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@Xeo Maybe it is because I was in a rich state but ok, I will take it.
I worked in the US for several years
@AndyProwl I already did admit it was a misinterpretation of my thoughts. I was talking only about economic state.
@khajvah Having a family to support, lacking an education, having a low-paying job, there are endless reasons for it, and they compound each other very easily.
there are lots of poor people
shit, I managed to do what I wanted with the enable if thing
now I only need to understand why
they've managed to starve it seems
@AlexM. save it before you try :p
what I wanted to do was covered here I guess stackoverflow.com/questions/6972368/…
@R.MartinhoFernandes Alright, I will take that and shut up.
to solve the issue of how the JNI function wrappers I wrote may not return something when the deduced java->cpp type is void
even though essentially they're called the same way with the same args and all that
She asked me to pick a time. panics
@AlexM. how do you maybe return nothing when all you have is void?
@R.MartinhoFernandes \o/
@melak47 I do something like auto javaResult = ...; return ConvertToCpp(javaResult);
that obviously fails when there's no result to get and convert
@AndyProwl I need to calm down first.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm glad for you
i.e. when JFunction<JVoid(...)>
so I disable the thing that attempts to get the result and return it in case the return type in the signature is JVoid
@R.MartinhoFernandes ;)
Relax =)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Just pick a time at random. 4:30 am on tuesday!
Problem solved!
@jalf Actually, she's only free tonight, and I'm only free tonight and tomorrow.
ah, moving the goalpost!
@R.MartinhoFernandes go now :P
No time like the present :D
cpp2java ?
seriously though, sounds exciting! Go you!
@MarcoA. Out of the frying pan and into the fire?
@AlexM. if you didn't store it before the return, it should work just fine without this :S
@MarcoA. I'm trying to wrap things that are often copy pasted around like crazy and require doc checking from the JNI into something more nice
I need to get some food first.
Hello slut.
@melak47 how?
@R.MartinhoFernandes tonight then?
wooooo go robor!!
@AlexM. you're making me want to work on my JNI wrapper now
I'm 28. This should feel a lot easier.
@melak47 Now try to store the result of foo in something or pass the result of the call to foo to another function in C++ and you're in for pain.
@melak47 but
here's an actual case
@ThePhD not like he can do that with his other solution either :3
My boss asking me design questions isn't helping.
AnalogueOf<RetType> operator()(AnalogueOf<Args>... args)
    auto javaResult = JNIFunctionFor<RetType>(stuff here);
    return ConvertToCpp(javaResult);
you're telling me that when JNIFunctionFor<RetType> returns void
@Borgleader I am not sure about that from basic.compound: A valid value of an object pointer type represents either the address of a byte in memory (1.7) or a null pointer (4.10) wording came from DR 73Shafik Yaghmour 20 mins ago
I can somehow "convert" the result via a call to ConvertToCpp
alright alright :P
I'm actually curious how easy it would be that way to avoid the enable if thing
Is Visual Studio free on Windows?
@Jefffrey no, only on linux
I know I can return void(); which is synonymous with return;
What other "easy to use" IDE are there on Windows?
but I've no idea how I could make the function end up returning void() there
@AlexM. you can't pass void to functions though :)
The kind that allows you to just click "Compile & Run" and have your program run?
@Jefffrey VS community is free
@Ell do it
we'll compete in a JNI wrapper contest
should be same features as Professional (without MSDN stuff)
@melak47 :( yeah figured that wouldn't work
@melak47 Thank you.
alternatively, you can try this thing :v code.visualstudio.com/
my floor heating controller is overcomplicated
the only thing I wanted was "on" and "off"
apparently it's not overcomplicated enough if you still managed to mess with it
@melak47 it has the scheduler thing for whateve reason
@BartekBanachewicz Where "on" is "the floor is lava"?
@Xeo basically :D
it's just in the bathroom
to reduce the not funny cold-floor-out-of-the-shower and to aid drying
but I wasn't the one picking the controller sadly and now I can't even configure this thing
can anyone suggest an authoritative book with guidelines for code reviews?
Q: Can not declare more than 1.5Million threads in C++

Usman KhanI have run into an issue where I can't declare more than 1.5 million threads. My code compiles fine, but terminates immediately, as soon as I change 1.5 to 1.6 Million. Here is a part of code that is giving me grief. #include <thread> #include <mutex> void run_parallel(arg1, arg2) { .... } int...

