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posted on April 01, 2015 by Google Blogs

Mail is a wondrous thing. From the early days of the homing pigeon to the herculean efforts of the Pony Express, mail has connected us for generations. The advent of email brought the world even closer together. And yet, despite this leap forward, physical mail still just sits there. In a box. All day. So today we’re excited to introduce Smartbox—a better, smarter mailbox that fuses physical

4 hours later…
Good Morning Guys.. :)
GM! :)
good morning to all
@MukeshRana @iAnum how are u
@MukeshRana need one help
absolutely fine u tell ??
I m fine. u tell edge
me too fine
@iAnum @MukeshRana
i have create one class which extends from Application clas
i have declare one method and that method am calling in broadcast reccvier but i am unable to call that method
can u please tell me how to do that
A: Broadcastreceiver components are not allowed to bind to services in android

JaiSoniYou cannot call bindService from BroadcastReceiver. The alternate is : Create an Application class (by extending Application class) Create a function for starting and binding of service into you Application class In broadcast receiver get instance of your application class and call function for...

look this issue
no idea dude sorry...
@Edge I am not getting your question, but actually you want to do ?? may be there is another way of doing that
see i am starting service on Internet connection and disconnection
if our app is On Pause and if Internet off then automatic service should stop if on then automatic service should start
i want this actully
context.bindService(serviceIntent, mServiceConnection,
Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE); this code working properly for connection establish when internet on but app becomseh crash and this exception coming Broadcastreceiver components are not allowed to bind to services in android
am facing from Long time this issue
basically i want when internt on then i want call this context.startService(serviceIntent);
context.bindService(serviceIntent, mServiceConnection,
line of code
Good morning guys
haha I love this quote: "If life hands you lemons, ignore those silly lemons and go install shiny new hardware instead." [source]
vgm @Appu
posted on April 01, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

hi! everyone! how to set a screenshot from one point to another in fullscreen? i'm doing the following: public Bitmap takeScreenshot(){
return rootView.getDrawingCache();
I think u should not directly return bitmap. disable drawing cache after taking out bitmap
from one point to another means specific area's snapshot?
Hi to all
does anybody know about deeplinking.
I need to open my app when user type the app name in browser
yes, @iAnum. dat's wht i wanna know. how can i get specific area's snapshot?
@iAnum there is marker i want to set animation on camera move when click on marker it will move max zoom level but wid animation am able to move cam max zoom level
@Venu ask rekire or naruto. They can guide u better
@rekire hi
@ParthaChakraborty well, I think there is no direct way. U have to take screenshot of whole view, then crop it
@Dev hello
any idea about deeplinking ?
i think its simple and related to intent filter
may be you have to insert some catagory like browsable
ok i did all at android side.
didn't know how to open from browser.
@Venu hi
how would i crop it? any help. @iAnum
I need some help regarding deeplinking @rekire
Q: Crop a Bitmap image

priyaHow can i crop a bitmap image? this is my question i have tried some concepts using intents but still fail.. I am having a bitmap image which i want to crop!! here is the code : Intent intent = new Intent("com.android.camera.action.CROP"); intent.setClassName("com.andr...

