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whats going on
teach me something
@Microsmsm No
the 'this' keyword in a function depends on how the function is invoked not where you declare it
I learned something
oh and don't work for a place where you feel your love of programming slowly drift away
oh and don't skip leg day
i need to work out in general more
starting in july i will lose so much weight
don't wait
start now
soon july will come around and then it'll be august
i already started, i lost like 20 in the past 2 months or so
but in july, I'm taking a break from work, and am gonna speed that shit up
4 hours ago, by rlemon
user image
is that you
no that is @SterlingArcher
he has a nice beard
I wish I had a nice beard
he does
6 hours ago, by Sterling Archer
god dammit there's so much yogurt in my beard
that happens when i eat soup
@SterlingArcher do you own one of these?
or cereal
I find snot in my moustache is the biggest issue
I've yet to master blowing my nose without having a clean up after
it's especially bad when using a bushman's handkerchief while riding
i have that problem too lol
I have a native american beard.
read: patchy af
my beard grows in red
@SteveG is a ginger, confirmed.
lol no, that's the weird part
my hair used to be white
I had a gf who had red pubes but was really really blonde everywhere else
then it went to dirty blonde
we myspace name was fiery_underworld
and now, it's just brownish
and now i'm just dirty
must be all them dirty thoughts
2 hours later…
So here is the question. Why does redux recommend that the reducer should keep the state immutable? Apart from the benefit of implementing time travel, what else do we get from conforming to immutability?
unit testability
Easier debugging is reason enough
I'm not familiar with unit test so I can't have a good feel for that. But thanks for you opinion
I thought it was to enforce the single direction dataflow business
so consumers couldn't change the state just by dicking around with fields on objects
they actually had to create and dispatch actions
mutations do not change the results of reference equality checks. They change the results of value equality checks.

In fact, React.js does not need to have knowledge about what exactly changed. All it needs to know is whether the state changed at all or not.

While immutability does not provide easier answers to a what exactly changed problem, it provides a great answer to the is it changed at all or not question.
So by conforming to immutability, we can implement shouldComponentUpdate through shallow comparing with === operator. Or, we can simply inherit PureComponent with ease and let the inherited shouldComponentUpdate kick in. Is that so?
Is that all there's to it about why we should keep state immutable in reducers?
Hey guys, whats called carousel with multiple elements on page?
hm, lol, no, im looking for jquery plugin with multiple lements on same page
and all carousels i found have only 1 image/video
maybe they are called not carousels
ffs. dont have time to make my own and idk how its called
no one know?
its actually called same, carousel, just some have multiple elements, only found 1
crap, looks like i have to make my own
What's the noun form of the adjective "mandatory"
huh, it apparently exists in noun form
I decide to use "necessity" instead.
Hello guys, I have a question.
I have a table that can be sorted and it has pagination
My issue is, how do I include the hidden fields in sorting?
All i do is show and hide it on pagination, but it gets confusing when doing it with sorting. Upon click, what's the math of hiding the previously hidden fields and hiding the ones placed at the bottom of the sort?
are you talking about different levels of sorting?
like sort by A then by B
though if it was up to me, i'd probably discard the order if they wanted to sort by something else
if a user wants to issue a fresh sort, it doens't make sense to show them page 3 of that set of results
You gave me an idea.
The table contents are taken from ajax response
I should probably sort it by a certain column
upon getting the response
but, it's still lacking. It only sorts the first 10 results
because the rests are hidden
by pagination
I passed a callback function to the sort() method. doing the A and B sorting
if that helps
function sortTable(table, column, order) {
    var asc   = order === 'asc',
        tbody = table.find('tbody');

