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Hi. Some npm version change is breaking my code...hence the following line fails...
var serveStatic = require('./node_modules/grunt-contrib-connect/node_modules/serve-static');
any errors?
cannot file module...
Hi all
Need help with this question
however, when I drop into a node shell, and type in require('serve-static') it works...
ifrc npm has changed the way it downloads and manages depedencies...
It changed in since v3.0. Now packages are managed in a flatter structure
@Twiknight Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I had written that code for a prior version (npm)...so now I am required to do a version check and execute the right code?
or is there an alternative?
@CapricaSix no donuts for you...
Have they already updated npm shipped with Node v4.x.x? I think NPM on v4.x.x may remain the way they worked..
@deostroll .......
Can anybody please help?
If you depend on serve-static, include is a dependency.
@TusharShukla You asked it 13 minutes ago
Be patient
herpy derpy
even the grunt-contrib-connect service is dead...
It is invalid to mix width descriptors and pixel density descriptors in the same srcset attribute. Duplicate descriptors (for instance, two sources in the same srcset which are both described with '2x') are invalid, too.from developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/img
You can still get various ways to describe the width mixed together
I know some C. How long it is going to take for me to learn C++ and be able to develop console games? Could somebody tell me?
1000 hours? maybe 10000?
atleast play a part in developing console games.
@Maurice was that to me or for me?
games = code + 3d/2d modeling + design
ok only the code part?
Look: professional game developer teams with 3 to 5 guys needs several years to create a average game
@Maurice ok tysm. do you develop games?
Define "game". Higher/lower is one of the first programming tasks one does when learning programming.
It is very cool to be able to develop games I feel and think.
@TodoPertin I did. Unity3d and UDK
Unity3d uses something similiar to javascript - unityscript
@Maurice wow you are a very cool guy then.
3d modeling blender3d and 3ds max
I've made a snake clone when I was young.
@JanDvorak games for console I meant.
Text consoles, or gaming consoles?
thanks @Twiknight
platform, he means.
@JanDvorak I do not know why you ask me that.
You can probably write a tech demo for PS4, but it's not worth the licence costs.
!!wiki ECMAScript
ECMAScript (or ES) is a trademarked scripting-language specification standardized by Ecma International in ECMA-262 and ISO/IEC 16262. Well-known implementations of the language, such as JavaScript, JScript and ActionScript have come into wide use for client-side scripting on the Web. == History == The ECMAScript specification is a standardized specification of a scripting language developed by Brendan Eich of Netscape; initially it was named Mocha, later LiveScript, and finally JavaScript. In December 1995, Sun Microsystems and Netscape announced JavaScript in a press release. In March 1...
@JanDvorak ok. (y)
I ask because I usually read "console games" as referring to the text console.
(y) is the equivalent of thumbs up in facebook.
@JanDvorak (y)
!!wiki (y)
A thumbs-up or thumbs-down is a common hand gesture achieved by a closed fist held with the thumb extended upward or downward in approval or disapproval, respectively. These gestures have become metaphors in English: "The audience gave the movie the thumbs-up" means that the audience approved of the movie, regardless of whether the gesture was actually made. == Origins == The source of the gesture is obscure, but a number of origins have been proposed. === Opposable thumbs === Carleton S. Coon, having observed Barbary apes in Gibraltar using the gesture, hypothesised in the anthropologi...
Can we get rid of that ... (y) thing?
@CapricaSix how do you have 1490 rep if you are only a bot?
@JanDvorak why?
I'm imagining you holding up your thumb throughout a physical conversation and holding the grin like that guy on the picture does.
One does not simply thumb up another during a professional setting.
@JanDvorak I do not mean to appear like him. I'm just saying everything is nice and good.
@JanDvorak ok
@TodoPertin PS4 games can be developed in a number of languages. You usually want to start with a framework, so you don't need to be a ninja to get it working. Getting the development kit (hardware) may be the harder part.
