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I thought they had some light additional machinery... didn't know you could treat pointers into arrays as iterators
@fredoverflow very crap ones
@Pris what can iterator that a pointer can't?
that said, I wouldn't think of pointers as iterators, it makes it sound like using them as such is 'good'
Pointers are random access iterators, period. Nothing wrong with them per se.
@thecoshman What?
@thecoshman It is good.
In libc++, std::vector<T>::iterator where T isn't bool isn't T*. :P
Damn. I have a use for @LucDanton's ephemeral class now :(
@rightfold Isn't or is? Pretty sure it is in "release mode".
@fredoverflow Why would it?
Because efficiency, IDK?
The compiler is perfectly capable of inlining a simple pointer wrapper class, and having the separate class still has benefits.
So, CLion.
They don't support clang or GCC in Windows...
What do they support in Windows, then?
Instead, it's Cygwin or MinGW.
... which apparently allow you to compile to clang or GCC?
I don't even.
Ming vase.
I guess I thought Cygwin and MinGW were separate compilers.
They said "You can use GCC or Clang as the compiler on Linux and OS X, and MinGW 32/64 or Cygwin on Windows."
And since I've never used MinGW or Cygwin or even read about them, I assumed from context that they were other compilers.
@caps TIL Cygwin is a compiler.
One is a toolchain, and the other is some kind of development environment.
What they don't support is MSVC.
@rightfold Yeah I figured
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh, well who cares about that?
> console.log(function(a,b,c){return a?b():c()}(window,function(){return 1},function(){return 2}));
Google Closure y u no console.log(window?1:2).
So I wonder if it would be easier to use CLion for Crystax than crystax.net/android/ndk trying to use it with VS2013
I'm so perplexed. This code is supposed to display an error message only if the number enterred (as a character) is not between 1 and 9 but it always shows an error message no matter what I enter. while (true)
cin >> selection2;
if (selection2 < '1' || selection2 > '9')
cout << "Invalid input. Try again\n\n> ";
what did I do wrong? :?
What you did wrong was not creating a proper SSCCE.
@hb20007 What's the type of selection2?
@fredoverflow no, but you have less safety with them.
fdoverflow: it's a char
But you break; if the number is invalid, before showing the error.
It would make more sense if you broke; on valid input.
Is project euler of any value?
If you're into maths, yes.
@AaronHall Twenty-nine.
I kind of am into math.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Are you kidding? It's at least 31.
@R.MartinhoFernandes You just had to go and say it before me. D:
@fredoverflow you're right. Thx,
the singular, American kind
@hb20007 You're welcome.
I prefer 69.
but I really need calc 3
@thecoshman Screw safety, I want pointers for efficiency #yolo
to do the quantitative higher learning I aspire to
I'm not sure about operator precedence.
New profiles just landed!
@rightfold Use prefix or postfix notation, then you don't need operator precedence.
APL and Smalltalk seem to do just fine without it.
@fredoverflow Thought of it.
nooo change it back
> 6 7 *
just kidding
alright, I'm so close to being able to protect questions!
I don't like these new profiles
@fredoverflow other way around, then.
they emphasize how much of a useless leech I am on this community
Makes factorial ugly, though.
@fredoverflow Pointers/references, and any core data types I should have the ability to make references to without forcing a copy.
Also, this reminds me.
I want my blissful ignorance back
@fredoverflow right you are!
@rightfold you can do it either way
@rightfold Reminds me too much of LISP ;)
x = some_string_in_js; <----- Is x a copy or a reference to some_string_in_js?
factorial <- { |n| if (n < 2) {1} {n * factorial (n - 1)} }
' versus
factorial <- { |n| if (< n 2) {1} {* n (factorial (- n 1))} }
"* 6 7" or "6 7 *" both work in much the same way
@ThePhD JavaScript has reference semantics for objects, does it not?
so at what point is a Project Euler profile braggable? solves at 25? 50? 100? more
both are ugly, sorry :P
except the latter is easier to manage on a stack
@fredoverflow it has reference value semantics, like Java and C#
strings are not objects though. So @ThePhD it's a copy.
@AaronHall If that's what you care about, you should write questions and answers on SO instead.
@fredoverflow Right! But, I can't seem to get a reference. And I want to know if javascript's "immutability" applies to the equals operator here...