    tbody.find('tr').sort(function(a, b) {
        if (asc) {
            return $('td:nth-child(' + column + ')', a).text().localeCompare($('td:nth-child(' + column + ')', b).text());
        } else {
            return $('td:nth-child(' + column + ')', b).text().localeCompare($('td:nth-child(' + column + ')', a).text());
It is something like this
What makes it hard is that it only returns 0s, 1s or -1s
I asked a question on stackoverflow: stackoverflow.com/questions/44038224/…
Anyone know how to detect when a textarea field has been changed, when the change id done via javascript. 'change keydown paste input' are not catching it.
are you sure you got the selector right?
have you tried debugging it on your console?
Yeah the selector is right, when I type, paste or do anything in the textarea I catch it with alert/console. However, I'm loading text into the textarea field via javascript, and it's always changing. It's not catching unfortunately.
if you're changing it via javascript then you know when you changed it right?
Have you tried creating your own event?
you don't need to detect anything
Yeah, I'm thinking of doing that now. Wax
You can create your own event, trigger it on change of that textarea
Do you watch Dan's redux tutorials on egghead?
I am working on a voice commands app using IBM watson.
I am using MediaRecorder to record voice and then send it to speech to text api. Is there a way i can stop recording once to command is complete? Like some callback event or something
1 hour later…
are ckeditor questions considered javascript questions?
@ChunYin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
> js room fatties unite
> 116.8 lbs
that's ~53 kg
quite light weight, but depends of the height
that's half my weight, pre-poop
Assuming your weight in that spreadsheet is post-poop.
!!> (116.8 * 2) - 225.3
@littlepootis 8.299999999999983
what was you calculating?
@littlepootis it's not post poop
it's in the morning
I mean
it is post poop
yeah, that is the weight of my poop
@KarelG weight of his poop
oh ... got it
3.7 kg poop
You must be a giant dog
or a fly-weight sumo wrestler
well, pre-poop + evening weight
It doesn't matter considering your post poop and pre-poop weights differ by 8.3 lbs.
Do you weigh yourself before pooping and then weigh the poop afterwards or are you using a different strat?
You could poop right on the s̶l̶i̶d̶e̶ scale
Does this make sense? I want to only set greenCount to 1, if greenCount is null and redCount is null:
let redCount = data.RED || 0;
let greenCount = !data.GREEN && !data.RED ? 1 : data.GREEN;
where .RED and .GREEN are int counts
@BrianJ If you try to express that, then do that instead of trying to achieve "something" with weird ternarys
You're not improving anything for anyone :P
@konyv12 res.redirect('back'); this is your problem
That location is giving you the 404
actually no, it still says 404
it now does not even start uploading just straight takes me to 404
how is that possible
Doesn't sound right
What did you change?
I am working on a voice commands app using IBM watson.
I am using MediaRecorder to record voice and then send it to speech to text api. Is there a way i can stop recording once to command is complete? Like some callback event or something
typed that again because i need help
@NullPointer Typing it again will not help ;)
just removed the res.redirect
@OliverSalzburg ok
@konyv12 Well, you should send some response. Also, caching
I tried res.send('ok') but still the same
@NullPointer Your question is extremely specific. You're highly unlikely to receive any help
is caching what keeps it from working?
@OliverSalzburg ok
@konyv12 res.sendStatus(204)
@konyv12 No idea
yeah status bar said 'waiting for caching'
I still get 404 now that I have added res.sendStatus(204)
@OliverSalzburg so you mean use if's instead or ternary?
is it using busboy the best way to upload files with node.js?
or are there similar alternatives in quality?
@BrianJ If that makes it easier for you to write and express, it'll make things easier for whoever is reading it
yeah ... should've expected it
@konyv12 It's what we use
@KarelG Nice
@konyv12 You might want to explicitly check what's going on in DevTools. What route specifically is receiving the 404 answer
@SebastianL That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@SebastianL Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
The change you mentioned is very unlikely to cause what you're reporting
@OliverSalzburg fair point
@GX-X Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BrianJ redCount can never be null btw
It's either data.RED or 0
And if data.RED was null, redCount would be 0
@KarelG interesting
hmm chris cornell died :o
is it ok if i ask a html/css question here?
BREAKING: Chris Cornell of the rock band #Soundgarden has died in Detroit at age 52. From @AP #KAKENews
i am gonna go ahead and ask anyway.

is there a way to accomplish the effect mentioned in this qn without the help of a plugin?
flexbox would give each column equal height
Go on Google and type in masonry with flexbox
ahh.. thanks @rlemon i ll check this out
Jesus christ, Theresa May is launching the tory manifesto at my work
@BenFortune gonna ask her out?
@rlemon the flexbox solution would fail <= IE9, right?
cant even open codepen in ie9
What does Mdn compatibility table say?
oh mdn renewed their styles
hi there
@snow Use table
I'm currently stuck in this problem, can anyone help me what amb i missing? codecademy.com/en/courses/javascript-beginner-en-XEDZA/0/…
@ArnauGuadall What's the problem?
my browser collapsed after runing it
do you see my code? or you only see the description
@ArnauGuadall I'm not looking
check out the link I provided
@ArnauGuadall it loads a new page
this is my code
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@ArnauGuadall Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
mmm better?
1 message moved to Trash can
@ArnauGuadall Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
@ArnauGuadall Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
@ArnauGuadall Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
do you see the link now?
yea, this is the code, check this out
when I run this piece of code, my browser crashes
Congrats, you've discovered infinite loops
lol :D
What are you trying to do?
No, stop posting links. Tell us what you're trying to do
I'm going though the string until one letter matches with my first letter of my name
once its the same letter i should push my name to a new array
no.. about what?
@Zirak What the fuck is that word?! :O
!!define pussilanimous
@SomeGuy It means I aint got time to learn your $5 words.
!!define pusillanimous
@rlemon [pusillanimous](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki?curid=56235) Showing ignoble cowardice, or contemptible timidity [from 16th c.]
The soldier deserted his troupe in a pusillanimous manner.
That sass :D
!!define promontory
@SomeGuy promontory A high point of land extending into a body of water, headland; cliff.
@Zirak Giving you 2 back because floccinaucinihilipilification has to be one of my favourites so far
> A jocular coinage, apparently by pupils at Eton College, combining a number of roughly synonymous Latin stems
> jocular
is "jumbo" the new foo/bar?
does it have a more specific meaning?
I'm seeing <thing class="something jumbo something-else"> in various tutorials
not sure if it's like maybe a bootstrap thing
Jumbo was the name of a famous elephant years ago, since then it has come to mean "huge"
@KendallFrey was it not Dumbo / Dombo ?
I'm really really liking ember's guides
@KarelG Dumbo was the Disney character
I'm trying to read out data from my database. It does that sucessfully but why does it show everything in the packet, and not just name = "maarten" for example?.
Here is a JSFiddle : https://jsfiddle.net/tgqn24oc/1/
Here is the output: http://prntscr.com/f98sdr
@MaartenWachters Panini lmao
Oh yeah you know the reference right :p
@KendallFrey i was thinking at him when you said that "Jumbo"
@MaartenWachters shouldn't you do <p ng-repeat="r in result">{{r.voornaam}}</p> ?
@user3050534 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@user3050534 from where does the 'r' come from?
Compare with for each loop... "for(object in objects){}"

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