!!youtube bb8 thumbs up scene
@Sheepy wow. tysm
!!wiki tysm
Tysmenytsia (Ukrainian: Тисмениця; a.k.a. Tysmienica, Tysmenitsa, Tyśmienica ) is a city, the administrative center of Tysmenytsia Raion (district) in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast of western Ukraine. Population: 9,497 (2013 est.). == Geography == The city is also located in very close vicinity to the administrative center of Prykarpattia, Ivano-Frankivsk. It has a population 9,600 people according to the Ukrainian Census (2001). The city is famous for its fur factory "Tysmenytsia" that was established back in 1891. In the Soviet times the factory was the fourth major factory within the fur industry of...
yeah.. stop using that acronym as well, please :-)
@JanDvorak lol. nice video
Jan, I never knew this word before
@Sheepy thank you.
@JanDvorak the video isn't of good quality but I could see the thumbs up like thing coming up from the bot's stomach and it was enough.
@Maurice my tysm is not tysnytsia but "thank you so much". I was thanking.
@TodoPertin Sure. Start with PSV (if you must stick with console) or mobile game. They are indie friendly. From what I heard, you have zero chance to get a PS4 dev kit if your company have made zero games. And it must be a company.
wow, this might be interesting for you guys: de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akronym#Akronyme_im_WWW
@Sheepy ok. thank you.
Some alien's going to land on earth one day, learn about our culture and how a thumb and middle finger mean very different things and then promptly decide to leave our planet as fast as possible
@Sheepy so PSV what I need.
UDK and Unity support ps4 aswell...
!!wiki psv
The Philips Sport Vereniging (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈfilɪps ˌspɔrt fəˌreːnəɣɪŋ], English: Philips Sports Union), abbreviated as PSV and internationally known as PSV Eindhoven [ˌpeːjɛsˈfeː ˈɛi̯ntˌɦoːvə(n)] is a sports club from Eindhoven, Netherlands. It is best known for its professional football department, which plays in the Eredivisie, the Dutch football top division, since its inception in 1956 and, along with Ajax and Feyenoord, it is one of the country's "big three" clubs that have dominated that competition. The club was founded in 1913 as a team for Philips employees. PSV’s history contains...
"Nope, no intelligent life here"
... THIS is the problem with acronyms :-D
@Maurice why is it in non-English?
@TodoPertin Considering that smartphone is more powerful and much much more common than PSV, I'd actually advise mobile. Even Nintendo, after holding out the longest, has seen the writing on the wall and is planning to collaborate with a mobile game developer.
Who uses english anyways? Most of the SO denizens use Indish.
At least you should know which language it is...
@Sheepy so if I manage to develop a simple mobile game I could get PS4 development kit?
Is it racist to say that most of the folks with bad english come here from India?
@TodoPertin please, move to game development section on SO.
@Sheepy you are nice. thank you.
@JanDvorak maybe. But it's the truth.
@TodoPertin I'd only say that if you can finish and publish a mobile game, you should get a better idea of what is game development.
@JanDvorak depends. Does racist mean to discriminate based solely on the basis of race?
is this rlemon?
no some chinese guy
I doubt the ranks though. is this fact?
> I'm not racist. I'm statistician.
@JanDvorak yeah, that doesn't work for me either
@Sheepy Ok and thank you.
> When I want to get someone's attention, I just start my sentence with "I'm not racist, but. .." For instance, "I'm not racist, but you look great today."
!!summon 41570
@JanDvorak I will appear in that room after 1 more invocation(s)
!!summon 41570
> "Wait, that wasn't racist. " "I told you I wasn't racist, but you weren't listening. Typical Mexican"
!!nudge 45 regressions
@MadaraUchiha Nudge #2 registered.
my team viewer remote session is fucked up
it kepps pressing a key all the time
I dunno which key because I'm on the windows login screen xD
@Neoares could be them you know
@Neil who :o
@Neoares the destination computer
Someone with their finger on the keyboard
Or a cat
!!wiki racist
Racism is a product of the complex interaction in a given society of a race-based worldview with prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination. Racism can be present in social actions, practices, or political systems (e.g., apartheid) that support the expression of prejudice or aversion in discriminatory practices. The ideology underlying racist practices often includes the idea that humans can be subdivided into distinct groups that are different in their social behavior and innate capacities and that can be ranked as inferior or superior. Racist ideology can become manifest in many aspects of social...
or a weight balanced on top of a d6
or !!define racist
Anyone knows how to debug the livereload functionality of the grunt-contrib-connect package...? #gruntjs
@TodoPertin Try not to use this room as online dictionary.
something is breaking it...
