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@TigerhawkT3 So, it's tomorrow :P. Did you try use Python upload an image to stack.imgur.com? I'm trying to do it use requests but failed.
1 hour later…
@KevinGuan Hiya.
@TigerhawkT3 Hey :D
And no, I haven't tried to use Python to upload an image to SO's Imgur.
Hmm...It always says that I need enter a valid URL...don't know what does it want.
10 hours later…
@TigerhawkT3 A funny answer:
A: Python for loop - to iterate or not to iterate?

Iron FistYou are repeating printing blanks for the number of chars in word. Just move print(blanks) outside for loop: word = "test" def createBlank(word): for letter in word: blanks = '_' * len(word) print(blanks) DEMO: >>> createBlank(word) ____ But why the need for a for loop ...

I almost visited that just for the title - I'll check it now.
> But why the need for a for loop to print underscore times the len of word, where you can simply do it this way: ... (wait, that's my idea!!! You also used that before)
@TigerhawkT3 Fine, check my comment for funny things.
Yeah, answerer probably should've double-checked what his code was doing.
Yep, happy that the example word's length isn't 1e999.
That would be a very difficult Hangman puzzle.
1 hour later…
What what what?
Just a test, about ROs can see deleted messages.
These vampires... -_-
@TigerhawkT3 Huh, I saw that question, but I don't understand what's OP asking about.
Neither do I.
Unclear, no MCVE, and, judging by the answer, too broad.
I'm voting to close this Too Broad question as Unclear because it lacks a MCVE.
Lol, pretty much.
I'm sure the people who upvoted the answer understood the question, read the whole answer, and determined that the answer was a useful answer to a useful question.
@TigerhawkT3 So I didn't upvote it :P
BTW, Tunaki waffled disagreed your request.
I noticed.
Do you understand this question? So he's trying to compare int object and None object, like1 < None? stackoverflow.com/questions/34577759/…
With raw_input, it's None and a string, and, as commented, Python 2 allows that.
Oops, yeah. Seems so.
I just learned that there already is a clone of Blek called Blok, as an Android app. :(
Maybe bleQ or bloQ would work. I bet no one is using Klingon spelling.
@TigerhawkT3 lol
Well, sleep time. Cya tomorrow!
Night! :)
8 hours later…
@KevinGuan Hiya.
@TigerhawkT3 Morning!

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