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@gunr2171 Revealed: the diamond is actually a version of the Black Jewel.
the plot thickens
Since it appears I don't have enough coffee to last me the night, it appears I'll have to sign off here. I'll see which of the three make it through to the top ten tomorrow morning.
@Qantas94Heavy Loud music instead?
@JasonC I like it... surprised @TimPost isn't offering you some work :p
@Unihedro eh, would do if it wasn't for paper-thin walls :P
Headphones? :)
@gunr2171 Nah, not really. Joel is kinda like clippy .. "It looks like you're trying to do something awesome!" or "It looks like you're trying to destroy everything I've ever built" both ending in "Would you like some help with that?"
@Qantas94Heavy invite your neighbors over to watch the vote count. then the music can be loud, and maybe they have coffee
"It looks like you're trying to get fired. Would you like some help with that?"
Give me my brain back first.
I'm perfectly happy to have my brain removed... can't miss what you don't have and all that...
@JonClements Oh, so you are Ren after all!
@JasonC Option to hide candidates without responses, perhaps?
@durron597 darn it - my true identity is revealed!
also, keyboard shortcuts to navigate the posts; n / p perhaps for next and previous.
Just one more vote!
@JasonC what about pinning the current question to the top and removing it from each user's section?
@BradleyDotNET Ed would disagree.
@MartijnPieters Good idea.
@MartijnPieters and so would Jason, I'd say. 2 more votes or bust!
@gunr2171 Yeah, I'm planning on that, but I suck at making web pages. I have to figure out how to do it without frames.
Oh man
Well, everyone else is rooting for the system-breaking "we don't know what will happen" tie
@Ed We should both just go take a 3 hour walk, for our sanity. Oh wait, the vote monitor actually looks OK on my phone. Crap.
Perhaps someone should take a screenshot of the voting data, in case the whole thing crashes
@JasonC I use it on my iPhone all the time..
@BradleyDotNET If we are rooting for a tie, I am rooting for Undo to join in in the fun.
I have no problem with that :)
@JasonC yeah, I noticed that. There is no escape!
Unfortunately, he's fallen a bit behind
@JasonC Tied again...
now everyone just needs to upvote Undo
we need a few dozen voting bots that cooperate with each other
I think everyone is just too tense and I should give out some swag.
@TimPost can you give me some 150-rep sockpuppets?
@yellowantphil No, I'm using those. Sorry.
@JasonC, here is a really minimal example for a sticky element at the top. I got it from this walkthrough
undo is a symbolic number of votes behind jason :P
wonder what that signifies
@gunr2171 Oh awesome, thanks.
tie again..
go @JasonC! :P
my tie-making votes are stretched as far as they can get... nobody disturb the tie!
If it is a tie, it should definitely be an 11/12 person final phase. That said, very excited to see what it does.
ah ed just got 2 votes
@corsair992 it signifies the result of multiplying six by nine.
everyone should keep their votes ready on these two.. to always change into a tie ;)
Really, it should be an 11 person final phase anyways.
As our thanks to everyone that stuck it out and didn't withdraw, you'll be getting an email from me asking for your shipping info and size details at some point next week. I'm going to stuff your mailbox so full of awesome goodness that .. well ... your mailbox will fill up.
@TimPost I only received the lot from last time a couple of weeks ago - do I still qualify for more swag? :p
As our thanks to everyone that participated in this room (by typing at least 10 things that weren't flagged), you'll also get an email from me asking for some details as you helped guide folks through this process.
Or at least supported them
Or agreed that turtles aren't really slow
@TimPost I hope @JasonC gets a really big swag bag for all his efforts on making the Q&A usable / live monitor - I think in some way it's possible that's increased interest in voting and has kind of made the process "more fun"/interactive like :p
The consensus hasn't been made for tortoises though.
@JonClements I will be adding extra things for extra awesomeness.
This might be the best election we had so far.
Thank you, all of you, we mean it.
@JonClements i only have 9 messages in this room :(
sorry was replying to tim post's message
@corsair992 does that make that your 10th/11th now then? :p
@corsair992 :P You'll get something.
12 including this one
The point is this process works because everyone made it work. We think everyone wouldn't mind a little something to remember it.
@corsair992 You can edit your message like you can comments on the main site; for a limited time only.
I'm in luck, not only did I type 21 amusing things, but I also didn't withdraw from the election! Double swag!
@davidism If by double you mean single and a third then yes. Sorry :P (kidding)
I typed several dozen informative things, but it was while chat was down :-(
@Zero well... it's the effort that counts surely? :)
@ZeroPiraeus I'll help you out. How do I vote for a candidate?
