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|---- linux distros/
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@Ell how about that
Put everything in the same directory and use tags.
@rightfold directories can be used as tags
hardlinks make it possible for one file to be in more than one directory at the same time
@rightfold Do current file systems support tags natively?
@fredoverflow see above
@Ell I don't. Proper filenames work
@fredoverflow No idea.
Finder supports tags but I don't know how it's implemented.
@rightfold I want this
I wonder if btrfs can support tags somehow
@rightfold xattrs?
@BartekBanachewicz deleting a file becomes cumbersome though
@Ell it can. question is, what s/w exists to make it happen for you
dat moment when you made too many changes and you just name your commit 'some fixes'
@sehe indeed
I would want file browser support
> 'ns::input::input(ns::input &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted
Hmm, I thought they had this in VS2015 already.
@FlorianMargaine find / -xdev -samefile file1 | xargs rm
> the post-PC era
A: Adding description to files for easy remembering

Abhay RanaEmblems in Nautilus Right click a file/folder and go to its properties. You can add remove emblems and even change the icon itself. That should help you differentiate between files and give you a way to tag files. A better alternative, which I found via one thing well is tmsu : tmsu tmsu...

dunno if find's remove works in this case
@BartekBanachewicz if the hardlinks have the same name, yes
@FlorianMargaine mmm. I kinda assumed they did
> Paranoid about privacy, everything private by default
tmsu.org seems to be worth a look
@sehe gentoo, I think
@Ell /dev/null
@BartekBanachewicz find / -xdev -samefile file1 -delete?
find / -xdev -inum $(ls -i file1 | grep -Eo '^[^ ]+' ) -delete
@FlorianMargaine how about that
> cumbersome
Oh well. Linux makes everything complicated :w
@FlorianMargaine I tried to make a meme of "I'm sorry, I thought this was linux"
but Paint.net is just too bad to make an outlined text
I guess I got spoiled by Photoshop
@sehe well this one was rather simple if I managed to create/understand it
the only issue with that solution is that it's hard to easily find files that have both a and b tags
as in, via the regular directory explorer
Apparently, MinGW-W64 isn't compatible with itself.
@buttifulbuttefly our answer is attracting upvotes <3
> First off, you should know that when you compile Haskell code with GHC, it does not get translated directly into machine code. In fact, there are as many as five intermediary languages involved. They are, in the following order.
I like how STL pronounces std as "styd"
> #include <nonius/nonius.h++>
I really should put some more effort into learning Erlang better...
@AlexM. Disgusting.
@R.MartinhoFernandes is the only person I know who does that :P
I got as far as the basics, but never really bothered to try make anything
@sehe tiramisu
Erlang is interesting because of the live reload
I'd like to learn it just for that
@rightfold how does Erlang approach state?
Isn't that something you could do with any interpreted language though? Or do you mean that Erlang has it natively there?
@BartekBanachewicz iirc, it's much like it would be in Haskell...
live reload?
@FlorianMargaine It's trivial in Erlang to reload a module of code with a new version
@BartekBanachewicz You spawn a process that just runs a recursive function like this:
loop(State) ->
        {get, From} -> From ! State;
        {set, NewState} -> loop(NewState);
        stop -> ok
can I use a Monad?
things finish up with the old version, and any new interactions go to the new version
Where From is a process ID and ! sends a message.
@thecoshman restrains from mentioning lisp
@thecoshman well in Haskell recursive looping is kinda... low-level :)
not sure "restrains" is english
If you want to support hot reloading you'd just add reload -> ?MODULE:loop(NewState).
@FlorianMargaine it is, but it's used wrong there. You mean 'refrains'
@FlorianMargaine the language is basically designed for systems that can be hot-patched
Module-qualified function calls first check for new versions of the module. ?MODULE expands to the current module's name.
I wrote something like that in Lua actually, but no one cares
If you want monads it's better to use Elixir since in it you can implement do-notation with macros.
@thecoshman thanks
@rightfold Is Elixir based on Erlang?
@BartekBanachewicz runs on the same VM
it's like Scala to Java
Guys would you mind if i ask help in debuging a C loop here?
@DroidIcs yes
@DroidIcs yes.
I guess I'd rather learn Elixir then
finally reserved windows 10
@BartekBanachewicz yes.
You probably want to use something like gen_server to manage state.
