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My dad's side of the family hates me is this normal?
You guys are my only support group
@William uh is your dad's side written in javascript? it must be the client side then
or nodejs
Anyone have any idea why I would be getting this error

angular.js:38Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.5.8/$injector/modulerr?p0=flapperNews&p1=Erro…udflare.com%2Fajax%2Flibs%2Fangular.js%2F1.5.8%2Fangular.min.js%3A20%3A390)
Why everyone
why @littlepootis
Manuel, angular is not able to find the module you are trying to inject. This is usually due to a typo if you understand what is needed to create a module (or perhaps a missed import on the main page). Look for spelling errors and make sure you are not using the minimized angular.js library as it will make errors much harder to track down.
@josh26757 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
anyone know if its possible to include homebrew apps with and electron app?
2 hours later…
so am I the only one who's just realizing that you can't import json with new es6 import keyword?
Need to convert a base64 code image to pdf
currently, using jsPDF which does converts but it seems it supports only storing the content on Harddisk
but I need to convert it and store it in File object
hello everyone. I want a popup which i can style if users close the tab or browser
is there any way to do that?
I tried but to get that users always have to allow popup which is default block by browser
and also alert message popup before mine popup
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@SusHill Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
@CapricaSix noted
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@SusHill Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
 window.onbeforeunload = function (e) {
  var e = e || window.event;
  var element = document.activeElement;

  if(element.tagName != 'A' ) {

    if (e) {
      e.returnValue = 'Are you sure?';
       window.open("http://mydomain.com/page.php?var=<?php=sync_var?>", "Synchronizing cluster....", "location=0,menubar=0,statusbar=1,width=500,height=500");

    return false;
this is the code that i have used but don't know how to refine it as i have mention above. If anyone can help me it will be good
my chrome just got material design NOoooo
@SusHill There is no way to do that. The browser controls the dialog that pops when user close tab/window. This is to make sure malicious sites can't trick users into not closing their site.
@Gouverneur o/
Hey there.
why guys
@SusHill Take note that these are one of the most annoying things ever
There's little to no justification to interrupt someone before they leave your page.
But the cluster needs to be synchronized
@OliverSalzburg Then synchronize it at the server.
So this guy wants to make a CDN with one server.
Q: How to create a local cdn in nodejs?

Rahul RaoI want to create a local server to act as a cdn and it can be accessed from any system on the network.I want to run js files which can be used as libraries in node js.

@DenysSéguret Well, you can create your own cloud with one server as well. Just use OwnCloud
How do you distribute one server ?
Area covered by server 0: known universe
@OliverSalzburg I don't get it
oh wait
Hy ppl, I'm trying to fidn a resource to help me minify html via gulp, my problem is that I want each files in a folder to be minified sepparetly and replace in the same folder.

Do you know if there is a plugin which is doing this ? Or maybe have I missed something about the workaround of gulp?
@Baldráni That's not how gulp works.
And that's also something that you shouldn't do.
Keep your source files separated from minified targets
Hum, can't I just rename them and use them later. What is the problem in keeping minified and resources in the same folder ?
When starting here: github.com/getify/You-Dont-Know-JS/tree/master/up%20%26%20going Good starting point to get a more depth in learning js?
@towc What are breakpoints?
@Baldráni Logistics, readability.
Normally, you have a src directory and a dist or target directory for minified results.
You commit the src directory to git, and you can invoke gulp to create the dist or target.
return gulp.src('./resources/views/common/**/*.blade.php')
               path.extname = ".min.php";
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@Baldráni Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
I was thinking of something like this
Looks about right
(aside from the dest that should go to a different directory)
What's wrong with it
It doesnt work :/
I'll have a couple more test
Thank for the advice anyway
@Baldráni Are you trying to compress html blade files in a l5 project?
@Duikboot Yup
Is there a production integration of it ?
I'm not sure but shouldn't the parent fit to the child? jsfiddle.net/rtsyuoso
@Duikboot I'll give a look to this, have you used them before ?
Laravel yes, but not that minifier. I just minify js and css :)
with an uglyfier but no html yet
'Right, well this is pretty much what I'm doing already and I broke my teeth on it for now on.
@Duikboot Well it seems like the plugin is buggy anyway.. I've opened an issue.
@Neoares Yes
Fidget Cube @3.2M O__O
@OliverSalzburg Yup
I bought 5
I can think of a couple of people who could use them as gifts :D
Which unit of measurement does canvas use?
It's all about pixels
Ok thanks
responsive design is also important
Should that question really be closed ?
Q: How Stackoverflow color the specific post when navigate to it?

