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I have a question: Why does arrayA change?

var arrayA = [1,2,3,4,5,6];
var arrayB = arrayA;
arrayB[3] = 7
alert(arrayB[3]) //Returns 7, as expected
alert(arrayA[3]) //Returns 7 instead of 4
Assignment of arrays only assigns by reference, individual elements are not cloned.
so arrayB is like an alias of arrayB, rather than a copy?
ok, so here's an experiment I'm making. Tried recording me while making one of those pens
@Deep To copy an array you need var arrayB = arrayA.slice();
It's about C#, sure, but it applies equally to JS (and Java, PHP, etc)
@RoelvanUden seriously or trolling deep?
Thank you
@BenjaminGruenbaum Why would this be trolling? It's an old shitty page by the looks of it, but it covers the basics.
@RoelvanUden because I'm not sure how C# value semantics apply here.
It's... almost irrelevant.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Reference and value types exist in nearly every language. Be it Java, C#, JS, PHP, or whatever. JS objects and arrays are simply reference types; so knowing the basics of the two will help you.
@towc 720p or gtfo :p
@BenjaminGruenbaum And all the JS-specific ones I come across are all going "Remember this! It's like dark voodoo so all you need to do is remember this!" Explaining the how and why goes a long way.
@RoelvanUden ok then
@SomeGuy it's the max my pc can handle :(
if the thing raises any interest (but I kinda doubt it) I will try to use a better recorder
again, it's just an experiment
@RoelvanUden thanks
will look into that
@AwalGarg thanks as well
@Mosho AwalGarg is afk: ';DROP TABLE USERS;--
currentLevel = level.slice()
currentLevel[player.y][player.x] = 2
Surely because of this code, level will remain unchanged, but currentLevel will change?

Then why here is level being changed? You can see it in the console if you type in "level"
!!tell deep mdn slice
.slice() does a shallow copy, you'll want to copy all elements of currentLevel[player.y]
shallow copy you mean copy ?
what the heck is flat copy ?
so much copy :-o ?
@Deep now what a shallow copy means that if array has [Object1, Object2, Object3] the objects will still be [Object1, Object2, Object3] merely the wrapper array will change
That makes so much more sense
so do I just use a for loop to copy them across?
or is there a nifty method for that?
JS doesn't have many nifty methods
For loop it is :P
or .map ?
l2 = l.map(function(a){ return Object.create(a); });
holy shit youtube correctly identified the music in the background
I hate working sunday
Guys, I have a question. What's the difference between loading the file until the end and then sending it with res.end() and piping it while it reads?
Alright, that did it, thanks a million guys!
@GabrielTomitsuka its the same difference b/w emptying a bucket cup by cup vs transfering it to a different bucket and pouring it at once .
When you pipe, you will push data as soon as its read
@darkyen00 Personal recommendation?
@SomeKittens Am now, wassup?
while when you do the latter you will fill a memory buffer and then send it at once
@GabrielTomitsuka Pipe... always
why do you wish to do the plumbing yourself ?
@SomeKittens Huzzah! np at all. What was it that you were doing?
@darkyen00 I am routing with RegEx and adding Express as a dependency isn't worth it.
Routing with regex
Dear you are up for disaster.
ps all node streams support .pipe out of the box
Maybe. The website will never enter production; And it's always good to learn new stuff.
Actually, it will, it just won't pass the 5 views/day.
am off to exam studies
@Jhawins Actually, routing will work with a DB.
As I said, it's nothing but an experiment :D
The DB will work with RegEx.
^ DAT statement
Sorry I Dont have much context but what are you doing
@Jhawins SELECT * FROM "Routes" WHERE path ~ '^\/forum\/([^\\/]+?)(?:\/(?=$))?$'
^ That's what I'm doing
(PostgreSQL 9.4.1)
@SomeKittens add a an attempted (wrong) example
(Like, xhr.onload = function() { return new Promise(); })
I hope that will be faster than WordPress standard build, but who knows :P
@Jhawins Did you have a heart attack?
Everybody in the room had a heart attack
@GabrielTomitsuka wait, what?
4 mins ago, by Gabriel Tomitsuka
@Jhawins SELECT * FROM "Routes" WHERE path ~ '^\/forum\/([^\\/]+?)(?:\/(?=$))?$'
Repeating, it's nothing but an experiment
Keep calm
Oh my
This will never enter production
@GabrielTomitsuka you want to HIT THE DATABASE for every single routing request?
I'm too old for this
Sweet non existing god !
You want to perform IO for every single incoming request to the database?
It's okay, it's just an experiment
Can...can somebody get me a chair?
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's just an experiment...
@Zirak the chair suicided after reading.
@Zirak On my way.
@GabrielTomitsuka oh dear god
I'm seeing a light, hi grandpa it's great to see you again
ou ou ou its worse than I thought
It's actually a reasonable approach to learning. Try, crash and burn
Q: document.getElementById(id) where id is variable