... mumble grumble sidebar mumble ...
@ZeroPiraeus That did happen. Okay, we'll take your word for it
oh come on, you can't expect me to notice a list of messages, with links, on my own!
@gunr2171 first, rotate one of your eyes rightwards ...
too much effort...
wait, how do I only rotate one of my eyes?
@JasonC: I cannot agree with @JonClements more about how your tools have really made this election super fun to watch!
@gunr2171 You don't have independently-swivelleng eyes? Weird.
Third or fourth or whatever it is on JasonC getting super bag O' swag
^ see, my hat went away
Since we're talking hats, the WPF room would like green laser pointer hats next year
since sharks already have the red ones
and dolphins have no love at the moment
Well if we're discussing hats
in Python, Dec 15 '14 at 11:04, by Jon Clements
Why isn't there a cabbage hat!?
i just (temporarily) downvoted undo because it was unacceptable that he should have a margin of only 41 votes :P
@Ffisegydd Because waffles are way more delicious?
@BradleyDotNET that's hard logic to argue against
@Ffisegydd darn it... we've being doing it wrong for 2 years!
Election starts in 1 hour!!!
hour and 51 minutes
1 hour 51
no need for AHHHH for 51 minutes. Right now it’s just AHH
I hope the monitor doesn't implode when they end.
Stack Overflow will crash on the tie, and all questions will be deleted
@yellowantphil That might be an improvement, honestly.
Start from scratch!
All questions will immediately be closed as duplicates of "why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array?"
@yellowantphil I suppose on the plus side - that'd make moderation easier :p
@JasonC I'd prefer that one
@JasonC and the answer to that question is: use jQuery
I don't even know how Mystical (or anyone else) figured that out
just wondering, everyone can vote in the election phase?
@JasonC All questions will be closed as duplicates of "How can I parse (X)HTML using regex?"
@uraimo everyone with 150 rep
150 rep, as before
@uraimo Yup... as long as you've got 150 rep - anyone can vote
ok, perfect, thansk
too many people are going to try to force a tie at the last second, and Ed and Jason will just switch places
it's ironic that the creator of the voting monitor was the person it ended up the most relevant for throughout the primary phase :P
@yellowantphil I'd say there still a decent chance it'll be a tie. Well, maybe not that decent since there is a pretty big delay. Maybe 1 in 10?
@slicedtoad chances would be better if Undo had 38 more votes
i think a tie is a small chance.. unless there are no last second voters
yes. Someone should canvas 38 people to join the cause
in which case chances are better
@AlexisKing Oops, our crappy jokes are leaking into the election chat room.
@JasonC I think you might be taking this a little too far.
I think so too.
I've been known to consistently run jokes far, far into the ground.
He's into subterranean jokes
so, Jason likes dirty jokes?
^^ sorry, had to
Ba dum, bum.
... And it's a tie...
@JasonC pulls ahead!
Oh... @JasonC's now out front... this is more exciting than the Grand National :p
i just reverted my downvote on ed as soon as jason pulled ahead ;)
Cm'on, people, 40 upvotes for me? To make it interesting?
@Undo I have but one vote to give!
-2 votes for undo
@Undo You've already got them from me
yay, thank you!
I could downvote Ed and Jason, but that would give me less power to hold their tie
I can't even look at it.
don't vote either of them.. then you can influence it the most :P
it's okay @JasonC, we'll keep you updated whether you like it or not >:D
There's no escape.
There is no escape from your own creation
Wow, there's seriously a tie now for 10th place? o_O
@Oldskool has been for days, practically
where have you been for the last 3 days?
Theoretically, what would happen if the tie persists? Would 11 people make it to the election pahse?
@Oldskool we have no idea
not even Stack Overflow knows
@JasonC: turn off all electronic devices and come back in an hour
@Oldskool vote to keep the tie!
yesterday, by Grace Note
@JasonC Internal word is "No idea. Maybe we'll find out!"
That's awkward.
I think they should play chess.
Or see who can FGITW the most questions in five minutes.
Let's have a chess tournament right now while we wait for the hour to pass.
I'm up for that

 SE Chess

Let's play chess! Everyone is welcome. Winning is only optiona...
@JasonC has to win, otherwise the Grand Old Tavern Party won't have any candidates in the running.
lol :D
I'll set it to 90 minutes? That's just enough until the election begins.
@Undo I used to know two chess openings, but then I forgot one of them.
Master chess player right here.
Must be that you forgot the worse one, right? :P
@AlexisKing We're just hobbyists, play to your hearts' desire. :p
It's also not rated or anything.
