?
@SomeKittens make it the humerus (left). I need the right for other things
@SomeKittens Who said I have anything against kittens?
Your profile: There will be no more kittens
look at my ask ubuntu profile
that was my old profile.
my kittys
but I need to update it with new pics
so I took em down for now.
Ah, makes sense.
I take in stray kittens (babies) feed em, give em their shots, de-worm them, then find em homes.
I'm a softy for stray baby animals.
How often does that happen?
three four times a year
if I find em I find em. :)
wow, we've only had one stray in my lifetime, and she was old
you just gotta look (sheds with holes in the bottom of them are a good spot for strays to hide)
that was one that my mom took from the last batch ( I found three )
and my nephew
(Unfortunately, since jQuery is in the title, I doubt they'd let you have whydoesjquery.suck)
Why's that ?
@rlemon that's pretty neat.
> just did a USPTO search. there are currently no marks for "slick text", "slicktext", "slicktxt", nor "slick txt" so we are clear to unlock them for you
(says the CTO of name.space)
@SomeKittens now I have to flaunt my kittens.
you saw my "old" one
Winky likes to keep me company while I Diablo it http://t.co/uxFYANqk
that is "winky" (their names are Rocky and Bullwinkle) he was also a stray
he sleeps a lot
and here are two of the three kittens I found last month.
really I do love cats :)
I can see that
Ah, Moose and Squirrel
Nice just sold my first item on the Real Money AH
$5 :)
Real Money?
grats @rlemon
Diablo 3
@SomeKittens yeah its in D3
ah, nevermind then
i don't like this concept though
@Loktar basically last night some guy was selling lvl 60 amulets with +25 GF and +100 dex for 20K
so I bought all 5 of them and put them on the real money AH for $5.80 each
oooh nice
ok I thought you meant 20k $$
never liked games where you can buy your advantage with real money...
blizz takes $1 cut
I was like wtf
@GNi33 Auction House
no items for sale that cannot and have not been found in game
yep, i know
it's still stupid imo
won't buy d3 because of this
so the advantage is minimal (although I get what you are saying... but all considering, this is probably the most fair way about it)
they killed off the whole "kill kill kill, get better items, kill kill kill" - style of diablo
and I will let my D3 pay for itself by playing a game that I would have bought either way
@GNi33 not really
and try to force people into buying stuff in the AH
now its kill kill kill, get better items to make $$
once PVP opens up I may complain about not wanting to spend $100 to get a pimping set.
also D2 had this
now blizz is just cutting out the middle man
^ that
people bought/sold d2 items all the time on ebay
D2 had this but it wasn't secure
i just read that mobs don't drop good stuff anymore
or very rarely
Blizz makes it secure and takes their cut
mobs are the only thing that drop good stuff
bosses you cannot farm anymore (for the best items)
every item comes from mobs originally
meeeh, why not?
all AH items were picked up by a mob at some point
elites and legendary bosses drop random specs items
100% random === better than the best set item because they have the possibility of being anything
boss runs where a fun thing in d2
im not trying to defend D3 though, Im done/bored with it
Im looking forward to Torchlight 2
now you switch from boss runs to mob runs
well, i'll read up a little on the gameplay now before buying it
imo its not worth $60
like I farm in arreat crater because in the 6 stages there are spawns for 16 elite mobs and 6 treasure goblins (and on NM it only takes like 15 mins to clear)
a lot of people in a austrian forum i read on a daily basis were pretty pissed off by the gameplay
@GNi33 yet they play every day
hehe. some quit
a shit tonne of people are pissed about XYZ like they were when WoW kept changing things... this is an online evolving game.
it will take ~1 year to smooth out IMO
@rlemon yeah its silly to pay $60 to be their testers though :P
@Loktar but in a year it will still be $60 and stable... but I have had one year of enjoyment :)
WoW is what? $17 a month and had / has just as many issues?
D3 is just very different than D2 - this also bugged me at the beginning but once you stop thinking "Well this was like it was in D2" you'll soon see it is an amazing gameplay
Eh idk D3 gameplay is pretty mediocre imo
TL2 is where its at now
thats where the original Diablo/Diablo 2 devs went to anyway
the beta was friggin amazing
@Loktar it's a in depth gameplay - not the same as D2 at all. this is why a lot of classic D2 players are bitching
but once you hit Hell / Inferno the strat required leaps
normal / nightmare is kinda stale I will admit.
yeah, but I shouldnt have to play a game 12-20 hours to get to the fun part
you were never a FF fan were you ;)
At least as a wizard even hell is pretty easy
@rlemon haha only mystic quest
@ThiefMaster Hell was fairly easy for my WD - Barb (pre nurf) it was soso - inferno on any class is difficult.
Yeah, and that kiting is supposedly the "official" way to play wizard on inferno is just ridiculous.
problem with my barb now is he is only good for lower level farming - the nurf made his tornado build useless (30K repairs ugh)
Luckily the battlemage (melee) build is pretty viable and a lot better than any kiting/glasscannon builds
my WD is awesome - pets + area attacks + soul harvest === win
I have a tanky barbarian. Sword and board, Frenzy, Revenge, Ignore Pain... it's okay, but it's a cookie cutter build.
For non-boss fights, I'd recommend Triumph as a Frenzy rune.
that was a great article. with my barb at (pre valor) 180GF I was able to make ~200K - ~300K an hour (depending on items and sell value)

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