Now I am creating an application that works like 'iAnnotate PDF'
Till now I have completed reading and displaying pdf pages in UIView.
Even I am sucessful in getting TOC.
Now I want to edit PDFs, Editing includes marker, highlights and writing notes.
Now my question is how to edit? I mean do...
This is the routine I generally use to insert data in bulk..
static sqlite3 *masterDB;
static sqlite3_stmt *init_statement = nil;
NSString* statement;
if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(masterDB, [statement UTF8String], -1, &init_statement, NULL) != SQL...
I'm wondering if someone can help me understand what is wrong with this block of code. I never get past the sqlite3_prepare_v2 statement and the debugger says :
'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Error while creating add statement. 'out of memory''
static sqlite3 *database = nil;...
I am using FMDB to create and add a record to a d/b. The method to create the d/b is:
//----------------------- checkIfDatabaseExists -----------------|
+ (void) openCreateDB {
NSArray *searchPaths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES); /...
Lately it seems as if everything Apple touches turns to gold, well the new iPad seems to be no different, just days ago Apple announced that they have sold three million units of the new iPad. This comes just less than a week since the iPad first went on sale. For comparison, it took Apple [...]
I released my App. it work well but it has iadview that doesn't appear in iPhone, and ipad with ios version 4.3
it appear very well in iPod and iPad with 5.1 ios version, any idea to solve that, is there any setting I should set in itunes connect , my application work on ios 4.2 and latter
@spokanedude i need to reset the float value which i saved in nsuserdfault.. otherwise whenever my app launches i need to start from 0. but it start form the saved value so only asking i need to reset that value when app treminates....
@Terminator hi... @anon... said you were the go-to girl for answers. I am trying to create custom cells... I have a question out on SO (…)... could you take a look at it?
@spokanedude Setting text to UILabel, UITextField and UITextView is same and is done by setting it's text property to some NSString. For example - yourLabel.text = @"I am Sponkane Dude";
@Terminator yes, I know that... but what is wrong with my code to cause the error. As I indicated, the sArray has valid data in it, but for some reason I can't seem to get it into the labels...
@Terminator really? let me look... exact error is nothing goes into the label because cellForRowAtIndexPath: is never called. I think it's because there is nothing in "staLabels". I have an error at "staLabels = sa.sSiteID; " which is: (copying it now) brb
@spokanedude Show your entire cellForRowAtIndexPath: method
@spokanedude And as far as cellForRowAtIndexPath: is not getting called is concerned - There are several reasons. The table view data source is not set. Number of rows returned is 0.
@Terminator well, until I can figure out how to get the data from sArray into the data source for the custom cells, it isn't working. I thought the warnings were the cause of no data in DS
@spokanedude Take your time and post good questions. Elaborate them, specify errors, warnings, etc. Make use of screenshots when required. Bad, unformatted, incomplete, confusing questions certainly misses potential responders.
@Terminator thank you, I understand. OK... hopefully this will give you the info you need. I just updated the Q again (look for UPDATE:) for the code and an explanation. (I appreciate your input regarding forming the question, etc. btw)
@Terminator if you want, I can delete that Q and do it again if you think it will help...
@spokanedude In this line staLabels = sa.sSiteID; - I believe staLabels is an array. So you are actually trying to assign a string (sa.sSiteID) to an array staLabels.
@spokanedude The compiler is making sense because you are trying to assign incompatible pointer types.
@Terminator yep... here is the def for staLabels: @property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *staLabels; @property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *descLabels; @property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *dateLabels; As I indicated, I am copying an example from a book
@Terminator this was in the example (, so I just copied it... how do I fix it? dbCode.listOfSites is an array which contains occurances of sArray
@Terminator already have done the NSLog ditty... and right now, it contains 1 entry, which is correct... it has the 3 values from sArray in it, which is correct
@spokanedude So your dbCode.listOfSites contain occurrences of sArray. Now you have 3 separate arrays for holding siteDesc, JobDecs and JobDate of each of the sArray.
@spokanedude You are doing it wrong. Just keep a single array for holding all sites. And for populating the table - fetch the sites one by one, assign properties of the site to corresponding cell's label.
@Terminator right.. it didn't make any sense to me when I saw it, but thought the guy who wrote the article knew what he was talking about. If I had done it, I would have used a single array (as you have described)
@spokanedude Your dbCode is local to a method. And the array you need is dbCode.listOfSites. So assuming you have your sitesArray, you can do there sitesArray = dbCode.listOfSites;
And then you can make use of your sitesArray in the table view's data source method.
@Terminator I'll give it a go... and thank you so very much for your time and patience... hopefully I'll get it to work... how much longer are you going to be around?
I have a tableview with each cell having a label and a textbox. I have the textbox disabled unless edit mode is turned on. How do i get all the textboxes to be enabled when they enable editing? Is there an easy way using tableview or will I have to loop through each cell and do it manually?