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12:44 AM
@RebolBot Great. I'll try and get it deployed today :-)
11 hours later…
12:00 PM
What does net-log do?
12:10 PM
@GrahamChiu log messages from the bot
Can't check for embedded code in Rebol path: /home/rebolbot/rebolbot/ren-c
lastmessage-no: => 37765859
reading login page
read ...
posting login data
[code type id message near where file line arg1 arg2]
** Access Error: protocol error: "Redirect to other host - requires custom handling"
** Where: fail switch awake either do-redirect either if switch check-response switch --anonymous-- wake-up either until --anonymous-- wait until sync-op either --anonymous-- write if if login2so do catch either either --anonymous-- do trap either --anonymous--
12:49 PM
posted on June 28, 2017 by Darren Cruse

Hi just learning Rebol here and wanted to do the gui examples Saphirion R3 gui as shown at http://learnrebol.com/rebol3_book.html Unfortunately any example I try even the simplest seems to fail with 'in does not allow none! for its object' as you see below: ./r3-view-osxi notes.r3 Fetching GUI... ** Script error: in does not allow none! for its object argument ** Where: reduce either parse re

3 hours later…
4:08 PM
@ShixinZeng The way that stack overflow checking is done today requires that the Stack_Limit be sensitive to the currently running thread's stack pointer, even if only one thread at a time is running Rebol code.
The "TVAR" concept used to allow for thread-local variables for some things like this. But there was no real thread-safety; it wasn't actually possible to have two threads concurrently running. And thread-locals aren't a standard C feature until C11/C++11. Really, the only TVAR feature that worked was this overflow checking, and only because Ren Garden did a tapdance to set the Stack_Limit correctly for each thread.
4:21 PM
I'm wondering if Rebol's stack overflow detection really should be based on the Rebol stack itself. e.g. how large your chunk stack is getting to see how much frame space you're using. This would not address things like cycles in data structures...those would need to be handled another way (and already should be handled another way...). The current method is not standard C anyway.
The problem is that it's not necessarily "holistic", e.g. if you aren't trying to somewhat measure the actual CPU stack, then when you're 1000 Rebol functions deep and try to do some potentially recursing operation (mold, copy, etc), if you have some kind of protection in there it won't really know the cost difference between that and being 1 function deep. So you have more risk of getting a mechanical overflow of the C stack and crashing w/o catching it.
5:03 PM
Also, you pretty much have to push an unhaltable trap each time you switch threads using the same isolate. Otherwise, if you are mid-stack and there's a fail(), you'll longjmp across the other thread's stack levels. :-/
@johnk net-trace on => net-log starts to print trace messages
@johnk am I alive?
5:35 PM
@ShixinZeng Perhaps as a near term solution, the best thing to do is to push a new Stack_Limit on each PUSH_UNHALTABLE_TRAP, and then restore it when you DROP_TRAP_SAME_STACKLEVEL_AS_PUSH. Then each time a thread wishes to take over the evaluator it goes through the unhaltable trap. Because it wouldn't want to allow failure across to the stack level of any previous thread.
e.g. for a halt, it's simply not possible to do the correct longjmp from that thread. If one thread running Rebol code spawns another running Rebol code, and a halt is received, then it would have to be caught by the spawned thread and then signaled back as some result from the spawned thrad (I was halted) and then the spawner would have to do their own longjmp
I'm not so much looking for a generic multithreading solution, just setting a bit of precedent by at least solving Ren Garden's case without doing anything too fundamentally broken...hence it would be compatible with any multithreaded solution or v8::isolate type things down the road.
6:09 PM
posted on June 28, 2017 by @hostilefork Brian Dickens

@hostilefork wrote: I've previously argued why whatever it is that you consider to be a variable being "unset" should not be something you can put into a block as a value: forum.rebol.info Why (or why not) have UNSET! in Rebol-like Languages Question asked of me was: Could you explain in laymen terms why unset! is there in Rebo

7:07 PM
@GrahamChiu Re. 'Tweet' command—see pull req. Can't guarantee it'll work, but the module does work on my system. YMMV.
7:45 PM
posted on June 28, 2017 by Mennohexo

Hi there , i have a great GUI Ready and want to display a image for about 4 seconds before the main Window opens. Dont know how to unview. Here is the code : view  center-face layout  [ image load %hs_soft.gif ] wait delay: 4 unview wait delay is working but only after manually closing the layout. How to make the delay DURING the layout ? After this the main layout shou

8:34 PM
@rgchris What do you mean by evaluative behavior? I've been working on something (slowly) for a while which makes SQL composable (i.e., syntax and function extendable, like LINQ). It's intended as a generic query language for local and remote hierarchical text data (xml, html/CSS, json, yaml, add-your-own), but not database tables/relational algebra-- for that you'd send SQL to the db for evaluation. So, more like an SQL replacement for awk/sed/find/grep/curl/wget. Or what jQuery is to a DOM.
9:10 PM
posted on June 28, 2017 by @hostilefork Brian Dickens

@hostilefork wrote: Rebol2, R3-Alpha, and Red all protect against passing unsets to functions, requiring you to mark parameters that tolerate them explicitly. So instead of takes-void: func [x] [...] you have to write takes-void: func [x [any-type!]] [...] for takes-void () to work. Ren-C tweaks this around a little. Firstly, ANY-VALUE! has replaced

9:30 PM
posted on June 28, 2017 by @gchiu

@gchiu wrote: (Replace this first paragraph with a brief description of your new category. This guidance will appear in the category selection area, so try to keep it below 200 characters. Until you edit this description or create topics, this category won't appear on the categories page.) Use the following paragraphs for a longer description, or to es

9:53 PM
posted on June 28, 2017 by @gchiu

@gchiu wrote: How does Rebol differ from other computer languages and what makes code Rebolish and functional vs procedural coding. Posts: 1 Participants: 1 Read full topic


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