alipkokI would like your assistance with some functions im trying to develop.The code im working is the following : var results; var today; var moddatestable; var arrayID; function ApplyModificationDate (){ results = getIframeTableContent('reportresults'); var arrayID = [100,101,102,103,104,105,106]...

@MadaraUchiha Why did you edit this and leave it lol
The regex part sure, databases even actually support regexes for queries (slow, but works) - but performing io to a remote resource for every request..
I edit a lot of stuff I don't answer.
@Jhawins Who said I left?
Well it's still there and I'm the first DV
TIL screening process
what does it mean for someone to send me this?
@MateiCopot http://t.co/4lfUpxylwg
They are into you.
I don't even know where that gif is from
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sorry... As I said, I'm experimenting - trying to do routing without Express, DB stuff without any ORM, and so on.
@GabrielTomitsuka that's always a good idea, but even when you experiment - do ask for feedback, some stuff doesn't make as much sense as other stuff.
I have two local clones of a git repository and the remote is now no more alive, is there some way to compare the two?
I'll make sure I won't open-source it for avoiding killing people, though.
Actually, maybe that's the reason Adobe keeps everything closed-source...
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ok :)
gab pls
@Unihedron What?
@AwalGarg real answer is make one a server and fetch it from the other and diff, pragmatic answer is make a new remote, push one to it, pull the other and diff.
Or you can just run diff on them that'd also likely work
@Unihedron Go to Slack?
Hey, you made me come here from your last Slack message.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ooh, right. That will be easy too!
om pls its 1 in mrnng
Just showing that that algorithm idea I showed you apparently doesn't make sense at all.
Go to sleep
nope it doesn't
gab pls = get alement by pleasure
Again, I avoided pinging you here for not waking you up.
xlr y
seeya later
@BenjaminGruenbaum What do you think about this project I am starting with @Unihedron? blog.montreus.com/?p=89
@BenjaminGruenbaum bum, can't figure it out. Command I can copy and paste? :P
@GabrielTomitsuka No one will use it but you'll learn a lot so good idea :)
@AwalGarg ls everything outside the .git directory for both projects, pass files with the same name to diff (also probably xargs somewhere)
it's just another forgotten webservice to-be-left to rot
You can use diff on directories and it will diff all files in them
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol... Any suggestions for improving the concept?
@copy oh yeah, that works
@copy where the fuck were you for the last 10 minutes
@AwalGarg Working, why?
thanks. That worked. also thanks Benji.
@copy just the diff thing. Was trying to compare two local git repos for 10 minutes :D
@GabrielTomitsuka allow xss. Then brand it like "Only forum in market which allows and encourages you to do XSS attacks. Prank your fellow forum members today!".
@AwalGarg Comes with built-in XSS module! Take advantage of our fast core to make 100 XSS requests/second and still be able to power your own 24/7 XSS-attacked forum! :D
Yep. Go get working.
Q: Does a timeout take up memory?

Lemony-AndrewThis question is probably trivial, but I am confused about what I should do. Basically, I noticed that each successive timeout I call has a greater ID number. I'm sure this is just to reduce ID conflicts, but I'm worried that even though a timeout has already executed, it still exists in memory....

