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!!en fuck you
!!en tageslichtprojektor
!!en je suis un citron
I am a lemon
!!translate fr I am a lemon
Je suis un citron
!!translate de PHP is an awesome programming language
PHP ist eine Programmiersprache, genial
!!translate nl @PeeHaa smells of french onion soup
@PeeHaa geuren van Franse uiensoep
!!translate de if you want to have unit-testable controllers or swappable services, that is…
Wenn Sie Einheit testbar Controller oder Swap Dienstleistungen haben möchten, ist...
@cv-pls lolski
If you testable controller or swap would have unit services,...
That's not even remotely english
Ce n’est pas encore à distance en anglais
!!de I have to use soap today :(
@PeeHaa I only made !!en as shorthand and then !!translate <lang> for arbitrary languages, was pondering making a few others for euro languages
Could do with having a more bash-like command aliasing system really
wait command are case sensitive?
@DaveRandom The empty string is the same in every language
@DaveRandom The empty string is the same in every language
@DaveRandom k
!!de I have to use soap today :(
!!plugin list translate
Command endpoints for plugin 'Translate' (enabled):
[ ] Translate - Translates text to the specified language (Default command: translate, No mapped commands)
[ ] ToDanish - Translates text to Danish (Default command: da, No mapped commands)
[ ] ToDutch - Translates text to Dutch (Default command: nl, No mapped commands)
[X] ToEnglish - Translates text to English (Default command: en, Mapped commands: en)
[ ] ToFrench - Translates text to French (Default command: fr, No mapped commands)
[ ] ToGerman - Translates text to German (Default command: de, No mapped commands)
!!command map de translate togerman
Command 'de' is now mapped to Translate # togerman
Ich habe Seife verwenden heute :(
!!command map klingon translate toklingon
Command 'klingon' is now mapped to Translate # toklingon
!!klingon why does the api even have klingon as an option?
qatlh tlhIngan vabDot ghaj api je DuH?
!!de gegenschein
qatlh tlhIngan vabDot ghaj fire je DuH?
qatlh tlhIngan vabDot ghaj fire je DuH? (detected input language: id)
Why do you have a Klingon, and api even Possible? (detected input language: tlh)
1 hour later…
!!command list
Commands currently mapped:
 canon - Posts links to canonical resources on various subjects (Canonicals # canon)
 chuck - Posts a random Chuck Norris joke (ChuckSkeet # Chuck)
 docs - Searches the PHP manual and displays links with a summary of the result (PHPDocs # Search)
 eval - Executes code snippets on 3v4l.org and displays the output (3v4l # Eval)
 get - Sends HTTP GET request and displays the headers of the response (HTTPRequester # GET)
 giphy - Gets random gifs from Giphy and displays them in oneboxes (Giphy # Random)

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