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can somebody explain me why this is giving me template errors? pastebin.com/WgQQpVn0
don't you need to specify which std::for_each you're expecting it to use explicitly?
std::for_each is not a function.
ah ok, makes sense
(you could use a lambda there that calls the std::for_each and has it deduced like normal I think)
@awoodland yeah, I did it like that but it seemed kinda lame to me
well, thanks guys, helped a lot
@ScottW lol. animals are lazy.
@IntermediateHacker See the cat's left forepaw on the keyboard? That's how Perl code gets written.
@TonyTheLion not bad, how's you?
afternoon. in fact, evening in about an hour.
depends on where you live
12:16 here
Oh, shit, it's noon already.
I only just got up
Also, if you're a Muslim, please don't kill me. ;) <-- I would have done it, if he had equated Islam to Java... :D
religious people are way too serious about religion
X people are way too serious about X
too true
I'm a Y person, btw. Death to Xs!
although generic X doesn't have a tendency to start wars quite like religion does
I don't think real people die in language wars
the thing that bothers me though, was that most religions were created to establish peace. And now they're one of the causes for war...
@ScottW Stoustrup may sue us.
@IntermediateHacker citation needed?
on the first part, that is
@DeadMG Think about all the LOCs sacrificed in the name of some language or other. Can't you hear their faint cries?
no :D
I suspect religions were created either because someone believed in them, or because those in power wanted to retain that power. Doubt establishing peace had much to do with it either way
@jalf well, I don't know about most religions, but Buddha created Buddhism for world peace, Muhammad united all Arab tribes and stopped tribal wars, Jesus preached about peace. etc.
@IntermediateHacker I think there's a difference between preaching about peace, and creating the religion in order to establish peace
again, assuming Jesus was honest, then he founded the religion because he believed it was true. Not because he thought it'd create a better world
that's just a nice side effect
Peace isn't achieved by magic incantations.
Same for Islam. Even if creating the religion created some amount of peace, that wasn't why it was created
also, I'm pretty sure that many religious titles are full of how their believers should destroy the unbelievers
@CatPlusPlus Yes, it is. See also: Farscape.
Wormhole ain't magic incantation.
Peacekeepers. The original ones, I mean. With the head that opens.
@jalf yeah, I guess. mostly religions were created because the founders believed them to be true.
...or the followers believed them to be true. or both.
Or to control people who believed them to be true.
I'm much more in the "Those in power wanted to stay that way"
or possibly, "Those who had no power created religion to give themselves extra power"
but I don't believe for a second that religion was created because a single founder thought it to be true
@DeadMG I don't think so, for example Buddha was a prince. and he gave all that up for Buddhism. Similarly Muhammad was one of the leaders of the Quraish, the biggest tribe in Arabia. and he gave all that up for Islam. etc.
you have to have a lot more than that to convince people who have an existing religion that you're anything except nuts
@IntermediateHacker What, they "gave up" a little pre-existing power for the obscene power that religion gives them?
@DeadMG why not? All it takes for that to be true is a few crazies here and there. There are plenty of those
@DeadMG well, Buddha didn't recieve any power, neither did Jesus. Muhammad did recieve power close to the end, but he chose to decline the offer. etc. In fact, they were all persecuted.
@jalf Except that only spreads it to the crazies, not normal people. Especially since they already had existing religions and would have been pretty resistant to change.
@IntermediateHacker You're thinking too narrow. I'm sure that Buddha never received the power to, say, steal other people's land, but having a whole bunch of people follow on every word is hardly un-powerful, is it?
@DeadMG yeah, that's true.
@DeadMG That's what Buddha had as a prince.
New Overgrowth videeeeeeeeeeo.
Have people following your every word is what princes do.
@RMartinhoFernandes It's not really the same thing. People were forced into doing what he said, effectively. Become the leader of Buddhism? People want to please you.
Also, Quickfort is awesome.
So, he gambled that by preaching some stuffs about enlightenment and what not, he would get the same, but with his subjects willing?
I've spent 2 hours today encoding 61x61 bedroom schematic.
244 dorfs!
@RMartinhoFernandes more likely, he'd just go back to being a prince if he failed, and I'm also pretty sure that being religious leader is significantly more than being a prince.
@ScottW That I won't contest.
@DeadMG how did they all know they would be able to convince people? it's a huge gamble. Buddha was persecuted for several years by the Brahmin priests. Muhammad was tortured and persecuted by the Makkans for 10 years. etc.
But I seriously doubt Buddha did it for the power he already had.
@RMartinhoFernandes I agree.
@TonyTheLion lol.
@DeadMG not necessarily. Momentum means a lot. If you can find some more crazies to spread it to, your religion is growing, and people notice that. And to a lot of people, I suspect it means a lot what you can offer. Does your religion make the world sound like a better place? Or rather, does it better explain all the trouble and pain you encounter, *and then say "but it's ok because in the end, you'll get _____"? Then a lot of people would listen, I suspect
unfortunately, desperation is a fairly classic motive for religion
Just like for voter-farming.
And Java.
@RMartinhoFernandes lol @ 3 edits.
What's funny?
@RMartinhoFernandes no idea. :D
how @ScottW is seemingly trying to divert from the discussion on religion
by posting music
regardless of what the founders of various religions actually intended, the truth is we'd be better off without
I have a DF mod that adds religion.
ah ok
@CatPlusPlus you really play too much DF
They were talking about it and I got readdicted!
@TonyTheLion That's possible?
I blame Robot et al.
@RMartinhoFernandes See: CatPlusPlus
@RMartinhoFernandes seems it is, there's proof in this room named CatPlusPlus
@TonyTheLion sucker :D
@CatPlusPlus Yes, it's all my fault.
Feb 20 at 17:48, by R. Martinho Fernandes
WOOOT! New DF is out!
@DeadMG I'm a bad copycat, aren't I
well, who can blame you for imitating the perfection that is me?
Q: The complier throws an error saying that "Dict<int> a(10)" has initializer but imcomplete type". Master, please help me.

JDeinCan anyone tell me what is wrong with the code below. //classdeclaration.h template<typename anytype> class List; template<typename anytype> class Dict; //classdefinition.cpp #include "classdeclaration.h" #include<iostream> using std::cout; using std::endl; template<...

@DeadMG A question for you, apparently.
bye all.
anyway, gotta go now. damn future-deciding examinations... :(
@RMartinhoFernandes lol
@DeadMG oh
No, exams are purely luck based.
@CatPlusPlus when you write "lol", with a capital "L" you are breaking the symmetry of the letters, and it looks ugly. My eyes hurt everytime you write "Lol" instead of "lol" or "LOL".
please change your habits :P
@CatPlusPlus Agree with that shit.
@TonyTheLion Nope.
@CatPlusPlus meh, I don't like you :P
I don't like me either.
cue the lightsaber!
oh good, then there's two of us :P
lol is never capitalised. Not even when it starts a sentence.
Yes, I'm making stuff up.
@RMartinhoFernandes this should be written in letters of FIRE
@ScottW Bah, never.
true that
yea but are the dutch even on the internet?
oh noes, I insulted the Dutch :P
yes I know

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