This is...uhrm...okay
@Zirak working on the next generation of Batarang
about 900 times my local pc :O
Hi all, I just have a simple question cant get in any place, heve been googling for it all morning. How should be implemented the ES6 modules when im transpiling with traceur a single output file and using it in the browser with traceur-runtime?
import and export keeps getting Unexpected token
@BenjaminGruenbaum for the record, most CMS I've worked with store the routes in db
They cache the fuck out of it, of course, but still.
cc @Zirak @AwalGarg @copy ^ because you all seem so surprised...
Surprised about what?
I have an ES6 string interpolation question. Lemme spin up a quick bable fiddle.
Run that (ES6) code directly in browser (like latest chrome~)
the output is differently indented than the output of transpiled code.
Is there someway around this?
Can we do angular 2 in pure js...without typescript ? How?
@FlorianMargaine I thought so
They suck
@deostroll You write it the same way as if you would use TS.. without the annotes.
Guys I work at Anazro for their website what do you think of the video banner sound or no sound? anazro.com
No sound
Did you watch it supposed to go w/ it
@Tarson Dude... Is that even a question
:22936502 Automatic sound or no sound?
@Jhawins I just want a opinion on it
I'm seeing it and I'm horrified
what how
I am not clicking that link.
Well mine is such that I will just close the tab as soon as random background noise starts playing
@Tarson Because of the audio
true I thought that too
Q: Using ES6 modules with traceur in single build file

Santiago RebellaI just have a simple question cant get in any place, heve been googling for it all morning. There is no much info about traceur and when there is is not so clear, at least to me. How should be implemented the ES6 modules when im transpiling with traceur a single output file and using it in the b...