@BartekBanachewicz @thecoshman Elixir is written in Erlang (some internals of it) and compiles to Erlang, so technically it's not like Scala to Java. Scala is compiled to JVM bytecode, not to Java. Close enough, though :)
Or, in Elixir, Agent, which keeps state and you can send functions to it which act on that state.
@BartekBanachewicz you know that lisp goes even further, right?
lol the recruiter I thought I scared off replied now, after a few days
@erszcz eh, Elixir isn't compiled to Erlang.
It's compiled to bytecode.
apparently in their case "flexible schedule" means that you can come up to two hours EARLIER
@FlorianMargaine yes and no
Lisp does everything
There is an Erlang VM lisp as well.
which, as I anectodely observed in practice, means it does nothing
@BartekBanachewicz you can recompile a single function, or recompile a whole package or system
@FlorianMargaine Elixir syntax looks nicer. Too bad lisp.
> No mutable data
f = fn
      {:a, :b} = tuple ->
        IO.puts "All your #{inspect tuple} are belong to us"
      [] ->
I like it already
except the end :(
iex(1)> {:ok, agent} = Agent.start_link(fn -> HashSet.new end)
{:ok, #PID<0.61.0>}
iex(2)> Agent.update(agent, &Set.put(&1, 1))
iex(3)> Agent.update(agent, &Set.put(&1, 2))
iex(4)> Agent.get(agent, &(&1))
#HashSet<[2, 1]>
looks like ruby
This is one way you can mutate state in Elixir. It's atomic as well.
@FlorianMargaine so low troll
@rightfold cool
@BartekBanachewicz puts, end... all it's missing is "do" and you have ruby
&Set.put(&1, x) is short for fn xs -> Set.put(xs, x) end.
I guess I can use my Haskell code from Elixir too?
Yes, you can either use the C FFI or write an Erlang node in Haskell or spawn a Unix process use stdin and stdout.
@rightfold oh so & is a lambda and &n are numbered arguments
@rightfold I thought about the latter actually
> messages to Erlang are just function calls in Haskell, and messages from Erlang are delivered to MVars.
I will learn Elixir.
With the C FFI you must exercise caution as your C functions should return quickly to prevent starvation (Erlang VM has a custom scheduler). Better to use a thread or a Unix process if you have to block for a long time.
I think I'd rather have my thing running as a node and communicate with other nodes
Yeah, probably best. That also won't crash the VM in case you fuck up.
Hi lounge
> Insecure, Frustrated Bully With Something To Prove Considering Career In Law Enforcement
Unsurprisingly, variadic lambda captures in VS FUCK OFF
Hi lounge
Turns out I really do not understand monads or do notation :\
@Ven group first-grader voice Good morning Ms. Ven!
@BartekBanachewicz why do you want to communicate with Haskell programs?
@thecoshman monads are just like burritos. Or wait, I could link to @rightfold's tutorial
(but if you really want, learn the laws instead. really)
@Ven laws?
oh yeah... I remember talk of those
@Ven monads aren't like burritos.
Monads are like class Applicative m => Monad m where { (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b; return :: a -> m a }.
@thecoshman left id, right id, assoc
It's like an applicative where a computation can use the result of a previous computation.
thanks for the clarification — Manfred Weis Jul 22 '13 at 10:59
I have a sneaking suspicion many people just say "thank you" even though they didn't understand a word of the answer
Might just be my inferiority complex speaking, of course
Why is it "inferiority" and "inferior" but "beauty" and "beautiful" and not "beaut"? Why not "inferioritiful"?
@rightfold "-ity" has French roots, and "-ful" has Germanic roots.
@R.MartinhoFernandes probably not
@rightfold Oh wait.
@R.MartinhoFernandes but "beau" is French!
I see what you mean.
@rightfold "beauty" is "beauté", not "beau".
"beau" is "beautiful"
(Yes, "beautiful" is one of those horrid words formed by applying derivation rules of one language into words with roots from another language)
square roots > German roots
I want to compute a circle root.
@rightfold hi
hello ugly moth
error: static_assert failed "binding rvalue references to optional lvalue references is disallowed"
...I did something wrong, lol.
@MarcoA. Seems kind of obvious but wanted to double check, thanks :)
@BartekBanachewicz We should fuse like two cells in agar.io
Finally figured out how to read UTF-8. Nice
You mean you couldn't read it before? You-tee-ef-eight. It's just an acronym.