SylarWhen you click a post on stackoverflow it will directly go to the specific thread and jump off to the right place at the page. I get it. But how to do that highlighting part? You know the whole div become light orange and fadeout the color. How to color that specific post and fade out the color?...

Not very hard, yes, but a noob can legitimately ask it IMO
a beginner*
@ErroreFatale kilometers
hey guys, I'm trying to open a modal UI dialog on click but I don't understand why I have this error :(
Error: cannot call methods on dialog prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'open'
and this is my function

 modal: true,
  show: {
       effect: "explode",
       duration: 100
   hide: {
       effect: "explode",
       duration: 200
@mcmwhfy needs more jQuery
@Neoares how's that
It's a prank bro
!!tell mcmwhfy examplepls
great !
@mcmwhfy Could you please give us an example on jsbin.com or jsfiddle.net, with the minimal amount of code necessary to reproduce the problem?
have you checked this?
Q: jQuery UI - Error: cannot call methods on dialog prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'open'

jaksa[Solved] I write this script. Unfortunately, jQuery console throw: Error: cannot call methods on dialog prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'open' I use jQuery 1.10.2 and jQuery UI 1.10.4. $(function() { $("#player").on('click', 'img', function() { var zadanie = $( "inp...

@bitten my love. <3
@Gouverneur what is it?
and please stop with the names, i've already asked you before
@Neoares yup, I initialise with $(".right_container").dialog("open");
@Caprica Six it is an easy scenario :) I initialise the ui dialog and after that I write UI dialog properties ...
@Caprica Six maybe cannot initialise in the same function :|
@Neoares for example if I write that piece of code in this way, will work :
I meant this way:
 //get all empty cells

//open option container
 modal: true,
  show: {effect: "explode",
       duration: 100
   hide: {effect: "explode",
       duration: 200
Someone knows how to place the divs all on the same place? jsfiddle.net/o2sqwcm4/1
Hi folks, whats the concept called, when your browser subtly changes url, but the content goes through a ajax refresh rather than the usual full page refresh?
Hey, I have a question about usb docking stations, anyone has any experience with them?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I've got a bit
Does it work?
I've only used it a handful of times but it does work well.
The better ones have an external power source
Oh wait the actual docking station with the video out and stuff?
I want to know if usb3 can do video out reasonably well
The dock I had used a proprietary connection for the video
Can't comment, sorry
cc @BadgerCat
How long did that take?
I just have it idle at work
but like.. a lot of months
or a year
I don't do active play
I just let the grandmas do the hard work
I wish they know JavaScript
Noooo, it won't import my old save anymore :(
Anybody worked with webgl? Would something like this be doable for an idiot (that's me)?
I'll never accept this! i.imgur.com/AuDHTLC.png
Nevermind, loves me again
@Paran0a Chrome is annoying like that
Let's play, 'Let's try not to die'.
@Trasiva how can you drink that stuff :O
@bitten I open my mouth and swallow, just not as well as @KendallFrey's mom does.
@Trasiva pls don't do that
@Trasiva oo ouch
i didn't mean to bring that up :3
You didn't, I did.
she did
You're all useless as always btw :P
@PeeHaa Says the guy who didn't fix cv-pls
oh damn :P
I should have been quiet
If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch, haha.
And no, I haven't worked with WebGL, though Lemon and the other guys won't be on for a bit still.
@rlemon get that lazy canadian booty in here
@PeeHaa Would my lazy canadian booty suffice temporarily?
Wondering whether I should start chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/32795570#32795570 as a sideproject I can abandon
you could absolutely do that
@PeeHaa The answer to that question is always yes
You just have to write a bit of code, loop it up, scrabble the fabble and you're done.
@Paran0a :P
Does webgl have support for flotaing cameras out of the box somehow?
I'm not sure what you mean
WebGL supports cameras, yes
Yeah I suck at splaining mostly because I don't know how it should work :)
Otherwise it wouldn't be a useful API
Just thought it would be a nice project to learn something
I should probably just write a naive basic version and let you all laugh and point at me
If you're new to WebGL, you should probably do some more basic tutorials. Start with rendering and shading a polygon. Then work your way up to animation.
@KendallFrey Any decent resources besides mdn?
If you're looking to learn 3D graphics and not WebGL in particular, I recommend Three.js
3D graphics is one of those weird things where it's better to learn the libraries and abstractions before the underlying API, IME.
coolio. Will try to dick some around and see where I get
Happy international programmers day!
the compo is up! http://js13kgames.com/entries/glitch-maze
As always, it'd be really appreciated for the link to go around twitter, facebook, and G+
@MadaraUchiha breakpoints are just markers
Hi All
how to retain the dropdown values when we click on back button ?
I have a first page with 4 dropdowns. when i select the first dropdown there is a Ajax call will filter the other 3 dropdowns data, and click on submit button to display the second page.Now when i click on back button the dropdowns in the first page has to retain the data. only first dropdown is retaining the data, other 3 dropdowns having the initial data(not filtered data). How to retain the ajax values in dropdown list ?
@towc Size limit is 13k, but the index.min.js on GitHub has 17.3k. What am I missing?
@towc Are those mazes depth-first search mazes?
eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2016-09/miot-rps090816.php neat article, @KendallFrey I think you'll like the last line the most
@rlemon lol dick
Anyone here who is skilled in both Dojo javascript and Java Servlet Pages? I got a tricky issue
I essentially need to use Dojo to set the name of a JSP servlet property when it's created
@towc So why are they there?
Why would I want to use them?
This stuff is easy @KendallFrey \o/
lol good for you
> Children of a Dead Earth will launch on Steam on Sept 23rd, 2016, 9am PST!
@KendallFrey @Loktar
they announced a date
Hey neat, I got the necromancer badge
A: How can I create a Zerofilled value using JavaScript?

