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04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 20:00

I am fine dude just not allowed to use SO
hmmmm ok man
I always miss you guys and this chat room ! GTG evening time
good evening :)
@Shubham bye
yup same here @Shubham
Hello guys please help me on this .stackoverflow.com/questions/43719137/…
missing cats
bye bye
bye cat @TCat
bye cats
!!is @hans dead ?
@ballBreaker Absolutely not
@ballBreaker hey crabs
hey man
is it possible to ad viewpager inside bottomsheet?
@ballBreaker just chilling
have you seen the anime i recommended you
@ColdFire which one was that again?
@ballBreaker meeh i dont remember it too
oh yeah now i remember
elfen leid @ballBreaker
@BatCat yep
@Cold We should not take everything for granted without interrogating deeply
@ColdFire We're good.
It didnt get moved
its still there :/
it got moved just not a message
Can you reload ?
yeah now i see
It should be ok
meeh move it
@BatCat you there ?
he is not there
Tell me
oops you are online
what happened ?
nothing i just thought you were offline
since you didnt message in like a hour
Oh Yeah working on my location library
@TheLittleNaruto I am here
oh man nice , a library
Yes because I can use that lib anywhere plus since I wrote it,will be easier to maintain
Just now started..
What it will do apart from fetching location ?
Reverse Geocoding.
The current geocoder fails at times.
So writing my own should not be a prob.
By the way the lib is just a very small one..
you need geocoder anyway even if you're making a lib
Nope don't need a one
I will create my own geocoder manually by sending a request to Google map api
and then parse the results ..
and then set the details on the Address class..
And do you know that api needs key ?
For less than 1000 req no key is needed..
really ?
if more than that then I will have to write a method that will ask for the key from the user
wtf wtf
i doubt that
NoooooOOOOooooo @BatCat
also sorry dude i was busy yesterday couldnt download your app
his app ?
@BatCat wth man
yeah fox
An App that was developed by my colleague..
and I also worked on it.
For nearly 4 months..
I didn't work much but still learn't a lot.
It's alright Man
but you should have shared the link you know
@TheLittleNaruto definitely.
Pls cpoy it ..
you can delete whenever you want, I can still read it
Done ?
I am the fucking RO you know
Oh LOL..almost forgot.
Could you please download and let me know how it is ?
lol fucking RO
@ballBreaker did you see i told you the name
nobody respects fox :(
poor fox
@BatCat is there no way to get in without signup?
I did, just wrote it down!
meeh i hate signup :/
@ColdFire Nope.
ohk great
Use Gmail sign in
doesnt work :/
Try fb then
It is working for me
for some reason it works now
Let me bring my testing device
i guess it doesnt work the first time
showed me a error no internet
app is nice though
color theme has some issues
The orange color combo ?
There are about 80 webservices in that app
no the black and white contrast
Oh ok.noted.
too many activities used could have used fragments at some places
Yes that is there.
Could you please tell me which part so that I can take a note of it ?
all the navigation drawer navigation has to be fragments
But the client wanted that navigation drawer in all places..
So we created a base activity and extended it.
well there should be only one activity for it
all other should be fragment
the way you have implemented currently is very bad
Hmm but as per the requirement we had to do it.
meeh you didnt get it
what i am telling you will perfectly match your requirement
I know there should have been only one activity and the rest should open in fragments
well then do it
Go to reminder..that cannot be put as a fragment I guess..
i think some error checking is also missing
it can be
Location ??
yeah with location
You mean it is not fetching the exact location ?
nope i can go ahead without selecting a location
Once your location is turned on..
It is stored..
i never turned it on
that is the whole point
and that will used until the device gets a location.
@ColdFire So where did the map take you ?
It might have took you no where..
i denied the permission and proceeded
it took me forward
.. is blurry on Splash screen
and you know a nowhere location proceeding forward
yeah fox good points happened to me as soon as you told that
@TheLittleNaruto Could you substitue that app name to your app pls ?
I mean instead of using that name just refer to me as "The app"
I denied the permission
Seems like you're not connected with internet.
The map is still
same with me fox
lots of bugs here and there , batcat
you need a retest of the app
Please point out the location.
sometimes keyboard doesnt close
steps screen behave too weird when i turn it on or off
Ok noted.
I will inform these to lead developer..
What else ?
@BatCat I could not check anything
Hmm ok..
app is kinda slow too
Yeah because lots of activities.
i feel like i will see minor issues here and there everywhere
That is why the there are such issues.
Everyday we make major changes.
which affects
lots of other code.
i see
That is the prob..
I am frustrated.
Unfortunately package installer has stopped..
When I try to compile my app
oh :(
what could be the prob ?
Any idea ?
no idea
oh ok..
@TheLittleNaruto lol
How can I get this "Card Reveal" animation in android?
Cards in a list with a "more info" link on every card - than the more info mask goes up on click
04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 20:00

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