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@perfection ?
i tried with volley response time issue
but it dint work
i want to change it with asynctask
is it possible with custom arraylist?
@perfection wha u want exactly, please explain
i m no getting u
it is searchnin api
hello every one
if user will search with proper word,then result will display fast..but if user will search with other words..result is displaying slow
@AshuKumar hy how are you
even in browser it is same
@perfection then it is php issues not ur
good after noon :)
i m good and u
i m fine
after long time
but he is saying that..i need to put loader till that
so i did
that's it
even i worked with response time
and what else u want
then ?
ashu kumar i need ur help bro
but in app result is not showing
when user enter some other words
OK then check if web request is sent or not, if sent then wait for response @perfection
@ArifNoumanKhan yes sir
response is not coming
Hello android PROs. Is there someone here who is kind enough to talk about FCM to me? I had several questions about it. Im new to it so it is still quite vague. Anyone?
@perfection how much time are u waiting ?
@AshuKumar i m going to design UI for an activity which will have large amount of edit text i dont know how to design
1st thing came to mind is spliting it in many pages
by using viewpager
@ArifNoumanKhan why do not use use dynamically create editText
@perfection dude, not now after 2 hr possible
ashu could u recommend any design please ? or example
@AshuKumar u there
@ArifNoumanKhan i m not good in design, use register or Address page design
making design for this
@ArifNoumanKhan is this ur project design ? then remove it
so many EditText
yes so many and many more below
@ArifNoumanKhan hey
@TheLittleNaruto how are you ?
after long time bro
when ever i watch naruto i do remeber you bro :)
Hi all :)
@ArifNoumanKhan lol Thanks. I have some questions about current ongoing cold war.
I am looking for a way to upload videos on youtube, programmatically, on a specific channel using the channel_id
but no way to upload on channel
it just uploads a video through the user's account
can anyone help?
sorry king from my side
no need to be sorry, buddy :)
@TheLittleNaruto lol
@TheLittleNaruto where is @TheLittleNaruto :p
hy @berserk
@DroidDev bust a nut on the kick (your fault)
@ArifNoumanKhan hey :D
@King It's easy Man! Just read the API : developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/videos/…
@ArifNoumanKhan I am here only.
@berserk how are you :D do u still have that saved message for this question
I am fine, wbu?
Umm which message?
@TheLittleNaruto okay, lemme see
@TheLittleNaruto u were asking somethig
@berserk i am fine and NVM
hay @berserk
@TheLittleNaruto check hangouts
@rekire hanging out you too started again nice
What phones are the most popular in India/Asia right now?
Specific models?
samsung j series
But testing on J series phones wont be any different than testing on Galaxy S6 / S7 right?
same software, firmware etc?
Here is a teaser article on medium about my PojoBooster: PojoBooster blow your boilerplate code away — A brief preview. Check it now :-D
I found a cheap Xiaomi Redmi 2 for 60$ in new condition.. I'm considering buying it to test my apps on it.
@Muddz keep in mind the market share. just saying...
@rekire Do you mean that this phone isn't widely used in asia/india?
@Muddz I never read about that phone. Maybe but I don't know
@rekire Xiamoi is pretty big: fastcompany.com/3048625/…
Chines biggeste phone maker
@berserk woops......so....does that mean that you are.....???
@Muddz I knew that, but I don't know that phone you where talking about
@rekire Allrighty. How many phones do you test on? and which models?
@Muddz at work on about 5 phones and 2 tablets mostly samsung devices based on their market share. And of cause some crappy slow phones which are perfect for racing contention bugs which you don't have on great new devices.
never read that deleted message @berserk
now I am here
post again
poor @berserk
btw anyone clicked my second medium article?^^
nope :(
@berserk yes
the name looks interesting, I will read it in some time
yes read it @rekire
> when you try to read @berserk's message and junior comes to your seat and you gotta change screens again
> when you type so fast, that even in normal typing, chat says "You gotta wait 1 second"
@berserk please type again :/
and ping me when you do, so it'll go to my notifications, even if you remove it ;)
:33234456 oh....well....@berserk you shouldn't be doing that in public places or else more people will hit you in your nuts :P
yeah but you just killed his fun time :P
@DroidDev GRRRR
@berserk I got it, I got it...
@DroidDev Can't u just kill them? They are getting annoying to me also...
no need to type again
@berserk lol, he is the first junior that I got, who can really code. So....I might wanna keep this one and increase his suffering with prolonged code and impossible client requirements ;)
@MukeshRana yeah, it was .. umm what they call it.. yeah ruined organism cc @Dro(I hope u get what I used organism for)
@DroidDev the "he" sounds little bit awkward when u use junior, I am kinda used to "she" there
@DroidDev client , another freelancer?
@berserk LMAO, how about you get...umm....what they call it... yea... girlfriend :P
@DroidDev haha, that's evil :')
@ColdFire client from office
@DroidDev I'm trying ;_;
@DroidDev i see
@berserk please don't make me cry anymore ;_;
@DroidDev you too ;_;
FORK! Can't believe I missed that
haha 2 happy people
@MukeshRana hey
@berserk FORK!!! LMAO, thanks for giving me new ideas today ;)
now, I am gonna sing Eminem's songs with those lyrics ;)
@ColdFire hey bro :D
@MukeshRana whatsup
@DroidDev nice
nothing special, same old routine :(
@ColdFire umm that is a little bit awkward, like someone said hi, and u lol on that
@berserk where
@berserk was thinking same on that :/
@ColdFire its not deleted, its edited, don't play dumb...
@berserk so why do you think it was edited
umm u accidently loled?
@ColdFire because it actually was edited...?
@berserk wrong group posted