Sterling ArcherIn a proposed (stage 3) ES2017 method .padStart() you can simply now do (when implemented/supported): string.padStart(maxLength, "0"); //max length is the max string length, not max # of fills

That question needs more answers
@Abhishrek depending on traffic, maybe 45 minutes?
shouldn't it be closed?
@FlorianMargaine Lisp question
!!welcome MadaraUchiha
@MadaraUchiha Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
How would you approach a problem as follows: Create an infix function that takes a list like (1 + 3 * 4 - 5) and transforms it into the lists that Lisp needs in order to correctly evaluate the expression using operator precedence rules.
in short (1 + 3 * 4 - 5) to (- (+ 1 (* 3 4) 5)
@Luggage Har har
@MadaraUchiha a tiny parser
oh, lisp question.
Is everyone listing that as a feature now?
Oh neat, my SO profile broke 500k reach
"that" being the headphone jack
it was normal to see it under a "ports" list..
I kind of agree with what apple is doing. The headphone jack is how old now, and doesn't supply power to its' source
they've always listed headphone jacks in spec lists
Okay. Felt weird seeing it on a laptop
remember, there was a time when phones DIDN'T have headphone jacks.
Plus it really does give them that more space to work with. Wireless headphones have been coming for a while now, and apple has made the move to make them standard. As somebody who loves his wireless headphones, I'm all for it.
you are the 1% of people who prefer them
@SterlingArcher think of the off-label uses of a headphone jack. credit card readers, etc
99% of people still have and do not find it problematic to use wired headphones
replace it with a usb-c, have wireless as an options, and everyone will be happy
they didn't replace the jack, they killed it for an option that my phone already had
which I am not using because the jack is superior
Credit card readers go off the headphone jack? How? I thought it didn't transfer power
It's pretty much part 2 of the "OMG you can't sell a laptop without a CD-ROM drive!!!"
yea. I use bluetooth audio in the car, but it'll skip if the phone does anything with the cpu. The headphone jack never does.
@OliverSalzburg cd's were replaced by solid state media
> How am I going to install my software?! O____O
they didn't replace anything
No shit :P
@OliverSalzburg yea, i see that, but that was replaced with something more convenient
not needing one at all
Iunno the AirPods seemed pretty intuitive. The case is small, holds a big charge, and auto-pairs to the phone when it opens
@Luggage Wireless is also more convenient than wired
@SterlingArcher wireless headphones have been around for years
yea, they might be awesome headphones.
all apple did was brand some to themselves and make a big hoopla about it
no, wires are convenient. i keep them in my bad without charging for weeks, use them when i want
same reason I use a wired mouse. convenience
Hoopla makes for marketing
yes, but they are not any more intuitive or innovative
Personally I hate wires. Take away all ports :P
and it surely isn't "courageous"
we could both be happy.
So you would also prefer an RJ45 connector on your phone to have it connect to the network more conveniently?
I never said courageous :P I just agree with apple's motivation
@SterlingArcher no one forces you to use wires today
bluetooth isn't new.
I know that :P
@OliverSalzburg you know damn well that that would be inconvenient.
@Luggage Right. That's what I posed the question. As a way to make a point about wireless being more convenient
2 days ago, by Sterling Archer
user image
I never said 100% of the time wired is always better
@OliverSalzburg sure, some wireless is more convenient
i said that i find wired headphones a convenience, not an inconvenience. same with mice.
both of those never nead the computer/phone they are being used with.. unlike an internet connection
conversation destroyer
My wired headphones at my desk are a total pain, I always get tangled. And at the gym wireless is almost a necessity when boxing or running.
I wish they'd put more effort into making my TV connect to its sources wireless. wireless HDMI would be cool
Speaking of, omg... my back and shoulders are so fucking sore
