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9:03 PM
figured it out, just use core-js and add import 'core-js/fn/array/includes';. Thanks for the help @rlemon
Array.prototype.includes = (s,i=0) => this.slice(i).indexOf(s) !== -1;
well, there is your polyfill without babel :D
wouldn't it be !~
yeah indeed
yeah I know, it was more figuring out the best way to use polyfills than anything
why can't left, top, ... css values couldn't accept numbers (defaulting to px)
seems inconsistant to me since getBoundingRect() returns numbers
because css is css, js is js
@Abe wat
@crl what do you mean
left, top, etc. only accept numbers
in css, you need a unit
well, yes, but it's still on a number
eg you can't say " twelve" you have to say 12px or 0
but that's all CSS
you can't have naked numbers in CSS
except 0 where the case is understood as none
9:52 PM
I have a CSS bug in firefox only where my button's width is strangely too wide when I give a 100% height to the image inside it. Could anyone have a look? (make sure to click run in the fiddle to see the images)
@crl your question is rather "why doesn't css have a default unit"
which is a good question
@JacqueGoupil what do you mean by "strangely too wide"
On IE and chrome, the buttons are exactly the size of their content. On Firefox, there's extra space after the image.
@JacqueGoupil It's because of *, *:before, *:after { box-sizing: inherit; }
well, the box-sizing
not sure which of the selectors is causing it
change the * selector to box-sizing: content-box;
I thought firefox had no problem with box-sizing border-box, what's the issue?
And no, using border-box is what I want
9:57 PM
actually, it's the html selector that needs content-box
@JacqueGoupil well, that's what's causing the problem, so you have to decide
Here's why I'm using box-sizing border-box.
and all browsers support box-sizing unprefixed so you can get rid of those prefixes
oh, right about that, I forgot to remove them
but it's probably a bug in Chrome tbh
that's what the answer has been lately for CSS implementation differences
But still, I understand how box-sizing and don't see why firefox would do something different.
oh well, got to go, will look back when home
10:17 PM
scifi movie suggestions anyone
Star Wars
Rick and Morty
(tv show)
i think i know them all :(
@TylerH apart from that
star wars game me cancer once already
@JacqueGoupil looks like a Firefox bug to me
reduced example: jsfiddle.net/rs5684bc
10:30 PM
another inconsistancy, getBoundingRect right returns the position of right side from the left of browser unlike css, but that's better like that..
Chrome also displays this issue if you turn padding off and on using dev tools
@crl what are you comparing it to?
right (in position: absolute) in css
I think they are designed to do different things?
yes, but I am kinda using the bouding rect to position an absolute element, and I was struggling :)

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