paste.ofcode.org/qHrnty5y3iuinAxRkTHZDY @rekire this is my manifest code.
@Venu I read that already are you talking about search deap linking or about the url intents?
actually my requirement is when we search a particular word in browser i need to show my app.
@Venu that is simply impossible
but its possible in ios?
How cares for iOS? I don't.
hey if its possible in ios clients also asks for android na?
the idea about the url schemas is that you can build a special ui for your own website or to open with a custom schema your app
@Venu never, never, never just port an app with all features that will result in a bad ux.
@Venu <!-- Accepts URIs that begin with "http://www.example.com/gizmos” -->
<data android:scheme="http"
android:pathPrefix="/gizmos" />
did this?
@Dev a general search schema is requested
this is called SEO for web and ASO for apps.
when we search a particular word in browser i need to show my app
@Venu there are some google now apis to search your app, I guess that is the most similar you are searching for. However I just know there is a similar intent where the intent contains the searched words
@rekire i use the sample dialog appears as complete action using.
like chrome , internet and my app.
is there any possibility to show only my app in that dialog?
27 mins ago, by rekire
@Venu that is simply impossible
Hey Reki :)
@Mishi hey, did you see that quote?
2 days ago, by rekire
>This is a notification that your app, Zykluskalender NetMoms, with package name de.netmoms.cyclecalendar, is accepted as an Android Wear app on Google Play.
Your application complies with our guidelines for creating apps for Android Wear. Please refer to the following developer page for details: Wear App Quality - Developer Guidelines
The Google Play Team
@rekire Nopz
@rekire Congo (Y)
:) @rekire
@Mishi anything new on your side?
@rekire superb
@ChintanRathod I'm quiet happy that update is now rolling out to 100%
Good Afternoon Guys :)
VGA @TheLittleNaruto
@TheLittleNaruto i have to click on marker and set cameara focus on Max zoom Level i did this but i want to set it with animation like when i click on marker then slowly slowly it should zoom and set max zoom level
how we can do this
any one please suggest me
i want 2 get the screenshot of a tab fragment, which will exclude the notification area and tab fragment, and display the rest. any help?
@TheLittleNaruto are you woken up? :P
@KetanAhir hello
i have to click on marker and set cameara focus on Max zoom Level i did this but i want to set it with animation like when i click on marker then slowly slowly it should zoom and set max zoom level
how we can do this
@Edge I am not sure how to do it.
@rekire Yes :D
Just now came office.
My manager is scolding me. :D
@TheLittleNaruto I overslept today too, but I just missed one tram
@rekire heh
So you're late today or made in time?
i want 2 get the screenshot of a tab fragment, which will exclude the notification area and tab fragment, and display the rest. any help? @rekire @TheLittleNaruto
Are people traveling within city by tram mostly there? @rekire
@ParthaChakraborty Here you go -> stackoverflow.com/a/10651384/1944896
@TheLittleNaruto I have no envidence but I guess 20-33%
Here in Mumbai, we have several means of transport that people prefer. But general people use Local Trains mostly. @rekire
I prefer auto rikshaw or cab mostly.
Because you dont want to travel by local train because of the rush and crowd.
Check this @rek
@TheLittleNaruto I don't think even my village's population match the number of people in some of those pics
@TheLittleNaruto I know that pictures. looks very crazy :D
@Droid @rek If you ignore the local train part (that you can't), the rest city is awesome that you wish to visit.
The city's most visiting places are constructed by the British when they ruled over India.
Hey anyone has experience in Image Masking?
@TheLittleNaruto, i cudn't unerstand these 2 lines. View u = findViewById(R.id.scroll);
ScrollView z = (ScrollView) findViewById(R.id.scroll); how can der b the same id for view as well as scrollview?
ScrollView is a view, Isn't it ?
yes. bt how can v set the same id for both?
Why not ?
@TheLittleNaruto I think that mumbai is an amazing city like all metropols. The only other metropol I visited was cairo and paris
i have some query
can u please help me???
Q: second Activity to drawer fragment

Vishal PatelSecond Activity to drawer fragment where drawer extend Activity I have some issue..in navigate activity2 to fragment of Activity1 I have try this code.. Fragment3 f3 = new Fragment3(); f3.setArguments(getIntent().getExtras()); getFragmentManager().beginTransaction() .add(andro...

@rekire Of course it is. You visited Paris as well ? Relatives ?
Yet I never went to abroad.
Well, see when the time will come.
@TheLittleNaruto both cities just for fun
I guess, you should count London as well. ?
I visited also Frankfurt but I didn't see much more then the train main station.
@TheLittleNaruto that is true, does it count as metropol too? oh it is on place 16. with 8,308,369 persons
sir..please help me
I guess It does.
FrankFurt is in Germany, itself.
To be a MetroPol, The city needs to pass some criteria, not only population.
57. Berlin: 3,421,829 check
in the world ?
61. Madrid 3,213,271 Spain short but to
Diese Liste enthält Millionenstädte der Welt. Dabei wurden sowohl Städte in ihren administrativen Grenzen berücksichtigt als auch Städte und städtische Siedlungen im geographischen Sinn. Was nicht berücksichtigt wurde, steht in Klammern. Im Falle Tokios wurden nur die 23 Bezirke Tokios berücksichtigt. Städte und städtische Siedlungen können aus mehreren politisch selbstständigen Gemeinden bestehen, die geographisch zu einer Stadt zusammengewachsen sind. In einigen Fällen sind sie aber auch administrativ Teil einer Stadt oder Gemeinde, die große ländliche Gebiete umfasst oder aus mehreren Ortschaften…
91. Gizeh and 94. Tunis too^^
So Many Indian cities out there
The capital city at #9
132. Wien, 192. München, 253. Prag, 292. Köln (I'm writing from here)
@RobinHood you know the pyramieds?
Hey check #29 , The IT city of India, Bangalore. There are more than 6000 IT companies in this city. @rekire
My next move is there only if I wont get any chance for abroad.
Q: ListView getting message on First List Item row only

SunGetting value for the first list item row not for all other list items, why ? I have list of items and storing data for each and every item on server, and showing message "Saved" if data has been successfully uploaded to server, else nothing. Now issue is i am getting "Saved" message only on fi...