also lol those .join calls
> Competition: Win a WD My Cloud EX4100 NAS with 16TB Storage
I need/want something like that
@πάνταῥεῖ The joke, it flew over your head
@MarcoA. Linked it already
@Borgleader it deserves a delete vote
@Borgleader I well noticed the sarcasm, you strayed in dude!
@Marco is a question being stupid cause for a delete vote?
I see LRiO is still spreading his anti-America propaganda.
yaaaay my mattress came
@JDiMatteo IIRC a delete vote is for unsalvageable questions that cannot be useful to anyone
@MarcoA. ok, thanks for clarifying. I was just curious
@Rapptz I don't think it was him this time
@πάνταῥεῖ thanks, that question was terrible
how is a new user of stack overflow supposed to respond to his first question being deleted? I guess that user will just never use stackoverflow again
@MarcoA. creating and joining 9 million threads sequentially on the stack can't possibly be useful to anyone :p
@melak47 NASA perhaps yes, to no one
@AlexM. let's start with names, what's yours called? :p
github down again?
@inf up for me
lol, the 1.5 megathreads was burninated before I could add a suitable comment:)
@MartinJames it shouldn't take that long to write "wtf are you doing?"
lel wtf my bed is like a meter high now
@BartekBanachewicz why? :P
@MarcoA. NSA*
6 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
yaaaay my mattress came
oh k'ur
@MarcoA. I was assuming troll, so it took a bit to think of a suitable funny:)
@MartinJames uh you were probably right
@BartekBanachewicz S'OK - use a stepladder to climb up.
hihihi finally
no more sleeping on the couch
You've been a bad boy and got relegated to the couch?
I should have said 22:00.
7 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
no more sleeping on the couch
@Rapptz I was waiting for one of you lot to say something like that. Since you didn't bother to read any of the context yourself, I invite you to do so now ... particularly the part where an American citizen immediately backs me up wholeheartedly. Thanks.
And if you think that the USA is a new-age all-prosperous paradise then you have issues son
I don't have 'issues' and I'm not patriotic towards any country.
And I did read context.
I'm just sick of your silly "America is so bad" trope.
@Rapptz Then why are you attacking me for saying pretty much the same thing that everybody else was saying, in a conversation that I didn't start and wasn't even a large part of? As if it's evidence of some sort of "crusade"?
You use whatever chance you get to spread it, it's annoying.
@Rapptz I did not say "America is so bad". I said "this myth that the USA is some sort of new-age all-prosperous paradise is just that: a myth". Right now you are attacking me for something I did not do. I would very much appreciate it if you would stop doing so.
It reminds me of reddit's circlejerking over how bad the USA is.
guys calm down
Go ahead.
no need for this bullshit
have a drink
or take a toke
or do whatever poison you do
can I poison Rapptz?
ain't no need to squabble
you can poison rats
Oh fuck. My clothes are not dry yet.
Oh, you're meeting her tonight??
@R.MartinhoFernandes do not put them in the oven
@LightnessRacesinOrbit You were the one who said that people should plonk less
@khajvah I was joking
Also I didn't actually plonk Rapptz
In 30 mins, actually.
Why would I want to miss his deep wisdom and loving approach towards me?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit busy schedules.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Where are you taking her?
I can't submit to AMO.
A bar close by.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Have fun
Oh now I can.
K, found a set of mostly dry clothes.
Robot strikes me as a generally exceedingly competent individual who's really bad at several basic life skills :P
Sounds like me, alright.
k not sure what to do now
Hi Danny
@Ell I joked with the android lead that it should be called "Awesome Wrapper" but she thought it was quite a good idea :P
your turn
@AlexM. You'll cringe
because it makes the JNI nice.
it's not that bad actually
I guess it's pronounce "J Nice"
much nicer than Cpp2JNI or Cpp2Java, which is one of the first ideas I had
I have to decide whether to go to the pub quiz hmmmmmmmmmmm
Lezope I don't get lost
@R.MartinhoFernandes gl
That would induce some anger on some people who don't want anything good for you. — Ismael Miguel 34 mins ago
This guy again
 // std::vector<> like class to avoid dragging dependencies (also: windows implementation of STL with debug enabled is absurdly slow, so let's bypass it so our code runs fast in debug).
// Use '#define ImVector std::vector' if you want to use the STL type or your own type.
// Our implementation does NOT call c++ constructors! because the data types we use don't need them (but that could be added as well). Only provide the minimum functionalities we need.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Is this the guy that didn't llike your cleavage ?