@nabijaczleweli I read English :)
Guiz, stahp.
Those punz are too good
Years of training m8
Deez punz too stronk, m7
How can you mistake "Hol mich bitte sofort ab, ich werde umgebracht." for "Musst mich nicht abholen. Werde rumgebracht." lol
@rightfold fail
rumgebracht vs umgebracht
I guess if you glance it over, it might seem similar enough
@TonyTheLion Yes, but before you call the cops, you might wanna have a second look
@Columbo But you assume people are that smart
Also, I doubt he would have had the time to write a text if people were chasing the shit out of him
you are mistaken, obviously :P
it's hard to figure out how much power your rocket has if you're dynamically re-configuring it in-flight.
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah, that didn't help... I can't help but feel I don't know Haskell well enough to get what those samples are trying to show... I also think I've run out of energy for such things
I'll just suffice to mock @BartekBanachewicz in ignorance about how Haskell is useless :P
@thecoshman Did you actually do the exercises?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I tried to follow along
@rightfold here's a sample elixirc output - does that look more like Erlang or like its bytecode? ;) gist.github.com/lavrin/…
actually, it's Erlang AST (which is desrcibed by valid Erlang terms)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Is there a way to run the same benchmark several times, with a parameter?
I will simply launch twice, once for orbit and once to land.
@Mr.kbok Probably the most requested feature. There will be, at some point (unlikely to happen before I find a home)
@Mr.kbok Right now if you want that, you need to generate the benchmarks manually using the undocumented API (see example 1)
@thecoshman left id, right id, assoc
@rightfold you know nothing of burritos, jean neige
yeah, that means nothing to me...
It's unlikely that API will change, but yeah, still undocumented.
just about rings maybe one faint bell in the far distance...
@thecoshman It's right in sigfpe's article.
@R.MartinhoFernandes vOv I not be smart enough for that article then.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh. I'm using the undocumented API already (didn't notice)
@thecoshman You be. You probably just thought you could read it through in one go without stopping to assimilate it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Are you still camping ATM?
I might take a long walk home shortly...
@erszcz First of all, it's not Erlang.
Secondly, I don't care about any internal representations used.
@Mr.kbok Jumping from couch to couch. No couch for tonight.
It's about the output of the compiler, which is BEAM files.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I thought I'd get something
@thecoshman If you don't get the beginning, it's pointless to continue reading through.
(Also, you didn't do the exercises)
@R.MartinhoFernandes which part is 'the beginning'? up to "side effects:"?
@thecoshman Dunno. At which part did you stop understanding?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I tried through most of it... it got less and less
@rightfold Do you know Erlang?
hmm using uniform initialization in member initializer lists looks dangerous.
s/in member initializer lists //
@R.MartinhoFernandes Harsh.
> Shortly after the team arrived in Poland for a week-long bootcamp, several players complained about feeling sick...
... Kinguin were dealt another blow over the weekend as Alexander "SKYTTEN" Carlsson had to be rushed to the hospital after he started coughing up blood.
@BartekBanachewicz wtf what kind of viruses do you have in poland
@AlexM. Pretty ones... :P
Effective, at least
spent 5 minutes wondering why the copy constructor doesn't work for aggregates.
> attempting to reference a deleted function
Get your move ctors right MSVC>
nonius has been running for 20 minutes now
when, uh, when does it stop
why isn't it satisfied yet
How long did it estimate it would take?
Oh, there's an estimate? I didn't notice, because the code I'm profiling prints out A LOT of crap
> collecting 100 samples, 438 iterations each, in estimated 2.8032 ms
Something like that.
I should probably disable it but then I have to redo the whole benchmark :(
Well if it's going for 50k iterations I might as well come back next week :P
@Mr.kbok You are doing console IO in code you are benchmarking? o.O
Also, is it still measuring, or analysing?
@Griwes Yes, the code is doing HTTP requests so the console IO is negligible
It's still measuring
You are benchmarking HTTP?
How long do you think it would take to run your code once?
@Mr.kbok Won't that depend on network latency a lot?
Probably between 10 and 20 seconds
It's a Java server on the other side that's slow as fuck
100 * 20 = 2000 ~= 30 minutes.
But that would be 1 iteration by sample right?
Oh ofc lol
@Mr.kbok Unless your clock resolution is worse than 1 second, it will be 1/sample for sure.