@rekire You'll love the city. Every area has more than 2-3 IT park. and a single IT park covers any town area.
@TheLittleNaruto I cannot imagine that
@rekire Well! I'll extend an invitation for ya just to make you sure ^^
I had been in that city for 5 months when I was searching for a job. I had to visit many IT park for job chances.
Appu is in Bangalore only @rekire
hehe sure why not I just need to save some money for the flight^^
rest is on mine :)
@VishalPatel Ever heard of startActivityForResult ?
@TheLittleNaruto, it's still d same. :(
@TheLittleNaruto am I eligible for this offer ?
@ParthaChakraborty :|
@KetanAhir lol why not!
@TheLittleNaruto rekire needs to book flight but I am few Km s away.
direct train from here to there.
Every month, friends of mine visit my place. So, there wont any problem for me. :)
@TheLittleNaruto same here...**every week** friends of mine visit my place. that's why I can not go outside.
what ? I dint get.
lol , Is that the problem ?
not yet...actually I invite some of them..
Then why it does become a reason not to go outside ?
@TheLittleNaruto Simple !! they come to my place then I should not go other place.
that doesn't seem to be a valid reason anyway.
@TheLittleNaruto I mean I spend my weekend with them.
@TheLittleNaruto haha and that's the one thing I don't like about it ;)
@DroidDev I would say, visiting here for 2-3 days or week is fine. But dont ever think of living here if you're from a beautiful and clean city like Chandigarh.
@TheLittleNaruto ya, I agree with that. That's the only reason I am not turning towards south or even delhi when I am searching for a new job
chandigarh is just too awesome to live
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you @TheLittleNaruto the grammar Nazi of Java and Android era
I am a guy from a small state which has many industries, but not even a single good IT firm. So, I have to relocate again and again.
But I'll be stabilize soon.
@TheLittleNaruto I am not from chandigarh either. My village is like 5 hours from Chd
@DroidDev I am talking about my state anyway.
My state is the best state in all over India if we'll talk about the richness of this land.
@TheLittleNaruto and your state is?
in [iOS][Android][ChaosOverFlow], Mar 20 at 13:26, by TheLittleNaruto
Due to bad politics, my state dint get a good exposure. But you won't believe, its land got almost all minerals like Mica, Aluminium, Bauxite, Uranium, Coal, Iron, Gold etc.
@Droid It's Jharkhand.
@TheLittleNaruto oh! indeed some dirty politics
Can you read the list of minerals ?
This is awesome, Isn't it ?
All are very costly.
Specially Uranium
yup, but by extracting them, environment also has to pay some cost apart from us.
tbh, The state is rich in nature as well.
ya, that's the one reason I said so
Hmm :)
@Droid You might want to read the conversation of the history message from other room I shared above. ^^
@TheLittleNaruto haha, I already have it opened in another tab, but just too much work to read
let me tell you what I am doing
my junior had to make some buttons with some text on them, like login, create new account etc
what he did was take a button and make the background as wanted
then, he took another label over the button, wrote the text in it
I mean, why it didn't occur to him that he can write text in button!!!
he is absent today and when I am gonna tell him, he is gonna show a surprised face to me, like, "Oh!! it could be done like that!!!"
Looks like you have got a real pain.
well....just imagine when you have to train guys with same IQ as the one above and there are around five of them
@TheLittleNaruto the thing in that chat about drugs in punjab, is true sadly
but, its not BJP in punjab, its akalis. They have alliance with BJP
I knew that. that's why I told him. BJP doesn't cause that
@TheLittleNaruto haha, its not like BJP is a very good party though. They haven't tabled list of black money owners yet, which was first thing to be done as promised :P
I'll say one thing, India is a country of diverse culture, different regions. So it is obvious, It'll be a pain in the ass to run a country like that.
And you can not expect everything will be done at once.
when 80% of budget is always going into pockets of various government officers from top to bottom and only 20% is being spent on country. It is indeed pain in ass for someone honest, but I don't think much of those exist...so...its kind of money haven for most politicians
@TheLittleNaruto well...government is very keen to get land acquisition bill passed. Have you read its terms?
why is that the first thing?
lol, I wonder, what other non-Indian users might be thinking about the conversation
I still haven't wrapped my head around updating fragments in a ViewPager. I have got a ViewPager with 3 static fragments (they each show a different piece of a larger data set). In the main activity, I would like to update those fragments with new data from the Internet. What's the best way?
a) Overriding getItemPosition(). This hacky way is suggested by some SO answers, however, it fails when one fragment is not even instantiated (fragments 1 & 2 are shown while 3 is not even instantiated).
b) Making the fragment objects register an update listener at my PageAdapter which is controlled by
I really wonder why there isn't a standard/recommended way in the Android docs although updating fragments in a ViewPager is a very frequent job, I think.
@DroidDev haha. Talking about land acquisition, I din't read that yet. Will you link me ? Then only I'll be able to defend :P
@ComFreek If fragments are updated from server data, You must use some existing Networking library like Volley, that can go along with the lifecycle of fragment so that there wont be any case crashes. and onResume, you can refresh the content of fragments.
I am afraid I fail to see how Volley comes into play. I am currently loading the data in an AsyncTask inside my Activity which perfectly works. The only problem is to communicate the loaded data to the fragments to which I don't have access. Or rather: How can I gain access to the fragments in a ViewPager?
That's easy. Isn't it ?
You can get the access of Fragment in Activity from its tag.
ViewPager uses its own tags. Although they can be retrieved (Android is open source after all) I don't want to rely in implementation details.
Let me brief it
ComFreekFragment has a function named as updateUI(Some Parameter) . and he wants to update it as soon as he retrieves data from the server in his main Activity.
So now you need to get that ComFreekFragment instance from its TAG in main Activity. and using this instance you can call that updateUI() function
of course make a null check as well, just to be sure if the fragment is in play.
Aaah you named the fragment "ComFreekFragment" :) Unfortunately, the tag is unknown.
how can i connect android with parse ?
@TheLittleNaruto how can we get user interst from fb login in our app?
@Anjali No Idea, check their documentation.
hi anyone can help me with this issue
Q: String !equals of edittext not working

