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This is why I like postgres, because you can returning id at the end of your insert
It's not a mysql issue though
I know
So db type is irrelevant, no?
Any other way except .bind ?
@ZahidSaeed return a function
What will it do ?
But you still need bind
Any code example please ?
I could understand more clearly that way
@ZahidSaeed if you had looked at the MDN docs like suggested, you'd see examples
I can't understand their example
I'm new to js
logging the returned row: { fieldCount: 0,
  affectedRows: 1,
  insertId: 13711,
  serverStatus: 2,
  warningCount: 0,
  message: '',
  protocol41: true,
  changedRows: 0 }

checking the actual db:
mysql> SELECT id, tstamp AS time FROM average_holdings ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1;
| id    | time                |
| 13249 | 2015-05-28 14:05:45 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
@SterlingArcher this is my hell :P
wtf ._.
burn it all
maybe mysql took drugs
what is drugs?
drugs is what
baby don't trip me
JSP uses the same syntax that EJS adopted. interesting
That's not how the song goes, Nick
JSP is dead though?
I see there are plenty of other templating frameworks for use in java though
Somebody is flagging Feeds in the HTML room :(
To be fair, Feeds is an annoying little shit
Noun: nincompoopery (usually uncountable, plural nincompooperies)
  1. The beliefs and behaviours of a nincompoop; folly; idiocy....
> nincompooperies
If you don't think that's hilarious, you're no fun
That's troo
Thank you for that necessary insight.
jQuery is just a string under window object
A string? ._.
just let it happen
jQuery: function(selector, context){} this is a member in window object
you're so helpful, bro
@NickDugger I tried telling her that
That's not a string
She kept saying some word that rhymed with "snow".
She needs a tow.
@Jhawins fun fact, I'm sitting in a repair shop right now
@overexchange stop
@overexchange That would be a function
beat it
all the name on left side of : are strings
@overexchange Why are you even here?
Are being completely serious right now @overexchange
@KendallFrey Why
@Jhawins Car was driving sketchy
@Cereal sorry, Idid not get u
@KendallFrey Skecthy car no good
@overexchange Are you trying to teach us about jquery and strings? What?
They ripping you off good?
idk, how much does a new set of tires cost
@overexchange window is a Javascript object. It is therefor represented in Javascript Object Notation, also known as JSON. All key value pairs in JSON are strings, yes.
so. uhhh. remember how I said there is a possibility I remove a row?
well my query was bad and I removed the row I just inserted. :(
fuck me running
@KendallFrey I paid $553 but that was $200 less than I had walked in expecting to pay for my big LT tires
@Cereal not key-value pair, only key. this is why, I could say window["jQuery"] which returns functions type object
jquery is a key, the function is the value
@overexchange Are you talking to yourself, or what?
@Cereal yes
@rlemon I would be willing to bet that people have at least tried to have sex while running
Well, they said $325
I guess I'm ok
@overexchange if you'd like to do a talk about mundane facts from jQuery maybe you should organize it and schedule it. We don't need taught what strings are
How do i ignore Nick's updates?
lol, question of the day
and they fed me lunch
and they have wifi
Haha nice
If I distract you or anybody, please ignore my updates, if one has that facility
It was a random shop I drove past.
Cos I'm 7 hours from home
@overexchange This isn't facebook, you're not supposed to just write random facts.
function Nicknore() { // ignores @NickDugger
        type: "POST",
        url: "http://chat.stackoverflow.com/users/ignorelist/add",
        data: {fkey:fkey().fkey, id: 1408759}
    .done(function(msg) {
        console.info('I DID IT!');
The square root of 4 is 2
@Cereal you are right jQuery is a key and that is string and value is a function
The sun is a star
unlike you
I mean if we're sharing scripts
This is why we only use CherryMX keys in our keyboard - nothing else will do: https://insider.razerzone.com/index.php?threads/condsolidated-sticking-blackwidow-chroma-stealth-keys.2105/ #RealMechorNothing
That was way longer than I thought it was
@Cereal but how does one think of writing jQuery.foo as shown in my screenshot? because jQuery is a string
jQuery is an object
> jQuery is a string
jQuery().foo make sense. because jQuery() returns an object, then you access the members like get ow whatever
Is it weird if I say "thank you for your service" to someone who added a useful answer?
If you access window["jQuery"] you are not accessing a string, you're accessing a function
@FlorianMargaine maybe do assistance instead of service
Even if it doesn't directly answer, it is sort of related and is useful to other people.
@Cereal yes I do access function
@FlorianMargaine not service, that sounds like he was in the army or something
or like a bj or summin
yes... what exactly is your question
@FlorianMargaine working on the chat client again now, will be on github in 42 minutes.
His question is: jQuery is a string
!!afk lunch
@akaRash His question is: jQuery is a stink (source)
@akaRash cool :)
ugh It's only 1:30
Thought it was like 4
@Cereal window["jQuery"]["foo"] and window["jQuery"]()["foo"]. In first case, one would access the, foo property of function. In second case, foo property of an object returned by function is accessed. Is my understanding correct?
@overexchange yes
You're thinking about this way too hard
And about everything in general, it seems
Yeah this is not porn. runs
Porn runs?
You're into some shit man
@DenysSéguret hey your name is bad. Makes my regex longer than it should be.
!!google notpr0n
Also use dot notation. window["jQuery"] === window.jQuery === jQuery === $
=== hatred.target
this is my first case, right?
