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2:00 PM
I have... uhh.. like 6 routers kicking around
Modem --> Bunch of PC's
\-> my router -> my pc / tablet
@rlemon Well, yeah, but I meant use the second router for the subnetwork
Although I don't know if you can use your second router for DHCP while connected to the first one
modem ->
    router (dhcp)->
        pcs ... // not visible to rlemon's network
    router (dhcp)->
        rlemons mini network // cannot see pcs
^ You're better at formatting :P
2:04 PM
yea I googled, but I know like 1/50 of the things I should know about networking and routers.
so it is all over my head :(
Good morning
@rlemon RouterA configure with DHCP. RouterB plug in to RouterA. Configure RouterB to use RouterA as DHCP (just hardcode RouterA's IP). Profit.
@RoelvanUden "hardcode router a's ip" from routerb ??
Yeah. RouterA has a static gateway IP based on the range of addresses it distributes. You can just configure that one as DHCP in RouterB.
2:14 PM
@AwalGarg 14th most visited website, thanks to which I got my job
@rlemon So.. plug in RouterB to RouterA and ComputerA to RouterA. On your computer, check ipconfig (or ifconfig) for the gateway IP. Got it? Go into RouterB configuration and DISABLE DHCP and set the address for DHCP to insert earlier IP here. Done.
Dunno about other countries but people here like to google stuff like "gmail.com", "facebook.com", "youtube.com", ...
@RoelvanUden but why am I disabling DHCP on routerB ??
So that A can handle DHCP
And then you can access all computers from everywhere
I assume
@rlemon Since RouterB is on the same network as the main network, a second DHCP server will fuck it up
2:17 PM
@SomeGuy but that is exactly what I do not want
I want a and b to be completely isolated (but I don't want to run a second WAN, so I was hoping to get my WAN on B from A)
Sure they can access each other, but wont' discover each other.
religious/superstitious peeps also google "what happens when we see a dog in dream" etc.
Full isolation is much harder.
@RoelvanUden hmmmm
setup nat on router B
have router A on uplink from router B
set gateway on router B to be router A
router b now serves dhcp to network b
2:22 PM
so if I had 10 devices plugged into b, and a is doing dhcp, and I kill the connection from b to a, will it remember the assignments?? or will it fuck them up. Can I assume all devices will reconnect in the same order? I don't trust switches
router A can see router b, but not devices behind router b.
@djsmiley2k this is what I want
@djsmiley2k They still aren't isolated. Messages will propagate depending on timing.
come to Canada and install it for me
I'll buy you a poutine
I've done it with cheap nasty soho routers with dodgy isp specific firmware and made it work, i'm sure you can too!
2:23 PM
@rlemon If device order/static ip is the point just make dhcp reservations
@crl ...
thanks for the sauce
how did the baby get there?
2:28 PM
stackoverflow.com/teams/153/red-hat holy shit is this official
What's a good site to just paste a lot of code?
@AwalGarg @rlemon Thanks guys/
2:30 PM
these days people use stackoverflow as a pastie site, though :(
vpaste, no it's shitty :), I mean simple
@emporio I don't know about this photoshop stuff, but my guess is that they grabbed a baby, and set it in the crocodile's mouth just long enough to take the photo
I'm attempting work today. 1.5 hours in and I am rethinking this decision
@Neil crocodile and alligator, obviously
of course, how else would you do a comparison?
2:34 PM
You put the baby in the mouth of the crocodile, take a snap, and photoshop it to turn it into the alligator one.
That picture would be so much better if it was a different baby in the second shot
they are twins
@ivarni they were twins (source)
no, they were alive. they are twins
the twin status doesn't get negated due to impending death
2:37 PM
Do you often refer to deceased people in present tense?
(honest question btw, English is not my first language)
He was great
He is dead
He had a twin
His twin died
which are more friendly between gators and crocs?
2:39 PM
crocs are assholes
@rlemon how hard is it to get all layers of a psd as separate images from gimp?
I once paid $10 to sit on a gator and it was very friendly and not cranky at all
If it takes more than 30 minutes, I'll just boot into windows
Crocodiles are much more aggressive than the common gator
2:40 PM
@AwalGarg no clue, psd's are the only reason I own the adobe suite
@AwalGarg about 1.5 photoshop hard
bbl, gotta winblow
I'm so hungry.
seriously. we had some psd's with embedded fonts. couldn't get them out in GIMP. said fuckit.. bought the $1600 adobe suite to edit a few business cards :S
What do you call an alligator in a vest? An investigator. I'm sorry.
2:41 PM
@SterlingArcher bro. my ass hurts so much
Dude I'm sorry
I attempted to go to work today
How's that going for you
probably gonna go home at noon
That bad? Have you been to the doctor yet?
2:42 PM
You might have cracked your ass
my new 25 year old female doctor who is ~8/10 had to stick her ungloved finger in my crack
and I was sweaty :D
Why did it have to be ungloved?
Overall win?
Why did she go raw? lol
2:43 PM
no clue
she was feeling my tailbone, but that shit ends right next to the hole.
Did... did you fart so she knew you were comfortable?
You should have told her that next time she should buy you a drink first
@SterlingArcher now I feel like I missed an opportunity
2:44 PM
what do i need to console.log to see the contents of 0 ??
Or at the very minimum shit yourself to assert dominance
@emporio console.log(0);
I know this isn't the right room, but, does anyone have any experience with Swift + Parse? I have an issue that is driving me mental..
2:44 PM
no srsly
I wonder what a conversation would be like between that doctor and the security at the airports that perform cavity searches
Do you know what arrays are?
@emporio console.log(whatEverYouLoggedInTheScreenie[0])
hold on bru
let me show u da code
Next time lead with the code
2:46 PM
In truth probably "Hello, how's the weather today?" "Fine, should be sunny"
this loge the contents fine
@emporio dude, stop posting pictures of code when you can copy and paste the damn code!
This gives errors
@rlemon dude, what's da difference?
ok nm
2:48 PM
a lot
ok give you bin wait
if we want to edit / correct the code and send it back to you, a screenie is making us do a shitload more work
if you're seeking help, make sure you make helping you as easy as possible please
Numbers are not valid object properties, especially when el is an array
@emporio You want el[0] or el["0"]; the right-hand side of a dot operator has to be an IdentifierName which can't begin with a number
2:49 PM
yeah but there is stuff in the 0: property
i did that, but it doesn't show the contents
in the same way that .context does
@apsillers oeh let me try the second one
@emporio they're the same
all property names are strings; you can use a number, but it's cast to a string
@apsillers the second way did it !!
post cat batman pic
nevermind .. :|
@apsillers thanks!
now I can go home :)
Nuke the bad code from orbit!
So, I have decided I'm going to be that guy today and not do a damn thing that's productive.
@emporio I do not understand under what circumstances el[0] and el["0"] could possibly differ, since step 6 of ES5 11.2.1 always performs a ToString conversion on the evaluated property-name exrpession
but I'm glad it solved your problem, whatever it was
!!> var a={'0':1, 0:2, [0]: 3, ['0']: 4}; a
2:56 PM
@crl {"0":2}
@crl {"0":4}
!!> ([1, 2, 3])['1']
@MadaraUchiha 2
was surprised too
Property names are always strings
I guess in ES2015 they can be symbols now?

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