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room topic changed to Flask: Python web application micro framework [[flask]] [[jinja]] [[python]] [[werkzeug]]
@bakkal hey
Hey @davidism I was going to ask you to talk here instead of Python!
This docs thing is sort of overwhelming, I never got the proposal through during private beta.
There's like 10 people editing the intro page at once. :-/
What's missing? I submitted mine during the public beta I think I was the first in the public one (cause I was last of the 5 proposers and there was none for review so I posted mine) but I agree lots of edits and nothing got true
Do you care to post your own for me to approve or something so at least we have ground version to edit?
I'm at work, so I can't really spend time on it until I get home in 8 hours. So go ahead and write, I'll go through and approve.
I think I'll focus on creating new pages then cleaning up the others until the activity dies down a bit.
Alright I'll give it a try, I'm still trying to find out the "rules" for this documentation project, like attribution and if I should include details that may be available on another SO doc page like for virutalenv installation. I'll put something up we can always edit :)
RE: running Flask 0.11, is now discouraged.
What should I use? I'll edit
Should be using the env vars and flask command.
export FLASK_DEBUG=True
flask run
Really, it should be FLASK_APP=flaskr and flaskr should be installed with, but we left a hack in to allow pointing at files still.
I submitted a change.
There doesn't appear to be a way to reject page proposals. Someone went through and proposed that a single page would be good for each Flask extension.
18 messages deleted
think we've had enough fun with this fellas - thanks.
#oppression #dictatorship
u guys just hate fun
I do like that I can reject edits in one vote.
what's the stackoverflow policy for electing moderators
if u get b& in flask do u get b& IRL?
So, is this a place I can ask questions about Bottle then?
Good god this is the best day
If you drink while using Flask, you drink in real life.
@tristan they have to enjoy wearing very tightly fitting white jackets and bouncing around in a padded cell :p
@JonClements you should undelete those messages, I didn't mind.
@davidism can't undelete
Although we probably have sufficiently weirded out @bakkal. :-)
seriously though: what benefit does this give over the official documentation?
@MartijnPieters you missed the boat on funnies mate :)
@tristan user-contributed examples can add to official documentation.
Nothing, as far as I can tell. I guess if it was as complete as the docs, it could potentially be updated faster.
@JonClements What, a boat-in-a-glass-bottle?
i'm not just being a fart and i'm actually curious if there's a good idea in there
But we generally accept pull requests to improve the docs, and the dev docs are built automatically.
then just different/better interface for iterating over suggestions to port into the "real" docs?
I guess. I was planning on using it for examples that I keep hammering duplicates of.
@bakkal I don't think we should be creating topics for individual Flask extensions. They should really get their own tags.
Any reasonably interesting extension will have a page a mile long if we cram all the examples into one.
Hmm yeah agree, flask-restful will have its own doc page
Can you retract your draft, or do I have to reject it?
@davidism is this a room you intend to keep on going (I think it's a good idea)
@JonClements yeah, I'll see how long it goes. I'm not going to keep it alive if no one's active in it.
@davidism I deleted a section of the page, but couldn't find how to delete the Flask-RESTful page, can you try?
@bakkal I don't see the proposal anymore
@davidism just don't go stealing the clientele from the python room :p
Phew! finally found the cogwheel to delete my RESTful draft
@davidism I'm just going to try something - don't panic...
umm... I was kinda expecting something to happen when a room has no owners
what did you expect? anarchy? :P
@JonClements not going to lie, I panicked. Expect a bill for my therapy sessions.
@bakkal hahaha... if you don't already know David - he doesn't accept anarchy :p
What about mutiny? what's the punishment?
Convert 10 SQLAlchemy queries to Django and say 5 Hail mitsuhikos as penance.
@bakkal puts on best pirate voice: ye walk th' plank ma hardy
@davidism okay... that didn't work as expected... did you want to post the link and pin it?
Flask chat was recorded, check it out here if you missed it:
@davidism I was reading your draft, maybe instead of flaskr folder/project name use something like hello or myapp, maybe a beginner won't know if it is a Flask thing or just an arbitrary project name?
Yeah, flaskr isn't clear. I changed it to "project". Hopefully users can decide to substitute their own project name.
Argh, I don't like that submitting a new example is considered an edit to the whole page.