> functionObject = window["jQuery"];
    jQuery(selector, context)
> functionObject["foo"] = "Cereal";
!!>functionObject = window["jQuery"]; functionObject["foo"] = "Cereal";
@Cereal That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Cereal "SyntaxError: missing ( before formal parameters"
@Cereal I use dictionary notation because they look like dictionary. xyz:object format
@Cereal "ReferenceError: window is not defined"
@overexchange It's not a dictionary
amm writing all javascript programs like dictionary, i will show you one..
Well you're wrong, and you should fix it
var foo = "hello";
var x = foo.length;  //5
x = foo.charAt(1);    // "e"
x = "avast".charAt(3);  //"s"
i write like this..
window["foo"] = "hello";
window["x"] = window["foo"].length;
window["x"] = window["foo"].charAt(1)
window["x"] = "avast".charAt(3);
You're fucking me
@Cereal That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
No, you wouldn't understand suicide would you, you filthy android.
That's a great idea
You should take it a step further
(function(scope){ scope.foo = 'hello'; scope.x = scope.foo.length })( window )
You have all these extra dots in your code, totally filthy
^^ that's actually something worth doing
( not suicide )
yes it is mixed but pure dictionary notation will work
window["x"] = window["foo"]["length"];
window["x"] = window["foo"]["charAt"](1);
window["x"] = "avast"["charAt"](3);
!!moustache zirak
While we're at it, why waste time on primitives? Everything should be an object, after all
@Cereal You do not have permission to use the command undo
@Zirak So, why one says, it is not dictionary? as it is pure dictionary notation
!!mustache Cereal
@Zirak Now you're thinking in ruby!
would you look at that!
window[new String("x")] = window[new String("foo")][new String("length")];
window[new String("x")] = window[new String("foo")][new String("charAt")](new Number(1));
window[new String("x")] = new String("avast")[new String("charAt")](new Number(3));
That's better
@Zirak then "[]+" it all, not unreadable enough
@AwalGarg i trolled my family hard today comparing dragon ball z to ramayana :P
@towc beautiful
@overexchange There's no such thing as "pure dictionary notation", and sure, you can treat objects like dictionaries. That doesn't mean you should use more convoluted syntax.
Nor does it mean that because x happens to be a global, should you wrap every access to it with window.x
!!> window[ new window[ new window.String( new window[ new String( "String" ) ] ) ] ] = 2; x
Objects aren't turned "pure dictionary" because you use one access notation or another.
@towc "ReferenceError: window is not defined"
cap's so nerdy she doesn't eve have a window in her basement
@towc "ReferenceError: window is not defined"
anyway, it's broken... in console aswell, so...
@Zirak when you type window in console and drill down, you see nothing other than dictionary format. am I wrong
You see a bunch of objects
dictionary of string:value pairs, where value is an object
The keys are strings, sure, and the values are arbitrary. What's your point?
ok, @zirak and @overexchange, here's how you do it:
console shows you a pretty view, not the exact view
window[ new window[ new window.String( "String" ) ]( "x" ) ] = 2
( that actually works in console )
that's hilarious
This made my day
I think you can trust this guy...youtube.com/…
list like python list
What exactly are you arguing @overexchange
I don't get your point
Yes, objects are key:value pairs, just like dictionaries, and just like associative arrays, and just like hash maps, and just like...a bunch of other stuff.
my point is any object in JavaScript can be accessed as dictionary.
Yes, very good
@Cereal That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
thats it.
very few times "you can" means "you should"
bad coding
I did not use pure dictionary notation
it was a mix
Why would you do such things
There's no "dictionary notation"
He's right
There's dot notation for accessing by identifier, and bracket notation for accessing by expression.
if by 'dictionary notation' you mean o['propertyName'], you only need to use it when the property name is dynamic
who recommmends that?
yea, what Zirak said.
Instead of window.foo why can't I say window["foo"]?
...the people who made the language?
@overexchange it's not a recommendation, it's how JavaScript works
Why should you? It's longer, creates a throwaway string in the middle
@overexchange you "can", but again, that doesn't mean you "should"
let's back up.. say i have an object person and I use a property to hold 'firstName'. I can just reference it with person.firstName. I could also reference it with person['firstName'] but that's a bit verbose and ugly.
because am comfortable and makes me undestand JS quickly as am 2 days old here
@akaRash I might try to include in my name some characters from out of the BMP, so double-check your regex
I don't care if it makes you shit rainbows, that's ugly javascript
When you write in a language, you write in it, you don't write it as if you're writing another language. This is how javascript works, these are its idioms. Deal with it.
@DenysSéguret I dropped the regex solution altogether. String functions ftw.
Infact jQuery who claims to provide abstraction over DOM objects does not stop me to do that window["jQuery"] and access alll the members with same notation.
What does that have to do with anything at all?
because they are both equivelent.
I'm so confused
Do you understand why there's bracket notation?
@overexchange if you also want some technical reasons: the notation you use creates a string everytime you need to search for a property, which makes it quite a bit slower and is also really bad for garbage collection. Other than that I think that, since it's dynamic, it compiles to a lot more code than the simple dot notation
@akaRash I'm so jquery (source)
@akaRash Too bad. My only metrics for code quality is the number of regex per loc
I use to python in the same way.
good enough? Start using it now instead of later

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