I would remove the banner itself haha. All it does is waste >50% of your screen space before scroll and provides absolutely no information or relevant display for the page
"leading in Preformance PC Parts" now check out some footage of liquids mixing in test tubes, because that's totally what we do
@AwalGarg weird, looking at it
@Jhawins wait let me fix it we have a second video
Am I in an elevator?
The audio makes me think of murdering scenes in an anime
The song is from potal 2
check it out now anazro.com
@Tarson do you guys sell liquids? And test tubes?
No sound. They are not test tubes, it is water cooling for PC
Our team are trying to get More water cooling brands with us
Idk tbh all I see is a 550px anchor tag. That's all you're getting out of that.
We lost alot of products cause our suppliers was froxencpu
It's not like you're using it to present any useful content :P
Home Page is just introduction
Anyway verdict on the sound: Don't automatically start playing sounds, ever.
!!s/int.*/the most important place to put relevant content/
@Jhawins Home Page is just the most important place to put relevant content (source)
what is the best command line emulator for windows
@Jhawins Dully noted
@CapricaSix Ok, Once I return back to my work I will suggest changes thanks!
Thanks to everyone for the Opinions!
you should get rid of the horrendous t-rex
@lovetolearn to emulate windows or to emulate unix on windows?
@royhowie Ha ha alright.
to emulate linux on windows
What you refer to is called Bash
A terminal emulator is what bash runs in (for instance, xterm)
if you mean a replacement for the shitty console, i use console2: sourceforge.net/projects/console
turn off the toolbar and status bar etc to make it not look ugly
Is there some way to embed a terminal in nautilus?
(No I am not switching to nemo or anything)
@Luggage I've been using powershell
pwoershell is an interpreter, this is a terminal
powershell replaces cmd.exe, console2. replaces conhost or whatever the process is that had the shitty 'terminal emulator' in windows
I mean the console that powershell packs with itself
it uses the default with with a few different settings
also ISE
ISe is decent
Can I get ISE without powershell?
you might be able to run cmd.exe in ISE but it won't give you interllisens eand all the powershell features
Actually I only care that i can pin it to the top and run GHCi inside :-)
and that it doesn't have any bulky unremovable toolbars
the real answer is to just uninstall windows and replace it with some form of unix
osx was what i went to. great terminal
all the unix tools i could ask for
Haskell is a better calculator than bash
@SantiagoRebella found anything?
@Luggage yep, I use osx
I don't want to pay extra for a full-aluminum body
Also, it is not "weird". It is the expected behavior from the looks of the transpiled code. But the transpiler is not preserving the indentation. It just... neglects it.
it's worth it
pcs csot the same when they have the same specs
and are made in the same horrible factories
@Luggage exactly
I'm sure you can't buy a low-end mac
it does suck you can't install (with support) osx an anythign, though
I'd still buy a mac, if there were an "apple tax," because they're prettier
and just nicer machines
I hate hunk-of-junk pieces of plastic
it's like linux, but with proper high-dpi support and a fairly consistent ui
and shitty laptop keyboards/trackpads—those are the worst
chassis design is not a criterion for me as long as it's not outright disgusting
@JanDvorak how do you even type on a non-mac laptop?
it's all about what you are used to
lots of pcs have decent keybaords and trackpads, now
@Luggage hardly
@JanDvorak but then it wouldn't be susceptible to bending
there re some nice ultra books out
Bending? I haven't observed any
@JanDvorak just because they cost the same with the same specs does not mean there has to be a low-end version
plus, I don't want a low-end computer
Laptops without trackpoint are worthless
You haven't seen a bent mba yet?
I spend so much time on it; I should at least use something decent
@copy debatable
I don't want to pay $1k for features I won't use
i liked trackpoint until a decent multi-touch trackpad
@royhowie All the crap you've been writing is also debatable
I still prefer a mouse
@Luggage this. the mac trackpads supersede the trackpoint
It's such a malleable casing being full aluminum. Isn't that exactly what you want in multi-thousand dollar computer hardware, for it to be malleable?
I use my keyboard the most anyway
Oh wait, you want something sturdy don't you. You damn hipster
Haven't seen a thumbstick in a while, btw
@copy =)
or whatever they're called
a windows machine with a high dpi screen would ahve cost me jsut as much (i was shopping the x1 carbon at the same time).
only i wanted the unix environemnt of osx, so that swayed me to try a mac
i haven't regretted it
@Luggage link?
link to what?
what you were considering
it's almost a year now, might not be the same
lenovi x1 carbon
Kitteh flagging 6 days old messages? How low of him.
oh…a kid in my compsci class had one of these
the $1900 one seems quite comparable
Too. Much. Cash
my laptop is what i use all day for my job and personal use
i use it more than my car and i spent a lot more on that
(most cars spend 95%+ of their lifetime in your driveway)
that's why self-driving cars will be great, since they can just drift around and pick people up
jsbin.com/vawehoquxu/1/edit?html,js,output guys see the problem here? Doesn't matter how many tab characters I put behind ${foo}, it always gets indented at the same place :/ Any workaround to this?
$2000 for something i spend several hours on every day is not a lot.
I got the high-end 15" rMPB without the TB of storage
i only got the 8gb, which i half regret just because VMs can take a lot
do you know of any comparable non-mac?
and yea, only 256 gb storage, i thing
I went with 512, since my old computer already had more than 256 of crap
ES6 people ^^ @BenjaminGruenbaum @FlorianMargaine @Zirak @darkyen00 did I miss someone?
and intel only vidoe. basically the 'low end' mbpr
but it's a year old and still does everythign i want. it's got at least another year in it
i have a pc desktop for gaming
though, a surprisingly large percentage of my steam libary is available on mac
runs ksp great :)
@Luggage I was considering (and I really mean just pondering/throwing up in the air) getting a gaming PC and getting a macbook (the new one)
and then just running any heavy-duty stuff on a server or something
i really wisht he new on had a normal usb port. that's kind of shitty
otherwise the new port is great (and a standard)
but needing an adapter for a usb thinb drive is just asinine
well, maybe all computers will switch eventually
would hope the pros have one when they come out
it's much nicer than usb
never have to check orientation

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