Well; I killed it. Might as well finish pruning the output.
Yes :)
I may have overkilled this rocket.
I've got 2.3kdv just to return to Kerbin from Minmus
@Puppy Go to Mun.
no science left in munar orbit
could head out to kerbol orbit I guess
yeah let's do that
I rarely go for unplanned trips into solar orbit after that one time I got ejected from Kerbin by Mun and could not get back
but 2.35kdv ought to cover it.
@thecoshman show your code. Hard to tell/help with such a vague statement
@Puppy lol
I try to always run on free-return trajectories.
they're easy enough in Kerbin orbit but a bit harder in solar orbit
I wonder if 2.3kdv is enough to visit Duna and return?
if I don't actually orbit Duna but just pass by
ah fuck it yolo (also the quicksave I just made)
@Puppy lol
@Puppy Depends on planetary alignmnent, really.
Or on how long you can wait, I guess.
candidate function not viable: 1st argument would lose const qualifier
Dang, something in the mixed machinery of my code and Boost code is wrong. :F
This will be "fun" to debug.
ho fuck they nerfed solar orbit
used to be you got nearly 300 sci juts for materials bay observation in solar orbit
now just 50 sci
Whoa, those bastards from the other team stole all of our compute nodes
No benchmarking for Mr kbok today
@Mr.kbok Btw, suggestions for interface welcome. (the documented API is here: flamingdangerzone.com/nonius/authoring-benchmarks)
@BartekBanachewicz what code? what's vague, I am stating a lack of knowledge
@R.MartinhoFernandes How do you "collect" benchmarks from the different files?
er mah gerd global mutable variables
@thecoshman I suppose this didn't appear out of thin air
I'm just going to stop now
It's a horrible edit
> I too am a vegan, in fact a gluten-avoiding vegan.

Could there be emoji to signal those two diets in descriptions of food please?
Maybe there's an Unicode Character 'GLUTEN AVOIDING VEGAN DIET ICON' (U+2844)
@R.MartinhoFernandes ............
> More precisely about the Cheese Wedge, I'm glad to see unbloody, no-slaughter food is now strongly promoted and is given a fabulous opportunity of becoming a wide-spread cultural phenomenon.
@R.MartinhoFernandes there's already a pile of poo vOv
> This would be very important, to get more people take the move. Today where everything is emoji-powered, Unicode should encode the sooner the better, some striking emojis carrying the message of veganism.
Jesus fuck.
I want communist emojis.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh man.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ☭
@FlorianMargaine dang, I'm too slow
(...or you have that mapped to something...)
@FlorianMargaine No, I want striking emojis carrying the message of communism.
These people are fucking nuts.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ‎(ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻
@R.MartinhoFernandes ☭. but yellow w/ red background.
At least now we have emojis carrying the message of racism.
🖕😱🏿 (for the Unicode 8.0-impaired, that's: middle finger, surprised face, black skin colour modifier)
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's probably all they eat too.
I wonder if that will get flagged.
If it does I shall invalidate it with great prejudice.
@R.MartinhoFernandes it won't, nobody can see it
I had this idea.
@thecoshman not vegan
@BartekBanachewicz Not sure.
well, this might get flagged.
For my shell language.
About string interpolation.
To make $x := "/usr /lib"; rm $x delete "/usr /lib" and not "/usr" and "/lib".
ok, I made it to Duna and I've got a whopping 950dv to return
but my periapsis is already pretty close to Kerbin's orbit so I think I can make it
should i play bot matches to get better at cs:go or jump straight in to multiplayer?
just jump into mp
@Puppy That's awesome
ju[st just just just jump into mp into mp into mp into ]mp
"Hi, my name is Robot, and I'm an alcoholic"
I'm merely referring to the fact that your preceeding message is completely incoherent
needs more inner brackets
@BartekBanachewicz human poo would be vegan
What does "arbeit macht frei" mean?
I can lexical_cast<size_t>() any number up to 9999999 but not higher. Any ideas?
what's the actual outcome?
bad lexical cast: source type value could not be interpreted as target
break and have a look at the source
sounds to me like some muppet hand-wrote a conversion without handling the case where size_t is 64bit instead of 32bit?
@BartekBanachewicz lol
It's probably a standard conversion. What's weird is that 9999999 is fine but 10000000 is not
Writing Java and PHP makes me happy.

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