@Sheepy sorry. I will remeber that.
@Neil lol
I find it cool to use the bot or anything that has to do with bot. I was not realising I was abusing it.
!!tell todo sandbox
@todo Please go and play in the Sandbox
it refuses to talk to me in the sandbox.
We're all very serious here, @TodoPertin. Dickbutt
@Neil ok. sorry.
@Neil Please don't talk like that to newcomers
Neil is right. it is talking to me in the sandbox now.
@TodoPertin I was just kidding. I honestly intended no offense by that
I did not do something right before so it was not talking to me.
@neil it is alright I'm so grateful and lucky to be talking with developer people. I do not mind at all.
Rather the point by that was to lighten the mood, failing miserably in the process
@Neil Sorry for my manner. I should have ended my every sentence with poker face. (▔__▔)
destination computer trolled me
@Neoares ah ha!
@Neil if was the nanny
It's always the Butler
how do you call the "cleaning lady" in english?
I don't know a proper word
Cleaning Lady?
oh, ok
Maid as well
oh yes maid
@Neoares No, what's a cleaning lady
oh, a maid
oh lol
I thought you were doing a sarcasting answer
Cleaning lady perhaps is more American English
"I told that teachin' lady that the only colors I need to know are red, white, and blue"
I failed to notice the maid comments above.
@BenjaminGruenbaum do you remember the name of the library from the AST talk? The one that applies inline transformations to JS?
There is this novel that I've just finished where the protagonist is named "America" - decades after the naming country has disappeared from world map. Guess it's a boy or girl?
@Sheepy the selection?
It is a girl.
Aw. Yes. The Selection.
Wish we have a spoiler tag.
Country names are feminine.
I wonder how names 500 years will be to us now
!!tell @MaryDaisySanchez
@TodoPertin Invalid /tell arguments. Use /help for usage info
!!tell @MaryDaisySanchez
Probably outlandish by current standards
@TodoPertin ? :x
Back in the day we had esters and Gwendolyn
@MaryDaisySanchez do not mind. our bot was supposed to tell you that you cannot "hi" people here. you may ask your question.
What makes you assume Mary came here with a question?
and if somebody is free and interested, your problem is good as solved.
In the future,I'd expect names like papaya and Russia
banana banana banana
@JanDvorak ok. sorry.
@MaryDaisySanchez how are you?
She's experiencing existential problems apparently
!!welcome TodoPertin
@TodoPertin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@TodoPertin I think you've scared her away
She just has a better memory than you human. Or us mammels. Don't second guess bots. They are faithful and dedicated and are destinated to rule the world.
the bot is not made for me. it is so embarrassing.
Mornin' all
@Polyducks very good morning and hand(have a nice day, really).
Hand! That's a new one :p
@Sheepy I think that should it happen, the matrix canon would be fairly accurate
yeah, HAND.
Tasty ;)
New topic: any of you guys familiar with adding eastereggs to your scripts? I've done a few and I was wondering what other devs do
@sagivasan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Polyducks Ask @rlemon
1 message moved to Trash can
@sagivasan Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
!!tell sagivasan format
@TodoPertin Don't be annoying, drop the @, nobody likes a double-ping.
@sagivasan Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
i have scope "manage_pages" fb login
but its asking permission for some people
is it because of any privacy setting ?
@rlemon someone said you're the guy to ask about eastereggs in your script
@Neil Human heat cells is just a waste of energy. Creating a virtual reality to keep the human cells entertained even more so.
@sagivasan you might want to repost your code. the bot trashed it automatically. sorry that it happened.
FB.login(function (loginResponse)
       if (loginResponse.status === 'connected')
           bfday.Facebook.fbApi(loginResponse, callback);
        scope: 'manage_pages,email',
        auth_type : 'rerequest'
i am trying to do like pagevamp.com
i tried with my friends account some people doesnt get page permission popup
@Sheepy well really i meant more like the origin
They'd probably keep a small number to study and slaughter the rest
@sagivasan you might not get an answer right away but people here will help if they can.
