I suspect religions were created either because someone believed in them, or because those in power wanted to retain that power. Doubt establishing peace had much to do with it either way
@jalf well, I don't know about most religions, but Buddha created Buddhism for world peace, Muhammad united all Arab tribes and stopped tribal wars, Jesus preached about peace. etc.
@DeadMG I don't think so, for example Buddha was a prince. and he gave all that up for Buddhism. Similarly Muhammad was one of the leaders of the Quraish, the biggest tribe in Arabia. and he gave all that up for Islam. etc.
@DeadMG well, Buddha didn't recieve any power, neither did Jesus. Muhammad did recieve power close to the end, but he chose to decline the offer. etc. In fact, they were all persecuted.
@jalf Except that only spreads it to the crazies, not normal people. Especially since they already had existing religions and would have been pretty resistant to change.
@IntermediateHacker You're thinking too narrow. I'm sure that Buddha never received the power to, say, steal other people's land, but having a whole bunch of people follow on every word is hardly un-powerful, is it?
@RMartinhoFernandes It's not really the same thing. People were forced into doing what he said, effectively. Become the leader of Buddhism? People want to please you.
@RMartinhoFernandes more likely, he'd just go back to being a prince if he failed, and I'm also pretty sure that being religious leader is significantly more than being a prince.
@DeadMG how did they all know they would be able to convince people? it's a huge gamble. Buddha was persecuted for several years by the Brahmin priests. Muhammad was tortured and persecuted by the Makkans for 10 years. etc.
@DeadMG not necessarily. Momentum means a lot. If you can find some more crazies to spread it to, your religion is growing, and people notice that. And to a lot of people, I suspect it means a lot what you can offer. Does your religion make the world sound like a better place? Or rather, does it better explain all the trouble and pain you encounter, *and then say "but it's ok because in the end, you'll get _____"? Then a lot of people would listen, I suspect
Can anyone tell me what is wrong with the code below.
template<typename anytype>
class List;
template<typename anytype>
class Dict;
#include "classdeclaration.h"
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
@CatPlusPlus when you write "lol", with a capital "L" you are breaking the symmetry of the letters, and it looks ugly. My eyes hurt everytime you write "Lol" instead of "lol" or "LOL".