@davidism Do you think a topic called "Testing a Flask application" is worth it in the Flask doc? With examples to test a Hello World, or a JSON API built in pure-Flask etc
Testing definitely needs a topic. Flask uses py.test, so focus on that. There can be examples for the test_request_context, the test_client.
OK I like pytest, I hate unitttest's camel case anyway lol
Hmm, that messes up the syntax section, since there's multiple functions being discussed.
I guess we just ignore the syntax section?
1 hour later…
@davidism I've made a minimalist test with pytest, I avoided using plugins, anything fancy or that requires elaborate project folder structure and setup. Any feedback before I add an example to test a JSON API with flask and pytest?
@bakkal looks good to me
OK, JSON API test coming up :)
I'm hesitant about writing a lot of prose, but I'll see where it goes
What do you prefer? rap? poetry? a haiku? kidding lol
Agree, too soon to tell what will be the preferred style
why the documentation here? isn't it hard enough to maintain actual docs?
I just don't want it to turn into blog posts.
@wgwz welcome to my pain
As if paying attention to the quality on the tag wasn't enough.
it seems really awkward so far.
The doc with the actual project also has advantage of being runnable and auto generated with the project as it changes
i think if the canonical's were organized better that would go a long way to improving the learning experience on SO
There's also the problem that docs about Flask are actually mostly documenting Werkzeug stuff.
do the flask docs directly pull stuff from the werkzeug docs?
We modify them to be relevant to the Flask docs. There's a bug report in about making it way more clear that there's a lot of docs in Werkzeug and Jinja too.
gotcha, i remember seeing that one at one point. i'll take a look again.
i think we need to set more actionable tasks for cleaning up the actual flask docs. i'd be glad to contribute more. just not entirely clear what needs to be improved. (flask conference sprints! :P)
Yeah, we got some pretty good docs just from my impromptu PyCon sprint.
so the werkzeug stuff needs to pulled out and referenced more then?
anyways sorry to change the topic. it'll be interesting to see how this SO docs stuff turns out
Ugh, it's sort of this vauge sense of disorder that I have about our docs, not anything that I can point at in an issue yet. I really need to sit down and organize my thoughts on the docs at some point.
It's on my todo list.
fwiw i'll try to think about it some as well. and like i said, i'm more than willing to contribute what i can once i have a better idea of what to do. i'll try to prod you along :P
I've got way too much on my plate: all of Pallets, Flask-SQLAlchemy, Flask-Alembic, Flask-WTF, and WTForms. Plus all my actual work and hobby projects.
I need to get a calendar and just block off chunks for one thing at a time.
I've become pretty familiar with WTF, I'll try to jump in on some of that as well. I'll start following those projects github. (again this all fwiw because i am relatively new to a lot of this stuff)
my templates example for flask introduction is rejected saying that there is a topic for that. As I was unable to find the topic, only one topic is present now should I create a topic named "templates" and post my example code in there ?
@atayenel yes, templates, while a core concept, is not part of the introduction to Flask. Create a separate topic.
@davidism: I 'requested' routing as a topic mostly to try out that feature.
Yeah, I was going to make some requests too, mostly as a checklist of things I need to remember.
1 hour later…
@davidism Thanks for your comments on the pages, will address shortly, meanwhile can you tell me if you agree with this structure? e.g to setup the app for testing, I didn't do this in other examples to keep them short,
It's really hard to generalize about pytest fixtures. For example, I usually push an app context before yielding the app. And I have another fixture that yields a client.
I like the idea though, but I might iterate on it later.
Could be an example called "reduce boilerplate with fixtures".
Alright, I'll submit one and try it out see if I like it myself and let you know :P
I'm out for dinner for the moment, thanks for the nice chat and feedback, see you soon!
Unless you wanted to list even older versions.
@MartijnPieters I already approved it.
This is the new problem I'm noticing, not enough people are participating to approve edits.
So we need to coordinate better.
@davidism ah, it needs more than one person approving it then?
Status: Awaiting approval
Yeah, 2 approvals or 1 reject clears a review.
It's only day 1 in public beta, maybe with time things will pick up
room topic changed to Flask: Python web application micro framework [flask] [jinja] [python] [werkzeug]
Approved, to expedite @MartijnPieters changes :D
@bakkal ta! :-)
3 hours later…
Creating requested topic Working with JSON:
Will add fetch() API version later
Looks like I can approve changes with one vote now.
I'm working on the signals page.

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