@Undo Unfortunately, no, the better one was more complicated, so I forgot that one. :P
I haven't played chess in years... use to play Crazy House - always good fun
(not fun if you didn't have a decent partner... but...)
ok jason and ed have been tied for a while.. let's get undo up there now :)
Oh wait... I mean bughouse
@Undo I'm just surprised that of all the candidates from the Tavern Party, not one of them was a bot spewing XKCD.
@BradLarson There are a couple that might be bots :P
Jason pulls ahead!
... nevermind
Not me; I'm waiting in the chess tournament game thingy :P
@BradLarson Hopefully xkcdBot will be the official Tavern Party nominee for next year's elections.
Though that means it'll need to earn a lot of badges between now and then.
that's all we need, a robo(t)-reviewer in the flag queue.
@AlexisKing Is it easy for a bot to earn 3k rep in a year?
@Unihedro ask @Martijn to answer questions on it for a week? :p
@Unihedro If you believe!
At this rate of players joining it'd start by the time the election finishes.
makes coffee
I'm doing statistics, adding chess on top of statistics and watching an election would probably break something
@Unihedro Took me some time to get logged in on SE chat (meta.stackexchange.com/questions/253771/…) and to register for the tournament, but I'm in!
$('.entry a').filter(function(){return $.inArray($(this).text(), ["Jason C","Undo","Ed Cottrell"]) != -1;}).css("color","red").append("*");
$("#disclaimer").text("* Try to make these candidates tie for tenth!");
There, that improves the monitor
This tie is holding awfully long.
hey @Jason, if you really want a tie, you might consider adding a <1 second refresh interval option, so we can make sure there is no tie-breaker at the last second ;)
@corsair992 SO might ban your IP for a few seconds if you do that too much
@corsair992 wouldn't be all that hard if you apply a little dev tool magic to it.
oh wait, nevermind
Found in the monitor's source code:
> // update ranks oh god i dont know what im doing
@gunr2171 @corsair992 SO would ban my IP address. You guys never query SO. The back-end queries once every 3 seconds. If I increase that rate I will definitely get throttled (actually I got banned for a moment yesterday because I forgot I left a test instance running, doubling my query rate). Nobody noticed the votes stopped updating because voting activity was low.
@durron597 You have no idea. Every line of that file was a Google search, lol.
if you really want that, just add an option to the select manually from the dev tools. Then you can turn it on briefly.
hmm, how soon does SO ban the queries
if it doesn't throttle immediately, then this option should be enabled at the last minute
@corsair992 I don't know. I try to keep total page hits to max once every 2 seconds. I think ~1 per second is right on the edge.
I turned it on for about five seconds
but I'll leave it off
@JasonC has your router melted yet?
@yellowantphil Nope, everything's actually been super smooth. I may have been worried for nothing.
what kind of traffic are you getting?
@JasonC I hope fate isn't listening... that's bound to be tempting for it ;)
@slicedtoad Barely any; I'm getting about ~10 ajax hits per second, most of them responding with 304's. So way down in the kB/sec range. It's nothing.
I was more worried about the router crapping out for whatever reason, it's the one the ISP gave, and is generally unstable, but it's been solid.
@JasonC Last 01 hour 04 mins
@JasonC You did some seriously solid coding on this, btw. Nice job.
@EdCottrell Thanks. Just do not look at the QA monitor source. It's a mess. I mean uh... my little brother wrote it. I'll have to ... make sure he did a good job later.
@EdCottrell Agree with you. Nice Job @JasonC
@JasonC Next year, let me write the front-end. ;)
@JasonC :) Well, given the time constraints involved, I'm still impressed.
Absolutely, @AlexisKing. Actually once this election is over I want to expand it a bit to cover other sites. New front-ends will always be welcome. Web work is not my bag.
@JasonC Build a nice little API (maybe switch to websockets) and I'll take a crack at it. :)
@JasonC well, imho, you've done a better job than some people that supposedly do, do web work :)
@AlexisKing I have a rough description of the ajax api at meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/290346/…; I'll update it with more proper documentation later.
Could the whole thing be client-sided? to stop it from going through someone's server?
"Source is on GitHub." You guys, it's written in JSP. — BoltClock ♦ 2 days ago
Haha, yeah.
@slicedtoad I don't know. From what I hear, not if it's hosted on its own domain. But a modification to poke's awesome summary table userscript could theoretically continuously query the page in the background and update the table, for live updates without refreshes.
At least, ^ that is all the case as far as I can tell.
One thing I do like, though, is just having a single URL people can go to and immediately see results, without having to install *monkey, userscripts, etc.