@sagivasan or you could ask this on Stack Overflow.
ok i tried to get solution for this issues but i couldnt found
@Neil You mean giving the rest the ultimate salvation. :)
@sireeshaj Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i have an issue with jquery,can any one help?
@sireeshaj simply ask your question and wait with patience.
@sireeshaj "Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help."
@Sheepy what, you mean according to the machines?
@MadaraUchiha nudge regressions
@Neil And to us animals. And to our Earth mother. To pretty much everything, really, isn't it?
i have a file upload system,and facing issue with ajax call fom server
!!nudge 30 regressions
@MadaraUchiha Nudge #3 registered.
some files shows clearly,but some files shows 404 error
my error message here is:
message /INVOICEPROCESSINGSYSTEM/InvoiceInventory/Riverview%20Service%20Center/SHOP/Othe‌​rs/G%20&%20A%20Martin%20Electrical%20Contractors%20Pty%20Ltd%20Invoice%20
That's not an error message
!!wiki riverview
Riverview may refer to communities, historic houses or other places: == Australia == Riverview, New South Wales, a suburb of Sydney St Ignatius' College, Riverview Riverview, Queensland, a suburb of Ipswich == Canada == Riverview, Alberta, a hamlet in Alberta Riverview, Manitoba, a neighbourhood in Winnipeg Riverview, New Brunswick Riverview (Ottawa), a neighbourhood, Ontario Riverview (Gatineau), a historic house in Gatineau, Quebec Riverview, St. Catharines, a community that is now part of St. Catharines == United States of America == Riverview, Alabama, a community Riverview, Arka...
but iam getting 404 error
@sireeshaj Is there a pattern to what passes and what not? Size? Type? Name? Location? Text or binary?
@Sheepy salvation from life is death in your opinion?
@sireeshaj i think your error is related to online transaction.
@sireeshaj 404 is an error. Your %20 string is not.
File ftemp= new File(basePath +"//InvoiceInventory//"+store.name+"//SHOP//"+invoiceType+"//"); // for tomcat
That's not a great file name.
@Neil I'll drop it first. That goes too far for a joke.
1 message moved to Trash can
@sireeshaj Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
tell sireeshaj format
Does anyone know how I can get the following to work?
@TodoPertin she literally just did
function loaded(){
	document.getElementById("topPanel").style.width = "calc(100% - 100px);";
	function OpenFancyBox(invoiceId){

			openEffect: 'elastic',
			closeEffect: 'elastic',
			autoSize: true,
			type: 'iframe',
			loop : false,
			helpers : {
			  overlay : {closeClick: false},
			  title : {  // put title on the top
                type: 'inside',
                position : 'top'
			beforeShow: function () {
	            if (this.title) {
	                // New line
	                this.title += '<br />';
@Arunex first thing I'd try would be to remove the semicolon
@sireeshaj I am not sure we can help you. You haven't pinpointed the error. You need to know how your program works and debug it, which we can't do with code snippets.
I am not made for the bot.
@JanDvorak Facepalm thanks
@sireeshaj 404 is address path related.
yes ,but i did not able to find where i did wrong
Do you know how your program work?
That ginormous chunk of HTML surely is wrong.
@sireeshaj Try explain it.
@Sheepy it wasn't obvious to me, sorry
we have uploaded some files into server and those files will be saved into drive.head office people wants to download those files from server.so,in this process head office people getting some files with this 404 error(but not all files).
8 mins ago, by Jan Dvorak
That's not a great file name.
@sireeshaj So, you have 404 error. Are those files actually saved?
in my drive that file shows data
You have an "&" in your filename that is not escaped. How did you escape the file names?
@AwalGarg 8 mins ago, by Jan Dvorak That's not a file name. (source)
raise your hands if you like AngularJS : otherwise stay silent :_-)
(glance around at the sudden silent)
how to correct it?
please guide me
> only egoists quote themselves. -Neil, the fantastic
@sireeshaj you are from India? Where in India do you live?
In github repo, where should I add documentation?
In wiki section right?
@sireeshaj hi
@sireeshaj Are you using ajax to request the files? Or are the links coded by the server and server alone?

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