@DroidDev wow kicks @DroidDev is his butt
@ColdFire now you wow'ed, which I don't understand why :P
so u accidienly clicked a message, and clicked reply and typed lol, hmm something is fishy there
oh....and that kick, it hurts
be glad that u were not doing regular activity
@berserk yes you are fishy right :)
@MukeshRana :(
unless u like ruined organisms lol
@berserk what would you do, if you were JOE?
@ColdFire yeah I live underwater ...
@ColdFire ;(
@berserk you have crazy ideas dont count on others to be having same ideas as you:(
...and I live underair....
underair lol
@DroidDev haha simple
I guess u predicted
It will be heaven c:
@berserk though, I got a joke for you on that one too, but can't post here :(
post in Den
that's a hindi joke
or is it too much for Den too?
ah lol
aah den
i havent visited there
and I just can't stop laughing of that one statement I just posted
@DroidDev lol, tho the translation ._.
@berserk LMFAO
post the room link anyone
@berserk how much google will charge us as per installer?
@perfection didnt get u
per installer?
yeah per app install
like whtsapp is getting charge as per install from google
whatsapp doesnt pay a din to google
one of my friend said that
may be more than 10 million installer
ask him/her, where did he read that? where's the proof?
lol google doesn't charge for installs
he was trolling and you got trolled
let me assk
u just need to pay $15 once in a life time to get the developer account
then everything is free
i know about that 15$
@ColdFire yeah
yeah my bad lol, its 25
@perfection there are no charges after that
just google it...
@berserk even i got shocked that after 10 million install,,google play for that
man i hate maven
i searched but dint get any proof
this build system is shit
@ColdFire I thought u said u hate @maveň
cc @Dro
thats why i asked you senior friends @berserk @TheLittleNaruto and @AshuKumar
@perfection senior :o
hey my senior friend @berserk, how are you?
@DroidDev lol, I really thought he meant maven, as he is not the only one lmao
@DroidDev I am fine my junior-kun, now get back to work .__.
@berserk haha, should we start to form a club, that would grow to a largest army/religion in the world, with lots of followers ;)
@DroidDev lol
@berserk pro gradle?
@rekire not the maven plugin lol
I was just waiting, since forever, for someone to notice and put it that way ;)
sometimes I have to troll^^
@perfection Ask @ColdFire I have got no idea about it.
Have a star there XD
@rekire didnt expected that from you :|
@TheLittleNaruto yup
@ColdFire I think you are growing up into second maven cc @berserk
@ColdFire he can reply this message with same message :D
@DroidDev haha yeah, noticed
@DroidDev lol no
the pattern was kinda similar
@berserk yes he can
there, you did that again cc @berserk
@ArifNoumanKhan I was asking if everything is fine there ?
@DroidDev haha, he is on maven-spree
@rekire btw that pojobooster you opensourcing it right?
@DroidDev so you love this so much
aaaaand.... again cc @Dro
@ColdFire sorry, but I am not able to understand what you just said :/
@berserk I was in a bit of deadlock situation after reading that :/
@DroidDev oops i missed some words there
hello every one
trying to behave normal
@ColdFire oh....death or astrophysics?
@DroidDev i mean universe and all
so.. you like bread?
@berserk guess who appeared in den?
@DroidDev I know, I am not opening that tab for now...
@DroidDev i can see that
@AnuPatel how are you? :)
hello guys.. can we change tabhost dynamically ?means we can change Activity ?
I guess no. But not sure.
@ColdFire yes I'm writing some unit tests for the code coverage and so on to make it clean for the first release
@ColdFire oh...yea, absolutely. If I could start over, I might be an astrophycist. Just imagine, space is a thing that never ends....NEVER ENDS, no matter how much you travel in one direction...
@AnuPatel great :) I am fine too... (Am I going good?)
@berserk hang in there bro....you might even succeed ;)
@berserk tabHost.getTabWidget().getChildAt(1).setBackgroundColor(Color.parseColor("#ff000‌​‌​0")); this way we can change background so can we change intent this way ?
@DroidDev haha
@AnuPatel umm intent changing is not that simple
with that code, you are just getting a view and changing its bg
hi @ColdFire @AshuKumar
@rekire i am also doing something nice we will rule haha :)
yes but i wann to change intent ...... can i change or not ?
Not sure.
try googling a bit
i tryed but i dont get any idea from that.... any one knw about this please help me...
@AshuKumar do you have idea about displaying multiple markers on same location? @ColdFire
@AnuPatel what is the issue
tabhost is deprecated
trash that and you will be fine :)
@brahmyadigopula hello :)
A: Android. How to change Activity within a Tab

Vicky KapadiaThe Activities in the tab can be switched in the following manner. First Let us understand the flow: We have in a Tab host , activity (say a list) from which we need to go to the next Activity (say details for the clicked item) under the same tab. For this we can use the concept of replacing t...

good evening
hello al
@ColdFire I'll present my lib at a dev fest^^
@brahmyadigopula nope, sorry do not know
@AshuKumar good evening bro
@rekire which dev fest?
@rekire dev fest ?
any one worked with upload file array with retrofite?
i tried some thing but nothing is useful to me @AshuKumar
@brahmyadigopula do not know about map :(
and can not help now i m working right now, sorry
hmm...yup am working on it now @AshuKumar
@brahmyadigopula good :)
@ColdFire @AshuKumar duesseldorf.devfest.de
google maps api won't allow to display markers to show on same lat and lng values bro..@AshuKumar
okay bro..i will try again and let you know proper solution for that..am still working on it. @AshuKumar bye bro..@ColdFire
@DroidDev Jump in the black hole ?? o_0
@rekire share experience about Google technologies with a passion :D google is even in devs mind :D
@TheFlash as suicide, but a willfull end
Black hole mysteries yet to be solved

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