@khajvah yes
I see he's still going around assuming everyone should pander to everyone else's insecurities
Hi guys, can you recommend a website/book with exercises (solutions/hints) to practice... Since cpp isnt my main language, It's hard to keep it in mind without practicing :<
@Rapptz Is this gamedev again? :(
> ImGui is a bloat-free graphical user interface library for C++.
> Bloat-free
also brain-free, apparently
the output looks good though
what is the definition of "bloat"?
@Rapptz Right, that old chestnut.
> It is based on an "immediate" graphical user interface paradigm which allows you to build user interfaces with ease.
ugh, immediate mode
The shit that Unity had before NuGui
Our graphics programmer used it at one point because he needed some quick-and-dirty solution to put GUI in his test code.
Ugh, I had to use Code Blocks for a second.
And it was awful.
@Rapptz That API looks terrifying.
> Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
And boy was it shit, but boy was it easy to setup.
ITT calling destructors is bloat
> ImGui::InputText("string", buf, 256)
@EtiennedeMartel it seems to be a single header + .cpp so I can't imagine it being difficult
yay magical buffer size numbers
> ImGui is self-contained within 6 files
5 of which are headers
So, yeah, the only use case I saw in action with it was to allow a guy on a tight deadline to put a bunch of sliders and buttons to test his lighting code.
shoulda said "single .cpp" :p
so are there no variables?
like you just do ImGui::Button and it magically draws it?
It's all global, I think.
oh lord
sounds frightening
damn I forgot how I debugged my scala/jni code o.O
@Rapptz Yes
Every frame, every widget is rebuilt
anyone into roleplaying that tried roll20 here?
reminds me of Unity's old system for guis
And that's why immediate rendering sucks.
6 mins ago, by Xeo
The shit that Unity had before NuGui
if (Button(...)) //created and passes if pressed
or something like that
@Xeo whoops
haven't read that much behind
sounds really really bad lol
yeah it was
looks at starboard
why is Robot panicking now that he's won
What's funny is the "std::vector<> like class to avoid dragging dependencies" thing. If you really think that your standard library is a dependency, there might be something wrong with you.
@AlexM. "won"?
well if she answered with "pick a time" I guess that he got the date
so... he won
i.e. only the date can happen, nothing bad
A date isn't an end in itself.
it isn't but he can calm down until after the date :P
It might be the end tho
it hasn't started yet
@Griwes bloat
IMGUIs are so terrible
@BartekBanachewicz did you check out Project Cars recently?
reviews are coming in
@CatPlusPlus Especially that particular implementation.
PC gamer is probably not that great when it comes to appreciating sims though
Every implementation
cough it seems they didn't use a driving wheel cough
@CatPlusPlus Yes, but especially that one.
The concept shits itself at anything more complex than single-screen hello world
Immediate anything is the graphics equivalent to the hello world.
"Layouting? Oh just modify this global state so easy and fast :smug:"
UIs are hard
I wish people stopped fucking reinventing this shit
Yeah, just buy Scaleform.
What if it needs to be open source
Just integrate Chromium
CEGUI is awful
I wrote a looknfeel.xml for that once
I've never written so much xml in my life
Scaleform is Flash
Immediately suspect
librocket might be good
I've never used it
XML is ugly :(
it's xhtml + css
unless I'm forced to I always pick json for everything
It's crappy incomplete implementation of something resembling XHTML + CSS
with XML there's just so much boilerplate
99% tags 1% data
\w/ but you can read which tag it's closing!
XML has a lot of useful tech around that you have to reimplement in JSON or whatever else
I implement a config engine with JSON, with YAML and I'm still missing features and expressiveness and it sucks
YAML sucks
@AlexM. That is exaggeration. Though it can be true in some cases. :)
@wilx of course it is :P my use cases are also pretty simple in nature
nothing that I can't 1:1 map to json without doing extra stuff, so the boilerplate shows
I find yaml even not to be expressive enough
I want multi maps :(
finally docked and plugged in my keyboard
feels so weird after a while of not using it
ah the lovely clickety clacks
@AlexM. saw something yes
And now for something entirely different...
This is still lovely.
someone actually took the time to do this scontent-mad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/l/t1.0-9/…
(spoiler: it's part of the script at the beginning of the dark knight rises)
well, an adaptation
I love how robot is throwing himself at life. It's of great inspiration.
Actually living you know.

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