I find wired mice annoying af and I have more than once pulled my phone off the table while rushing somewhere, forgetting where the music is coming from
in PHP, 9 mins ago, by PeeHaa
http://legalhackers.com/advisories/MySQL-Exploit-Remote-Root-Code-Execution-Priv‌​esc-CVE-2016-6662.html \o/
@rlemon took steph here on saturday. So much fun
MySQL RCE vuln.
@OliverSalzburg you leave a desk without taking your phone? weird. :)
@OliverSalzburg so for you this makes sense, but you already had the option to go wireless before. all apple did was force an expensive dongle for anyone who isn't you and Sterling
But.. don't go to these places after you've done back day at the gym. I could barely move yesterday
replacing the 3.5mm for usb-c would probably be pretty legit actually. anyone actually doing that? Samsung?
@rlemon Yeah, I really don't care for Apple products, so I don't care about the missing jack either, it doesn't affect me. I just don't get what all the fuzz is about. The alternatives to wired have been there for ages and nobody is forced to buy the new phone anyway. But, somehow, this is a topic
@OliverSalzburg yea I'm not gonna buy the product, but we can still discuss how abysmal the decision was given the arguments for it.
and how many other better alternative there are
@rlemon speaking of the credit card readers -- apple may have been thinking about boosting ApplePay by removing those as options?
yea. it's a topic for the exact reason you brought up, like the cd/dvd drive being dropped.
@SterlingArcher ofc, but you cannot take payments from apple pay
only give...
and. it might turn out the same. maybe in a couple years no phone with have headphone jacks.
but, i suspect they will
they have a really nice time decorating a turd and asking for more
@rlemon That is always interesting :)
I'm sure they'll (not sure who) create a dock with a lightning port that connects to a reader
Or they'll just use legacy machines
yea, but usb-c would have been better for that. then they can sue the same reader on android. chrome books, many new laptops, etc
@SterlingArcher people don't bat an eye when apple does something to make life 'easier' which just eliminates options.. because "ohh but you can just buy this additional dock"
lightning might be nice, but I always prefer a standard when one isn't far behind the proprietary option
like... fuck.. the products are already over priced, but you have to buy 19 other things too?
how... how do I create such marketing?
They can always go android if they don't want to buy stuff :P
I think the products are properly priced, but apple should make less profit and pay workers more or blah blah
@SterlingArcher that is obviously the answer, but ignoring the "don't buy it then"
because you know they've already suckered millions in with branding who will buy it just because
phones have been losing useful ports/features for a while
early smartphones often had an IR blaster
I'd buy samsung but I'm scared it'll explode in my pocket :P
you could get all-in-one remote apps. no longer.
lol, you know they make more than one model right?
also apparently the new notes are starting to ship soon
samsung is meh in the android world.
galaxy s class is okay
I don't like what they did to android tho
yea, usually decent hardware, with samsung crapware
not the best ahrdware, but pretty up there.
nice camera
and a battery that comes out
that is rare
yea. i'm mostly ok with that, these days
(SO has S5)
another thing apple took away that ended up becoming mainstream
I have the N4 and N5
I'm more okay with lack of removable battery, less okay with lack of expandable memory
i want a phone with a full size CF slot and ability to give apps permission to it
I just want a phone with a battery that lasts for dayssss
I'd pay so much for that
wired to the wall, just how I like'em.
i hate you
@SterlingArcher you can get solar cases
charge while your phone is just sitting on your desk
and the apple smart battery case
put an iphone 6 inside a batter case inside another batter case that was meant for 6 plus.
@FlorianMargaine Have you ever played with LLVM (or any compilers, really)? LLVM Cauldron's videos just came out youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOGTP9W1DX5X9dNzT02d-CP-OWOR4kKpq
@rlemon awesome! Going to have to grab it

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