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Q: PHP password_verify not working Tried all options from similar posts too but still can't figure out what's missing

Timmy9jaGood day everyone, please before you down vote look at my issues. My php password_verify() keeps returning false despite correct data input. I have used same code on an ealier development and it worked perfectly but i've just changed my laptop and downloaded xampp 7.+ and the function isn't work...

$sec_pwd appears to serve no particular function here.
WARNING: Writing your own access control layer is not easy and there are many opportunities to get it severely wrong. Please, do not write your own authentication system when any modern development framework like Laravel comes with a robust authentication system built-in.
what is the password field's size?
Can you post an example record where someone's saved the password "testing"?
The password field's size is set to 255. I know that the function always results to a 60 character string. I have tested using the field's size as 50, 60 & 255 and i get same return value as false.
@tadman i gues you mean the value of the password "testing" after it's been hashed? Here's the value = $2y$12$944sJ7KmV6XhdXbQS23VguOd9.NCNyfGTkkPZKyq3t9...
$2y$12$944sJ7KmV6XhdXbQS23VguOd9.NCNyfGTkkPZKyq3t9 is short, 50 characters, not 60
That doesn't verify. It's been truncated. Looks like your "test" at 50 is stuck.
@tadman The $sec_pwd is actually irrelevant i know. i was trying various options. I had tried to hash the password and use the "==" to compare it still didn't work. I have also just tried defining the actual values in the password_verify() i.e password_verify("lookatMe",'$2ylI.JqaPvpgaVmiFL'); this returned false as well
You can't compare hash vs. hash, the hashes will be completely different each time. This is intentional, it's to make brute-force guessing passwords as difficult as possible. This is the value I got: $2y$10$/FJvQGCDlLZ7rU/MxyGlUegywBUUWpJLg3MkTgYqCLaydDe1Nhemu and it does verify. Note: 60 letters. If it doesn't have 60 letters, it's probably being truncated and it will not verify.
@MarkBaker Yea, i just figured that but why is that so? My field's size is set to 255, and i'm using the default password_hash() function.
@tadman Yea, i get the point of not comparing hashes. Now i have no idea as to why the data is being truncated. I'm using the defaults just as in the documentation.
Although this might be useful from an academic perspective, there's no harm in learning, going live with this code will be trouble. Use a framework to get a secure, tested, production ready login system. This stuff is crazy hard to get right, and any little mistakes are all someone needs to crack your system wide open.
@tadman "use a framework" is an extremely bad advice. Especially for a newbie, since it kinda work as exact opposite of "use a brain". Especially something as terrible as Laravel, that is filled with bad practices and (TBH) has extremely ignorant community. Also, you seem to be confusing "access control" with "authentication" ... maybe you also learned programming by using a framework.
@tereško I'm speaking from a lot of experience here. A "newbie" is going to drown in the myriad of security concerns you must address when making a modern application. A framework will give you support. You will still have to use your brain, don't think a framework does everything for you magically, but it does one thing: Give you a foundation to work on. Laravel is one example, there's many others. Using core PHP as a beginner is an express train to completely unmaintainable, easily hacked code.
@tereško It's telling that in the PHP world, unlike other popular web development languages like Ruby and Python, that there's people like you yelling to not use a framework as if that somehow stunts learning. The opposite is true in those communities: You use a framework to understand how the language works, to learn from good examples, to adopt conventions that people have agreed on collectively. Too many PHP projects are nothing but renegade code that makes no sense and has to be trashed instead of fixed because someone rolled their own everything.
@tadman in my experience, when people have to trash it down, it's mainly because they don't actually understand PHP. Why that is, is anyone's guess, but learning everything from a framework is one plausible explanation. (Don't get me wrong, of course there are pieces of code so crappy you can't even start to think, talk or reason about it, and need to be nuked from orbit. However the more I gain experience, the less I have to, because I get better)
@FélixGagnon-Grenier If I inherit a project using X framework, even if it was done by a newbie, the code quality is always higher than if they just started with a blank file and invented their own universe. Frameworks have conventions. Conventions lead to consistency. Consistency reduces surprises. Surprises are what makes code fail an audit, and failing an audit is how it ends up in the trash.
@tadman I wonder about that, really. If newbie A does something without actually reading the documentation of said framework, and using the conventions, they can very well wreck the ball as much as they would have without a framework. And people get very creative to find ways to circumvent frameworks "rules" or "safeguards".
@FélixGagnon-Grenier It's also important that a framework has standards that you can measure against: Did you use their ORM? Did you use their data escaping method? Did you use their XSS protection? Is their CSRF configured correctly? With hand-rolled code it's significantly harder to measure these things, you need to dig, evaluate, test and probe, which takes way, way longer. Even then you can't be sure, the code might be convoluted and confusing.
@tadman You can't understand how a language works by using a framework. The point of a framework is to hide how language works. They basically work as pseudo-DSL. To learn how things like authentication works, you have to roll your own at least once or twice. That way you gain an understanding of the problem. And, FYI, the recommended approach in PHP for professional developers (which the OP is not) is to assemble the projects using Composer packages. And there are many "authentication" and "access control" libraries for that.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier If a newbie flouts the conventions of a framework the end product is obviously not good, it just looks broken and wrong. If you've worked with framework X for a while, you'll know, at a glance, if something is right or wrong. If you're looking at a hand-made code-base it will take a while until you can tell if the code is written by a newbie who has no idea what they're doing, or if it's by some expert who's using some very, very strange conventions. This is why custom-everything code is often nothing but trouble.
@tadman hmmm... you seem to think that conventions only exists inside frameworks... That is indeed not the case. Routing, requests, templating... all those have "conventions" that fall out of frameworks. I can identify at a glance if someone has a clue about routing in custom code. Looking at laravel bootstrap file makes me barf.
@tereško "You can't understand how a language works by using a framework." What? That's completely and utterly false. I learned Ruby and Swift through frameworks. I'm learning Elixir through a framework. I know people that have learned Java, C# .Net and C++ through frameworks. It's normal if not expected to learn something through a framework everywhere in the programming world but PHP.
@tadman also, I have worked on multiple projects, that were introduced with "ahh ,, yes, this was the first project where we used framework X". And those things have usually been presented by supposed professionals. All of them have been a fucking garbage fire. Frameworks are not some magic substance, that make your code better. In reality is the opposite: you NOT ONLY need to know the language but you ALSO need extensive experience with a framework.
why don't we take that in php chat?
@tereško Frameworks, like programming languages, will not protect you from bad programmers. What they will do is make the bad code blatantly obvious. You can also keep bad programmers in line by saying "Look, in this framework, this is how we do X and Y, don't do it that way" instead of "Well, we really don't have a convention for that, just do what you think is right" and you end up with total chaos.

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