@ThePhD pointer copy.
Tell me something witty to write in my profile description
Strings actually have real value semantics in JS. As do numbers, booleans undefined and null @ThePhD
@BenjaminGruenbaum irrelevant for strings since immutable
so it's referentially transparent
@BenjaminGruenbaum What the fuck are reference value semantics?
@rightfold strings aren't immutable, they're actual values. That's a stronger guarantee.
well I've already demonstrated my Python expertise
I want to get into C, though
I'm confused.
@BenjaminGruenbaum How do you cram strings of different length into a variable without reference semantics?
@fredoverflow the way objects work in Java and C#, it's like passing a pointer in c++ and not a reference.
@ThePhD copy.
@BenjaminGruenbaum That is called reference semantics, is it not?
@fredoverflow what do you mean?
@fredoverflow no, C++ references have reference semantics.
lol no, C++ references are for call by reference.
I asked the head of the econ dept at Columbia what I should do to get in, she said get a masters in stats.
@LightningRacisinObrit Check this shit out ^
var obj = {x:5};
function kek(top){
    top = {};
obj.x;  // 5 here
@fredoverflow right, and in JavaScript you don't have call by reference, everything is call by value.
arguments elements are kinda by-reference!
char a[] = "value semantics";
char * b = "reference semantics";
yeah, it is.
I'm... gonna go ask in the JS room. .-.
@BenjaminGruenbaum So you have reference semantics with call by value, just like Java?
@EtiennedeMartel reminded me of
@fredoverflow If you call it that, yes
@BenjaminGruenbaum Let's just refer (no pun intended) to it as "Java semantics" from now on, shall we? ;)
@ThePhD strings are always by value.
JUNIOR DEVELOPER WANTED: Must have all the experience of a senior developer, but be content with the salary of a junior.
@fredoverflow sure, except for number, string, undefined, bool and null (in ES6 also Symbol).
@ThePhD JS room is a very helpful community
much more than here
we're dicks
be back later
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't know EcmaScript, so I'm gonna have to trust you on this.
> ~402k people reached
JavaScript is somehow even worse than PHP.
@fredoverflow the spec is an easy read compared to c++ : es5.github.io/#x8
@BartekBanachewicz Indeed it is!
@rightfold Did somebody invent PHP.js or JavaScript.php yet? :)
Five years into the job and an otherwise excellent team member is still reporting bugs as "the <X> won't start" ... no further detail on what is seen.
Oh, no, are we going to lose our gravatars?
thanks good explanation even though your copy ctr is not exception safe. — jambodev 1 hour ago
Anybody understand where he's going with this?
@AaronHall What makes you say that?
It's not showing up on the site, but custom ones are.
I like my gravatar. :(
it feels comfortable and familiar
I can see your pink square on SO...
I know people aren't voting for my stuff because of how cute I am
@fredoverflow Destructors don't run for objects that were not constructed.
woah the profile page changed
@R.MartinhoFernandes Why would I need to run the destructor if new char fails?
Ah, good point.
I like the new profile page
25ºC here.
pretty warm for the time of the year
@R.MartinhoFernandes Mine is . I can live with that :)
@StackedCrooked ice age incoming
@fredoverflow Got that already.
@AlexM. is it gonna be like the movie?
> Impact: ~2.7m people reached
maybe it will be like the games
pay $5 now to get food or wait 23:59 hours more
Is this the hunger games I've been hearing so much about?
~5.3m people reached
based on page views
I'll let them inflate my importance.
No problem
You had twice as much impact as me.
wait did profiles change
Jon Skeet probably had so much impact, the dinosaurs went extinct because of him.
wtf my beautiful avatar is so tiny
oh i was on the wrong tab
fucking hell
now it's resized to too big and it's blurry
the new profile is so disorienting
I hate you jon skeet or whoever develops SO
I think Jon Skeet works for Google.
Also, I don't think Jon Skeet does web design.
He does C#
yeah that other guy then
people reached
my neverending tentacles reached many a human being
@bluefog At Google, he does mostly Java, IIRC.
nobody does what they're good at at Google m8
see Mysticial
@AlexM. I see 1124 rep for you???
@AlexM. What did he do at Google?
@fredoverflow boring android stuff IIRC

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