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4:31 AM
I have a usercontrol that I want to use multiple times for similar purposes. Easily I can create it in code-behind and pass through a parameter before assigning it to a grid. However, ideally I would prefer to do it in XAML. I've been trying to use dependency properties, but I've been getting a problem that the property isn't being set to the parameter being passed into it, no matter which guide I follow.
Anyone got any ideas before I create a question? I think my problem is that the guides show how to use it for binding, whereas I need it to be used in my constructor.
5 hours later…
9:09 AM
hello.. can someone help me with this plz?
3 hours later…
12:13 PM
Hi guys
long time :D
hey man
how is!
how are you doing Mav ?
I have so many things in mind I forgot to stop by :P
I can imagine.. i'm kinda where you were last year I guess
12:16 PM
switching ?
getting buried in work .. worrying about things that I shouldn't have to worry about :D
Yeah I can relate to that
no -- more like with Sean onboard my team, I've gone from mixed-mode to pure engine coding mode
which means.. no wpf.. no shiny things
that's hard
just ugly services that nobody will know about until they break
12:17 PM
I'm with u on this one buddy
and then I of course get the shit :)
man, get a new job :D
that's why I am doing :P
nah.. I don't hate it
well trying to do to be more precise
i still can't imagine myself working at a different place
12:18 PM
these guys are so nice to me.. its going to be next to impossible to replace them
how long have u been working for your company ?
(I don't even know where you work at in fact :P)
almost five years
I'd give you the site.. but its so shit that I won't!
ho come on :P
don't be shy
the site is about 12-13 years old -- its getting renewed .. but that's been happening for .. umm i dunno 1.5 years?
12:19 PM
RTW Hosting
well political shit with site renewal
we had to finally give up and start fresh again with a new contractor
that's bad
yea so its taking forever
all the company wanted was a simple cms solution
but a tweak here.. tweak there... and people asking for tweaks asked things that don't mix together.. and then we ended up in shit
by the time it reached us (the techies for intervention) it was too late..
(requirements were being dealt with marketing and sales)
sounds like a bad disaster movie :P
anyways! past! new site is in the works and i'm hoping it'll be there soon
12:21 PM
just proves again.. listen to your goddamn developers when they tell you to not do some shit
they never do that
never ever
when i initially told these guys to not ask for that stuff.. they told me.. its the rage
its how marketing works and its all the seo thing
of course what do i know!
12:22 PM
I always think of this video when I read stuffs like that ^^
story of my life
but the real shit is.. the contractor didn't raise the flag
even though i told them to (i put the two parties in touch with each other - though fortunately that was the extent of my involvement)
so now my relation with contractor is effed
and my reference in company got messed too
all because these two kids couldn't sort their shit out
so yes .. my days going fine, thank you :D
but.. i do have some more exciting stuff happening too!
yeah I sort of see that
yeah ?
the dark room engine stuff...
i'm making it over complex!
12:25 PM
just the way i always wanted!!
it'll be a swiss knife :D
you say bend over, and engine responds with how how high how low!
so I'm excited about it
Message Queues + OpenId Connect are my two main things in there
I have no idea what you are talking about but you seem happy with it :D
i just told you what :P
12:26 PM
you told me swiss knife
the frustrating part is -- getting all of this to work on Linux :D
Messages Queues and OpenId
no.. Message Queues + OpenID Connect based engine
will result in the swiss knife engine -- that can be mutated for the next five years
will it auto mutate ?
you mean will i use it for? yes
Automation is my core responsibility for the platform :)
12:28 PM
no I was joking :) I was saying auto mutate like what darpa is planing
Seans going to put a shiny front on top
Ok i see what you mean then
oh lol sorry i missed the joke
i thought it was a type for automate xD
I'm never clear in English :P
all in all you seems to be doing well !
hehe yea.. just frustrated because things aren't working and I'm running way behind schedule because of it
but good otherwise
so.. how have you been!
12:37 PM
well plenty of stuffs
We finally released the cloud version of our software
@JohanLarsson Have you watched the Dotnetconf yet? can i clear that star please?
and I'm currently looking for a new job :P
O.o why?
didn't like managing much?