The webpage can be hosted on your server or wherever but is there a way to query SO directly for the AJAX calls?
I don't think it can query across domains, but my knowledge is limited.
> Primary closes in 54 minutes.
It can if they set it up to do that, but I'm not at all familiar with the API
Oh in that case probably. The elections page is outside the realm of normal posts, I haven't verified that the vote counts are readable with the API yet.
that would probably cause too much load on the servers, depending on the amount of people constantly polling it
Undo needs almost one vote per minute
Still a tie... I'm not sure how much of this I can take anymore!!!
Ed is ahead now
Yeah, doesn't look to good for @Undo. As a poker player who ends up on the frickin' bubble too much, I kinda feel his pain...
Just like @EdCottrell and @JasonC are heads up in an insane showdown, this is getting ludicrous.
@BradLarson @TimPost @shog9 @GraceNote I hope you've figured out a game plan for there being a tie
The game plan is "Let's see what happens".
Tied once again
There won't be a tie. Shog can just snipe me with a downvote at the last second.
@GraceNote with a bit of "please... don't let there be a tie..."? :p
Technically, Shog could probably snipe you after the last second :)
@JonClements No, absolutely none of that. We're pretty deathly curious.
@GraceNote I’ll help you find out if you give me 100 sockpuppets
I'm sad that @Undo hasn't rallied to make this even more interesting
anybody who is +0 or +1 on both Jason and Ed can change their votes to -1. It would bring Undo closer
1 hour ago, by Undo
Cm'on, people, 40 upvotes for me? To make it interesting?
@yellowantphil Good, idea.
Note to self: start preparing an army of socks for next year's election.
Note to self: Get one of my socks elected on next year's election.
LOL people are definitely messing with their votes for that 10th place. When @JasonC goes up @EdCottrell goes down and vice versa. I guess everyone kinda wants to see what happens upon a draw ^^
And then someone votes who isn't going for a draw and everybody monitoring it overreacts
@JasonC Better take down the link p:
yeah. it's going to be swinging 5-10 votes back and forth
@RahulNikate Lol
If @JasonC wants to win, he can just rig it to display him at 5 under
I just want to stress that everybody should vote based on the candidates' merit, not based on trying to force a tie.
^ after the primaries
@JasonC darn you and your app... I'm sure I should be doing something remotely "cool" on a Friday night! :p
@JasonC way to ruin the suspense
Who knows how many people are purposefully swinging towards even, but I think the amazing thing is that probably isn't happening all that much
and its still really close to a tie
I think about the first three days of the tie was not planned
now the elections page has links to everyone’s answers
I have to admit, even though I agree votes should be merit based, I will be disappointed if we don't get to find out what happens in case of a tie
JasonC & Ed are tied.
not anymore
now they are again
Eh, I know that I won't win against candidates like Madara and Martijn and Jon
in Charcoal HQ on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 5 hours ago, by Undo
Anyway, it'll be easier to vote without having myself in there.
but...but...I wanted to vote for you Undo!
Next year! I promise!
(might even have 20k by next year, and a full 40/40 score >:D)
ed needs a vote ;)
I'll admit, I was rooting for Andy, since he'd basically get a license to kill for his bot. I have a &quot;fondness&quot; for bots. :)
@davidism except Andy's appears to work? :p
5 minutes until primaries close
let's just hope no one ruins the tie in the last seconds.. that would be too disappointing :p
@BenjaminGruenbaum ??
yeah, can we lock down voting on my mark?
More like 6.
> Primary closes in 5 minutes.
@BenjaminGruenbaum It floors the time.
which is weird
hey give ed a vote!
This makes the elections all worth it:
6 hours ago, by Tim Post
@davidism :)
yeah I wanted to vote for Andy’s bot too
18 mins ago, by Jason C
I just want to stress that everybody should vote based on the candidates' merit, not based on trying to force a tie.
Smokey should run next year
@JasonC What if I think you two are of equal merit?
The way to win an election is lots of edits
Which means vote @JasonC!
That way everyone knows you
Then vote for both of us.
@Benjamin like "editing" the votes? :p
even if there isn't a tie, can we pretend there was? Like a vote from someone in India got dropped in the network, and we need to count it?
@Undo or some forgotten postal votes or something? :)
Q: Can votes be changed in election phase?

RamI see only 20 of the 29 candidates have answered the questionnaire. Some of the candidates likely to make it the election phase of the election have not answered the questionnaire yet. I want to vote based on all the top 10 candidates responses. Once the election phase starts, Can I vote (pick 1...

@JasonC What's your neat-o vote counter again?
Jason's still up.
And Jason's in!

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