RichardWith the help of cursor c and c1 ,I am checking the two database with edittext.If its not equal,then it move to NotFound activity. Below I am posted the code: if (c.getCount() > 0) { ..... .... } else if(c1.getCount()>-1){ .... .... } else{ if(!(editText.getText().toString()).equals...

@TheLittleNaruto Thanks!
hi @TheLittleNaruto @rekire @Appu @all
@JaiSoni hi
@JaiSoni hi
I need to take a good sleep. It's been many days, I haven't sleep properly.
My eyes are not paying attention while I am working.
@TheLittleNaruto haha, last night I went to sleep around 1 am and I am awake since 6 am today and this is going on like for last 6 months :P
and just look at eyes of my avatar :P
@DroidDev 4 hours sleep daily from last one year and 3 months :)
weekend pr 7-8 hours kbi kbi
@rekire lol those comments
@Dev haha, that money smell pretty good, it doesn't matter if you don't sleep if you are having enough smell of that ;)
@DroidDev haha
tea time brb
@DroidDev 60% right in my case :P
1. I don't know iOS
2. I am developing app for iOS in xamarin which use C#
3. I don't know C#
lol another April Fool joke.
Bye guys all
famous last words
hy all
anyone is there
Am I ?
Wow But I feel like I am not here.
thinks that @TheLittleNaruto has strange feelings
@TheLittleNaruto The guys with the girlfriend S
@TheLittleNaruto :-/
@TheLittleNaruto you have?
thinks that he is reacting strange because of h.v. ;)
@DroidDev lol That's double meaning
@navya Why not ?
@TheLittleNaruto really you have.....:-/ :( you didnt tell me
Why should I tell you ?
@TheLittleNaruto aww..:(
@navya what now ?
you guy just made my day :D
lol :D Thank you! Thank you!
@TheLittleNaruto hv?
@DroidDev well hel... vam...
@TheLittleNaruto that's the one thing I am good at :P
@DroidDev Well that I can see.
i need one help
and i know you can help me in that
please help me
So much confidence on me.
i have
from beginneing
confidence on you
and theres a 100% possibility of april fool prank :P
@navya Do you know @DroidDev ?
Grr...that edit
You can ask him as well.
well...that is too much of confidence in me O_o
Did I say that ?
well....in any case, the question was never asked
@TheLittleNaruto can you help
Why dont you ask the question instead ?
i need help in audiohelper
what is that ?
Q: android:typeface setting dont work in Lollipop

your studentI have a font in asset folder of my project .i set it to a textview in my layout .it dont work in Lollipop and it display text with default font.

1 hour later…
@TheLittleNaruto that is autotune pitch shifiting

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