8 years with the same team, same people, same software
I need fresh air
I need to see new faces, and work on new stuff
well managing was cool, and I still had to do some coding, so no issues there
I can imagine! that's something different around me - our faces change once in a while.. but software changes pretty frequently
12:38 PM
just looking for new challenges
yeah I dont have that luck
my projects may last a year or so, but each project is a brand new learning experience
the last person that was recruited in our team was recrutied 8 years ago
it was me
Yeah that's cool
well i was the last person hired in my team about five years ago, but sean changed that :)
the person who left had 10 years on him with the company so yea it was time for him
(he wasn't willing to learn anything new while the company has obviously moved forward being in tech sector)
12:40 PM
yeah 10 years is a lot
sitting at 8 years I already feel the urge to move
well i never thought i'd last more than 2 years in any company cos i get bored
even if I like my team members
but who knows - may be i'll pull 10 off here O.O
well it's cool you found somewhere you feel at home :D
which you obviously don't! :D
no i found some peeps who don't mind me coming to office around 11:30am!!
12:41 PM
well there was one guys taht was very good technically
I had great exchanges with him
but he's leaving in a month
good guys are hard to retain :)
anyway I got some interviews
with cool companies
I'll see where it goes
nice nice.. good luck!
they'll be lucky to have you :)
12:44 PM
yeah I'm hoping to get something nice
hahaha thanks
reminds me, wonder how andre's doing
we'll see ^^
haven't seen him in a while and i know he was looking as well
no idea ^^
lol yea.. you have to be in channel to have any idea :P
12:45 PM
yeah :D
1:14 PM
back - sorry took a while
sign of good developers: you run into some funny stuff when things break down
You might be here because:
     There is an error on our server and the server is "givin' her all she's got, captain."
1:49 PM
2:02 PM
hi guys
@Sisyphe maybe my company would interest you ? We do WPF and DDD
and he's in france!
but he only speaks to you :p
well I'm actually only looking in Paris :P
intra muros ?
not necessarily, but not too far too
2:13 PM
we're in Antony
this is definitely too far :D
21km ^^
too bad cause DD and WPF sounds pretty good :P
you worked at SAP right ?
Still working at SAP yeap
maybe not for long though ^^
2:16 PM
It's pretty big but maybe you know someone called Thomas
doesnt ring a bell sorry :(
and yeah it's pretty big... around 2000 people just here
around 70k worldwide
hi @NETscape
2:36 PM
What's the easiest way to move data from an SQL database to a word document?
What do you guys use, installer-wise?
(WiX, NSIS, etc...?)
@LynnCrumbling Reed has recommended eziriz.com before
@NETscape Hrmm. Never heard of that...
setupbuilder (by lindersoft) is very easy to use also.
2:51 PM
posted on April 13, 2015 by ericlippert

Last time I explained why the designers of C# wanted to have both checked and unchecked arithmetic in C#: unchecked arithmetic is fast and dangerous, checked arithmetic is slightly slower but turns subtle, easy-to-miss mistakes into program-crashing exceptions. It seems … Continue reading →

2 hours later…
4:27 PM
4:50 PM
given the latency of echo replies, I think fedex is now in charge of relaying our packets!
by the time reply reaches back, the sender is already gone xD
Any of you guys employ wix for setup?
...Also, With MultiBinding - is it possible to get {Binding} passed in? Path doesn't seem to like it.
First question, no, I roll my own. I've heard wix is good though
Second, try "Path=."
or: <Binding Path="."/>
Ahh.. "."
4:55 PM
Which, incidentally, seems to have issues with Wndows Store apps
so it may have changed for them
"." Doesn't crash it, but I get null for the value
"." should return the datacontext of the item
checks to make sure it isn't the converter screwing it up
i'd say it IS returning the datacontext.. it just happens to be null (disconnected visual tree would be a prime candidate for this)
converters usually just throw up :)
Hey, look at that ... it's coming into the converter just fine.
@BradleyDotNET We use NSIS and WiX here.. WiX is nice; there's just a lot of "special" situations to deal with all of the time.
5:45 PM
@BradleyDotNET Looking for an installer?
@ReedCopsey Brad wasn't; I was just asking around... seeing what everybody uses.
You don't use WiX by any chance, do you?
I have - it's a bit of a pain to do anythign, though
That remind me - I had something I wanted to ask you and Brad about.
We've settled on advancedinstaller.com - which I highly recommend, especially for .NET projects
So - common scenario - I want to delete an item that's in a listbox.
It's bound to an OC.
Inline is a delete button for that item.
