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6:19 AM
║ [19 hours, 25 minutes and 33 seconds] without an accident ║
║                since [2017-12-18 10:54:54]                ║
6:45 AM
I used to hate facial hair, but then it grew on me
1 hour later…
7:57 AM
!!quote neutral foo bar bazbazbazbaz
Usage: !!comic <mood> <quote text> Supported moods: neutral, angry
!!quote neutral foo bar bazbazbazbaz
!!quote neutral foo bar bazbazbazbaz
Comic posted to webservice
!!quote neutral foo bar bazbazbazbazx
8:20 AM
Usage: !!comic <mood> <quote text> Supported moods: neutral, angry
!!quote angry stupid-bot
!!comic angry stupid-bot
8:33 AM
!!quote neutral foo bar bazbazbazbazx
Usage: !!comic <mood> <quote text> Supported moods: neutral, angry
!!quote neutral foo bar bazbazbazbazx
9:04 AM
Usage: !!comic <mood> <quote text> Supported moods: neutral, angry
!!quote neutral foo bar bazbazbazbazx
9:39 AM
Usage: !!comic <mood> <quote text> Supported moods: neutral, angry
!!quote neutral foo bar bazbazbazbazx
10:06 AM
Usage: !!comic <mood> <quote text> Supported moods: neutral, angry
!!quote neutral foo bar bazbazbazbazx
!!quote neutral do something
10:09 AM
!!quote neutral bitchin'
!!quote neutral Java™ - Write once, hog 80% of CPU everywhere
10:17 AM
Could just push it down a bit I think because it's not exactly vertically centered yet
are you sure there wasn't something made already in imagick or something
text wrapping etc
No idea
Couldn't be bothered setting up imagick
at first glance i'd say handling text wrapping is much more a pain in the neck than setting up imagick :B
I / we can always revisit it. I want it deployed now so I can go find the shower :P
10:32 AM
║ [23 hours, 38 minutes and 3 seconds] without an accident ║
║               since [2017-12-18 10:54:54]                ║
║ [8 seconds] without an accident ║
║   since [2017-12-19 10:32:51]   ║
Usage: !!comic <mood> <quote text> Supported moods: neutral, angry, sad, grumpy, hangme, reply, thelook, wat
!!quote thelook You can't mock me. You got no class
!!quote neutral Java™ - Write once, hog 80% of CPU everywhere
Usage: !!comic <mood> <quote text> Supported moods: neutral, angry, sad, grumpy, hangme, reply, thelook, wat
!!quote neutral Java™ - Write once, hog 80% of CPU everywhere
!!quote thelook You can't mock me. You got no class
10:37 AM
!!quote angry boooooo
!!quote angry my coffee is cooold.
10:39 AM
!!comic thelook Java™ - Write once, hog 80% of CPU everywhere
Usage: !!comic <mood> <quote text> Supported moods: neutral, angry, sad, grumpy, hangme, reply, thelook, wat
10:43 AM
Usage: !!comic <mood> <quote text> Supported moods: neutral, angry, sad, grumpy, hangme, reply, thelook, wat
!!command list
Built-in commands (* indicates admin-only):
 admin - Manage the bot's admin list. Use 'admin help' for details.
 *alias - Add a bash-style alias
 *approve - Approve the bot for talking in this room. Room owners only.
 *ban - Ban a user from interacting with the bot for a specified period of time
 command - Manage command mappings. Use 'command help' for details.
 help - Alias of 'command list'
 invite - Invite the bot to join a room. This can also be done through the chat web interface.
 *leave - Ask the bot to leave the room. Room owners only.
Usage: !!comic <mood> <quote text> Supported moods: neutral, angry, sad, grumpy, hangme, reply, thelook, wat
!!comic wat yay?
10:48 AM
crazy is not a valid mood. Supported moods: neutral, angry, sad, grumpy, hangme, reply, thelook, wat
11:17 AM
11:32 AM
!!comic angry stupid-bot
11:50 AM
!!comic sad he called me stupid...
!!comic angry my coffee is cooold.
12:51 PM
Man, this is going to be so much fun.
Usage: !!comic <mood> <quote text> Supported moods: neutral, angry, sad, grumpy, hangme, reply, thelook, wat
!!comic wat test
!!comic angry STFU

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