Pretty easily -- we can just use Remove() on the OC, and pass in the CommandParameter that came in via {Binding}.
Our only issue is that we need to hardcode the INSTANCE of the OC that we are Remove()ing from.
How can that becoming dynamic, so that this works as a usercontrol?
We essentially need two pieces of information to be coming in via the RelayCommand: The OC that we are operating on, and the item to remove.
Our only other choice is to the remember which OC we are working with (in the viewmodel).
6:06 PM
Use a command parameter
oh, you're using that for the instance?
your UC is for the list box item, or hte list box itself?
@ReedCopsey Not at the moment
Hmm.... I've always just hardcoded the collection without thinking about it
@ReedCopsey The UC is the listbox binding, and each ListBoxItem has a Button with a CommandParameter set to {Binding}
@BradleyDotNET Yep - same here. I've never needed it to be dynamic.
You could probably use a multibinding along with RelativeSource TemplatedParent to pass in the listbox (so you could access it's data context, ie: the OC) along with the item from {Binding}
@ReedCopsey I've been trying to get MultiBinding working; that was definitely my first thought.
I seem to be losing the value after the converter returns it:
    public class MultiValuePassThroughConverter : IMultiValueConverter
        public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            return values;

        public object[] ConvertBack(object value, Type[] targetTypes, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            return new object[] { value };
@ReedCopsey I get an array with a single element that has a value of null... as the CommandParameter
have you checked what's in values (in debugger) during Convert?
and looked for binding errors
6:16 PM
@BradleyDotNET Suggested using Path="." which seems to have worked.
@ReedCopsey We're good - values is populated.
It just never makes it down to the RelayCommand as the param.
Like I said - that ends up with a single array item of null.
so whats the naming convention for events
my model has a accesslevel
and i can change it calling device.ChangeAccessLevel(level)
i assume my model would then call AccessLevelChanged
nevermind :)
@ReedCopsey It appears that I need to change my return values; to return values.Clone();
I'd make a custom type that has your item + collection
and return that
6:28 PM
@ReedCopsey assuming my COM object releases references to Array, will it get garbage collected by default
public IEnumerable<ushort> MyList
        Array ary;
        List<ushort> list;
        comObj.FindValues(out ary);
        //do stuff
        return list;
or do i have to clear array contents
Oh lookie what i found (for Mahapp.Metro users): MDI via Tab control like chrome
will probably work without mahapps too.. but i just found it in their compatible controls list
and with that i is off..see you guys tomorrow
see ya
@NETscape it should, at least eventually
6:45 PM
@ReedCopsey That custom type worked
I'm no longer seeing null.
2 hours later…
9:01 PM
@ReedCopsey Finally had time to revisit this. FWIW, here's how I am getting at things:
<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource MultiValuePassThroughConverter}">
    <Binding Path="DataContext" RelativeSource="{RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor,AncestorType=ItemsControl}" />
    <Binding Path="." />
That gives me both the OC, and the currently selected item.
In the Converter, I do this:
    public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        Myclass k = new Myclass ();
        k.Parent = values[0] as ParentClass;
        k.Item = values[1] as ItemClass;
        return k;
9:42 PM
yeah, that's what I was thinking
you should be able to use RelativeSource TemplatedParent instead of ItemsControl, btw - though either would work
10:03 PM
@ReedCopsey I tried that -- it just handed me back the selected item.
ahh, okay
that kind of makes sense, actually
Either way, thank you VERY much for the help.
I'm headed out.
10:23 PM
@JohanLarsson found a potential "bug" in XamlStyler
or maybe its my fault
@NETscape Finally checked my twitter saturday night
Clearly I don't use it enough, as I didn't see whatever it is you did :)
Now it will have to wait another year ;)
say you have
<Grid w/ 4 row definitions>
    <UserControl Row = 0 />
    <UserControl Row = 1 />
    <UserControl Row = 2 />
    <UserControl Row = 3 />
    <UserControl Row = 0 RowSpan = 4 />
And you specifically want the last control w/ RowSpan = 4 to be last so it shows correct z-order (I think)... when you change the file then save, and XamlStyler prettyfies, it'll move the usercontrol up to be below the other Row = 0 item
@BradleyDotNET you have a new follower...? lol
@NETscape yeah I've been bitten by that once
11:00 PM
and now I feel really dumb for not knowing how to check that... I'm sure there is a link somewhere

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